Tell me I'm not crazy. Here's the "official" story line.

His mother is still unable to walk, so his older sisters decided to take her to some naturalistic medicinal clinic in Bangkok. Leo decides to go to Bangkok to visit the family. At first he was going to sleep at the hospital in the waiting room, but before leaving he let me know his sister has some family with a house in Bangkok he can stay at. Ok, so far, so good.

Then he gets to Bangkok, and finds out his sister';s families' house is too small for him to stay there. Thankfully he has a gay friend who resides in Bangkok, and immediately hooks up with him, and they share a 2000 baht/night hotel together. They're only friends though, so only sleep together, and don't have sex. Remember, this friend lives in Bangkok, so has an apartment or house already, but decides to split a 2000/night hotel with Leo for some reason.

They end up getting drunk out of their minds at DJ Station, which is fine. They're all gay, but somehow magically only managed to make it to the girlie go-go bars, but didn't manage to hit the gay go-go bars. Add on to this, Leo is one of the biggest cheap charlies you'll find, so him spending 1000/night to share a hotel room is somewhat laughable.

And of course, during all this, he didn't have sex with anyone else, and didn't do anything wrong. He's just being a good son and taking care of his sick mother.

Please tell me I'm not crazy for calling him out as a liting piece of shit.