Spot on there FH re the rich families and the craziest thing is my BF points out to me how it's just that it's "obviously"some of these families who are out to get Duterte and that nothing is on the media in the PHs is how it looks and that "I just don't understand PH politics" ( he's right about that part) - but when I point out how one bad guy is no better or no different from the other and that all are just getting rich on the back of the PH people and in them voting for their strongmen types all they are doing is condemning themselves to more of the same - and now a guy who believes its ok to randomly kill their own citizens all I get is an " ah but he's great as HE is doing it for the people".

I have pointed out to him that today its drugs types his President is killing but tomorrow it could just as easily be his political enemies or basically just whoever he doesn't like, but no, but again there's NO sense to be had with that idea apparently nor is there any chance of that possibility getting through either to my BF (or his wide family) as Dutertes loyalty to his people is it seems beyond question. ( yeah cause politicians are SO well known for that being all about the people and not themselves historically eh ! )