I'm in the mood for a rumbustious controversial topic so I'm going to start one. Separate but equal (the system deployed in the US until the 60s required not only acts by the Supreme Court but a virtual mini civil war (and the national guard) to get rid of and Apartheid only ended in the early 90s with the release of Nelson Mandela.

Well, they're coming back, in fact keep it quiet but they're already here. I'm talking about the Chinese. It was actually the thread on GB about restaurant peeves that got me thinking about this.

Unless you have experienced their behaviour in full flow and totally undiluted then you're not qualified to fully appreciate how awful they truly are. All of the peeves mentioned in the thread (at the time of my writing this) are taken to the ultimate level when they go to a restaurant. Think six grown women screaming at the selection of cheesecake in a coffee shop, think a barely able to stand drunk bellowing into a microphone while you're trying to eat a bacon burger. And that's Chinese behaviour lite. I'm still in first gear but I can go to cruise control if necessary.

The hotel where I stay puts any Chinese tourists on separate floors from everyone else because they simply have no concept of noise and will happily have a loud conversation right outside your door. Indeed many of them speak considerably louder than the average person can shout and a few have voices that literally vibrate through you. Almost a weapon. Oh yes and they have taken away the chairs from the rooms they stay in because the Chinese used them for......and the kettles too because they want to eat instant noodles and stink the place out.

On a physical note (and this is not their fault but it is a fact) Chinese womens' hair is so thick that it falls out constantly and that's why nearly all public swimming pools insist on wearing bathing caps. So when going to the water parks will you go on the Chinese day when bathing caps must be worn or do you wait until it's a non-Chinese day when it's not necessary?

So my point is that businesses will start to keep them away from everyone else as much as possible and perhaps at some point in the future there will be hotels/restaurants for Chinese only and those that do not accept Chinese guests. And then YOU dear member are going to have the moral dilemma of your fucking life. Do you refuse to patronise an establishment that has a policy that we all abhor. In which case you will have to put up with them. Or do you put your dearly held principles (perhaps you marched, boycotted etc) on hold so that you can relax, enjoy your trip and not feel like you are in a human zoo. This is something you are going to have to face so you might like to start thinking about it now.