You're joking right....?

I feel like I'm in a Twilight Zone episode or something.

There are discussions going on and on about cock fondling in the open bar areas of bars.... and nothing has been shut down. A few weeks ago, I visited Eros and I fucked 3 boys in a row right there in the bar, behind only a "privacy screen". This is absolutely normal. You think Thailand doesn't know what goes on openly in every establishment in Thailand? I suppose you think --- that *they* think --- that all the go go bars are only for buying drinks and watching dancing? Maybe the word "go go" means temple, in Thai?

The Netherlands is a very conservative country compared to Thailand.

Maybe me including the word "sex" in the title is what threw you for a loop. I always refer to them as "sex massage shops" when discussing them with my friends. Why? Because it's accurate. There are "sex massage shops" almost everywhere.... Then there are a few higher end "real massage shops" sprinkled in here and there. The ratio is about 50 sex massages shops to 1 real massage shop.

What's the difference? About 700 to 1000 baht difference. In the "sex massage shops", the massage is either horrible or non-existent. But you get to choose the masseur from a lineup.... and ask the mamasan which masseurs are happy to get fucked.... Whereas in the "real massage shops", the massage is usually much better... but you won't be allowed to choose the masseur from a lineup, sex is unspoken about, and you might actually have to be the one to initiate the sex. The price in a typical "sex massage shop" will be 1700 total (700 + min 1000 so-called tip). The price in a "real massage shop" will typically be 700 to 1000 total (500 + 200 to 500 tip, depending on the intensity of the *sex* you had ).

Welcome to Thailand.

( Of course, the sex massage shops behind Tukcom are exceptionally cheap... closer to the prices of a real massage shop, or even less. )

( It's also a bit amusing that some of the "real massage shops" have become *so* about sex.... that they kinda have an identity crisis. They're not always sure which type they are. They act like real massage shops... loads of female tourist customers... but when a guy walks in alone, they instantly, discreetly, become a sex massage shop. They usually won't have all the male masseurs line up for you to choose from, but they'll sit close to you and almost whisper... pointing each one out from a distance, and telling you which ones will bottom for you.... All being quiet and discreet since we're within earshot of a flock of fat farang lady customers getting neck massages in chairs. These hybrid / confused shops are often due to their location.... on Silom Road in Bangkok, or on 2nd Beach Road ( is it called? ) in Pattaya. )

Reminds me of the nelly screaming campy queen who couldn't speak without a lisp if she tried..... saying, "My parents have no idea I'm gay!" .....and everyone wants to ask, "Are they deaf, dumb, mute, *and* blind....?

Thailand knows more about its own sex industry than you ever will.

For example, the VAST MAJORITY of its sex industry establishments are *not* for tourists. They are for Thai customers only. And you don't even know they exist. The only reason I know about them is that my 2nd bf used to show me the Thai language only forums ( which also only allow Thai members) where they are listed. We used to go to a new one every weekend. We'd have to take a car every time because they're not located in any tourist areas. They would always be shocked to see me because I was often the first farang customer they ever had. And they speak absolutely zero English. Meanwhile, they were hopping! Long queues of Thai customers waiting in the reception waiting area.