You should choose your dinner companions more wisely. You are confusing the Thai social structure with what one human being will do for another. The great mass of the common people in every society look out for one another, if they're not trying to toady to someone further up the tree. It's why those who hold that someone can't be ethical without being religious are wrong - "doing the right thing" is now thought to be a genetic impulse, part of what being human is about - it's what distinguishes us from our closest genetic "neighbours" that I see some animal rights fool in Germany (where else?) wants to accord human rights. Germany, by the way, is the logical origin of the Green movement and was the first place to have a serious Green Party. Hitler was a great conservationist, and Greens everywhere are strong on propaganda and weak on dissent - just ask Cedric

But I digress. Thailand's social structure is feudal (in the strict technical, rather than the pejorative, sense of that word) - a fixed hierarchy where everyone knows his place. Daily life is medieval. I can walk outside my front door any time of the day, any day of the week, and instantly I'm back in the Middle Ages. We even have monks selling the equivalent of indulgences, although in Thailand it's lucky numbers for the lottery