Quote Originally Posted by Brad the Impala View Post
Hi Freez,

I've met a few people in your situation over the years, often working in oil or construction in some inhospitable place, who like to splash out as you described when they hit town. Why not, that 's how you enjoy yourself, and you may have no one else to spend it on, and you certainly deserve a treat after a month in Fuckallistan. Spreading the cash in this way is usually much appreciated!

Yeah, but then there's this shitty thing called hindight, which tends to make us quite regretfyl. I remember when I was young, I'd have no problem dropping $6000 on the casino in one night, knowing I'd make it back within a week, so no worries. Now I find myself 36 years old, alone, blind, broke, and sitting on the floor in my parent's spare bedroom. Dogs are dead, and my husband is somewhere is Bangkok working 12 hour days cooking chicken for 320 baht/day. Gotta admit, not exactly what I envisioned for my future.

Another example, when I first moved into my last house in Khon Kaen, across the street was a guy from Scotland with his Thai wife, daughter, and two pups. They were renting that place while their new home was being built just outside of town. They decided to move out before the house was 100% finished, and settled in. He was about as good at managing money as me, which means absolutely horrible, plus liked his drink quite a bit, and had no problem pissing money down the drain to enjoy his days. Unfortunately for him, oil dropped to $30/barrel, and since he was just a contractor for Shell, he was one of the first gone. This left him with an unfinished house, and a very unhappy wife, because they didn't know how they were going to buy things like food anymore. Then he got himself into a legal and immigration troubles after that, and shit really hit the fan I guess.

That, and especially right now at this point in history, I would urge caution. This next decide is going to see a MASSIVE change which is going to disrupt virtually every industry on the planet, and by 2030 we will be living in a totally different worl than we are now. Even without AI this is still going to happen, but add into the equation that we're on the precipice of opening the flood gates of AI, the amount of change this world is going to experience over the next decade is almost unfathomable. Everything in society is going to change, so keep your eyes open and ears pricked.