a447...your reply was expected, U R like the replublicans...no matter what Obama is for they are against...the party of no. So I commend you on your steadfastness, well done, keep it up, predictable you are.

cdnmatt...surely you jest...the only ones leap frogging over the border fence are even poorer neighbours like the Cambodians; you don't find boat loads of Western refugees trying to land on Thai soil...or find Thailand building electrified fences a la the Americans or find masses of 3rd world/developing world citizens desperately trying to get into Europe...my dear you clearly live in a delusional world if you think that the average Thai wouldn't leap at the opportunty to settle in the West...THATS WHY THE WEST HAS VISA RESTRICTIONS..HELLO...KNOCK KNOCK..ANYONE HOME...
Again I would rather be dirt poor in any West European country than in Thailand...