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Thread: old farang and boys on the beach

  1. #1

    old farang and boys on the beach

    cant remember the name of the beach bar but its futher along the jomptien gay beach from tui's
    i spent a few afternoons there earlier this year taking in a few beers and a very pleseant breeze
    one thing struck me as very odd .. which was thus .. there was a pretty old farang guy maybe german id guess close to 70yrs old .. who was sat with a young very dark skinned thai boy.
    now i know some thais want a relationship with farang because of the dollar but these two may did not make sense to me what so ever.
    they sat next to each other the times i was there for at least 3 hours each day .. not saying a word or even looking at each other .. i can understand why the farang would want to be with the thai guy but not why the thai would want to be with the farang .. he looked as bored as hell and im sure he was .. so why was he there i would have thought it would have been far more exciting to be back at home looking after the buffalo than bored to tears on the beach.
    are some thai boys that desperate they would waste year after year with a farang who could do nothing for them just to survive ? a different mentality to us in the west i know .. but even if i was destitue i could not do what that boy was doing .. sorry if some of this makes not a lot of sense im just home from the pub and this came to mind .. be nice to hear what some of you guys think .. and also what youre thai boyfriends think about it too ..cheers

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran bucknaway's Avatar
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    Aug 2005

    Re: old farang and boys on the beach

    Could have been his step-father, uncle or anything other than a sexual relationship.
    These are the good'ol days

  3. #3

    Re: old farang and boys on the beach

    Brithai, you are assuming that this is not a 1 or 2 week fling.
    There are farang that pick up boys at various places and keep them for their holiday time. In many cases the boy speaks little or no English or whatever the farang speaks and they sit there admiring their surroundings. It is also a sure bet that the farang 70+ has really nothing in common with an 18 year old except sex.
    Yes, the boys are desperate enough to spend an entire week/month/year trailing around an old farang who is willing to shelter him, give him food and money and maybe even some gifts. If he is lucky, enough money to send home to the family.

  4. #4
    Senior member cameroncat's Avatar
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    Re: old farang and boys on the beach

    Some years ago, I new a Bangkok Moneyboy (in his 20's) who was hired/sponsored by a Swiss man who arranged his travel to Switzerland to spend a week with a very rich man who had a mansion out in the country. The old guy was 98! Talk about having nothing in common! He was paid handsomely for sitting around the house all day until the old guy wanted him to come into bed with him for a few minutes each day.

  5. #5
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    Re: old farang and boys on the beach

    Frankly Britthai, what business is it of yours?
    There are only 10 types of people in this world, those that understand binary and those that don't.

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran cdnmatt's Avatar
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    Re: old farang and boys on the beach

    Many (most? all?) of the Issan Thais who grow up poor in the villages were never taught forward thinking. Because of that, they don't have the capability to set a goal for themselves, devise a plan to reach that goal, and execute that plan. This is especially true if the plan is going to take over a month or two. And it's difficult to teach someone forward thinking who's been raised all their lives to only worry about today, and not the future.

    So yeah, it's simply better and easier for them to stare at the sand for hours a day. Either that, or end up staring at the dirt in the village, while selling somtam for 10B a crack.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: old farang and boys on the beach

    I appreciate bucknaway's glimmer of open-mindedness. I have an adopted Thai son, straight, mid-twenties. When we're in the States together, we never get the kinds of looks that we just about always get when having lunch or dinner in the LOS, a subject we've discussed quite openly. And to be honest, when I'm here I also make fleeting assumptions when I see significant age differences that don't cross my mind back there.

    In this case, the assumption would be that there is a financial relationship between the old farang and the young man that works in some way for each of them. Desperation is in the eye of the beholder. It's easier work for a higher wage. Looking after buffalo is hardly exciting and they don't shit baht after you fuck them.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2006

    Re: old farang and boys on the beach

    Quote Originally Posted by Patexpat
    Frankly Britthai, what business is it of yours?
    I think he is entitled to make an comment on what he saw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--

    And yes some guys here have little or nothing !! they do what they do to survive ,and more luck to them --
    Some like the bar scene ,going out etc ,but the majority dont - - --

  9. #9
    Forum's veteran
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    Jan 2009

    Re: old farang and boys on the beach

    he looked as bored as hell and im sure he was .. so why was he there i would have thought it would have been far more exciting ...
    He was working...as boring as an office job!

  10. #10
    Senior member
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    Jul 2008
    Nongprue, Thailand

    Re: old farang and boys on the beach

    Quote Originally Posted by martin911
    Quote Originally Posted by Patexpat
    Frankly Britthai, what business is it of yours?
    I think he is entitled to make an comment on what he saw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--

    And yes some guys here have little or nothing !! they do what they do to survive ,and more luck to them --
    Some like the bar scene ,going out etc ,but the majority dont - - --
    comment yes, stand in judgement, no.
    There are only 10 types of people in this world, those that understand binary and those that don't.

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