Why do the gay go-go bars not band together and form an "alliance" of sorts. They can then provide a "structured" tour for they farang sex tourists.

The aim would be to attract them from their countries of residence.

The alliance can serve a "one-stop shop" for sex tourists who have the specific intention of being sex tourists but find the whole process of dipping their toes in cumbersome (arranging visa, security)

Selling points
1. Strength in numbers
The farangs will get to meet other farangs on a "structured" tour therefore minimising security issues

2. The boys from the bars can also double as tour guides this opening up an alternative stream of revenue for the bars

3. The alliance can have a "loyalty program" that encourages the farangs to stick to alliance members/bars

4. When farangs procure "services" from the bar they will use their loyalty cards which have been pre-loaded with money points purchased from the alliance even before departure from home country.

5. When farangs book accommodation they will use their loyalty cards at hotels/B&b that are allied with the bars. Therefore tourist does not have to wonder if the hotel will frown on him bringing a moneyboy back for short time or long time or give "dirty"stares.

6. Economies of scale
The bars can band together and pay someone to be a "head of recruitment" for the alliance. This person's task will be to inflitrate overseas gay scenes and market the Thai go-go bar experience by emphasizing affordability Vs price charged in farangland, the security aspect since the entire tour will be structured by the alliance

Just some ideas since every now and again you hear of a bar closing due to poor economics.