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April 18th, 2020, 14:38
Below, I highlight one report from the Bangkok Post, an updated selected extract from the worldometer website and a reference to a report in The Guardian dated April 12th, 2020:

33 new cases, no deaths, total 2,733

65% of all patients have recovered, number still in hospital reaches three-week low

published : 18 Apr 2020 at 12:33
updated: 18 Apr 2020 at 14:04
writer: Online Reporters

The government on Saturday reported 33 new local cases of new coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) and no deaths, raising total cases to 2,733.

Dr Taweesilp Visanuyothin, spokesman for the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, said the death toll remained at 47.

To date, 68 of 76 provinces and Bangkok have reported infections. The number of recovered patients is now 1,787, or 65.4% of all cases, he said . . .

For full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1902455/33-new-cases-no-deaths-total-2-733



And I would like to end this post by saying that back on January 22 at post #1; I started this topic after I received an email on ‘Thailand travel advice’ from the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) with a link to Public Health England (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england) which contained the following reassuring words:

The risk to the UK population has been assessed as low. This has been raised from very low due to current evidence on the likelihood of cases being imported into this country.

As of today, as noted in the above table, 14,576 of my fellow Brits have died of Covid-19 and, alarmingly, there is press speculation that the UK might end up having Europe’s highest number of deaths due to Covid-19!*

*Link to news story in The Guardian dated April 12th, 2020:

April 18th, 2020, 14:48

A few nights ago, arsenal, I was listening to a radio phone-in show in the UK which was discussing the subject mentioned in your link. Reference was made to reports in the The Washington Post and one report from The Washington Times which I have copied below as I thought they may be of interest to members:

State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses

Josh Rogin
April 14, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. GMT+1

Two years before the novel coronavirus pandemic upended the world, U.S. Embassy officials visited a Chinese research facility in the city of Wuhan several times and sent two official warnings back to Washington about inadequate safety at the lab, which was conducting risky studies on coronaviruses from bats. The cables have fueled discussions inside the U.S. government about whether this or another Wuhan lab was the source of the virus — even though conclusive proof has yet to emerge . . .

For the full report see: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/14/state-department-cables-warned-safety-issues-wuhan-lab-studying-bat-coronaviruses/

Joint Chiefs chairman: U.S. intel investigating whether coronavirus leaked from Wuhan lab
By Bill Gertz - The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 14, 2020

U.S. intelligence agencies are investigating whether the coronavirus may have leaked from a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Tuesday.

Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, the nation’s most senior military officer, told reporters at the Pentagon the initial assessments indicate the coronavirus causing the global pandemic appears to have been a “natural” event arising from animal-to-human transmission . . .

For the full report see: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/apr/14/mark-milley-us-intelligence-investigating-whether-/

April 18th, 2020, 14:52
And once again, to lighten the mood, I repost images first posted on facebook:


And, after all the gloomy news, one last image to end on a positive note:


April 18th, 2020, 15:49
Hope springs eternal.
I'm already missing the sea and spending time, sometimes an entire day on Jomtian Beach.
However during this lockdown I have all the time to watch all the shows at the Royal Opera House and other grand theatres in Russia and Italy. So many great talents and performances. Thanks to You Tube I get to feast on the Fashion Channel all the great haute couture presentations of exquisite collections by very special and talented designers.
Life is beautiful despite the occasional hiccups.
Guys. Watch what you eat and drink.

April 18th, 2020, 22:08
I believe this story has gone global, but I am not sure how many members of the forum outside of the UK have heard of Captain Tom Moore, aged 99 years old, from Yorkshire, England. He pledged to raise £1,000 by walking 100 laps of his garden with the aid of a Zimmer before he turned 100 at the end of the month. At the time of writing this post, he has raised more than £23,000,000 for the UK’s National Health Service charities to help them with the Coronavirus crisis.

As a very special 100th birthday tribute , I along with many people in the UK hope Her Majesty the Queen is advised by her Ministers to confer a knighthood on Tom for his amazing fund raising efforts.

Below, I have copied a very moving video of an artist painting a portrait of Tom with the song, You’ll never walk alone playing in the background and a BBC News link:


Coronavirus: Captain Tom Moore passes £23m in NHS fundraising

A 99-year-old war veteran has been left "speechless" after raising more than £23m for the NHS.

Capt Tom Moore originally aimed to raise just £1,000 for NHS Charities Together by completing 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday.

The Duke of Cambridge hailed him as a "one-man fundraising machine" . . .

For the full story see: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-52333127


April 19th, 2020, 17:47
A remarkable achievement by anyone, let alone someone of that age....

yet it is tragic that the NHS, once the envy of the world, has been so denuded of appropriate financing by successive governments, including that of Lord Blair of Fallujah, that it needs this sort of action.

Meanwhile, buying American nuclear weapons of dubious value doesn't depend on "charity"....the money is always . Our money.

Nirish guy
April 19th, 2020, 18:24
To be fair though if the British ( and many other) Governments were found to HAVE ordered say 200 extra ventilators that were never going to be needed ( in normal times) or likewise order many tons of random PPE equipment ( other than is already ordered and needed and overstocked already to cope for most known emergency scenarios) they would of course then have been slaughtered too for bad mismanagement of NHS funds.

I do agree they should fund the NHS better of course but I think it's so easy for people ( not you personally Oliver) to bash them about funding over unseen things like this cropping up. No Government in the world seemed particularly "ready" for this equipment wise and to expect our NHS to have enough of "everything?" to deal with "anything" at "all" times seems to be a bit over hopeful and unrealistic perhaps.

That doesn't take away from the great job the NHS and a lot of their staff member HAVE done in coping with the shit storm that did land at their door with little or no notice of course.

Brad the Impala
April 19th, 2020, 20:30
UK government stockpiles containing protective equipment for healthcare workers in the event of a pandemic fell in value by almost 40% over the past six years, the Guardian has found.


This reduction in stocks took place took place despite a government drill in 2016 that revealed "gaping holes in Britain’s Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) plan." The report arising from that plan was never published.


The shortages of equipment have driven the government's response to this crisis. That and the fact that the NHS is weaker than ever before after ten years of austerity where the average increase in funding was only 1.4% against the historic rate of 3.7%.


I'm happy to apportion blame when a government has deliberately underfunded the NHS and ignored their own internal warnings of what would happen in this event.

Nirish guy
April 19th, 2020, 23:31
UK government stockpiles containing protective equipment for healthcare workers in the event of a pandemic fell in value by almost 40% over the past six years, the Guardian has found.

Whilst I'm not disagreeing with you in general Brad the above does state that it's the VALUE of the stock pile that had dropped, not necessarily the quantity - this could of course be down to numerous things such as the value of the pound and the lowering in the world wide price of PPE equipment in general at any given time. its important that figures and "facts" like that aren't skewed for incorrect ( or political) reasons - and I dont mean here on the board I mean in general.

Actually even in that Guardian link you posted there Brad the Government representative said basically the same when saying " the value of the emergency stockpile “does not relate to the volume of its contents”, adding that “through responsible procurement” officials had been “successful in maintaining its stock”.

I have no doubt that they've quietly cut away at that and many other things, of that I have no doubt, but for people to go for the easy low hanging fruit that's so easily batted off by them does actually direct from the actual cuts they probably were making quietly elsewhere that we probably amenity aware off (yet).

PS that second link you posted there Brad is broken.....

April 20th, 2020, 00:32
Despite all the whinging amongst the left wing pro EU media (e.g. BBC, Guardian) when the UK did not join the EU ventilator procurement scheme, the UK has not been short of ventilators.
At least 2 EU countries HAVE been short of ventilators.

It's pretty damn difficult to trust the Guardian when they have run all sorts of negative headlines on ventilators, whilst omitting to prominently report that we have done just fine with ventilator supply and the EU has not.

Can you imagine them running the headline "Disastrous EU ventilator shortages have been avoided by UK government" ?
All the left wing ****s employed there just report one side of the story.

Getting PPE is obviously difficult, with every country on the planet requiring above normal levels. All these useless thick journalists complain and whinge, but they don't go out and get objective data on supply & demand, then compare with other countries.

The UK death rate per capita remains below Belgium, Italy, Spain and France. Yet the left wing media only compare the government with Germany, which has done considerably better.
That's the same left wing media have spent years avoiding any positive discussion about the merits of more private sector involvement and consumer choice, as they have in Germany. They expect the government to Germany's results with the same health care structure as in Cuba.

I don't have a high regard for our current crop of politicians (from any party), but the one group of people who would screw it up even more badly are the journalists.

April 20th, 2020, 02:21
A friend in Pattaya sent me the following photo and YouTube video link, which I thought were worth sharing:



Brad the Impala
April 20th, 2020, 05:24
It's pretty damn difficult to trust the Guardian .

Perhaps you trust the Telegraph more and their report from two weeks ago on the report from 2016 that revealed the "gaping holes in Britain’s Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) plan." The report arising from that plan was never published, and doesn't seem to have been even acted upon.


That's the same left wing media have spent years avoiding any positive discussion about the merits of more private sector involvement and consumer choice, as they have in Germany. They expect the government to Germany's results with the same health care structure as in Cuba.

If you are equating Cuba's national health service with necessarily poor delivery of healthcare you are wrong, as I found when being treated there.

But don't just take my word for it, have a look at the WHO's ratings. Cuba is rated 36th of 191 in the world. Not far behind Germany in 22, despite their very differing levels of national wealth.


April 20th, 2020, 13:47
Cuba has a history of supplying medical aid to developing countries across the world as well as maintaining high standards at home, despite the efforts of successive US governments.

April 20th, 2020, 15:27
...again...this is why crazy orange man will win again....nutty armchair marxists...

April 20th, 2020, 16:04
Socialism is going to be the next trend with or without the Orange Man. He'll be reduced to being a mere crazy scarecrow.

April 20th, 2020, 16:48
Lord Buddha Vishna ...I hope u r wrong...

April 20th, 2020, 19:06
Socialism is going to be the next trend with or without the Orange Man. He'll be reduced to being a mere crazy scarecrow.

Perhaps. I presume a lot of the voters are too young to remember how bad socialism was in the old "Communist bloc" and too idle to check how it was, or how it currently is in Cuba, Venezuela & North Korea.

Even some of the countries run by "Communist" dictatorships have seen the light and introduced capitalism.

April 20th, 2020, 21:07
Cuba and Venezuela? what did they do wrong? apart from free health care, free education and extensive success in fighting poverty. And, I nearly forgot; stopping the US Mafia (official and unofficial) making money out of their resources. The ultimate crime..... they even managed to defeat US invasions and coups.

April 20th, 2020, 21:31
"Cuba and Venezuela? what did they do wrong?"

Where to begin?

April 20th, 2020, 21:49
Socialism during the John Logie Baird era was held to ransom by the ruling propaganda. Now the media in the internet age is at the mercy of those with special talents and skills who are starting to expose the wicked ways of oligarchs and the ruling class. This is the equaliser that will benefit 99% of the world's population.

April 21st, 2020, 03:13
....people r stooopid...they forget stuff...nobody even does history anymore...kinda scary...

April 21st, 2020, 16:26
Who dares to reply to that? certainly not me.

April 21st, 2020, 17:18
Below, I highlight one report from the Bangkok Post, an updated selected extract from the worldometer website and a report from The Guardian dated April 14th, 2020 which I missed at the time and only heard about on the radio last night:

Thailand logs 19 new Covid-19 cases, 1 death Tuesday

published : 21 Apr 2020 at 12:31
writer: Online Reporters

The government on Tuesday reported 19 new coronavirus (Covid-19) patients, raising the total to 2,811, and one more death, a 50-year-old taxi driver whose passengers included boxing stadium spectators . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1904295/thailand-logs-19-new-covid-19-cases-1-death-tuesday



William Hague: China must cooperate over source of Covid-19 outbreak

International inquiry needed to establish ‘scientific truth’, says ex-foreign secretary

Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor
Tue 14 Apr 2020 19.47 BST Last modified on Tue 14 Apr 2020 21.01 BST

China must cooperate in creating a scientific consensus into the source of the coronavirus pandemic,William Hague has said, adding that the world is “hungry for the truth”.

The former UK foreign minister said Beijing would come under intense global pressure to accept the creation of international pandemic unit, run jointly by China and the US, as well as greater global cooperation on vaccines . . .

For the full report see: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/14/william-hague-china-must-cooperate-over-source-of-covid-19-scie

April 21st, 2020, 17:31
And to lighten the mood, rather than post amusing images from facebook, as I usually do, I have decided to post the following three enhanced colour photos of Mae Khlong Railway Market, which a Thai friend posted on facebook. I thought they were worth sharing during this gloomy period. They brought back happy memories of the time I set off from Wongwian Yai Station in Bangkok with ChristianPFC and took the train to Mae Khlong Railway Market.




And to supplement the above photos, I found this short video on YouTube, taken six years ago, showing the Mae Khlong Railway Market:


And finally, in case members may have missed it, a TV travelogue documentary with Michael Portillo called; Great Asian Railway Journeys is currently showing on BBC 2. The first two episodes have already been broadcast, but are available on BBC iPlayer (see link below). The first episode covers the railway journey from Chiang Mai to Bangkok then onward to Mae Khlong Railway Market. The second episode covers Michael’s journey from Bangkok to Hua Hin, but stopping off at Petchaburi on route.



April 21st, 2020, 20:30
Worth watching, characterised by beautiful photography which makes my heart ache for a speedy return. And he meets some interesting people. However, all should be warned that Portillo's trousers- sometimes pink and sometimes bright orange- can only be described as hideous They give Friends of Dorothy a bad name.

April 22nd, 2020, 16:33
And what about his jackets!

April 22nd, 2020, 16:48
And what about his jackets!

I sent him an email a couple of years ago, after his show began airing here, asking him how many jackets he owned. To my surprise, he actually replied telling me that he had an least 15.

I believe he's 100% gay, which kind of explains the jackets.

Nirish guy
April 22nd, 2020, 17:05
I believe he's 100% gay, which kind of explains the jackets.

You know his past history in that regard !?

When he was an MP and a Government Minister many moons ago I believe on permanent threat of being "outed" he decided to get ahead of any possible stories and gave an interview saying how he'd "experimented with guys in University etc - a lot :)" and tried both sides of the field etc and after due consideration etc he's ended up married to woman. (Who he's still with and they do seem to get along and "love" each other - whatever that means).

So, my guess is that you're absolutely right about him being more gay than straight (a lot).....and a lot more lately even as his campness seems to increase with each new series. HOWEVER, I'm guessing he's also smart enough to both know that and also make his own decisions about what he wants out of life and has obviously found someone with whom he's happy and is also able to "be himself" ( or to as much of a degree as makes him happy I guess and who knows WHAT they've both agreed to allow in their marriage ) so I guess that's fair enough, 'up to him".

I always cant help thinking though how even more "fabulous" he'd been / have been if he had perhaps found his matching gay partner all those years ago when being gay wasn't PC and it could for sure have damaged his career.

The experimenting story to kill any"gay" stories I think he took a gamble with, knowing that many of his Oxford, Eton and other public school boy types would also had many of exactly the same kinds of life story and so would quietly give him a by ball thinking "there by the grace of God go I re the tabloids etc" - and he was right as it did take away the "scandal' of any possible outing and if brought up now he simply refers to it as ancient history and moves on.

But as he's been married somewhere akin to 39 years now, so I can only assume whatever he's doing it is working for him and so good luck to him I guess.

Oh I just found this link which basically says the above !


PS thanks for his TV show advert JB, I watched both episodes yesterday and they helped break the lockdown boredom.......mind you if I seen him high Wai'ing one more street food seller, waitress or train ticket collector lol.......I was just sitting the whole time hoping he'd stop as I cringed at the TV !! :)

April 22nd, 2020, 17:42
His relationship with his wife reminds me of the host of the Morning Show in Britain who recently came out to his wife and kids, and then revealed everything on the show.

Good on them both!

April 22nd, 2020, 18:33
I'm sure he kept saying 'sawtdee kaa'.:))

Nirish guy
April 22nd, 2020, 19:48
I'm sure he kept saying 'sawtdee kaa'.:))

He DID ! :)

April 23rd, 2020, 18:10
Below, I highlight one report from the Bangkok Post, an updated selected extract from the worldometer website, which for the first time I include deaths per 1m of population and a report from BBC News:

Thailand logs 13 new Covid-19 cases, 1 death Thursday

published : 23 Apr 2020 at 11:48
updated: 23 Apr 2020 at 12:44
writer: Online reporters and agencies

The government on Thursday reported 13 new coronavirus (Covid-19) patients, raising the total to 2,839, and one more death, that of an elderly Thai woman first admitted to hospital for an unrelated complaint. The accumulated death toll now stands at 50 . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1905985/thailand-logs-13-new-covid-19-cases-1-death-thursday



And the following is from BBC News:

Coronavirus: Germany's states make face masks compulsory
• 22 April 2020

All of Germany's states have announced plans to make face masks compulsory to combat the spread of coronavirus.

Bremen became the final federal region to back the measures, with its senate set to confirm the decision on Friday.

Mask use will be compulsory on public transport throughout Germany, and nearly all states will also make face coverings mandatory when shopping.

Chancellor Angela Merkel strongly recommended their use last week when she eased lockdown rules nationwide . . .

For the full story see: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-52382196

And with so many countries now insisting that people wear a face mask, you may be having some difficulty finding a mask and perhaps you’re thinking about making your own. If so, here’s some ideas for you to think about . . . ;)







April 23rd, 2020, 18:17
And once again, to lighten the mood, I repost images first posted on facebook:


With barbers and hairdressers closed, some people will go to extreme lengths to get their hair cut.


But don’t be tempted to cut it yourself, as you may not like the results . . .


April 23rd, 2020, 18:38
And these people are as much victims of this immeasurably terrible event as anyone who actually catches it.


April 23rd, 2020, 19:17
Coronavirus: Germany's states make face masks compulsory • 22 April 2020
That information has not reached my hometown. Being out and in shopping centers yesterday and today, I estimate one out of 20 people were wearing a face mask.

April 24th, 2020, 01:43
At the moment, masks are compulsory in some states of Germany.
But from April 27, face masks will be compulsory everywhere in Germany.
(in German)

April 24th, 2020, 03:05
But can you buy them anywhere?

Nirish guy
April 24th, 2020, 03:11
I estimate one out of 20 people were wearing a face mask.

You ESTIMATE ???!!! You mean you didn't COUNT !!? I mean what is WRONG with you, are you sick or coming down with something perhaps ! I mean who doesn't stop and count, check and cross reference such important details over the two different days and perhaps at two different shopping centres ? Have to say you're really starting to let your usual high standards slip Christian :-)

April 24th, 2020, 14:10
Talk about lightening the mood. Have a look at this:


April 24th, 2020, 19:11
and if you missed it in the followup suggestions list:


April 24th, 2020, 21:41
Yep, I saw that.

Trump's unbelievably stupid response to the Covid19 crisis has led to innumerable hilarious videos. They are not hard to find.

He inadvertently supplies us with heaps of laughter, a commodity we all need at this time. One of the few upsides of the pandemic.

Laugh on!

April 25th, 2020, 00:11
Talk about lightening the mood. Have a look at this:


Well done Captain Tom, but how this song isn’t number 1, I don’t know!

“In the White House...full of shite house...”. Priceless!

Brad the Impala
April 25th, 2020, 15:39
Americans protesting against the lockdown


If you're not afraid to shake hands, why are you wearing gloves!!

April 25th, 2020, 17:04
This lot left their AK47s at home, unlike the Michigan ones earlier this week. Surely they are needed to shoot anyone who coughs? particularly if they are African-American.

I was joking but it occurs to me that before long, a black kid will be shot by a red-neck who will claim self-defence because he coughed.

April 26th, 2020, 15:41
Below, I highlight two reports from the Bangkok Post, one report from The Guardian, an updated selected extract from the worldometer website, a Covid-19 video and an update from the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO):

Thailand logs 15 new Covid cases, no new deaths Sunday

published : 26 Apr 2020 at 14:49
updated: 26 Apr 2020 at 14:53
writer: Reuters

The government on Sunday reported 15 new coronavirus cases and no new deaths, bringing the total number of cases in Thailand since its outbreak in January to 2,922 cases and 51 deaths . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1907850/thailand-logs-15-new-covid-cases-no-new-deaths-sunday

Suvarnabhumi ready to reopen

Flagship airport repaired, renovated as domestic flights resume on May 1

published : 26 Apr 2020 at 05:00
newspaper section: News
writer: Post Reporters

Suvarnabhumi airport is set to resume its services on Friday when airlines restart flights following a month-long suspension over Covid-19 fears, airport general manager Suthirawat Suwanawat said . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1907430/suvarnabhumi-ready-to-reopen

And from The Guardian:

Trump says briefings 'not worth the effort' amid fallout from disinfectant comments

The president remained behind closed doors after advisers reportedly warned him that the briefings were hurting his campaign

Lauren Aratani
Sat 25 Apr 2020 23.26 BST First published on Sat 25 Apr 2020 23.03 BST

After more than a month of near-daily White House coronavirus press briefings, Donald Trump stayed behind closed doors on Saturday after advisers reportedly warned the president that his appearances were hurting his campaign . . .

For the full report see: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/25/donald-trump-stays-away-from-briefings-amid-fallout-from-disinfectant-comments


It is worth noting in the case of the UK figures that they do not include Covid-19 deaths at home or in care homes. See the following link:



And finally, an update from the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO):

Thailand travel advice

Change made
Update on visa extensions and borders (‘Return to the UK’, ‘Entry Requirements’ and Safety and Security pages)

Time updated
6:53am, 26 April 2020

Link to FCO website:

April 26th, 2020, 15:49
And once again, to lighten the mood, I repost images first posted on facebook:



April 26th, 2020, 23:18
Now everyone is wary of the Chinese, even Trump despite his bravado, and least expected an American comic hero...

I’d be more wary of the folks on FOX that have been telling you since the start that this that it is nothing...or better yet, those at the start of this thread, in the initial pages of this thread that have been telling you the very same thing. Whether China did or did not tell the world soon enough...we certainly don’t have them on record for repeatedly saying it’s not so.


April 27th, 2020, 14:22

April 27th, 2020, 17:21
Thanks for the info.

April 27th, 2020, 17:33
Tomorrow they may announce some small concessions.
Also maybe tomorrow some announcements about the alcohol sales ban (this is a provincial thing).

April 28th, 2020, 15:39
I would like to see some stats regarding this nasty virus and the poor bastards who are locked up in Thailand's notorious jails.
I doubt whether the numbers will ever see the light of day.

April 28th, 2020, 18:43
I doubt whether the numbers will ever see the light of day.

Neither would the prisoners.

April 29th, 2020, 04:20
..like I care a shit about criminals...my concern would be with law abiding citizens loosing their jobs, homes and lives because of the Wuhan virus..

April 29th, 2020, 17:02
..like I care a shit about criminals...my concern would be with law abiding citizens loosing their jobs, homes and lives because of the Wuhan virus..

Are you referring to criminals like the mushroom picking couple or prisoners? Not the same thing in Thailand if you knew more about it.

April 30th, 2020, 00:14
If anyone has COVID-19, criminal behind bars or law abiding citizen, the virus can still spread through community transmission to everyone else.

And that’s a significant threat to the demographic that’s affected most. People over 60, men, smokers or folks with any other underlying conditions. Sound familiar?


April 30th, 2020, 03:08
I would rather focus my time, money and energy on law abiding citizens...criminals would be last on my list..just after lawyers, used car salesmen and the french

April 30th, 2020, 03:09
...and whats this about picking mushrooms...

April 30th, 2020, 05:30
...and whats this about picking mushrooms...

To save you 5 seconds on google


April 30th, 2020, 10:03
People over 60, men, smokers....

From Le Figaro - for those who speak French. The article suggests research might show that nicotine actually protects people from the virus.

Et si la nicotine protégeait du Covid-19?

DÉCRYPTAGE - Pour une raison mystérieuse, les fumeurs infectés ont moins de risques de développer des symptômes de la maladie.

Par Tristan Vey
Publié il y a 15 heures, mis à jour il y a 12 heures
Une étude récente a émis l’hypothèse que la nicotine, substance présente dans le tabac, protégerait des formes sévères du coronavirus.
Une étude récente a émis l’hypothèse que la nicotine, substance présente dans le tabac, protégerait des formes sévères du coronavirus. Andrey Popov/Andrey Popov - stock.adobe.com
Tout a commencé par une intuition. «C’est le Dr Makoto Miyara, un de mes élèves, qui a attiré mon attention mi-mars sur le faible taux de fumeurs enregistré chez les patients chinois hospitalisés», raconte le Pr Zahir Amoura, chef du service de médecine interne 2, maladies auto-immunes et systémiques à l’hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, à Paris (Sorbonne université - AP-HP). «Pour tout dire, j’étais très sceptique. Les études n’insistaient pas sur ce point et les biais potentiels étaient énormes.» Et puis une infection pulmonaire qui épargne massivement les fumeurs, voilà qui semblait bien extravagant.

À lire aussi : L’immunité après le Covid-19 en question
«Mais le Dr Miyara a insisté. Si bien qu’au bout d’une semaine, nous avons décidé de voir si cette hypothèse tenait un tant soit peu la route sur le terrain. Avec mes collègues, un dimanche, nous avons dans un premier temps évalué le tabagisme des patients Covid de l’hôpital. C’était un simple coup de sonde, pour voir.» Le taux de fumeurs est alors si faible que décision est prise immédiatement

Cet article est réservé aux abonnés. Il vous reste 88% à découvrir.

April 30th, 2020, 10:19
Francois. Please translate. No cheating with Google Gobbledegook.

April 30th, 2020, 11:55
...elderly...what a cheek...they are only in their early 50's...

April 30th, 2020, 12:03
From Le Figaro - for those who speak French. The article suggests research might show that nicotine actually protects people from the virus.

Et si la nicotine protégeait du Covid-19?

DÉCRYPTAGE - Pour une raison mystérieuse, les fumeurs infectés ont moins de risques de développer des symptômes de la maladie.

Par Tristan Vey
Publié il y a 15 heures, mis à jour il y a 12 heures
Une étude récente a émis l’hypothèse que la nicotine, substance présente dans le tabac, protégerait des formes sévères du coronavirus.
Une étude récente a émis l’hypothèse que la nicotine, substance présente dans le tabac, protégerait des formes sévères du coronavirus. Andrey Popov/Andrey Popov - stock.adobe.com
Tout a commencé par une intuition. «C’est le Dr Makoto Miyara, un de mes élèves, qui a attiré mon attention mi-mars sur le faible taux de fumeurs enregistré chez les patients chinois hospitalisés», raconte le Pr Zahir Amoura, chef du service de médecine interne 2, maladies auto-immunes et systémiques à l’hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, à Paris (Sorbonne université - AP-HP). «Pour tout dire, j’étais très sceptique. Les études n’insistaient pas sur ce point et les biais potentiels étaient énormes.» Et puis une infection pulmonaire qui épargne massivement les fumeurs, voilà qui semblait bien extravagant.

À lire aussi : L’immunité après le Covid-19 en question
«Mais le Dr Miyara a insisté. Si bien qu’au bout d’une semaine, nous avons décidé de voir si cette hypothèse tenait un tant soit peu la route sur le terrain. Avec mes collègues, un dimanche, nous avons dans un premier temps évalué le tabagisme des patients Covid de l’hôpital. C’était un simple coup de sonde, pour voir.» Le taux de fumeurs est alors si faible que décision est prise immédiatement

Cet article est réservé aux abonnés. Il vous reste 88% à découvrir.

1. There are thousands of different chemicals from a burning cigarette derived from the tobacco as well as the rolled paper etc. One can never be certain that nicotine is the beneficial component.
2 Dr Miyara made the observation on Chinese patients at the Paris hospital. How big was the sample size?What about Caucasian patient samples?
3. Has the observation gone beyond the hypothetical phase and general observation and headcount?
4. You need to subscribe to read the remaining 88% of the article. Parsimony is in the French blood.

April 30th, 2020, 15:22
Here's an article in English about this french study: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/22/french-study-suggests-smokers-at-lower-risk-of-getting-coronavirus

April 30th, 2020, 16:02
I doubt the efficacy here - perhaps a case of wishful thinking or simply clutching at straws.

April 30th, 2020, 16:32
If this were true, Covid has a macabre sense of humor.
It is too early to tell at this point, but it is statistically relevant.

Just a few weeks ago, newspapers published that smokers were 14 times more at risk, based on a very limited Chinese study (three smokers in the test group). At least the french study is more credible.

April 30th, 2020, 16:35
In the part of the article posted it says they found the number of smokers among patients lower than expected.

Nicotine is a poison, and there have been cases from babies/children dying after eating cigarettes.
It might indeed be the cases that some substance in cigarette smoke is more harmful to the virus than to human.

April 30th, 2020, 18:26
When this was published published (below), I thought it was strange that the percentage of current smokers ending up in ICU is lower than the percentage of former smokers.

Perhaps lung damage + presence of nicotine is better for covid resistance than lung damage + no presence of nicotine ? [That's pure speculation]

April 30th, 2020, 18:44
I suspect the tobacco industry is involved in this data manipulation.

April 30th, 2020, 18:55
I suspect the tobacco industry is involved in this data manipulation.

Oh, dinagam, you are such a sceptic! Lol

April 30th, 2020, 21:06
When this was published published (below), I thought it was strange that the percentage of current smokers ending up in ICU is lower than the percentage of former smokers.

Perhaps lung damage + presence of nicotine is better for covid resistance than lung damage + no presence of nicotine ? [That's pure speculation]

Only 96 out of 7162 cases (1.3%) are current smokers. That seems very low. I would speculate that the number of active smokers in the population is at least tenfold in the USA.

Brad the Impala
May 1st, 2020, 00:39
This seems like a demonstration of just how toxic smoking is!

May 1st, 2020, 10:28
Yes smoking....and injecting yourself with bleach....all good!


May 2nd, 2020, 13:32
I would rather focus my time, money and energy on law abiding citizens...criminals would be last on my list..just after lawyers, used car salesmen and the french

Most everybody breaks the law but are not caught or prosecuted. There are few law abiding citizens.

May 2nd, 2020, 14:19
I think Latin is referring to the drug dealers, rapists, murderers, money launderers, muggers and robbers who make up the majority of prison populations. I don't think he's talking about the speed limit breakers, prostitute hirers, literers and non helmet wearing motorcyclists Francois.

May 2nd, 2020, 22:03
There are quite a few Thais for whom a particular poster "doesn't give a shit" and they include decent young men from usually impoverished backgrounds who are trying to earn an honest living entertaining us. Sadly, occasionally they have the misfortune to meet-up with a falang for whom they are worthless individuals , ripe for screwing in every sense of the word.

I wouldn't expect him to "give a shit" about offenders whom humane societies send to prison as (rather than "for") punishment, preferring the Victorian view of Charles Dickens in the character of Joe Gargery in "Great Expectations" to run-away prisoner Magwitch... a paraphrase." You are welcome to our food . We don't know what it is you have done but we wouldn't want you to starve because of it, would we Pip."

May 3rd, 2020, 03:30
...oh stop beating that tired old socialist drum...as if Thais are a naive sheltered lot...they practically invented sex...the craziest live fuck shows I've seen have been in Thailand...have u ever visited Thai porn sites???...kinda arrogant to think that u the all knowing westerner r in a position to teach them...lol...

May 3rd, 2020, 14:04
Today, I highlight one report from the Bangkok Post, an article from The Times from April 29, 2020 with the results of a YouGov survey in the UK. Do you find them surprising? An updated selected extract from the worldometer website, one report from The Guardian of April 30, 2020 and an article from The Sunday Times of April 26, 2020:

Thailand reports 3 new coronavirus cases Sunday

published : 3 May 2020 at 12:21
updated: 3 May 2020 at 13:42
writer: Reuters

Thailand reported three new coronavirus cases and no new deaths on Sunday, as the country started lifting restrictions on some businesses and aspects of life.

The new infections marked the lowest number since early March, just before the country started reporting clusters and tolls started rising.

Thailand has seen a total of 2,969 coronavirus cases and 54 deaths since the outbreak began in January . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1911960/thailand-reports-3-new-coronavirus-cases-sunday

Below are the survey results from The Times, do they correspond with your views?

Public against swift coronavirus reopening, poll shows

Francis Elliott, Political Editor
Wednesday April 29 2020, 12.01am, The Times

Public caution over easing the coronavirus lockdown is underlined by a poll which indicates that more than a quarter of people do not want any restrictions lifted even if the government concludes it is safe.

Boris Johnson is expected to give details this week of progress against the five tests he has set before the government starts “refining” social-distancing measures. The most demanding is the need to avoid a second wave of infection that would overwhelm the NHS.

Mr Johnson will not set out specific measures under consideration until shortly before a May 7 deadline for parliamentary approval for the lockdown to continue.

Among measures being lined up for the first wave of adjustments are increasing the number of shops to open, allowing households to combine and restarting some sports.

A YouGov survey for The Times found that 28 per cent of people do not want any aspect of the lockdown eased even if all five tests have been met. Other options attract modest support: 22 per cent want more shops open and only 11 per cent want schools to be reopened. Only 4 per cent want the lockdown lifted entirely, according to the survey . . .

For the full report see: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/public-against-swift-coronavirus-reopening-poll-shows-55f620fz7



Having just updated the above table from worldometer, it is worth considering the value of comparing death rates with other countries and this is exactly what is discussed in the following article by Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter in The Guardian of April 30, 2020, which some members may have missed:

Coronavirus deaths: how does Britain compare with other countries?
David Spiegelhalter

It’s tempting to try to construct a league table, but we’ll have to wait months, if not years, for the true picture
Thu 30 Apr 2020 14.56 BST Last modified on Sat 2 May 2020 10.30 BST

At prime minister’s questions on Wednesday, Keir Starmer said he had added up a total of 27,241 coronavirus deaths so far, leaving the UK “possibly on track to have the worst death rate in Europe”.

Is he right? Unfortunately, measuring the impact of the virus is a fiendishly complex task. It’s nothing like keeping score in a game. Starmer, as a lawyer, would know that we have to define our terms carefully. And so, assuming we want to make a comparison based on death rates, we first need to decide what a death rate is.

You would think it would be easy for a bean-counting statistician to count deaths – the one certain thing (apart from taxes). But it is remarkably difficult. I have stopped taking much notice of the number given out at the daily press conferences, as it is only based on reports from hospitals, oscillates wildly around weekends, and recently included deaths that occurred a month ago. And this week the number of UK deaths jumped up by nearly 5,000 to 26,097 in one day – rather close to Starmer’s count – by retrospectively including non-hospital deaths that had tested positive for the virus . . .

For the full article see: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/apr/30/coronavirus-deaths-how-does-britain-compare-with-other-countries

Also looking at the above table, over the last few weeks I found myself wondering why Vietnam was showing such a significant difference in Covid-19 infections and deaths compared with the UK despite having a greater population. The following article from The Sunday Times of April 26, 2020 offers an explanation:

Coronavirus: turn the second wave into a ripple and we may stay afloat

As countries that locked down more quickly than Britain start to ease curbs against Covid 19, the danger of a new flood of infections increases

Tony Allen-Mills and Andrew Gregory
Sunday April 26 2020, 12.01am, The Sunday Times

The mobile phones of millions of Vietnamese users of a messaging app named Zalo started buzzing this month with an urgent alert from the ministry of health in Hanoi. Anyone who had visited the Lucky Star gym in the Me Linh district of Hanoi between 6.30am and 8am during a 10-day period in March was instructed to self-isolate immediately and to contact their local authorities.

The recipients of the message knew exactly what it meant: someone who had been using the gym had tested positive for the coronavirus. The government embarked on a nationwide effort to trace that person’s every contact during the period he or she would have been likely to infect others.

If it seems barely credible that a national health service in a country of 97 million people should be able to focus its resources on the gym-going habits of a single citizen, that is exactly what Vietnam has been doing on a near-daily basis for much of the past three months. Television bulletins feature warnings about the potentially infectious activities of individual coronavirus patients. Recent video clips posted on YouTube discussed the travel records of patient No 237 and, soon afterwards, No 243.

In Britain, lockdown measures were introduced in late March after 8,000 cases had been confirmed. It took only eight cases to spur Hanoi into action in late January. Vietnam had suffered through several previous epidemics that crossed its northern border from China. It had learnt to take no chances . . .

For the full report see: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/

May 3rd, 2020, 14:06
And once again, to lighten the mood, I repost an image first posted on facebook:


Nirish guy
May 3rd, 2020, 18:33
So as being discussed above re Vietnam and the UK / Thailand not perhaps using the same intense efforts re the tracing of individuals on a Country wide basis etc just so much, so DOES anyone know why is there is SUCH a difference in the UK Covid death rate ( 26000 and counting) compared to Thailand (54 - and counting ?) - its such a massive gap between those two numbers, anyone care to speculate why ?

One obvious answer of course could be a lack of reporting / telling the truth from the Thai authorities ( as if they'd do THAT even! ) but with SUCH a large numerical difference it's hard to believe even they could manipulate the numbers in such a fashion?

My Thai friends are almost gloating at that fact and are scarily starting to think that is was "never such a big deal as it was made out to be' and " no need for everyone to lose job" and that "Thai people stronger, can survive everything better than farang" - and the trouble is with just 54 deaths Country wide there it's actually hard to argue the point with them other than saying "let's hope you're right" and they haven't still worse to come ?

May 3rd, 2020, 19:17
Perhaps it's the spicy food.*

* Slightly tongue in cheek but an enzyme in pineapple 'kills' gelatin so you can't make a pineapple jelly. However, if you add chilli then that kills the enzyme and the jelly will set.

May 3rd, 2020, 19:36
So as being discussed above re Vietnam and the UK / Thailand not perhaps using the same intense efforts re the tracing of individuals on a Country wide basis etc just so much, so DOES anyone know why is there is SUCH a difference in the UK Covid death rate ( 26000 and counting) compared to Thailand (54 - and counting ?) - its such a massive gap between those two numbers, anyone care to speculate why ?

Here's my speculation:

1 Case numbers are possibly understated in Thailand due to lack of testing. As for deaths, does Thailand have a robust mechanism for recording the causes of death and counting all the Covid deaths ? Also, even in western countries, reporting standards and ways of counting deaths vary. Some count everyone who dies WITH Covid-19 as a Covid-19 death, even if they may have died from something else and/or been about to keel over anyway.

2 It's possible that transmission of the virus is reduced in higher temperature situations. Although, I believe that's NOT the case for other coronaviruses.

3 Wearing of face masks has been more common in Thailand. Now WHO and medical advice on this seem mixed, but:
(i) Our authorities insist on mask wearing in hospital, so that implies masks have a benefit against airborne transmission.
(ii) The UK has a 2m social distancing recommendation. Now, if you think about that, it HAS to be for airborne transmission, as if there was no airborne transmission, the advice would just be not to touch people etc.
(iii) One by one, more countries are recommending masks. Even Singapore was late to that one.
(iv) There are scientific papers covering the subject of the virus lingering in the air on other particles.

4 I've seen reports of many different strains of the virus, some of which are more severe than others. This could influence country to country results.

May 3rd, 2020, 19:52
Nirish, just look at any other hot countries. Thailand’s neighbours Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam have had zero deaths.
Then look at the time of year that this started. Right in the middle of the European winter.

Australia and New .zealand have had relatively few cases, again right in the middle of their summer and the height of the tourist season. So plenty of people to transport it to them. Few cases.

Should Thailand be congratulated? Some on the other board think so, I’m not so sure. They are lucky with their climate.

Now look at the UK. What was the advice? If you thought you had symptoms stay indoors for a week. Didn’t get better have another week. Anyone else in the house gets it...same same.

Didn’t do Boris any good did it? He stayed in for a week then 2 or 3 days later found himself in intensive care and nearly died. Prime fucking example wasn’t it?

It really fucking annoys me. We were all totally ignored by the National Health. No tests, not allowed to go to a hospital. Instructed not to go to your GP. No real help at all. Any other illness you are ALWAYS instructed to get EARLY treatment.

No wonder we are headed to the highest death rate in Europe.

Rant over ...

May 3rd, 2020, 20:58
You need also to consider the percentage of the population that lives in urban communities where the spread of the virus is easier. Public travel (such as underground trains) must be particularly dangerous.
Much of Thailand is rural and, in these areas, shopping is mainly done in the open, in markets. Shopping in confined spaces, particularly with the sealing that a/c requires, means that one cough is more likely to spread droplets to more people..
For obvious reasons, I've been anxiously following reports from the Kamphaeng Phaet area and they are reassuring. Nevertheless, everyone is wearing masks, I'm told, and the rural community I'm most concerned about is very isolated. It's a long way to the nearest Big C.
The number of deaths in US and UK care homes and in Singapore's overcrowded foreign worker hostels are instructive in this respect.

Brad the Impala
May 3rd, 2020, 22:00
Wai-ing is healthier than shaking hands!

May 3rd, 2020, 23:01
Wai-ing is healthier than shaking hands!

Perhaps someone should have told Boris Johnson that. ;)

May 4th, 2020, 04:01
One of the big problems with accurate reporting, no matter which country you’re talking about, is with how infectious this disease is and the risks tied to testing infected people. It made more sense in many cases simply to tell people to stay home and isolate if they had non severe symptoms or, as with the case with many long term care facilities, that it was already too late to test. In the initial stages, people’s deaths were being attributed to natural causes or other things...especially in areas where health care was sparse or nonexistent.


May 8th, 2020, 10:26
Alex Jones seems to have taken over many a gay guy's thinking that rimming was "ours" and nothing but "ours".
The virus has taken over every cell of the man's brain ... as little there was.
Ahhh America :crazy_mini:


May 8th, 2020, 15:37
heh, Alex Jones? He thinks there's a government conspiracy to turn the frogs gay. Take a look:


May 17th, 2020, 20:27
I was not aware of any Thai nasal cleaning besides nose-picking:


Nettle pots? They use a nose-hose much like a bum gun?

May 19th, 2020, 12:27
Several Pattaya gay bars in Jomtian and Boyztown are still doing their bit to help feed hungry people in the community as can be seen in their latest Facebook posts. It seems that the effects of this pandemic will be seen for many months to come. I wish them well.

May 19th, 2020, 21:09
Great pics! Sadly these lines of folks waiting for food have become a familiar sight throughout Pattaya.

May 19th, 2020, 22:26
and certainly the meals run out before the line of people ends...

hardly enough calories in one of those meals to offset
waiting in line for so long.

May 19th, 2020, 22:55
hardly enough calories in one of those meals to offset
waiting in line for so long.

Tell that to the hungry people waiting!

May 20th, 2020, 01:21
Little less calories won't hurt. Boys in Pattaya already started to look too chubby

May 20th, 2020, 07:30
Just be thankful that you are not in that situation, Philex.

May 20th, 2020, 08:30
Just be thankful that you are not in that situation, Philex.

The situation: https://pattayaone.news/pattaya-is-full-of-starving-and-desperate-homeless-people/

May 20th, 2020, 12:35
Bars allowed to open sooner if case count stays low

Pubs, bars and entertainment venues will be allowed to reopen in the coming weeks if the daily count of new virus cases stays in single digits, the government’s Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) announced on Tuesday (May 19).

CCSA spokesman Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin said the number of shoppers surged on Sunday as low-risk and moderate-risk businesses (listed “white” and “green”, respectively) reopened as second-phase restrictions were eased and the ThaiChana contact-tracing platform was deployed. He added that social distancing improved on Monday.

Dr Taweesin said “red” businesses (medium to high risk) would be allowed to reopen in the fourth phase of relaxation, depending on the daily case count.

He reported that the Covid-19 situation is improving, with new daily cases dropping to single digits for the past 22 days. The CCSA will assess the situation every 14 days. If the single-digit trend continues, reopening of “red” businesses is likely to come faster, he added.

Taweesin emphasised that everyone should keep their guard high to maintain the low infection rate, which would help everyday life return and boost customers’ confidence in “red” businesses.

Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30388123

Nirish guy
May 20th, 2020, 15:29
At least they weren’t told to “stay alert, but stay home, unless you can go to work, but if you can work from home then don’t go to work, unless you can go to work then don’t stay home, go to work, unless you’re staying home and not at work!”

May 20th, 2020, 22:35
Hmmm.... wonder if I will get my July visit it....don’t mind 14 days solitary when I get back to UK. That’s life here anyway!

Nirish guy
May 20th, 2020, 23:44
Hmmm.... wonder if I will get my July visit it....don’t mind 14 days solitary when I get back to UK. That’s life here anyway!

You're a braver man than I am Gunga Din !

A friend has JUST made it back to his own Country after 7 weeks and 5 failed flights and ended up on a rescue flight as the only way to get home. personally I dont think I'd be rushing anywhere for a while yet until things calm down a bit - especially where in Thailand those that must be obeyed seem to be making such sweeping and instant decisions about closing airports etc, but yeah maybe you're right, maybe be July we'll all look back on this as a distant dream ! I'm meant to be in Paris in June but as of just today I chinned that trip too bookings wise ( as Im not sure it's even POSSIBLE to go there just now :-(. )

May 22nd, 2020, 20:15
... https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1922616/shorter-curfew-likely-but-emergency-decree-will-be-extended

May 25th, 2020, 10:27

May 27th, 2020, 14:20
This article found today at the CNN website. Its a rather long piece so I have bolded parts that might be of more interest mainly tourists rather than expats. It is quite recent. Most of the items here are also the same as in Pattaya, southern Thailand.

Hua Hin, Thailand: People sit on the beach on May 24, 2020 in Hua Hin, Thailand's oldest beach resort. Provincial officials there signed orders to re-open hotels last week. The resort town is about a 2.5-hour drive from

Bangkok (CNN) — With news that many countries in Europe are reopening to tourism in time for summer, travelers with their sights set on Asia are anxiously awaiting word on when they'll be given the green light to visit their favorite destination.
As of now, those with Thailand in mind will need to wait at least a few more months before packing their bags.
"It is still dependent on the outbreak situation, but I think at the earliest, we may see the return of tourists could be the fourth quarter of this year," Yutasak Supasorn, governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT),
And even then, he says, there will likely be restrictions on who can visit and where they can go.
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"We are not going to open all at once," he adds. "We are still on high alert, we just can't let our guards down yet. We have to look at the country of origin [of the travelers] to see if their situation has truly improved. And lastly, we have to see whether our own business operators are ready to receive tourists under the 'new normal'."
Similar versions of this strategy are already being looked at in the region -- referred to as "tourism bubbles." Basically, a country will open borders reciprocally with destinations that also have their coronavirus situation under control.
Once Thailand does open to international tourists, they'll likely only be able to visit certain spots, says Yutasak.
"We have studied a possibility of offering special long-stay packages in isolated and closed areas where health monitoring can be easily controlled -- for example, Koh Pha Ngan and Koh Samui. This will be beneficial for both tourists and local residents, (like this one from ToT :eek:)since this is almost a kind of quarantine."

Bangkok's famous street food vendors have reopened, but diners must follow strict social distance rules.

Yutasak says they're finishing up a framework to restart tourism, but much of the decision-making lies in the hands of the CCSA -- the Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration -- which will decide when is the best time to open the border.

Phuket-based Bill Barnett, managing director of Asia-focused consulting firm C9 Hotelworks, says "baby steps are needed" to reignite international tourism.
"The next step is bilateral agreements between countries," he says. "Thailand's good standing in the face of the crisis with China, along with strong pent-up demand, make it a logical short-term solution for overseas tourism to return to the Kingdom."
For now, Thailand isn't taking any chances and the country's borders are firmly shut.
The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) has issued a temporary ban on all international commercial flights into the country until June 30, excluding repatriation flights. The Thais who do return on these flights are put into quarantine facilities for 14 days.

Meanwhile, on May 26, the Thai Cabinet agreed to extend the nationwide state of emergency until June 30.
Thailand has seemingly managed to avoid the ravages of the virus experienced by many other nations around the world.
When this story was published, the country had recorded 3,042 Covid-19 cases and 57 deaths. It's reporting only a handful of new Covid-19 cases each day -- occasionally even zero. Instances of local transmissions are low, with most recent Covid-19 infections discovered in quarantined returnees.

Thailand is now focused on reopening to domestic tourism in June, says Yutasak. Resorts and hotels in some tourism destinations throughout the country have already been given the green light to reopen, including in Hua Hin, a popular beach resort about 200 kilometers (124 miles) south of Bangkok.

Nationwide lockdown measures put in place in late March have been easing in stages throughout May.
Malls, markets, museums and some tourist attractions have already reopened and more are slated to follow. Bangkok's Grand Palace, for instance, will reopen June 4.
National parks, theme parks, stadiums, spas, massage shops and cinemas remain closed, but local media reports some will likely be given the go-ahead reopen in June.
Restaurants -- limited to offering only delivery and take-out services in late March -- can now allow customers to dine in but are banned from serving alcohol and must adhere to strict social distancing measures. Pubs and night clubs remain closed, and a curfew is in place from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m.
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Local transport networks are increasing services, including rail and bus lines, while airlines are upping the number of domestic flights.
Phuket International Airport, however, remains closed until further notice.
Thailand's most popular tourism island emerged as a coronavirus hotspot in March, facing the highest infection rate per capita out of all of Thailand's 77 provinces.
As a result, Phuket officials imposed strict lockdown measures and embarked on an intensive drive to test residents.
But with cases slowing to a trickle in recent days, embattled travel industry players question the continued closure of the island's airport when the rest of the country is opening to domestic flights.
"The Phuket tourism sector at the moment is sad, stunned, annoyed and dismayed at the lack of a defined plan to reopen the airport," says Barnett.
"The recent 24-hour notice by CAAT of a sustained closure was a hard pill to swallow for a damaged industry. There is no point to open hotels, while the airport is the trigger for reopening. The vague notice and lack of a clarity on when the airport [will reopen] makes it impossible for businesses to plan forward actions."
Local businesses struggle
Even with domestic tourism starting to kick off in some provinces, it's only a drop in the bucket.
In 2019, nearly 40 million tourists visited Thailand, according to government data. The TAT estimates only 14 to 16 million will visit this year.
Financially stressed hotels in need of cash flow have already started aggressively selling hotel rooms and vouchers, says Barnett, while also looking to the local market to provide some relief.
"Staycations and road trips are being touted but in a country where tourism represents 12 to 14 percent of the GDP, these small bites are not going to bridge the road to recovery," he says. "Broader ASEAN bilateral agreements and getting airports open and airlines back in the air is what's needed."https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/thailand-international-tourists-covid/index.html
I was sitting on Hua Hin beach just the other day and this looks very much the same as then. The beach is beautiful, but the sitters not so much. The Umbrella Boys sell food and beer though the latter is still against the law but the cops are non-existent. I hide my bottle under a wind breaker (meant just for that!)


May 28th, 2020, 21:06

May 28th, 2020, 21:11
Yea, we've broken the back of this beastie. And just like all the other 'things will never be the same again' beasties before, things will be pretty much exactly the same because that's how we liked them.

May 28th, 2020, 21:32
Some thoughts on lifting the lockdown:

Will tourists feel safe sitting for hours on long haul flights? Outside bars will likely open with some form of social distancing, Gogo bars likely to be among the last to open and how safe will customers feel in a confined space?

May 28th, 2020, 21:40
.... things will be pretty much exactly the same because that's how we liked them.

So true! Sadly, any lessons learnt from this tragedy will probably soon be forgotten. Hand-washing will be a thing of the past, sanitizer will no longer be used.....

At least until the next virus appears.

May 28th, 2020, 21:48
Yea, we've broken the back of this beastie. And just like all the other 'things will never be the same again' beasties before, things will be pretty much exactly the same because that's how we liked them.

It will be sometime till things are “exactly the same” as the government has effectively stopped the spread by clamping down on many things and I doubt they will readily open the door to a return of the virus.

Nirish guy
May 28th, 2020, 22:26
........the government has effectively stopped the spread by clamping down on many things .

On that note I really hope that someone somewhere is paying attention and looking into why ( it appears at least) that cases and deaths in Thailand ( and a few other Countries) were SO much lower than the likes of the UK to see can "whatever" helped with that be replicated here in Europe.

Im sure the Thai Government would love to clam that say it was their speedy locking of their borders or their wonderful tracing or the Thai peoples excellent social distancing resolve etc etc - all of which would be fairly untrue perhaps ( or maybe it was just poor / false reporting of their actual numbers who knows) - but WHATEVER it is / was SOMEONE should be looking into that just in CASE it's something the rest of the world ARE missing perhaps.

May 29th, 2020, 01:18
On that note I really hope that someone somewhere is paying attention and looking into why ( it appears at least) that cases and deaths in Thailand ( and a few other Countries) were SO much lower than the likes of the UK .
No hand shaking and the frequent wearing of masks springs to mind as 2 obvious reasons why it hit Thailand so little

However, judging on the average Thai washroom, washing hands with soap and drying with paper towels is definitely NOT a contributing factor!

Marc K
May 29th, 2020, 01:30
Some possible explanations. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/researchers-ponder-why-covid-appears-more-deadly-in-the-us-and-europe-than-in-asia/2020/05/26/81889d06-8a9f-11ea-9759-6d20ba0f2c0e_story.html

May 29th, 2020, 05:53
MFAS wrote.
"It will be sometime till things are “exactly the same” as the government has effectively stopped the spread by clamping down on many things and I doubt they will readily open the door to a return of the virus."

They've got time to get everything ready just how we like it. I doubt many here were planning to go until October anyway..

May 29th, 2020, 15:10
No hand shaking and the frequent wearing of masks springs to mind as 2 obvious reasons why it hit Thailand so little

However, judging on the average Thai washroom, washing hands with soap and drying with paper towels is definitely NOT a contributing factor!

It does seem that wearing masks could have been the reason.

Nirish guy
May 30th, 2020, 01:11
Na, I'm not buying the whole down to masks thing ...as lets face it when walking down the street in Pattaya or Bkk you didn't see THAT many people wearing masks and yes I grant you once shit kicked off I'm sure they were much quicker than the west at putting them on, but not in such a way as to create the vast differences in the number in deaths, also they "say" that masks if not worn correctly and put on and taken off correctly could well ADD to the problem of infection and cross infection and I'm guessing the average Thai wasn't changing and washing their mask and putting it on and off with great care every 2 hours as recommended ?

Also "surely" you'd think that scientists worldwide would by now have a fairly clear idea as to just how much masks ACTUALLY help ( or not) as even now the jury still seems to be out on that one - or maybe that's just as the West couldn't find any mask supplies of masks and weren't try to encourage their use by the population at large until they could source what they needed for the NHS etc ?

But masks being THE reason, no, I'm not so sure about that perhaps.......

May 30th, 2020, 06:13
Also "surely" you'd think that scientists worldwide would by now have a fairly clear idea as to just how much masks ACTUALLY help ( or not) as even now the jury still seems to be out on that one - or maybe that's just as the West couldn't find any mask supplies of masks and weren't try to encourage their use by the population at large until they could source what they needed for the NHS etc ?

But masks being THE reason, no, I'm not so sure about that perhaps.......

I agree masks are probably not THE reason, however:

1 Countries with mask wearing required have had better results, almost without exception.

2 The tossers at the W.H.O. have avoided recommending masks, as they want to preserve them for healthcare professionals. One by one, western countries have started to change their position and either suggest, recommend or mandate mask wearing by the public in certain settings.

3 It doesn't take long looking for research material to find evidence of airborne covid, attached to larger particles which a mask can remove.

4 The only reason for the 2m distancing rules is for airborne transmission, since you can avoid physically touching people at <0.5m distancing. So airborne transmission is considered to be a factor. Which means a good mask should help.

5 If masks help in hospitals, they should help anywhere else where Covid might be in the air.

May 30th, 2020, 07:11
Looking at the numbers is like trying to decipher a pattern in a dartboard. Nothing make a sense. There seems to be wild anomalies between cases and deaths.

May 30th, 2020, 12:42
Na, I'm not buying the whole down to masks thing ...as lets face it when walking down the street in Pattaya or Bkk ...

But masks being THE reason, no, I'm not so sure about that perhaps.......

Not sure where you walk down the streets in Pattaya, but I do and about everyone is wearing a mask. Even on side sois at night I see children in a mask.
Here is an article which encourages mask wearing from a respected website.


May 30th, 2020, 13:52

Nirish guy
May 30th, 2020, 17:23
Not sure where you walk down the streets in Pattaya, but I do and about everyone is wearing a mask......

Yeah I meant more in general and at the very start of the outbreak more perhaps as “in general” unless last they were Chinese ( or sick) Thai people “in general” didn’t wear masks whilst walking about the streets in Pattaya or elsewhere so the initial transmission numbers would one would have thought been about the same at the start of the outbreak.

Of course once it kicked in their adherence to wearing masks was much higher than in the West and perhaps that helped, but not enough surely to allow for the massive difference in deaths, especially when you factor in how many of their masks through bad fitting and hygiene issues were probably quite ineffective anyway no doubt.

And the same the shaking of hands as it’s said Thais Wai’ing may have helped too, but let’s face it the 1940’s version of the UK where we all go about shaking hands with each other is long consigned to history now in most cities in the UK so I doubt handshaking made a huge dent in the numbers either.

No doubt the answer will be found someday, my bet is going on genetics mainly with all the other small differences certainly helping along the way.

May 30th, 2020, 19:57
But masks being THE reason, no, I'm not so sure about that perhaps.......

there is no "THE reason" - it is always a combination of reasons and the mix is different in different countries but the mix has many common elements

for Taiwan, Vietnam, Singapore, South Korea, and to some extent Thailand, the initial response was based on previous experience with SARS - respond quickly, respond strongly, testing, contact tracing, isolation of infected patients, restricting movement, wearing masks in public, etc

much has been written in the major news services about the comparison between these countries and their responses and the typical responses in many western countries based more on their experience with influenza, and also their slower and less organised and less coordinated responses, but in the end no country has a perfect record - even Singapore and South Korea are experiencing resurgences for different reasons

a perhaps bit of a rose-coloured view of the situation in Thailand, but it raises some interesting points:

Thailand and COVID-19: What’s Happened and What’s Next,
Pasuk Phongpaichit and Chris Baker, CSEAS NEWSLETTER, 78 (https://covid-19chronicles.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/post-025.html)

and the mask issue is a complex one and policy is also evolving as we learn more about how the virus can be spread, particularly in confined spaces and in air-conditioned spaces etc, and as we progress towards making pragmatic decisions about how to get people, and the economy, moving again while significantly reducing the risk of infection (not eliminating it!) in scenarios where "social distancing" may not be practical, eg on public transport, in aircraft, in office buildings and lifts, etc and masks are an essential part of this

currently, perhaps the best analogy for why we should all be wearing masks is with pissing while naked:

Imagine we were all walking around naked - if someone started pissing then it would splash on everyone around, but if you were wearing clothes much less would actually get through to your body, and if the person pissing (even if they didn't realise they were pissing) was wearing clothes then much less would get spread around to everyone else

May 30th, 2020, 22:49
Looking at the numbers is like trying to decipher a pattern in a dartboard. Nothing make a sense. There seems to be wild anomalies between cases and deaths.

I expect very few countries have an accurate figure for the number of cases, as it is heavily influenced by test capacity. Arguably that figure is for decoration.
In the case of the UK, I think they estimated something like 6.7% have had the virus, based on antibody sampling. So something over 4 million.

Also, there are different criteria for deciding who is recorded as a Covid death in each country.

May 31st, 2020, 07:43
Just be thankful that you are not in that situation, Philex.
I rest my case mylord. In past years thai boys have got more and more fat. So a few months of compulsory diet is good for them. But don't worry, they'll get back looking like well feat cats soon enough

May 31st, 2020, 08:13
Here is another article published in the New York Times regarding the efficacy of wearing a mask.I quote one portion of the article below:

Apart from avoiding crowded indoor spaces, the most effective thing people can do is wear masks, all of the experts said. Even if masks don’t fully shield you from droplets loaded with virus, they can cut down the amount you receive, and perhaps bring it below the infectious dose.

“This is not a virus for which hand washing seems like it will be enough,” Dr. Rabinowitz said. “We have to limit crowds, we have to wear masks.”

The full article can be read in this link:


Perhaps too early to say for sure exactly how effective masks are but food for thought.

May 31st, 2020, 16:44
Since this virus became prevalent, I've been wearing a mask when on public transport and in planes and shops etc.

My initial logic was that I shouldn't assume western experts & the WHO are right, whilst those in China, Taiwan, Japan etc are wrong. Being arrogant in that way can lead to bad decisions.

Then I found some papers covering the issue of airborne droplets. There's a better one somewhere, but here's an example in the link. I continued wearing my mask in the locations described above.

Now some western governments have slowly seen the light and started recommending or mandating wearing of masks.

May 31st, 2020, 20:37

Somehow the gogo bars remain hopeful that business will resume in the near future when you read their online postings with pictures of fresh-faced boys in alluring attires, flashing smiles in coy poses.
Does anyone recognise the blond guy in the picture below who was quite popular in Eros Bar of yore?

May 31st, 2020, 20:57
Does anyone recognise the blond guy in the picture below who was quite popular in Eros Bar of yore?

Yep. That's "blondie". He's from the Akha ethnic group in Myanmar and has (had?) a long-term Swiss boyfriend.
He was definitely not my type, but he was always friendly and loved to chat - a really lovely guy. He was totally uninhibited and up for anything - and was the most infamous bottom boy in the bar.

Nirish guy
May 31st, 2020, 21:50
He was totally uninhibited and up for anything.

Yeah, to the point of "Ok, PLEASE stop now, really that's MORE than enough, you're almost putting me off my beer!" - especially when he was Mao ! My god I nearly had to hide my face behind a cushion sometimes he was that full on......until I remembered just what those cushions had usually been used for and quickly thought better of it ! lol

May 31st, 2020, 22:37
Am I the only one who dislikes the dyed blond hair with black eyebrows look ?
Best to do the eyebrows AND the hair the same colour. "Collars & cuffs".

Further down, I'm less fussy, although below the belt, it's better to wax or shave.

May 31st, 2020, 23:54
Yes that is Ray or as he said Lay.After Eros closed he worked at Euro Boy Bar.

June 1st, 2020, 00:02
Yes that is Ray or as he said Lay.After Eros closed he worked at Euro Boy Bar.

Yes, that's him. Thanks Francois.

I'd forgotten his name - I always referred to him as "blondie".

June 1st, 2020, 02:30
Am I the only one who dislikes the dyed blond hair with black eyebrows look ?
Best to do the eyebrows AND the hair the same colour. "Collars & cuffs".

Further down, I'm less fussy, although below the belt, it's better to wax or shave.

I think I have exactly the same taste as you Goji.
Better no hair below the belt. Or even below the neck. Or even below the eyebrows

June 1st, 2020, 13:17
Yes, that's him. Thanks Francois.

I'd forgotten his name - I always referred to him as "blondie".

I also believe he has two children?

June 1st, 2020, 17:46
looks like a mini me of that dwarf that runs N.Korea

June 1st, 2020, 22:17
I think I have exactly the same taste as you Goji.
Better no hair below the belt. Or even below the neck. Or even below the eyebrows

Have you got a monk fetish?

June 1st, 2020, 23:59
"Have you got a monk fetish?"

Who hasn't? Did you see Christian Slater in The Name of the Rose?

June 2nd, 2020, 12:48
Who hasn't? Did you see Christian Slater in The Name of the Rose?

Yes, just two nights ago when I watched a DVD of Name of the Rose.
I had forgotten that scene with him and that wench.

June 2nd, 2020, 14:48
looks like a mini me of that dwarf that runs N.Korea

Are you referring to Ray, the very skinny lad in the photo, or someone else?

June 2nd, 2020, 15:01
Regarding wearing masks, I noticed a slight decline among Thais wearing them today. And some farangs are using them as a chin strap or a mouth guard which negates their purpose. I expect there will be a reoccurrence of covid.

June 2nd, 2020, 15:05
Am I the only one who dislikes the dyed blond hair with black eyebrows look ?
Best to do the eyebrows AND the hair the same colour. "Collars & cuffs".

Further down, I'm less fussy, although below the belt, it's better to wax or shave.

Ray/Blondie did shave it all, for a long time, when at Eros.

June 2nd, 2020, 17:36
francois....u definitely are a couple of croissants short of a banquet...

June 2nd, 2020, 18:18
Ray/Blondie did shave it all, for a long time, when at Eros.
I am always suspicious of a straight boy that has shaved his pubes (e.g. some of them in Niceboys) can't help but suspect they were shaved to give their Crabs less places to hide!

June 2nd, 2020, 18:24
Latin, are you referring to this banquet spread?

Nirish guy
June 3rd, 2020, 02:20
Jesus there’s nothing worse than looking back when sober on some of the things you may or may not have done when drunk ..... and by “things” I do of course mean boys !

June 3rd, 2020, 09:31
The zombies in that photo looks more like Madame Tussauds (or Madame Jim perhaps) circa 1978. Those eyes!

June 3rd, 2020, 13:59
The eyes reminded me of the children in "Village of the Damned"....one stare and I'd be ramming my car into a lamp-post.

June 4th, 2020, 02:35
...guess if all you existed for was to be groped and stroked and used like a rubber toy...then I guess your eyes would also glaze over...

June 4th, 2020, 21:22
Regarding wearing masks, I noticed a slight decline among Thais wearing them today. And some farangs are using them as a chin strap or a mouth guard which negates their purpose. I expect there will be a reoccurrence of covid.

Chill, francoise. Pattaya farangs are vain and are probably using the masks to support their double chins.

Brad the Impala
June 9th, 2020, 00:26
That's the same left wing media have spent years avoiding any positive discussion about the merits of more private sector involvement and consumer choice, as they have in Germany. They expect the government to Germany's results with the same health care structure as in Cuba.

Cuba sets example with successful programme to contain coronavirus.

This tracing and isolation regime is made possible by human resources. Cuba has the highest doctor-to-patient ratio in the world (even when the 10,000 or so doctors currently working abroad are subtracted from the total). And while health spending was cut during Raúl Castro’s time as president (2008–2018), the island spends a higher proportion of its GDP on healthcare than any other country in the region.

While 30% of the 630 million people in Latin America and the Caribbean have “no access to healthcare for financial reasons” according to the Pan American Health Organization, everybody in Cuba is covered.


June 9th, 2020, 03:23
...sounds like paradise...a....lotsa (free/cheap) medical attention and heaps of willing and able MBs

June 9th, 2020, 21:49
Terrorist Cuba exports doctors while its "land of the free" neighbour exports drones.... and blockades the island.

June 10th, 2020, 03:27
...again...sounds like paradise on earth...move there...live like a local..and tell us all about it in a years time...and remember take pics...

June 10th, 2020, 17:52

BANGKOK — Bars, pubs, beer houses, karaoke bars, erotic massage parlours, and children’s ball pits will not be allowed to reopen in the next phase of reopenings, the government said on Wednesday.

The Phase 4 reopening measure, slated for late June or early July, will not include those establishments because they are considered “high-risk” of spreading the coronavirus, according to Taweesin Visanuyothin, spokesman for the government’s COVID-19 crisis center.

June 11th, 2020, 00:45
The full title of the above link is:

Bars, Pubs, Soapy Massages Won’t Reopen in ‘Phase 4’
By Khaosod English -June 10, 2020 1:41 pm

It's about the bars NOT opening.

June 11th, 2020, 22:30

BANGKOK — A major operator of intercity bus services on Thursday said foreigners are banned from its services due to the coronavirus emergency law.

Although bus routes operated by The Transport Co. have resumed most of their services to provinces across the country as of today, foreign travelers are not allowed to board their buses because they do not possess Thai national ID cards, a customer service agent said.

“They don’t hold Thai ID cards, so they can’t board our buses,” she said when reached for comments. “We need them for identification purposes.”

Nirish guy
June 11th, 2020, 23:48
MFAS - any chance when posting a link as above to maybe put even a one line description or a copy and paste of the first line of the article so people can decide whether they want to leave to board to open it etc perhaps ?

June 12th, 2020, 03:28
wheres the fun in that...its called click bait

June 12th, 2020, 08:04
MFAS - any chance when posting a link as above to maybe put even a one line description or a copy and paste of the first line of the article so people can decide whether they want to leave to board to open it etc perhaps ?
Unless the post was edited I see a descriptive heading in bold face.

June 12th, 2020, 17:08
MFAS - any chance when posting a link as above to maybe put even a one line description or a copy and paste of the first line of the article so people can decide whether they want to leave to board to open it etc perhaps ?
I've asked for that a couple of times before. I tend not to open links with no brief précis.

June 12th, 2020, 19:40
To all members: it is just polite to add short description to URL what you post to forum. Please respect your fellow forum members. Thank you.

(descriptions has been added by me as a sample how it should looks like)

June 12th, 2020, 23:38
Temple of the reclining Buddha:

June 13th, 2020, 05:18
Fuck. Visiting huge dozing plaster statues of deities are my all time favourite thing to do in Thailand.

June 14th, 2020, 01:03
Looks like the Cambodians are trying to kill their tourist industry in a fell swoop

Under the Kingdom’s health measures, all travelers, both Cambodians and foreigners, who travel to Cambodia will be transferred from airports to waiting centres where COVID-19 swab tests are done. They are required to remain at the centres until the test results are released.

“Upon arrival, all foreign passengers are required to deposit $3,000 at the airport to pay for the virus prevention services,” he said. “Passengers can pay in cash or through credit cards.”

He added that those who test negative for the virus will only be charged the fees for the test and will be given back the remainder of their deposit..


Lets hope Thailand does not try an emulate their neighbours!

June 14th, 2020, 17:05

Each respondent was allowed to give more than one answer.

Asked when they thought Thailand's tourism would return to normal after the Covid-19 situation is resolved, 41.40% said in one year; 25.90% in six months; 20.52% in two years; and 12.18% in more than two years.

Asked whether they wanted foreign tourists to return to visit Thailand soon, 75.72% said "no", with 54.39% saying that they would like the Thai people to tour their own country first before going elsewhere and 21.33% saying that they were afraid the foreigners would spark a second wave of the virus.

The rest, 24.28%, said they wanted foreign tourists to come soon so that they could help spur the economy and generate income for the country.

June 14th, 2020, 17:17

I think there's more to Thailand's success than this.

June 14th, 2020, 17:40
“Upon arrival, all foreign passengers are required to deposit $3,000 at the airport to pay for the virus prevention services,” he said. “Passengers can pay in cash or through credit cards.”

He added that those who test negative for the virus will only be charged the fees for the test and will be given back the remainder of their deposit.

The idea of handing over $3000 to officials in a very corrupt country like Cambodia does not appeal at all. There's a $3000 incentive for them to tell me I've failed and keep the $3000, whilst somehow ensuring the official record shows I've passed, hence allowing the officials to keep the $3000.

So any future visits to Cambodia should be deferred until this policy is scrapped. I expect there will be alternative destinations with more reasonable entry requirements.

Also, I presume visa runs to Cambodia would become a bad idea & people would be searching out the best alternative.

Nirish guy
June 14th, 2020, 18:00
Totally right Goji as if they couldn't be trusted not to steal the $20 on arrival for visa stamps by sticking it in their pockets whilst still stamping your passport I wouldn't be rushing to give them a three grand "refundable" deposit either !

June 14th, 2020, 18:22
Whilst the $3,000 deposit is a bit of a worry, I'd be more worried about this:

It added that if any passenger tests positive for COVID-19, those on the same flight will be quarantined for 14 days

June 14th, 2020, 18:42
...and who can blame them...better poor and alive than...well what can I say...dead?!

June 14th, 2020, 18:55
And another outbreak in China in another food market, (geddaway) this time in Beijing on a salmon chopping board suggests this virus ain't done yet.

June 14th, 2020, 18:58
Well they clearly haven't met us. We're lovely, who wouldn't want us?

June 14th, 2020, 20:06
Asked whether they wanted foreign tourists to return to visit Thailand soon, 75.72% said "no", with 54.39% saying that they would like the Thai people to tour their own country first before going elsewhere and 21.33% saying that they were afraid the foreigners would spark a second wave of the virus.

sounds fairly sensible to me - having suffered personal and economic hardship to get the virus under control the biggest threat is then people coming in from outside potentially bringing the virus with them, indeed all of the 30+ new cases in the last few weeks in Thailand have been Thai people returning from overseas!

and, very similar to Thailand, if you look at most other countries were borders are being opened it is very gradual, usually still requiring either quarantine or tracking on arrival and/or "travel bubbles" limited to countries with similar virus control situations in a process likely to take more than a year to get back to "normal"

of course life is not always that straightforward - internationally, and even in Thailand, official government announcements and press reports are fairly neutral in their choice of language, eg international tourists, visitors etc

but in Thailand there is no shortage of xenophobic press reports and public comments on social media and forums, and even some official announcements, that imply either implicitly or explicitly that "foreigner" = "dirty" and the main source of spreading the virus, so the survey results may need to be interpreted more carefully

interestingly in Thailand among the more active and outspoken members of the online expat bar stool expert community concern about virus control is irrelevant - the battle seems to be between the idea that the country needs to get tourism, and particularly sex tourism, going again so open the borders and let the Chinese and any other interested tourist in so the bars and the hotels have some customers and on the other hand Thailand would be a much better place if the dirty, badly behaved Chinese who started the virus were never allowed in again!

variety is the spice of life!

June 14th, 2020, 20:55
The news from Cambodia is good news. If someone absolutely has to get into Cambodia, and can spare 3000 USD and 14 days, he has the chance to do so. Whereas for Thailand, there is no way for a foreigner (except with work permit) to get in.

However, I will pass and stay in Europe under these conditions.

As for the poll, 20% of Thailand GDP is from tourism. I assume most Thai families are in one way or another affected, and not many will have money for tourism in Thailand.

Asked whether they wanted foreign tourists to return to visit Thailand soon, 75.72% said "no",

I guess the NO refers to "soon", i.e. they don't want foreign tourists to come now, but would happily welcome them later.

June 14th, 2020, 21:52
The somewhat clumsy and unnecessary merging of these threads has given the separate conversations a rather incoherent read.

It's not like there's a whole lot of other subjects on the forum right now.

June 14th, 2020, 23:03
The somewhat clumsy and unnecessary merging of these threads has given the separate conversations a rather incoherent read.

It's not like there's a whole lot of other subjects on the forum right now.

Obviously a move by Moe, Larry or Curly!

June 15th, 2020, 07:50
Covid19 is the main topic at the moment and will remain so until Thailand is free to visit and the bars are open again. So IMHO it's best to just leave things as they are at the moment.

June 15th, 2020, 10:04
Last week the Thai government spokesman on COVID-19 (Taweesin Visanuyothin) outlined the plans for re-opening Thailand to tourists towards the end of 2020.

The tourists being targeted are “golfers, businessmen and medical tourists”. Sex tourists were not mentioned. The current arrangements for COVID-19 tests less than 72 hours before boarding the aircraft and for mandatory health insurance will remain, and certificates for both must be presented at check-in. It is likely that such tourists will have to have a Thai government App on their phone to enable location tracking. It is possible that there will also be a test on arrival at the destination airport in Thailand that each passenger will pay for.

The countries being included are: China, Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand. This will require reciprocal permissions between Thailand and each of those countries for their citizens/residents to travel.

Countries and regions not mentioned (and therefore unlikely to be included) are: the UK, Europe, Africa, the Indian sub-continent, the Americas.

So if you’re hoping to be back in Thailand much before Songkran 2021 – dream on.

Even if vaccines are developed, manufacturing capacity will limit their distribution to the billions who will want a vaccine into – probably – 2022.

June 15th, 2020, 16:15
So if you’re hoping to be back in Thailand much before Songkran 2021 – dream on.
Even if vaccines are developed, manufacturing capacity will limit their distribution to the billions who will want a vaccine into – probably – 2022.

When considering Covid risk & travel to Thailand, what actually matters is:
1 Whether the individual concerned has had a vaccine (not the other 7 billion+).
2 Whether Thailand and his home country permit travel.

Now for criteria #1, I expect individuals in developed countries would have access to vaccines via their health systems or private providers, long before the entire planet has access to a vaccine.

Note: I'm not saying that's how it should be, rather that's how it's likely to be.

Even if your normal health provider is slow, going and paying, say £100~500 for a private vaccine isn't that bad when set against several thousand for a trip.
Particularly if the individual has been more or less forced to save for months, as he can't travel or go out to fancy restaurants etc.

June 16th, 2020, 03:16
However, I will pass and stay in Europe under these conditions.

Thank you.

June 16th, 2020, 13:01
Whilst the $3,000 deposit is a bit of a worry, I'd be more worried about this:

well... taxi from Bangkok will be popular again instead of flight

June 16th, 2020, 14:25
Prostitution is supposedly being eliminated in the Pathum Thani province, just north of Bangkok, after two sex workers were caught on video not wearing face masks while soliciting customers. It would take a lot more than a mask to prevent the spread of coronavirus during sex, but that’s apparently what sparked the attention. One police officer even said “there will be no prostitutes in this area ever again!”


June 16th, 2020, 14:40
I expect much the same was said after the first cases of Hiv. I wonder how that panned out?

June 16th, 2020, 17:04
Today, after a short break away from the forum, I highlight two reports from the Bangkok Post, an extract from an email I received from Emirates Airlines and an updated selected extract from the worldometer website:

No new Covid cases in Thailand for second day

published : 16 Jun 2020 at 11:42
updated: 16 Jun 2020 at 12:38
writer: Agencies and online reporters

The government reported zero new coronavirus cases and no new deaths for the second consecutive day on Tuesday, leaving the total number of infections in Thailand at 3,135 with 58 deaths since January.

Tuesday marked the third time in the last 6 days that no new infections were confirmed in the country, and 22 days since the last local transmission.

A further six patients were discharged over the past 24 hours, bringing the tally of recoveries to 2,993, leaving 84 in hospitals . . .

For the full article see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1935744/no-new-covid-cases-in-thailand-for-second-day

Cabinet approves B22bn domestic tourism stimulus

published : 16 Jun 2020 at 13:09
updated: 16 Jun 2020 at 15:47
writer: Chatrudee Theparat

The cabinet approved on Tuesday a domestic tourism package worth 22.4 billion baht to revitalise a key sector hit by the coronavirus pandemic, an official said.

Deputy government spokeswoman Traisuree Taisaranakul said the stimulus proposed by the Tourism and Sports Ministry and the Finance Ministry will run from July to October.

The first 18 billion baht of the package will fund subsidies for accommodation, food and other services provided at tourist destinations . . .

For the full article see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1935776/cabinet-approves-b22bn-domestic-tourism-stimulus

The following is an extract from an email dated June 12th, 2020 which I received from Emirates Skywards:

. . . From 15 June onwards you’ll be able to travel with us to 16 more cities across Asia Pacific, Europe and the Americas. Right now you can fly to London Heathrow, Frankfurt, Paris, Milan, Madrid, Chicago, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne and Manila. And we also offer flights from Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad for travellers from Pakistan who wish to connect onwards to other Emirates destinations. We’ll also be resuming flights to Kabul from 25 June. We look forward to opening our network further and resuming other services in the weeks to come . . .

Sadly, as we are all only too aware, we’re still not permitted to fly to Thailand.

The last time I quoted a selected extract from the worldometer website was on May 3rd, 2020 which I requote below for comparison with today’s figures which follow in the proceeding slide.


And as of June 16th, 2020:




June 16th, 2020, 17:12
A few weeks ago, a friend in Pattaya informed me that he and his Thai boyfriend had obtained the services of a hairdresser who was prepared to carry out home visits. And I believe it was Manforallseasons who posted fairly recently that barber shops are now open in Pattaya but, unfortunately, they remain closed here in the UK. The last time I had my hair cut was on March 19th, 2020, when I was still in Bangkok. It is no exaggeration to say that my hair now bears a striking resemblance to the following image of Ben Gunn from Treasure Island:


Although she is not a hairdresser my sister offered to cut my hair, but I feared I might end up looking like this little chap:


And once again, to lighten the mood, I repost images first posted on facebook:



And lastly, having noted that several of our members are itching to return to Thailand, I wondered how many have already booked their flights, packed their suitcases and joined the following queue:


June 16th, 2020, 17:19
Welcome back Jellybean.

June 16th, 2020, 18:14
Welcome back Jellybean.Yes, in spades.
Its always important to know that at least one Moderator is an Oragutan.

June 16th, 2020, 18:59
Yes, in spades.
Its always important to know that at least one Moderator is an Oragutan.

Well, the way I see it, Smiles, if they can elect a Twitter using orangutan as President of the United States, then we can have a jelly bean eating orangutan as a Moderator on Sawatdee. ;)


June 16th, 2020, 21:15
Orangutans are intelligent and sociable creatures. True (no doubt) of our Moderators but....

June 17th, 2020, 05:12
Missed you old bean....Oops sorry, welcome back!

June 17th, 2020, 08:16
You would think the moderator that moved MFAS poll could at least get the correct link to it
posted on the main page...

June 18th, 2020, 03:42
Today, after a short break away from the forum,

Short break? It seems like you were away forever! Welcome back, JB!

June 18th, 2020, 06:55
You would think the moderator that moved MFAS poll could at least get the correct link to it
posted on the main page...

now it's moved back to post 663 if anyone is interested...

June 20th, 2020, 13:27
More bad news for sex tourists - bottom of the list again


June 20th, 2020, 16:03

Tourist Banned from First Wave of Travvel Bubbles.

Nirish guy
June 20th, 2020, 17:50
I think you mean Tourist"S" - as for a moment I was expecting to read about a sex tourist being escorted off a flight full of golfers there ! Thats not the case the article was of course just about tourists "in general"

Re the other article above about how the Govt are opting for the more wealthy type tourist to come and stay in set locations etc, that might well still work out ok for some as I'm guessing the average sex tourist spends the same as about ten buses of chinese tourists per day anyway ! The only change aside from that then may just be more about relocating the boys to our new bubble - hell if they made the Bubble boystown, Sunee and Jomtiem that would do just about most of us anyways perhaps ! :)

June 21st, 2020, 12:17
I've got January 2021 in my mind as the time I'd like to be able to go back Thailand and enjoy it as it was before. Anything sooner than that is a bonus and any time after that will be a disappointment.

Nirish guy
June 21st, 2020, 16:49
I think it's going to be there or there abouts before we're allowed near the place anyway, whether we like it or not. But will be interesting to see DO they ease their restrictions in the run up to Christmas as that you would assume would be a massive miss for them income wise if even aside from the sex tourists but that the families who fly out for their two week break also are denied entry. Only trouble there is the Govt would need to be calling that decision shortly I'm guessing as those types of people usually plan ahead perhaps 6 / 10 months ahead for their holidays so leaving it until Oct / Nov may be too late to catch that crowd, but, it's also possible of course that THIS year the Govt may well be happy that people just DONT come and they take the tourist hit on that, whilst knowing they've kept their own citizens a little more safe. Will be interesting to see how it all develops. The only part above where I think you may be disappointed is the "and enjoy it as it was before' as I doubt on our return that will be the case either - but we'll see I guess.

Whilst bored yesterday I found myself flicking through random "gay pattyaya" Youtube videos and it's only when you can flick over the various years re the same areas etc that you visually see JUST how empty a lot of "our' areas have become in a short space of time and how the "fun" in those areas, even on the same months but a few years apart etc has so massively declined :-(

June 21st, 2020, 19:17
I've got January 2021 in my mind as the time I'd like to be able to go back Thailand and enjoy it as it was before. Anything sooner than that is a bonus and any time after that will be a disappointment.

These days, I usually depart in early December, just before the prices get silly & come back a few months later. Therefore dodging most of the winter.
I'd like to do the same this year, but even going in January would be way better than nothing.

June 21st, 2020, 20:19
Truthfully Goji I don't notice any difference in prices between January and May or September.

Meals, drinks,, my hotel, off fees, motorbike hire and boys etc. They cost the same. However I have found that February in particular can be a disappointment in the number of boys available.

June 21st, 2020, 21:15
The one area where I see a clear price difference is flights. I like to take a direct flight from London to Bangkok and the flight prices usually go up significantly for any departure after ~5 December. As I'm usually happy to depart in early Dec, this is OK.

I agree the offs cost the same.
What I also notice is the supply/demand for boys is unfavourable between X-mas and New Year.
From early Dec to 25 Dec, or in February, they tend to respond much more quicly to enquiries on phone apps.

Some hotels have a higher rate over the peak season, but as long as I've booked in good time, I agree I'm not paying anything significantly different.

June 23rd, 2020, 11:25
Thai airport officials don’t expect international flights to resume much before October 2020 and only get back to normal by October 2021

June 29th, 2020, 18:01

July 1st, 2020, 04:27
Looks like G-star Pattaya is getting ready tomorrow at 7pm

They have put in all new plastic cubicles to comply with the social distancing rules

There are also some reassuring PR type videos (in Thai) on their FB page:

July 1st, 2020, 12:33
I never heard of G Star until now. Is it a late night venue and where is it located? The lads seem to be well rounded.

July 1st, 2020, 16:23
I never heard of G Star until now. Is it a late night venue and where is it located? The lads seem to be well rounded.

G-star is in the old Idol and Muze premises. Around 50 meters from Tumnanissan on that awful dogleg junction

They more or less succeeded NAB (which I hear has now been completely demolished) and have coyotes although a lot of them appear to be recycled NAB (or even Dave) staff

They have a nightly live band and BBoy show featuring the twins or yesteryear... but much more buff and tattooed than they used to be)

July 1st, 2020, 22:57
They have a nightly live band and BBoy show featuring the twins or yesteryear... but much more buff and tattooed than they used to be)

What a difference, I wouldn’t have recognised them!

Nirish guy
July 1st, 2020, 23:20
Looks like G-star Pattaya is getting ready tomorrow at 7pm....they have put in all new plastic cubicles to comply with the social distancing rules

Has no one told them that the plastic is meant to be up around head height to stop the spread of droplets I wonder ! ?? The screens they've put up are sorely next to worthless in terms of either social distancing or certainly spread of coughs and god knows what not ?

July 2nd, 2020, 02:54
...yeah..re the twin BBoys...the bloom of youth is gone...now theb 3td one...if he asked me nicely I might say yes..

Nirish guy
July 2nd, 2020, 08:29
SHIT !! Thats the BB Boys !! Wow and to think one of them was my biggest crush at one point ( mainly as I couldn't get shagging him if I remember correctly ) - looking back now it's perhaps a case of I'm glad I didn't waste the time - damn those Thai boys, they're hot as fuck when younger but my god with some of them that look fades real quick ! - Whereas us farang do of course keep ALL our youthful looks and vigour right up until our last days - I mean we KNOW as as sure we're always being told that we're handsum men by cute Thai guys so it MUST be true eh ! lol

July 2nd, 2020, 08:54
They used to do the shower show at X-Boys but that was probably 10 years ago now. One of them was in Cafe Royal about a year ago. He still said "hello" as he always used to. Memories like elephants the Thais have.

November 26th, 2020, 21:30
I received the following update by email from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO):

Thailand travel advice

Change made
Update to information on the extension of the emergency decree until 15 January 2021 (‘Coronavirus’ page).

Time updated
10:57am, 26 November 2020

COVID-19 travel guidance

From 5 November to 2 December 2020, travelling away from home, including internationally, is restricted from England except in limited circumstances such as for work or for education. Different rules apply in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. You must follow all the rules that apply to you . . .

For full details see link to FCDO: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/thailand/coronavirus

Nirish guy
November 26th, 2020, 21:43
WOW ! So reading that JB ( and doing a quick goggle check which confirmed it) they now seem to be clearly saying that travelling from the ENGLAND is STILL banned basically still right over the Christmas period - whereas I thought the exact opposite is what they're now saying on Govt news / press releases etc in that saying that you would now be able to travel "home" etc "over Christmas" to allow people to get home for the holidays ( and / or go shag cute Thai / spainish boys if at all possible to get in to their Countries) - but that seems NOT to be the case now after all perhaps ( for those in England anyway certainly ???) I'm guessing that will screw a LOT of English peoples plans up all of a sudden again !!?? :-(

November 26th, 2020, 22:26
JB’s post relates entirely to an extension of the Thai emergency decree.

JB...am I correct? I’m afraid I don’t understand Nirish post.

Nirish guy
November 26th, 2020, 22:36
I’m afraid I don’t understand Nirish post.

I'm referring to the UK travel advice ( as I believe JB was as well in his last post - are you perhaps reading an entirely different post maybe?) which says :

"From 5 November to 2 December 2020, travelling away from home, including internationally, is restricted from England except in limited circumstances such as for work or for education. Different rules apply in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. You must follow all the rules that apply to you.:

These can be found at : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-advice-novel-coronavirus

And my point being IF I'm reading these rules correctly its basically saying NO leaving England for ANY international travel over the Christmas period !?

November 26th, 2020, 22:40
WOW ! So reading that JB ( and doing a quick goggle check which confirmed it) they now seem to be clearly saying that travelling from the ENGLAND is STILL banned basically still right over the Christmas period - whereas I thought the exact opposite is what they're now saying on Govt news / press releases etc in that saying that you would now be able to travel "home" etc "over Christmas" to allow people to get home for the holidays ( and / or go shag cute Thai / spainish boys if at all possible to get in to their Countries) - but that seems NOT to be the case now after all perhaps ( for those in England anyway certainly ???) I'm guessing that will screw a LOT of English peoples plans up all of a sudden again !!?? :-(

I thought that Her Majesty’s Government announced that Covid-19 restrictions would be loosened for five days from December 23 to December 27, 2020 and that it applied across the whole of the UK. But given the recent complexities and differences between the four nations of the UK, it would be a better man than me who could speak with any degree of certainty when it comes to which Covid-19 regulations apply to which nation.

You may have already read it NIrish-guy, but the FCDO website covering Northern Ireland said the following:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) regulations guidance: what the restrictions mean for you

Following an increase in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, additional restrictions have been introduced for people living in Northern Ireland. These new restrictions have been put in place to help reduce the spread of coronavirus and to help manage the pressures on our health and social care system. This page will be updated with detailed information as it becomes available . . .

Link to FCDO (NI) website: https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/coronavirus-covid-19-regulations-guidance-what-restrictions-mean-you

And, after reading much of this, who could blame goji and gerefan2 for wanting to escape to the Land of Smiles, even if it means a two week quarantine.

JB’s post relates entirely to an extension of the Thai emergency decree.

JB...am I correct? I’m afraid I don’t understand Nirish post.

Yes, as far as I can see, it relates to the extension of the emergency decree in Thailand, but the FCDO also stated, "From 5 November to 2 December 2020, travelling away from home, including internationally, is restricted from England except in limited circumstances such as for work or for education." But the end date for the FCDO message is 2 December, nothing regarding the Christmas period.

November 26th, 2020, 22:44
That guidance expires on 2 December ? What’s that got to do with Xmas?

Oops crossed with your post JB

Nirish guy
November 26th, 2020, 22:51
Ahhhh ! Sorry, I was just about to post that - my mistake - I TOTALLY missed that 2nd of December part - apologies for the confusion ! Thats what was confusing me as it wasn't tying in with the other recent press messages, but THAT would be the reason why ! Apologies.

November 26th, 2020, 22:52
"From 5 November to 2 December 2020, travelling away from home, including internationally, is restricted from England except in limited circumstances such as for work or for education.
And my point being IF I'm reading these rules correctly its basically saying NO leaving England for ANY international travel over the Christmas period !?

xmas is usually AFTER 2 December, so those rules would have expired.

From 3 Dec we move to regional restrictions. I believe those regional restrictions would be relaxed over xmas.

Nirish guy
November 26th, 2020, 22:55
Yep got it, it was the " Update to information on the extension of the emergency decree until 15 January 2021" that threw my brain, but that of course is not in relation to the UK travel advice, I see that now.

November 26th, 2020, 23:18
Ahhhh ! Sorry, I was just about to post that - my mistake - I TOTALLY missed that 2nd of December part - apologies for the confusion ! Thats what was confusing me as it wasn't tying in with the other recent press messages, but THAT would be the reason why ! Apologies.

Hmmm . . . I think a trip to Shady Pines (https://goldengirls.fandom.com/wiki/Shady_Pines) is on the cards for you NIrish-guy. ;)

November 26th, 2020, 23:26
Hmmm . . . I think a trip to Shady Pines (https://goldengirls.fandom.com/wiki/Shady_Pines) is on the cards for you NIrish-guy. ;)

Or was it a liquid lunch...?!

Nirish guy
November 26th, 2020, 23:35
No such fun, more just glancing at the board whilst sitting here trying to work ( ha as if there's any work out there at present anyway !) - so no, no liquid lunch ( although I intend to rectify that fact very shortly!) - and as for Shady Pines JB - get me booked in forthwith - actually maybe ask them have they got a mental breakdown wing and book me in there just as see if I hear and read much more about lockdowns, Covid (lack) of grants, furlough rules changing every ten minutes and finally here in N.I our F**ked up BREXIT rules kicking in in a few weeks now ( that no one here in Northern Ireland has the SLIGHTEST clue about yet and how they're going get goods from our existing GB suppliers etc) I think I'd happily go with the men in the white coats for a few weeks respite if it was offered !!! :)

November 26th, 2020, 23:50
I think I'd happily go with the men in the white coats for a few weeks respite if it was offered !!! :) For a modest fee, you could be locked safely away in a quarantine hotel for a couple of weeks.
Elsewhere, I did read about quarantine hotel windows being locked shut above the 6th floor in some hotels, to prevent suicides. So they have even thought of that.
Although, I would have thought jumping from the 5th floor would also leave a virus ridden carcass in quite a mess.

Nirish guy
November 27th, 2020, 00:06
No No sure the virus would know which floor people are on as it only affects people staying on the 6th floor and up anyways - you know just the same way that it only infects people in the UK up to the 23rd of December and then stops and doesn't start infecting again until the 27th ! Thats one smart virus I'll give it that ! Sad thing is that some people ACTUALLY BELIEVE that thats the case too worryingly ! :-(

December 22nd, 2022, 17:01
Today, December 22nd, 2022, I received the following email from the UK Thailand travel advice section:



Coronavirus travel health

Check the latest information on risk from COVID-19 for Thailand on the TravelHealthPro (https://travelhealthpro.org.uk/country/221/thailand#COVID-19https://travelhealthpro.org.uk/country/221/thailand#COVID-19) website

See the TravelHealthPro (https://travelhealthpro.org.uk/news/499/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-general-advice-for-travellers) website for further advice on travel abroad and reducing spread of respiratory viruses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thailand classifies COVID-19 as a communicable disease under surveillance, meaning that COVID-19 is treated similar to a seasonal flu virus.

You do not need to present COVID-19 related documents such as certificate of vaccination and COVID-19 test results upon arrival in Thailand.

Mask wearing is a voluntary practice. However, the Ministry of Public Health continues to recommend that you wear a mask in a crowded or badly ventilated places. You may be required to wear a mask in some public buildings.

More information can be found on the PR Thai Government page (https://www.facebook.com/thailandprd/posts/pfbid02k8yH4tcsWjRZXKeKegEURcworxNFcqkaJZpXvg9oxzZ kirujEcsFTHncC9feeTMJl).

Source: UK Foreign travel advice Thailand website (https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/thailand/coronavirus)