Some resources I have used and could be useful

1. CD - Learning Thai Script - Produced by the Multimedia Interactive Learning Lab at Australian National Uni.
I have found this to be very good when learning all the consonants and vowels. There are some great interactive tests and a focus on commonly confused characters to help you to distinguish them like some of the 'tor' consonants ถ ธ and ฐ

2. CD - Talk Now - Study Thai Language Produced by Eurotalk
A useful extra CD.

3. CD - Pim พิมพ์ 2001 - This is a typing program so you can learn to type in Thai. A bit of fun for the adventurous.

4. Book Thai for Intermediate Learners by Benjawan Poomsan Becker

5. Book Thai for Advanced Readers by B Becker as above
I have found both these books really great. The Advanced Reader comes with a beautiful clear largish Thai font, a written translation and CD's so you can listen to the pieces when you are out and about with your MP3

There are tons of other things I have used over the years but these are some resources you could use to familiarise yourself. The CD's are available at Pantip and the books in any Bookazine.

If you get carried away and want to type you can get colour matching stickers for your keyboard keys for each combined English/Thai character and it is easy to switch between Thai and English.

Best of luck in this worthy project.
