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January 22nd, 2020, 22:26
I received the following email from the UK Government Notifications Service, which I thought may be of interest to members and readers of the forum:

Thailand travel advice

Change made
Health section and Summary – updated information and advice following an outbreak of coronavirus in China and elsewhere in the region

Time updated
3:30pm, 22 January 2020

Extract from British Embassy Bangkok website:

There is an ongoing outbreak of coronavirus. The virus originated in Wuhan City, Hubei Province but cases have been confirmed in other parts of China and the region, including Thailand. You should comply with any additional screening measures put in place by the local authorities. Further advice is available from Public Health England, and the TravelHealthPro website.


Extract from Public Health England website which relates to advice for travel to China :

Latest update

22 January 2020

UK public health measures are world leading and our excellent NHS is well prepared to manage and treat new diseases. We have been carefully monitoring the situation in Wuhan for some time and are ready to put in place proportionate, precautionary measures.

From today, 22 January 2020, enhanced monitoring will be in place from all direct flights from Wuhan to the UK. The enhanced monitoring package includes a number of measures that will help to provide advice to travellers if they feel unwell.

For those travelling back directly from Wuhan, this includes a Port Health team who will meet each direct flight aircraft to provide advice and support to those that feel unwell. The team will include the Principal Port Medical Inspector, Port Health Doctor, Administrative Support, and Team Leader.

The team will:

check for symptoms of Coronavirus and provide information to all passengers about symptoms, and what to do if they become ill

have Mandarin and Cantonese language support and leaflets will be available to passengers

There are 3 direct flights a week that arrive at Heathrow from Wuhan. The enhanced monitoring of direct flights will be kept under continuous review and expanded to other Chinese departure points if necessary.
Leaflets and information will be made available across all UK airports, advising travellers from China on what do to if they feel unwell.

Based on the emerging evidence regarding case numbers, potential sources and human to human transmission, the risk to travellers to Wuhan is moderate.

The risk to the UK population has been assessed as low. This has been raised from very low due to current evidence on the likelihood of cases being imported into this country.

The UK is well prepared for new diseases and our approach is being kept under constant review. In line with our robust preparedness activities for emerging infections, we have issued clinical guidance for the detection and diagnosis of Wuhan Novel Coronavirus and PHE has developed a diagnostic test. Thanks to PHE, the UK is now one of the first countries outside China to have a prototype specific laboratory test for this novel disease.

There are currently no confirmed cases of this new infection in the UK.

Dr Nick Phin, Deputy Director, National Infection Service, Public Health England, said:

“This is a new and rapidly evolving situation where information on cases and the virus is being gathered and assessed daily. Based on the available evidence, the current risk to the UK is considered low. We are working with the WHO and other international partners, have issued advice to the NHS and are keeping the situation under constant review.
The risk to visitors to Wuhan is moderate reflecting an increase in the number of cases being identified in China and evidence that the virus has limited spread from person to person. If you are traveling to the area, you should maintain good hand, respiratory and personal hygiene and should avoid visiting animal and bird markets or people who are ill with respiratory symptoms. Individuals should seek medical attention if they develop respiratory symptoms within 14 days of visiting Wuhan, either in China or on their return to the UK. They should phone ahead before attending any health services and mention their recent travel to the city.”


January 23rd, 2020, 16:43
Today I bought a face mask for ₿45. I noted that some Thais are wearing them here in Bangkok and the first pharmacy I called at had sold out. I think their use is more likely to be connected to the poor air quality rather than fears about the Coronavirus, but I can't say for certain. But, as I have a weakened immune system and suffer from asthma, I thought it would be prudent and certainly do no harm to buy and wear a face mask.

Below is an extract from an article in today's Bangkok Post ...

First Thai infected with coronavirus

23 Jan 2020 at 08:42

The Public Health Ministry on Wednesday confirmed a 73-year-old woman being treated at a hospital in Nakhon Pathom was the first Thai found to be infected with coronavirus.

The woman fell ill after returning from the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year. She was being treated in Nakhon Pathom. Health officials confirmed she was infected with the new strain of coronavirus.

There have now been four reported cases of novel coronavirus infection found in Thailand - three Chinese tourists and one Thai.

The second Chinese tourist found to be infected has since been completely cured and has returned home, the Department of Disease Control announced on Wednesday.

Dr Sophon Iamsirithavorn, the director, said the 74-year-old Chinese woman arrived in Thailand from Wuhan on Jan 13. She was quarantined on arrival with a fever and tests confirmed she was carrying the 2019-nCoV virus.

She was treated at the Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute in Nonthaburi province.
She had since been declared free of the infection and had returned home to China on Tuesday, Dr Sophon said.

The Public Health Ministry has sought to calm public fears over the new disease, a viral respiratory infection similar to SARS, with assurances that measures are in place to prevent the spread of the virus.

Link to Bangkok Post website: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1841199/first-thai-infected-with-coronavirus

Also below is an extract from the BBC News website regarding the latest news out of Wuhan where, amongst other things, it states that face masks are reportedly running low in the city:

China coronavirus: Fear grips Wuhan as lockdown begins

A sense of anxiety is growing in Wuhan as the Chinese city goes into lockdown in an effort to control the spread of a new virus which has left 17 dead.

The authorities have suspended planes and trains in and out of the city of 11 million people, as well as buses, subways and ferries.

The nearby city of Huanggang has announced it will shut its public transport down due to the outbreak.

There are more than 500 confirmed cases of the virus, which has spread abroad.

Countries around the world have announced they will be screening travellers for signs of the virus.

Wuhan is at the centre of the outbreak and believed to be where the virus originated.

Residents have been told not to leave. Worried about a food shortage, one Wuhan resident said it felt like "the end of the world".

The lockdown comes as millions of Chinese people travel across the country for the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday.

Another Wuhan resident said on social media site Weibo that they were on the "verge of tears" when they heard about the closures.

All outbound flights from Wuhan have been suspended as of Thursday. A handful of inbound flights still appear to be operating, though many flights have been cancelled.

Several regional airlines - including Malaysia's AirAsia and Singapore Airlines' budget carrier Scoot - have announced a temporary halt to flights to and from Wuhan.

What's the latest?

The public transport lockdown came into force as of 10:00 local time (02:00 GMT), leaving normally busy trains stations and airports empty.

Supermarket shelves were reportedly bare as residents scrambled for supplies, while people took to social media to complain about soaring prices for groceries.

Residents had already been told to avoid crowds and minimise public gatherings, and health authorities have reportedly made wearing a mask in public places mandatory.

State news agency Xinhua said tourist attractions and hotels had been told to suspend large-scale activities while libraries, museums and theatres were cancelling exhibitions and performances.

Face mask stocks are reportedly running low in the city

And the lockdown is spreading. Public television in Huanggang - a city of more than six million people east of Wuhan - has also announced a suspension of its bus and rail system from the end of Thursday, and encouraged people not to leave the city. Cafes and cinemas will also be shut.

On Thursday, China's National Health Commission released details of the 17 victims. The youngest victim was 48 and the oldest was 89. Most of them were elderly and suffered from other chronic diseases including Parkinson's disease and diabetes.

All the fatalities so far have been in Hubei province, of which Wuhan is the capital.

A doctor at a hospital in Wuhan spoke to the BBC

The virus is now spreading at an alarming rate. The hospitals have been flooding with thousands of patients, who wait hours to see a doctor - you can imagine their panic.

Normally Wuhan is a great place to live and we are proud of our work - specialists here have developed a guide for coronavirus diagnosis and treatment.

But I am scared because this is a new virus and the figures are worrying.

Two days ago we were told not to go to work because of the risk of contamination. If we leave our home on the hospital campus, we are required to wear masks.

We don't want to take our two-year-old son outside. He's sleeping now, and we are trying to protect him as much as possible - hand-washing, airing the apartment, avoiding contact with people.

Outside I can barely see anyone on the streets. We have been told to avoid gathering.

I went to the supermarket to buy food, but there was nothing left - no vegetables or biscuits. Some Lunar New Year celebrations are cancelled.

People had bought tickets to go home for lunar new year but they can't go now. Everyone is stuck here and can't leave.

What do we know about the virus?

Currently known as 2019-nCoV, the virus is understood to be a new strain of coronavirus not previously identified in humans. The Sars (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus that killed nearly 800 people globally in the early 2000s was also a coronavirus, as is the common cold.

This new virus originated in a seafood market in Wuhan that "conducted illegal transactions of wild animals", authorities have said. The market has been shut down since the beginning of the year.

Some researchers have suggested the illness may have originated in snakes. A study published on Wednesday in the Journal of Medical Virology said genetic analysis suggests snakes are "the most probable wildlife animal reservoir" for the virus but this would need to be confirmed by other studies. Other researchers have questioned the claim.

Link to BBC website: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-51217455

January 23rd, 2020, 17:51

January 23rd, 2020, 18:11
I hear many Irish bars are no longer selling Corona. (sorry NIrish just couldnt resist it mate!).

January 23rd, 2020, 20:21

With that many masks, the air probably finds it easier to go around the edges.

January 24th, 2020, 00:05
If it spreads it will destroy the tourist businness worldwide.Just announced suspect case in Belfast.

Nirish guy
January 24th, 2020, 04:18
And dont look at me, that wasn't MY fault !! :)

Actually it seems that our Doc's here locally decided off their own bat and long before any Government advice or instruction to go ahead to stick the guy who'd just flown in from Wuhan and who had a fever into isolation "just in case" - so lets hope either he's just got a cold or that their quick actions may avert something worse for the rest of us ( in the UK in general !)

January 24th, 2020, 04:57
Swampy very busy even at 3.00am. No screening that I saw and direct flights from China given no special treatment. Business as usual.

January 24th, 2020, 06:37
It's good to see that you are back in Pattaya in time for the Chinese new year celebrations arsenal. You're the antidote that Sunee badly needs in these times of uncertainty.

January 24th, 2020, 09:31
Never fear dinagam. I shall certainly be 'givin' it large' in the pursuit of fun and frolics in the fleshpots of Paradise-upon-sea.

January 24th, 2020, 19:38
Swampy very busy even at 3.00am. No screening that I saw and direct flights from China given no special treatment. Business as usual.

That's not very reassuring, arsenal, given the following report in The Times. The report reads like scenes from a disaster movie, not real life.

Coronavirus crisis: Panic and fear inside Wuhan lock down

Crystal Reid, Wuhan
January 24 2020, 9:00am, The Times

Workers use infrared thermometers to check the temperature of passengers arriving by train.

It took less than 12 hours to shake Alan Laine’s faith that Beijing had the coronavirus outbreak under control.

The 57-year-old British expat who has taught physics in international schools in Wuhan for 20 years was shocked at how fast the Communist authorities isolated an entire city overnight. “It happened so quickly and without warning. has caused panic and suggests it’s more serious than we know,” he said.

The 11 million residents of Wuhan, birthplace of the virus that has already killed 25 people according to official numbers, went to bed on Wednesday unaware that hundreds of armed soldiers were about to surround the airport and railway station and set up checkpoints to seal the city from the outside world.

The authorities announced the lockdown in the middle of the night as families lay sleeping. They awoke to discover that all trains were cancelled, all flights grounded and all roads out of the city were blocked by 10am.

Those who rose early rushed to leave before the deadline. Those who stayed descended on supermarkets to strip shelves bare of everything from face masks to vegetables, with fights breaking out over the last bag of rice or final carton of milk.

The move to quarantine a city of this size is unprecedented in the modern history of epidemics. Yesterday Beijing announced that a further nine cities — Huanggang, Ezhou, Chibi, Xiantao, Zhejiang, Qianjiang, Huangshi, Enshi and Xianning — would face the same fate, albeit to varying degrees.

By mid-morning in Wuhan trucks were roaming the streets spraying disinfectant into every corner while masked lines of soldiers stood outside the entrances of transport hubs. All pedestrians were ordered by police to wear face masks.

“We are feeling as though it is the end of the world,” one Wuhan resident said on China’s Weibo social media site, expressing concerns about shortages of food and cleaning products. Shi Chengwei, a local driver, said: “The new pneumonia is our new common enemy.”

The transformation in the space of a day was extraordinary. On Wednesday, on the eve of the lockdown, Wuhan felt like a ghost town. Except for a few masked residents making the last run to the shops before the official start of the lunar new year festivities, there was little sense of danger or urgency. At the main train station families and migrant workers had jostled with their luggage, embarking on the annual mass exodus to their home towns. The local government had only advised against unnecessary travel in and out of the city. Twelve hours later everything changed.

Even Mr Laine — who lived in Wuhan during the Sars outbreak in 2003 that left 774 dead across Asia — had not believed that the government would lock down the city. “This won’t be anything like that,” he had told [I]The Times in an earlier discussion about the potentially fatal respiratory infection that was first detected in Wuhan on December 31. “You’re more likely to die crossing the road.”

Most of the 830 confirmed cases across China and 23 of the 25 deaths happened in Hubei, the central province in which Wuhan is located. However, today it was announced that a second person had died outside the virus epicentre, 1,200 miles from Wuhan in the northern province of Heilongjiang, close to the Russian border. Other cases have been reported in the United States, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong and Macau but most of these can be traced back to Wuhan.

A private messaging group for expats in the city is busy. Every minute videos, official updates and rumours are circulated across the group. Some make light of their predicament with memes of tin-hat wearers; others are not in a joking mood. “We’re in fear for our lives here!” remarks one woman in response to another member’s cheerful post about being refunded her £30 cancelled train ticket.

Adam Kamradt-Scott, a global health specialist at Sydney University, has been monitoring the spread of the virus. While he applauds the Chinese government for taking “unusual and rare” measures to quell the spread of the infection, he is worried that it is too little too late. “If the virus is already largely contained to Wuhan, this is a good public health measure to try to prevent and slow down the spread, particularly with the mass migration at Chinese new year. If the virus is already out of the bag and seeing community transmission in other cities, however, it’s effectively pointless and giving a false sense of security.”

Hours before the lockdown there were no extra screening measures at the airport. Now no one can even enter the terminal, let alone leave the city.

January 24th, 2020, 20:18
A dose of reality. SARS killed under 800 worldwide. Less than die as a result of the insane idiocy that is Songkran.

January 24th, 2020, 22:18
It's just the latest scare. The world won't end just yet.
And Sunne will be open for another week (or so).

January 25th, 2020, 11:11
An astonishing number of passengers at the airport yesterday as I made my way home sadly, were wearing masks. Predominantly Chinese and more young women than men. About 50% of the EVA staff too. I wonder how effective they are.
Of course, face masks have been popular among young Asian women for a number of years... pre SARS, I'd guess. A sort of fashion accessory?

Nirish guy
January 25th, 2020, 17:02
Just announced suspect case in Belfast.

Glad to report that that guy turned out to be all clear and not infected after all.

January 26th, 2020, 09:45
This is the latest news as reported in the Bangkok Post:

China virus toll rises to 54 dead, more than 300 new cases

published : 26 Jan 2020 at 07:46

WUHAN: The number of confirmed deaths from a viral outbreak in China has risen to 54, with authorities in hard-hit Hubei province on Sunday reporting 13 more fatalities and 323 new cases.

The latest numbers from Hubei, the epicentre of the contagion, would put the nationwide total of confirmed infections at 1,610, based on figures previously released by the central government.

President Xi Jinping warned Saturday that China faced a "grave situation" as authorities raced to contain a respiratory illness that has caused the widespread abandonment of Lunar New Year celebrations nationwide and overwhelmed health facilities in Hubei.

The contagion remained centred on the Hubei provincial capital of Wuhan, which accounted for seven of the new deaths and 46 of the new confirmed cases, said the Hubei Health Commission.

Wuhan and more than a dozen other cities in the province have been locked down in a rapidly expanding quarantine effort marked by transport shutdowns and other restrictions on movement.

• China virus toll jumps to 25 dead with 830 confirmed cases: govt
• China warns virus could mutate and spread as death toll rises
• Gloomy holiday for hunkered-down China as virus toll jumps

The previously unknown virus has caused global concern because of its similarity to the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) pathogen, which killed hundreds across mainland China and Hong Kong in 2002-2003.

It also has struck at possibly the worst time for China, when hundreds of millions of people are travelling across the country or overseas to celebrate the Lunar New Year holiday, China's most important festival.

Hundreds of military doctors have been sent to Hubei and authorities are rushing to build a pair of field hospitals to deal with the crisis as patients swamp local medical facilities.

The virus has spread nationwide in China and cases have been reported in several other countries as far away as the United States, France and Australia.


Also from the Bangkok Post:

Suvarnabhumi virus screening limited

Airport authorities await advice from China on whether to screen all arrivals, as Beijing bans all group tours

published : 25 Jan 2020 at 20:33
updated: 25 Jan 2020 at 21:25

An official uses a thermal camera at the arrivals hall of Suvarnabhumi Airport as a measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Officials at Suvarnabhumi Airport say they are awaiting more information from Chinese authorities before deciding whether to expand screening of passengers arriving from China to try to detect the new coronavirus that is causing worldwide concern.

China, meanwhile, announced late Saturday that all group tours from the country would be halted starting from Monday in an attempt to contain the spread of the virus.

President Xi Jinping warned that the country was facing a “grave situation” given the “accelerating spread” of the virus.

Thailand has seven confirmed cases in the outbreak, which began in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. Some 41 people have died in China and more than 1,300 have been infected globally, most of them in China.

Authorities at Suvarnabhumi have begun temperature scans on passengers arriving from Guangzhou and Wuhan, but not all Chinese cities. Flights from Wuhan have been cancelled because it is under quarantine.

• Officials watching over sub in Wuhan 'safe from virus'
• Hong Kong declares virus 'emergency'
• Dangerous virus mutes China’s ‘happiest day’

“We will perform a virus scan if the Chinese government announces to watch out for other cities apart from Wuhan and Guangzhou,” general manager Suthirawat Suwannawat told reporters on Saturday.

China is Thailand’s biggest source of tourists, sending nearly 11 million to the country last year.
As concern grows locally over the possibility of a bigger outbreak, some social media users have accused the government of caring more about the money from Chinese tourists arriving during the Lunar New Year holiday than public health.

“Our country can control the situation well. We’ve had patients who are being treated and are improving, many have also gone home,” Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul told reporters.

Government agencies including the health, tourism and transport ministries are due to meet on Sunday to come up with protective measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

The virus outbreak has coincided with the Lunar New year, typically a time when hundreds of millions of Chinese travel domestically and abroad. However, authorities have placed several cities including Wuhan on complete lockdown.

Many New Year celebrations have been cancelled and other public gatherings are also being discouraged or banned.
Among other developments on Saturday, Hong Kong declared an “emergency” — its highest public warning level — and cancelled official Lunar New Year celebrations. Shanghai closed its cinemas and the Starbucks coffee chain she its door in cities across hard-hit Hubei province.

In Beijing, authorities said they would stop all inter-provincial shuttle buses from Sunday in order to curb the spread of the virus, local media reported.

The reports did not say when bus services will be resumed.


And meanwhile, in the United Kingdom, The Sunday Times reported:

Coronavirus alert: NHS staff told how to handle bodies

The advice for hospitals comes as the Foreign Office is arranging a charter flight to bring home 200 diplomats and other citizens from Wuhan

NHS staff on high alert over a lethal new virus have been issued with instructions on handling bodies and told that victims may pose a “minor risk” even after they die.

The guidance is in an 11-page dossier that was prepared for hospitals by Public Health England (PHE). It emerged as China warned that the spread of the virus was “accelerating” and the UK was poised to evacuate about 200 citizens from the Chinese city of Wuhan, the centre of the illness.

GPs in the UK have been ordered to avoid examining suspected victims and told to keep them in closed rooms.

All 31 people so far suspected by the NHS to have the virus have tested negative. However, officials are braced for the first positive case. One said the prospect was “highly likely”.

More than 1,400 cases have been confirmed since a global outbreak began last month. Last night the death toll had climbed to 42. Australia and Malaysia have reported their first cases and Japan has identified a third.

In the PHE guidance, NHS staff were told: “The act of moving a recently deceased patient onto a hospital trolley for transportation to the mortuary might be sufficient to expel small amounts of air from the lungs and thereby present a minor risk.

“A body bag should be used for transferring the body and those handling the body at this point should use full PPE [personal protective equipment].”

Staff who meet potential victims are told to wear “full-face visors”.

The government says the risk to the UK population is “low”. But the dossier adds: “In the absence of effective drugs or a vaccine, control of this disease relies on the prompt identification, appropriate risk assessment, management and isolation of possible cases.”

Last night Britain was preparing to fly hundreds of citizens out of the virus-stricken Chinese city of Wuhan, where 11 million residents are in effect under quarantine.

The Foreign Office was understood to be arranging a charter flight to bring home UK citizens and diplomats. About 200 are understood to live in the city, which is the centre of a new coronavirus outbreak.

In London, ministers were considering plans to screen arrivals at UK ports after the virus spread to 10 countries outside China. France is treating three cases in Paris and Bordeaux. China has warned that the spread of the virus was “accelerating”.

Here, the government has declared the risk to the UK population as low. However, the official advice says: “In the absence of effective drugs or a vaccine, control of this disease relies on the prompt identification, appropriate risk assessment, management and isolation of possible cases, and the investigation and follow-up of close contacts to minimise potential onward transmission.”
Medics have privately raised concerns that some of the guidance relies on the availability of beds in critical care wards as well as empty isolation rooms. They say the NHS is already dangerously overstretched and empty beds are a “luxury”.

Duncan Selbie, chief executive of PHE, described the crisis as “a new and rapidly evolving situation”.

Officials are in a race to trace about 2,000 people who have flown to the UK recently from Wuhan. The Department of Health said it was trying to find “as many passengers as we can” to check their health.

The government’s chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, said: “What we don’t know is how far it’s going to spread. That really is something we need to plan for all eventualities.”

January 26th, 2020, 12:46
I would not believe anything the Chinese govt says

January 26th, 2020, 14:08
I would not believe anything the Chinese govt says

do you believe any govt? maybe you even believe to politics?

January 26th, 2020, 22:26
do you believe any govt? maybe you even believe to politics?

Some governments are forced to be reasonably honest by the scrutiny of a free press. Leaders like Xi, Putin and Erdogan reduce press freedom, so they are not under such scrutiny.

January 27th, 2020, 02:54
Some governments are forced to be reasonably honest by the scrutiny of a free press.

Most funny conclusion. Take a look at docs what CIA publishes year by year after removing "Secret" label. And compare with things what newspapers printed at days when these docs was created.

Even now - just compare what Fox and CNN telling to people. Sometimes they tell opposite things.

“One would risk being disgusted if one saw politics, justice, and one’s dinner in the making.” – Nicolas de Chamfort (1741–1794)

January 27th, 2020, 10:14
The latest news from today’s Bangkok Post:

China virus toll spikes despite massive lockdown

published : 27 Jan 2020 at 09:46

People across China have been wearing face masks in a bid to protect themselves and stop the spread of the deadly virus

WUHAN, China: The toll from China's viral epidemic spiked on Monday to 80 dead with hundreds of new infections despite unprecedented quarantines and travel lockdowns, as foreign governments scrambled to help their trapped citizens.

The virulence of a contagion causing fear nationwide has prompted authorities to impose transport curbs around China to cut off transmission routes, and extend a national holiday to delay people travelling back to work.

With many thousands of foreigners trapped in the ground-zero city of Wuhan, which is under a virtual lockdown, the United States and France were among several countries formulating plans to evacuate their citizens by plane.

With the coronavirus also expanding globally, World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus headed to Beijing to meet with government officials on the crisis.

"My WHO colleagues and I would like to understand the latest developments and strengthen our partnership with China in providing further protection against the outbreak," he said on Twitter.

• China death toll spikes to 80, over 2,700 cases confirmed
• Coronavirus deaths hit 56, China bans wildlife trade
• China orders public holiday extended to curb epidemic

Tedros last week stopped short of declaring the outbreak an international public health emergency, which would have prompted more concerted international action including possible trade or travel restrictions.

Cases have been reported as far afield as France, the United States and Canada, with various countries in Asia also detecting cases. Those infected had previously been in China.

The new additions to China's death toll came entirely from the epicentre province of Hubei, which on Monday reported 24 fresh fatalities.

Most fatalities and overall cases have been in Hubei, and the government says the deaths have largely been elderly or people already weakened by pre-existing health conditions.

- Thousands of cases -

But China's National Health Commission said on Monday that in addition to 2,744 confirmed infections nationwide -- an increase of 769 -- there were nearly 6,000 suspected cases and more than 30,000 people under medical observation.

Hardest-hit has been Hubei's capital Wuhan, where the virus is suspected to have come from animals in a market selling a wide range of exotic wild game.

Wuhan has been under virtual lockdown for days, with transport halted and citizens told to stay at home.

The national government decided it would extend the Lunar New Year holiday and related school closures beyond the original January 30 end date to "reduce population flows," state media reported.

The holiday was extended to February 2.

Several cities responded, with new school terms delayed in Beijing until further notice, and Shanghai postponing until February 17.

The city of Suzhou in eastern Jiangsu province also ordered companies to extend the end of the holiday until February 9.

Hundreds of millions of Chinese travel long distances to gather with family members for the holiday, a key concern for authorities struggling to corral the highly contagious pathogen.

The previously unknown virus has caused global concern because of its similarity to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which killed hundreds across mainland China and Hong Kong in 2002-2003.

- 'Getting stronger' -

At a press briefing in Beijing on Sunday, the head of China's disease control agency, Gao Fu, said it was "not as powerful as SARS," but officials warned it could be getting stronger.

Shandong province in the east and four cities -- Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an and Tianjin -- have announced bans on long-distance buses entering or leaving, while some provinces and cities made it mandatory to wear face masks in public.

The United States and France were among a host of countries making arrangements to get their citizens out of Wuhan, a major industrial and transport hub of 11 million people.

The crisis has overwhelmed Wuhan's hospitals prompting authorities to send hundreds of medical reinforcements including military doctors, and start construction on two field hospitals.

Speaking at a press conference and wearing a face mask, Wuhan's mayor Zhou Xianwang said Sunday the city's medical staff were "very strained and tired".

Some foreigners in Wuhan pleaded to be evacuated, saying they were short on supplies.

"We want to be evacuated as soon as possible, because either the virus, the hunger or the fear will kill us," Mashal Jamalzai, a political science student from Afghanistan studying in Wuhan told AFP.

The Wuhan meat market at the epicentre sold a vast range of unusual dinner fare including rats, snakes and hedgehogs.
On Sunday, the government said it was banning all trade in wildlife until the emergency is over, but conservationists called for Beijing to make the ban permanent to reduce the possibility of future outbreaks.


Also reported in the Bangkok Post yesterday:

C130 aircraft on standby for Wuhan evacuation

published : 26 Jan 2020 at 17:32
writer: Post Reporters

Up to four C130 planes with medic teams have been put on standby in case Thailand decides to airlift its citizens from Wuhan as the coronavirus outbreak worsened in China.

Air force chief Maanat Wongwat said on Sunday the transport aircraft and medic teams were ready to take off to the Chinese city as soon as the government gives the green light to the evacuation plan.

"The air force is ready," ACM Maanat said.

Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon said on Sunday the government was considering a plan to help Thai citizens in Wuhan, the epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak.

A total of 64 Thais — 54 students and 10 masseuses — are in the capital of Hubei province, according to the Foreign Ministry.

• Japan will evacuate nationals from China virus city
• Coronavirus deaths hit 56
• All Wuhan-Chiang Mai flights suspended to Feb 4

The evacuation was floated after some countries, including the United States, France and Japan, are arranging flights to move their citizens from Wuhan, the first city on lockdown as Chinese authorities tried to contain the outbreak.

Thailand's evacuation plan will be clearer when the Rapid Response Centre comprising officials from several agencies holds talks on Monday at the Foreign Ministry.

The setup of the centre reflects a growing concern after more people in Thailand were suspected of having been infected.

At eight, Thailand has the highest number of infected people after China.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Busadee Santipitaks on Sunday made clear that the evacuation plan had not been finalised. All measures to help the Thais in Wuhan will be tabled in the meeting of the centre on Monday, she added.

The death toll of the virus has climbed to 56 and more than 2,000 people have been infected so far.

Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai has ordered Thai diplomats based in China to closely monitor the situation, she added.


January 27th, 2020, 11:49

January 27th, 2020, 14:22

That's on the Singapore MRT's East-West line!

January 27th, 2020, 14:37
I would not believe anything the Chinese govt says

Whatever the number of afflicted or deceased the Chinese government is releasing, multiply it by at least 3, if not much more. The Chinese-language press and social media is filled with reports of a cover up by the Chinese government. My dad says they did the same thing with SARs too. Here in Sg we are preparing for any possibility and key army reserve personnel have been put on standby.

January 27th, 2020, 16:14
I hear many Irish bars are no longer selling Corona. (sorry NIrish just couldnt resist it mate!).

Too late a confirmed Case!

January 27th, 2020, 16:21
On this occasion you can probably take what the Chinese govt is saying as what they actually believe to be true.

The Chinese government is actually rather new to the way rest of the world operates and they always need to fuck it up once before they learn. Hence they screwed up over the huge Sichuan earthquake and SARS and then got their act together the next time.

January 28th, 2020, 10:00
From today's Bangkok Post:

Govt 'in full control' of outbreak

PM moves to allay fears in TV broadcast

published : 28 Jan 2020 at 05:30
writer: Post Reporters

The government has given assurances that it can fully contain the outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus as it has stepped up its monitoring and assessment of the situation, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha says.

''The government has taken 100 percent control of the situation,'' said the prime minister in Monday's television broadcast.

Gen Prayut said the government's precautionary measures are in line with international standards and the screening of international passengers is efficient. Of eight confirmed virus infection cases, five have recovered and been discharged from hospital while the rest are under close medical attention, Gen Prayut said.

He said that the Public Health Ministry has heightened its public health emergency operation to level three -- the highest level -- to ensure all communities nationwide, as well as hospitals and airports, can respond to the severity of the outbreak.

Other precaution measures have also been put in place at all five major international airports in the country, as well as other channels such as borders, and ports and piers to increase the monitoring and screening of passengers arriving not only from Wuhan, the epicentre of the virus, but also other high-risk areas in China, the prime minister said.

• Malaysia puts temporary ban on visitors from Wuhan, Hubei
• Govt claims 'full control' of outbreak
• PM: Aircraft ready to bring Thais out of Wuhan

Gen Prayut stressed the need to provide facts on the virus outbreak without any concealment, adding that Thailand's medical and public health systems are well-equipped to monitor and prevent major infectious disease outbreaks.

He said Thailand was ranked 6th in the 2019 Global Health Security Index among countries best prepared for a major infectious disease outbreak. Thailand received a score of 73.2 after the United States in first place (83.5), the United Kingdom (77.9), The Netherlands (75.6), Australia (75.5) and Canada (75.3).

Meanwhile, Tana Weskosith, the deputy permanent secretary for foreign affairs, told the press after the meeting of the Rapid Response Centre that the authorities will prepare in case the necessity arises for an operation to evacuate and assist Thai people living in Wuhan whenever the Chinese government gives permission.

He said the Chinese government has yet to allow any country to send emergency teams to enter the city which is now locked down.

There are 64 Thai people in Wuhan, most of them are students, and 18 other Thais in other cities in Hubei province, he said, adding that the Thai embassy in Beijing has provided several channels to contact and assist care of them.

"China has pledged to take care of Thai people and bring the situation under its control," he said.

The working group, Mr Tana said, also proposed to include doctors in the WeChat group to provide medical advice as well as to transfer money to local universities to help Thai students, adding that the working group will also discuss the possibility of dispatching supplies to Wuhan.

Mr Tana said the MFA has not received any requests from Thais to return home because it is the only city which has gone into lockdown.

In a related development, the Public Health Ministry announced that it would assign an additional 5,000 health officials to monitor the 20,000 Chinese tourists currently in Thailand.

Sukhum Kanchanaphimai, the permanement secetary for public health, said these 20,000 Chinese tourists, of which 80% are from Wuhan, have been stranded in Thailand, and are waiting to return to their country.

''They are the group that the ministry is keeping its eyes on. So far, we have not received any reports of fever in this group of stranded tourists,'' said Dr Thanrak Palitpatra, deputy chief of the Department of Disease Control under the ministry of public health.

Meanwhile, Charoen Pokphand Group in China has donated more than 222 million baht and 33 tonnes of antiseptic products to Hubei province to aid the Chinese government's efforts to suppress the spread of the coronavirus.



January 28th, 2020, 18:42
According to The Times newspaper in London, the official number of those killed rose to 106 today with more than 4,000 confirmed infections across China, a rise of nearly 1,300 cases. See full article below:

Coronavirus alert: We don’t know how many Britons are in Wuhan, government admits


Chris Smyth, Whitehall Editor | Richard Lloyd Parry, Asia Editor | Rosemary Bennett, Education Editor
Tuesday January 28 2020, 12.00pm GMT, The Times

The government has admitted that it does not how many British citizens are stranded in the epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak.

As the death toll rose to more than 100, the transport secretary promised that ministers were “working with our partners internationally” to bring Britons home from the locked-down city of Wuhan.

There are thought to be about 200 in the city but Grant Shapps told BBC Breakfast: “For anybody who is there, one of the issues we have, working with our partners internationally on this, is actually identifying how many British citizens there are in Wuhan.

“One of the things we’re asking people to do is to contact the consulate there to make them aware. People have started to do that.”

He insisted Britain was “working on arrangements” to bring trapped Britons home.

Chinese authorities said confirmed cases had rose by 60 per cent in a day to 4,515, as Hong Kong cut travel to the mainland to contain an outbreak that has spread to 16 countries.

Britons stuck in Wuhan are hopeful that the British consulate in Beijing will make an announcement on evacuation today and Whitehall sources are optimistic that concrete plans are imminent. The Foreign Office has been trying to negotiate permission from local authorities to extract Britons from the quarantined city.

Mr Shapps added: “If they actually contact the consulate where they are then that consulate is in fact gathering together all the information of the people who are there, in order to help repatriate where that’s appropriate.”

Almost 1,500 people in Britain who have visited the centre of the coronavirus outbreak have been urged to “self-isolate” over fears that the infection can be passed on by people who are not sick.

Health chiefs said that the virus was likely to be in Britain already but officials had managed to contact only one in ten of those now being urged to stay at home and avoid other people.

At the weekend China said there were signs that the new variant could be transmitted before people showed any symptoms. British officials believe that this is unlikely but have adopted an “ultra-cautious” approach.

China said it would extend its new year holidays to stop returning workers spreading the contagion. The government is to postpone the end of the lunar new year holiday from Friday until next Monday, and Shanghai has ordered businesses to close for a fortnight.

Amid criticism of the local government’s handling of the crisis, Li Keqiang, the Chinese prime minister, visited Wuhan, the city where the outbreak began. The official number of those killed rose to 106 today with more than 4,000 confirmed infections across China, a rise of nearly 1,300 cases.

Zhou Xianwang, the mayor of Wuhan, said that the local authorities’ handling of the virus was “not good enough”, after an admission that five million people left the city before it was put under quarantine last week. Just over half of China’s confirmed cases are in Wuhan, with the rest spread across at least 30 other provinces.

Mr Zhou also offered to resign from his position if it would ease public anger, after admitting that the city had failed to disclose information about the outbreak of the virus in a timely manner.

Seventeen Chinese cities, with a total population exceeding 50 million, have imposed quarantine rules to prevent people leaving freely. The World Health Organisation said that the global risk was “high” as it held crisis talks in Beijing. Germany became the second European country, after France, to confirm a case. Canada also confirmed its first case yesterday, while the US advised its citizens to avoid non-essential travel to China.

In Britain, NHS isolation units have been prepared. So far 73 people have been tested but all have come back negative. About 200 Britons still in Wuhan will be tested when they do return and will be asked to remain in isolation for two weeks.

Matt Hancock, the health secretary, told the Commons: “Coronaviruses do not usually spread if people don’t have symptoms. However, we cannot be 100 per cent certain. From today we are therefore asking anyone in the UK who has returned from Wuhan in the past 14 days to self-isolate. Stay indoors and avoid contact with other people and contact NHS 111.”

Officials said that self-isolation did not require people to cut themselves off from human contact or to remain completely indoors, suggesting that people should behave as if they had a heavy cold.

Mr Hancock insisted that health officials were “using all possible means” to find people recently arrived from Wuhan. “We are collaborating with Border Force, the airlines and others including universities, schools and cultural organisations to try to make contact,” he said.

The virus causes flu-like symptoms such as fever, coughs and breathing problems and Mr Hancock said that if people experienced them after visiting Wuhan they should call 111 or their GP rather than going to A&E or their local surgery.
He added: “While there is an increased likelihood that cases may arise in this country, we are well prepared and well equipped to deal with them.”

Professor Mark Woolhouse, of the University of Edinburgh, said it was premature to conclude that the virus could be passed on by people with no symptoms. However, he added: “In the absence of any treatment or vaccine our main hope of controlling the epidemic is the rapid identification of cases and the immediate prevention of onward transmission through patient isolation and infection control.

“The efficacy of those interventions would be compromised if significant levels of transmission occurred before symptoms appeared.”

UK boarding schools are advising Chinese and Hong Kong pupils to cancel plans to go home for half-term. New guidance from the Boarding Schools’ Association also recommended a period of quarantine for pupils returning from China. British independent schools are extremely popular with Chinese families. More than 8,000 pupils from China attend and a further 5,000 are from Hong Kong.

Q&A: What is being done to stop the virus arriving in Britain?
Passengers on direct flights from China are being asked to declare if they have flu-like symptoms. Doctors will meet them and take them to isolation units for testing.

Is this foolproof?
No. People could arrive while still showing no symptoms. This is why they are focusing on tracking all those who have arrived from Wuhan since January 10. They were told yesterday to “self-isolate”.

What does “self-isolate” mean?
Staying at home and avoiding work, schools, public transport and busy places. Visitors should be avoided but people can still drop off food.

What will happen if a case is confirmed in Britain?
They will be treated in an NHS isolation unit. If they are severely ill, four specialist life support centres have been made ready: Liverpool, Newcastle and at the Royal Free and Guy’s and St Thomas’ in London. Anyone who has been in contact with the patient in the previous two weeks will then be traced to stop them passing it on.

How dangerous is it?
It looks like 2 or 3 per cent of those infected die. This is similar to flu, while Sars killed one in ten and ebola is fatal in more than two thirds of cases.

How bad will things get?
On present trends, the virus will spread around the world without becoming a pandemic. However, scientists believe that it is likely to mutate to spread more easily. If we are lucky, it will become less virulent as it does so, in which case it could become just another cause of the common cold. However, if it retains its potency, a swine-flu style pandemic is a strong possibility. The good news is that becoming more transmissible and more deadly at the same time is highly unlikely.

What can we do to stop it spreading?
Hand washing, covering the mouth when sneezing and throwing used tissues in the bin.



January 28th, 2020, 20:10
According to The Times newspaper in London, the official number of those killed rose to 106 today with more than 4,000 confirmed infections across China, a rise of nearly 1,300 cases. See full article below:

from 250000 to 500000 people dies every year from flu (average should be around 1000 persons daily), so for time when Wold already knows about new virus (from about Jan 1 2020) from flu died about 30000 people.

January 28th, 2020, 21:59
Big fuss about not very much.

January 29th, 2020, 09:04
A friend who works as a waiter in Jupiter tells me that his earnings have plummeted this month. He says 70% of the bar's customers are usually Chinese and now they have disappeared. He says gogo bars and massage places are also suffering. Working in the sex trade has never struck me as a fun occupation but it must be even worse when you are expected to snuggle up to customers who could be carriers of a dangerous new virus.

January 29th, 2020, 09:22
Jupiter money boys get premium tips . It's up to them to get premium health insurance cover.

January 29th, 2020, 10:15
From today’s Bangkok Post:

Virus control push ratchets up

Military medics help screening at airports

published : 29 Jan 2020 at 04:01
newspaper section: News
writer: Post Reporters

Military medical personnel have been sent to help with the screening of passengers at international airports as another six Chinese nationals entering Thailand were found to be infected with the Wuhan coronavirus on Tuesday, bringing the total number of cases detected in the country to 14.

Col Sirichan Ngathong, deputy spokeswoman for the Royal Thai Army, said on Tuesday that Prime Minister and Defence Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has instructed the army, navy and air force to send mobile medical units to help public health officials screen arrivals at 10 international airports across the country as part of efforts to prevent the spread of the virus.

Permanent secretary for public health Sukhum Kanchanapimai said on Tuesday there had been six new cases reported.

All were Chinese nationals, and five were members of a family, aged 6-70 years old, visiting from Wuhan, Dr Sukhum said.

The new cases brought the number of coronavirus infection detected in Thailand to 14, he said.

• Plane evacuating Japanese nationals departs from virus-hit Wuhan
• Thai navy team left Wuhan before it was sealed off
• Foreigners prepare to flee as China virus toll tops 100

The six new patients were being treated at Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute in Nonthaburi province, Dr Sukhum said.

The premier on Tuesday appointed a national committee to prevent the spread of the virus. The committee comprises 59 experts and officials from relevant agencies and is to be chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Public Health Anutin Charnvirakul.

Gen Prayut said that evacuation plans are already in place to bring Thais in China back home straight away once China gives permission.

Addressing the evacuation plans, Foreign Affairs Minister Don Pramudwinai said that the ministry was closely coordinating with Thais living in China.

"To my knowledge, there are 64 Thais residing in Wuhan and all are healthy.

"So far, no countries have sent planes to evacuate their people from China. We have to cooperate with China. Some countries wanted to evacuate their citizens but they must receive permission from China first. Now, all countries, including Thailand, have prepared for evacuation," said Mr Don.

However, Reuters reported that on Tuesday Japan sent a chartered Boeing 767 to retrieve a number of its nationals in Wuhan.

Justice Minister Somsak Thepsuthin said he had asked the Corrections Department chief to order prisons across the country to closely monitor the health of prisoners, particularly 14 Chinese inmates imprisoned this month.

To control the spread of the virus by sea, the Port Authority of Thailand has designated a pier in front of Samut Prakan's provincial hall as a checkpoint to monitor and screen crew members of boats and ships coming from China.

Sopon Iamsirithaworn, director of general communicable diseases at the Department of Disease Control, said that medical teams have been sent to closely monitor the health of 13 Thai students who returned from studying in Hubei province on Sunday.

"After an initial examination, the students, who all live in the deep South, are in good health," Dr Sopon said.

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovations is now advising Chinese students studying in Thailand who returned to China during Chinese New Year and university students who have visited countries with confirmed coronavirus cases to stay away from classes for at least 14 days.

"This is a new virus and its specific nature is currently unclear. However, it appears that you can contract the virus at an early stage and not show any symptoms," the ministry's deputy secretary-general Pathom Sawanpanyalert said on Tuesday.

"This incubation period is currently considered to be 14 days.

"If a student still attends their classes while showing symptoms, universities can exclude them if they believe with reasonable grounds they may have a communicable disease," he said.

According to the ministry, there are 11,738 Chinese students studying at 87 universities in Thailand at present, while the number of Thai students studying in China is estimated to be over 1,000, with 58 in Wuhan.


Workers disinfect the cabin of a Thai Airways International jet at Suvarnabhumi airport on Tuesday to prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus. (Photo by Varuth Hirunyatheb)



January 29th, 2020, 10:45
And from The Times newspaper in London as it is believed the death total rises to over 130:

Coronavirus: Thousands of Britons warned against travelling to China

Chris Smyth, Whitehall Editor | Ben Clatworthy, Assistant Travel Editor | Neil Johnston, Midlands Correspondent

Wednesday January 29 2020, 12.01am GMT, The Times

Britons have been told not to travel to mainland China as unprecedented restrictions are imposed to control the spread of coronavirus.

Travel companies have begun urgently contacting holidaymakers, offering refunds or deferrals. About 600,000 Britons visit China each year and the warning is likely to be hugely disruptive for business and tourism.

Travelling in defiance of the advice, which is normally applied only to war zones or countries affected by terrorism, will void most insurance.

As Germany yesterday became the fourth country where the virus has passed from person to person, President Xi of China promised to defeat the “devil” virus which has killed at least 131 people. Seventeen Chinese cities, with a total population of about 50 million, have imposed quarantine rules.

China said that more than 5,300 people were known to be infected. The steep rise has alarmed British officials and contributed to the decision to broaden recommendations that previously advised against traavel only to the worst-affected Hubei province.

The White House was last night considering suspending all flights to China.

Models run by US researchers calculated that the true number of infections was likely to be 25,000 in China. The World Health Organisation promised to send experts there. Britain is sending public health teams to other affected countries.

About 200 Britons stranded in China are due to be evacuated from tomorrow. Footage emerged yesterday of a British holidaymaker who returned from Wuhan with flu-like symptoms being taken to hospital by medics in protective suits.

Q&A: Is this a rare move by the FCO?
Yes, very. For the government to effectively blacklist a country is extremely unusual and normally only happens with war zones. For travellers the change in policy has widescale ramifications. Travelling against the advice is unwise.

What does the ban cover?
The FCO has banned “all but essential travel” to mainland China, which excludes Hong Kong and Macau. It advises against all travel to Hubei province — the same as with Syria.

What is “essential travel”?
The definition is murky. “You may have urgent family or business commitments to attend to . . . Only you can make an informed decision based on the risks,” the FCO states.

What if I am booked to travel to China?
In the case of a package holiday that is due to depart imminently, the tour operator is required to offer three options: a deferral of travel in the hope that the ban is lifted; an alternative holiday to another destination; a full refund.

What if I am an independent traveller?
Travelling to a country that the FCO advises against visiting will void most travel insurance policies. Check your cover. Specialist policies that cover areas blacklisted by the FCO, such as war zones, are available at a cost. Cover for business travellers depends on the company’s policy.

What if I want to cancel?
British Airways and Virgin are letting passengers defer free of charge. But airlines tend to be reluctant to offer refunds. If you cancel, you can try claiming on your travel insurance.

Will consequential losses apply?
Hotels, car hire and excursion companies have a range of different cancellation policies, and you may well be left out of pocket. Many basic travel insurance policies do not cover so-called consequential losses, although the more expensive comprehensive policies do.

Will the FCO change its advice?
It is impossible to predict how long the travel advice will remain in place. Holiday companies typically stagger the contacting of package holiday customers to offer alternative travel arrangements or refunds, depending on when they are due to depart. Typically they deal with passengers due to travel in the next month on a rolling basis. Airlines tend to offer passengers due to fly within a month free changes on a rolling basis.

January 29th, 2020, 12:25
Some promising news from Australia . . .

Australian scientists have successfully grown a Wuhan coronavirus sample from a sick patient, giving way to the possibility of a cure

Sharon Masige, Business Insider Australia

Scientists in Melbourne, Australia have successfully grown the Wuhan coronavirus from a patient sample, which could help provide international experts with crucial information to beat the virus. It's the first time the virus has been grown in a cell culture outside of China.

The scientists come from the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity – a joint venture between the Royal Melbourne Hospital and the University of Melbourne.

Dr. Julian Druce, Virus Identification Laboratory Head at the Doherty Institute said the lab-grown coronavirus was a major breakthrough as it would allow accurate investigation and diagnosis of the virus around the world.

"Chinese officials released the genome sequence of this novel coronavirus, which is helpful for diagnosis, however, having the real virus means we now have the ability to actually validate and verify all test methods, and compare their sensitivities and specificities – it will be a game-changer for diagnosis," Druce said in a statement.

"The virus will be used as positive control material for the Australian network of public health laboratories, and also shipped to expert laboratories working closely with the World Health Organisation in Europe."

The virus was grown from a patient sample that arrived on Friday at the Royal Melbourne Hospital's Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, at the Doherty Institute. "We've planned for an incident like this for many, many years and that's really why we were able to get an answer so quickly," Doherty Institute Deputy Director Dr. Mike Catton said in a statement.

It is set to be used to create an antibody test, to detect the virus in patients who haven't shown symptoms of coronavirus and weren't aware they had it.

"An antibody test will enable us to retrospectively test suspected patients so we can gather a more accurate picture of how widespread the virus is, and consequently, among other things, the true mortality rate," Catton said, adding that it will also help assess the effectiveness of trial vaccines.

The Institute posted a video showing the lab-grown virus in culture:

More than 4,500 people have been infected with the coronavirus and more than 100 people have died as a result. In Australia, there are five confirmed cases of the coronavirus – four in Sydney and one in Victoria, the ABC reported.


January 29th, 2020, 17:52
One thai minister says they cant stop the virus spreading,,, One thing they can do , is shut the border, and not allow any chinese to enter , but like the thais its all about money

January 29th, 2020, 21:05
A friend sent me the following, purporting to come from the W.H.O.

I am not sure if it is genuine, but the advice is, what shall I say, ah yes . . . certainly worth adhering to, especially the last point, which I make no comment on and leave that to others.


mr giggles
January 30th, 2020, 12:53
One thai minister says they cant stop the virus spreading,,, One thing they can do , is shut the border, and not allow any chinese to enter , but like the thais its all about money

No point in closing the barn door after the horse has bolted.

January 30th, 2020, 14:19
An astonishing number of passengers at the airport yesterday as I made my way home sadly, were wearing masks. Predominantly Chinese and more young women than men. About 50% of the EVA staff too. I wonder how effective they are.
Of course, face masks have been popular among young Asian women for a number of years... pre SARS, I'd guess. A sort of fashion accessory?

Masks are everywhere these days!

January 30th, 2020, 14:38
But then just those masks are as useless for this as can be. But then, I know, people want be REASSURED-without giving a blink as what this would mean in real effect. Brits cannot even go to China anymore, as their own favorite airline, BA has halted all flights to there. Who said it was all about the money? BA cares about its customers! But then yes, it does seem to have a potential nice side-effect: many of those large groups of uncouth mainland CNese are gone.
And the MBs with dwindling income can just do what any Thai according to expatora will do raise the price! And forget to lower it once its all over.
Did you note how all that hullaballoo about the bad air has also suddenly disappeared?

January 30th, 2020, 14:46
their own favorite airline, BA

As someone who flies from London to Asia at least twice a year for a number of years I can assure you that BA is definitely NOT our favourite airline. Don’t believe their adverts for one minute

January 30th, 2020, 17:35
No point in closing the barn door after the horse has bolted.

I agree there , but stop any more coming in , ,,, thats the point i ment to say

January 30th, 2020, 18:05
But then just those masks are as useless for this as can be . . .

Well, if wearing a face mask doesn't appeal to you, how about the belt and braces approach taken by these passengers . . .


January 30th, 2020, 18:18
it's bubbleboy!

January 30th, 2020, 19:01
I personally think the Chinese should NOT be traveling to ANY other countries for vacations, at this time..stay home...make your travel plans far in the future after this
virus problem subsides...it is tooooo dangerous to be spreading this all over the world...Sorry,,but no need to take overseas trips RIGHT NOW>..

January 30th, 2020, 19:17
I personally think the Chinese should NOT be traveling to ANY other countries for vacations, at this time...it is tooooo dangerous to be spreading this all over the world...Sorry,,but no need to take overseas trips RIGHT NOW>..

I am sure this advice will go over as well with the target audience as the advice to the homosexual community that they were all lepers and there was no need for them to have sex RIGHT NOW during the early days of a previous new exotic virus spreading world-wide

January 30th, 2020, 23:29
Curiouser and curiouser! cried Jellybean . . .

Health and Science

6,000 tourists in lockdown on Italian cruise ship over coronavirus fears

Published Thu, Jan 30 20209:16 AM ESTUpdated 21 min ago
Chloe Taylor@ChloeTaylor141

Key Points

• “Sanitary protocol” has been activated amid concerns over the health of an individual traveling on the ship operated by Italian firm Costa Cruises.

• The ship, the Costa Smeralda, reached the Italian port of Civitavecchia on Thursday morning, where it had sailed from Palma in the Spanish island of Mallorca.

The Costa Smeralda cruise ship docked in the Civitavecchia port on January 30, 2020

Some 6,000 tourists are being held on a cruise ship in Italy over fears that a passenger could be infected with the coronavirus.

“Sanitary protocol” has been activated amid concerns over the health of an individual traveling on the ship operated by Italian firm Costa Cruises. The ship reached the Italian port of Civitavecchia on Thursday morning, where it had sailed from Palma in the Spanish island of Mallorca.

Medics onboard had been alerted to a suspected case of the virus in a 54-year-old Chinese woman, who has been kept in isolation alongside her travel companion since Wednesday evening, Costa Cruises confirmed to CNBC.

“As soon as the suspected case was detected, the medical team on board immediately activated all the relevant health procedures to promptly isolate and manage the clinical condition,” a spokesperson for the company said. “The health authority has been immediately notified and is now on board to conduct all the pertinent measures.”

The woman suffering with symptoms of the illness is from Macao, according to some media reports.

According to The Associated Press, health officials were screening 6,000 passengers and 1,000 crew members aboard the ship, and all were being prevented from leaving until the type of virus infecting the woman was determined.

The cruise ship, the Costa Smeralda, had a seven-day itinerary with several stops planned in ports across the West Mediterranean.

More than 8,000 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed worldwide, with 170 deaths reported by Chinese authorities.

The majority of those cases are in mainland China, where at least 7,801 cases have been confirmed. More than 100 cases have been confirmed outside of China, with the virus reported to have reached a number of countries including the United States, Japan and India.


February 1st, 2020, 06:17
...i wounder with the lack of chinese customers if the mb rate will be affected...

February 1st, 2020, 08:01
...i wounder with the lack of chinese customers if the mb rate will be affected...

I thought you've always been satisfied with the 500b tip you gave out to the moneyboys irrespective of currency fluctuations and other economic situations.

February 1st, 2020, 16:02
The baht is falling rapidly.
Chinese tourists are no longer going to Thailand.
The cost of flights is coming down.
Happy days

February 1st, 2020, 16:32
This Corona is neither deadly nor contagious unless she happens to be a carrier of the virus.

February 1st, 2020, 17:21
Interestingly I was in Babylon Sauna this afternoon from about 3 pm until 5 pm. The place was deserted.
There were 30 people around the pool and nobody at all in any of the cabins or other sex areas.
I wonder if the virus thing is putting people off attending Gay Saunas?

February 1st, 2020, 18:11
The baht is falling rapidly.
Chinese tourists are no longer going to Thailand.
The cost of flights is coming down.
Happy days

When I set off for Thailand two weeks ago, Kenny, I'm pretty sure I was getting B38 to the GBP. I've just checked my xe Currency app and it's showing B41.19. Every little helps, as they say at Tesco! :)

Over the last two weeks I’ve noticed that more and more people in Bangkok are wearing face masks. Now, all the staff at my condo are wearing masks, as are staff at supermarkets, restaurants and coffee shops etc.

But how far do you go to protect yourself? I think perhaps I draw the line at the following Cyberwoman (from Doctor Who (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/profiles/56yLC4MqySz7xl62cTQpS14/cybermen)) type contraption this young woman is wearing.

Although, you never know, if things get much worse, who knows what lengths some of us may be prepared to go?


February 2nd, 2020, 01:02
Have holidays booked and paid for next month to Pattaya but may have to cancel if this virus is not controlled.

February 2nd, 2020, 01:39
u best cancel now if it worries uou as these sort of things take many months to subside. Personally I dont care.

February 2nd, 2020, 08:09
The lady in plastic bottle is likely Hongkong-the metro there has those all steel sliding seats, not here in BKK MRT nor BTS. More interesting is that its near empty-its always packed there. Must have hard breathing after a few minutes?
In this main touristy area a bit ar fro silom noone really cares much, yes a few more facemasks as usual but the big majority none but the air remains nearly as bad as last week before this hype flamed.

February 2nd, 2020, 16:25
Gloomy news for tourism in Thailand as reported in today’s Bangkok Post:

Coronavirus deals severe blow to tourism industry

PUBLISHED : 2 FEB 2020 AT 07:31

Vendors complain that their incomes have dropped by up to 70% after China announced bans on group tours.

Thai tour operators are weathering the storm after China imposed travel restrictions on group tours until late next month in a move to control the spread of the novel coronavirus, which the World Health Organisation has declared a global emergency.

China sealed off Hubei's capital Wuhan to stem the epidemic, which is believed to have originated from a local market selling bushmeat, and has extended the measure to other cities nearby. Though independent travellers are allowed to leave, many have cancelled their plans to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading the deadly virus, which is contagious during the incubation period.

Thailand, meanwhile, has suspended flights from Wuhan and other high-risk cities. A commercial flight will leave on Tuesday to bring Thai expats back from Wuhan, Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said, adding he will also call on the government to consider scrapping visa-on-arrival for Chinese tourists.

• Thais to be flown home from Wuhan
• Over 300 Phuket tour buses idled
• Pattaya hotels suffer as Chinese stay home

However, Yuthasak Supasorn, governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), lamented that the outbreak has prompted a sharp drop in the number of Chinese tourists. He added he expects the number of Chinese arrivals to drop by as much as 80% to just 2.32 million in the first four months of the year, causing an estimated 98 billion baht in loss of revenue.

Meanwhile, Thanavath Phonvichai, president of the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, estimates the outbreak will cost the country 132.8 billion baht in lost tourism revenue and income from imports unless it is brought under control by March.

Absence of Chinese tourists

Lertsak Ponklin, vice-president of the Phang-Nga Tourism Association, said the travel ban has taken away up to 70% Chinese customers from local tour operators. "With direct flights from Wuhan to Phuket being suspended, tour companies catering to Chinese nationals have had to shut down temporarily.

"[However], if the situation persists for too long, I think they might have to lay off some workers. At the moment, there are still tourists from Europe and Scandinavia," he told the Bangkok Post.

Mr Lertsak, who also manages a local tour company, said he has urged the government to step up screening measures at airports.

"We are also monitoring each and every customer. For instance, my company is checking customers' body temperature and handing out surgical face masks at the pier. I think we can work on boosting tourism once the outbreak is brought under control," he said.

With the outbreak fuelling anti-Chinese sentiment in many countries, such as South Korea, Japan and Denmark, Mr Lertsak offered moral support, saying precautionary measures can be taken without discriminating against an entire population. "If the virus had broken out here, we would not be happy carrying the stigma," he added.

Manop Sae-jia, president of Chiang Mai's Rak Lanna Tourist Guides Club, said the ban on outbound tour groups has sharply cut the number of direct flights between China and Chiang Mai.

"More than 700 Chinese-language tour guides in Chiang Mai are now without a job. More than 300 tour buses are on layby. I want the government to help because there is no income," he said.

Meanwhile, the owner of a cosmetic store at Bangkok's Bazaar Hotel Ratchadaphisek spoke to the Bangkok Post about a sharp drop in Chinese customers. "I am thinking about giving my staff a one-month break because there are very few customers. This may extend to three months if this continues," she said.

She also deplored the government's lack of speedy action in addressing the problem, an issue that has given rise to a public backlash on social media. "I wish they would step up screening measures at airports to curb the outbreak, and communicate better to reassure the public," she said.

The 800-room hotel usually accommodates Chinese nationals on group tours, as well as some Taiwanese and Indian travellers.

'Save Our Souls'

Vendors at the Ratchaprasong intersection have also been hit hard, as the iconic Erawan and Trimurti shrines have seen a sharp decline in Chinese tourists.

Florist Nop Phromporn said her income has dropped by 70% since China ordered a lockdown on Wuhan and banned group tours. "The point is they don't allow the uninfected to enter the country either. I think they should step up screening measures at airports rather than impose travel restrictions, otherwise our already stagnant economy will worsen," she said.

Ple Sinsoontornsap, another florist, said the impact of the outbreak has dampened the mood at the shrine -- which is usually a hive of activity during the Lunar New Year period. "My income has dropped by 60%. It is worrying, but I can't do anything but accept it," she said, as she called on the government to start handing out protective gear because stores are running short of them.

"People are hoarding masks and some are reselling them for as much as 90 baht per piece. I think the authorities should look into this matter," she said.

Lek Tarawut, a florist at the Trimurti Shrine, said his sales have dropped by 70% because 90% of Chinese tourists are not around. "I don't know how to solve this problem," he said.

Gloomy mood upcountry

Other cities that rely on tourism, such as Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phuket and even Pattaya, are also bearing a heavy load as the lack of Chinese travellers is painting a dull picture.

From the Chiang Mai Night Safari and Chiang Rai's Wat Rong Khun (White Temple), to restaurants, souvenir shops and even street stalls, a daily average of 2,000 Chinese visitors has disappeared, Manop Sae-Jia, chairman of Chiang Mai-based Tourist Guides Club, said.

"Chinese group tours to Chiang Mai are now 100% gone," he said, referring to the impact of Beijing's ban on outbound group tours.

According to Mr Manop, though 60% of Chinese visitors in Chiang Mai are free independent travellers, the disappearance of 40% of other travellers who arrive as part of groups is huge enough to deal a severe blow to local businesses.

Hoteliers in Chiang Mai and Pattaya are losing badly due to cancellations, while 2,000 tourist guides in the North are watching to see what happens next.

"These guides have had no jobs since Friday," Mr Manop said, adding a similar impact is also being felt by coach drivers who have had to leave their 250 buses which were one packed with Chinese tourists, stand idle.
If the deadly respiratory virus cannot be tamed or eradicated by March, the tourism industry, which depends largely on Chinese arrivals, will remain bearish in the second quarter, Laiat Bunsithong, chairwoman of the Thai Hotels Association's northern chapter, said.

Her colleague, Kongsak Khuphongsakon, who leads the association's southern chapter, expects the problem will last at least two months, though he says the problem will not end there as restoring tourism mood will take another two months.

Like Chiang Mai, all tourism-related businesses in Phuket are also affected, with a dive in hotel guests and bus drivers left unemployed. More than 300 tour buses in Phuket have been standing idle for more than a week now.

"With no [Chinese] tour groups, we have no jobs and no money," said one tour bus operator who declined be named.
"The coronavirus has had a greater impact on our tour-bus business than the [Phoenix] boat disaster and the tsunami," another Phuket bus operator said.

Chinese tourists in Phuket are also worried about the outbreak, saying the health impact alone is disastrous, not to mention its economic aspect.

"Sichuan faces the most national disasters in China, but they seem less severe when compared to what Wuhan is suffering," said Peng Ziyun, a 50-year-old Chinese traveller from Sichuan province.

Maintaining hospitality

Tourism operators and university scholars admitted that anxiety over the virus may lead some people to avoid interacting with Chinese tourists, but they should not let this affect their friendliness and hospitality.

"Thais should not exaggerate their fear and show a dislike of Chinese tourists," Mr Manop said, adding Thais must not forget they are good hosts.

China allowed its people to start travelling overseas in 1991, and "Thailand is one of their dream destinations," he said.

Zhang Pei, a Chinese-language lecturer at Chiang Mai University, said it was understandable that people want to protect themselves at this time, but they should base their actions on reliable information.

She added she cannot change people if they see her as a person from a "risk group".


February 2nd, 2020, 21:42
Thai doctors say two drug groups effective on patient :

February 3rd, 2020, 13:48
Interestingly I was in Babylon Sauna this afternoon from about 3 pm until 5 pm. The place was deserted.
There were 30 people around the pool and nobody at all in any of the cabins or other sex areas.
I wonder if the virus thing is putting people off attending Gay Saunas?

Interesting. I was in Farose II Ramkhamhaeng on Saturday and visitor numbers were about half of what I would expect.

Those plastic bags or bottles people wear have little or no effect. They don't filter, they just change the flow of air.

February 3rd, 2020, 15:36
...silly boy.....its the eyes they r concerned about...if you walk into a sneeze you can become infected via your eyes....its all connected to your sinus...you can catch the flu or similar sars..corona virus thru the eyes...

February 3rd, 2020, 16:39
Thank you Dr. Poxx.
The generally unhygienic behaviour of the Chinese is a boon for any would be world dominating superbug. However the hospital built in 8 days is awesomely impressive and could certainly be a blueprint for other disaster zones.


February 3rd, 2020, 18:14
. . . The generally unhygienic behaviour of the Chinese is a boon for any would be world dominating superbug. However the hospital built in 8 days is awesomely impressive and could certainly be a blueprint for other disaster zones.


That’s the first time I’ve seen the video, arsenal, although I have heard and read about the speed at which they built the hospital. It certainly looks very impressive.

I have heard numerous callers to LBC Radio in the UK suggesting that the Chinese should be given the contract for the HS2 project (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/high-speed-two-limited) and even the third runway at Heathrow, i.e. if it ever gets approval.

February 3rd, 2020, 18:33
No. Don't get them to build anything you want to last. Slapdash doesn't even begin to describe their building style.

February 3rd, 2020, 18:49
Some parts of the Chinese Great Wall have stood for about two thousand years.
Perhaps we could let them build retaining walls and study their communist work ethics.

February 3rd, 2020, 20:37
That’s the first time I’ve seen the video, arsenal, although I have heard and read about the speed at which they built the hospital. It certainly looks very impressive.

I have heard numerous callers to LBC Radio in the UK suggesting that the Chinese should be given the contract for the HS2 project (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/high-speed-two-limited) and even the third runway at Heathrow, i.e. if it ever gets approval.

I thought a runway was a slab of concrete. Bulldoze, dig down a couple of feet, roll down some hardcore, concrete on top and paint. How difficult is that ?

February 3rd, 2020, 20:54
Ask the Thais goji. Swampy's was cracking and requiring repairs within months of being built.

February 3rd, 2020, 21:10
I thought a runway was a slab of concrete. Bulldoze, dig down a couple of feet, roll down some hardcore, concrete on top and paint. How difficult is that ?

I’m guessing the callers to the radio station were thinking about the speed at which the Chinese appear to get things done rather than the complexity of the project, goji. But I may be wrong.

According to Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expansion_of_Heathrow_Airport), “In early December 2006, the Department for Transport published a progress report on the strategy which confirmed the original vision of more runway length.[2][3] In November 2007 the government started a public consultation on its proposal for a slightly shorter third runway (2,000 metres (6,560 ft)) and a new passenger terminal.”

And according to the BBC website (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-50861132), Heathrow Airport now expects to complete a third runway between 2028 and 2029 and have finished its full expansion (https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/48672963) by 2050.

February 4th, 2020, 06:20
As some one who is not in pattaya right now , i would like to know if ex-pats or farang tourists are wearing face masks or is it just local thais ?

February 4th, 2020, 12:09
Ask the Thais goji. Swampy's was cracking and requiring repairs within months of being built.

Right. And that was just becse it was built as the names says-on a very big SWAMP (with snakes too). Exactly the way Chinese build without giving a heck to what is under. OTOH indeed you Brits seem to enjoy many years of strife with NIMby´ś and other high heeled hiso own detached villa housed elite for whom hardship means having to leave the 2nd Rolls in the backyard-thats more up to the Chinese to swiftly have them corrected-that is, if they do not belong to the real burocratic elite.
On another subject; INDIA beats China hands down in anything related to hygiene. THere they even still have to have projects going about building enough LOOs.

February 4th, 2020, 12:16
As some one who is not in pattaya right now , i would like to know if ex-pats or farang tourists are wearing face masks or is it just local thais ?

here in a very touristy part of BKK-big city, not around Silom, so much comparable to Patters, I would say about 40/50% of people on the street wear masks-mostly the said to be quite ineffective ones, i checked just 2-3 hrs ago in the 7 when I ate my toasted sandwith and talked with the lady from the KwaayYa=pharmacy inside (she has a knack on me and I am too softhearted to let her know I am not so much into that), which I do about once/week, there is still a large stack of masks for sale-as she showed me, and for regular price. ALL staff in the 7 however had to wear it now-also other ones. In fact I would say that a slight majority of tourists vs Thai wear them. Its mostly working Thai in customer contact who are now required to wear them.

February 4th, 2020, 12:20
In a collective show of common sense and non-over-reaction virtually no one is wearing a mask.

February 4th, 2020, 14:56
...they are effective if u know what the purpose is...

February 4th, 2020, 15:27
That’s the first time I’ve seen the video, arsenal, although I have heard and read about the speed at which they built the hospital. It certainly looks very impressive.


Well in my opinion it is not a hospital as we know it. This “hospital” is being built to cater for one and only ever one illness. It will not cater at all for the Multi disciplines you see in a regular hospital.

It will be more like an isolation unit.

And being made in China it will only last as long as it’s needed ....maybe.

February 4th, 2020, 15:31
And according to the BBC website (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-50861132), Heathrow Airport now expects to complete a third runway between 2028 and 2029 and have finished its full expansion (https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/48672963) by 2050.

We have been talking about extra runways in the London area since the 1960’s. If they plan to have this runway in use by 2029 then a few more years delay won’t make much difference.
It might actually be achieved in 100 years from the first day it was talked about in 1960!

February 4th, 2020, 15:51
And being made in China it will only last as long as it’s needed ....maybe.

John: Aren't you worried about the corona virus?

Jack: No, it won't last.

John: How do you know?

Jack: Coz it's Made in China.


February 4th, 2020, 16:20
And Cameron was gonna let em build a fuckin nuclear power station.

February 5th, 2020, 09:28
From today’s Bangkok Post:

Six new virus cases in Thailand

• 5 Feb 2020 at 09:18 0 comments

Thai returnees disembark from Thai AirAria flight FD571 from Wuhan in China that arrived at U-Tapao airport in Rayong province on Tuesday night. All 138 returnees will be screened for coronavirus symptoms and quarantined for 14 days.

Thailand reported more cases of human-to-human transmission of coronavirus with six people -- four Thais and two Chinese tourists -- the latest found to be infected, Thai health officials said on Tuesday . . .

See full story at: https://www.bangkokpost.com/learning/easy/1851054/six-new-virus-cases-in-thailand#cxrecs_s

British Foreign Secretary urges all Brits to leave China, as reported in the Evening Standard:

Coronavirus UK latest: Dominic Raab urges all British nationals to leave China

Brits in China have been urged to leave the country if they can amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak . . .

See full story at: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/coronavirus-uk-latest-dominic-raab-leave-china-a4353251.html

February 6th, 2020, 09:44
Just had a comment from a long term Pattaya resident that he is playing careful and limiting himself to head jobs only. I asked does he wear a condom.
His reply no never do.
I believe exchange of saliva is common method of infection.

Am I reading this correctly?

February 6th, 2020, 10:00
Returning to the glory holes should offer some measure of protection, but try not to swallow, and make liberal use of the hand sanitiser and antiseptic gel. On second thought maybe one should put on a condom.

February 6th, 2020, 10:03
Probability of transmission from any infected boy in your bed is >99.9%
Unless you wear condom, hazmat suit and a very good mask.
Or condom + glory hole. But where is the fun in that ?
Probability of any boy in your bed having the virus <0.1% ?

February 7th, 2020, 08:29
Latest from today’s Bangkok Post:

Whistleblower doctor dies, virus death toll rises to at least 630

published : 7 Feb 2020 at 07:22

A Chinese doctor, among the first to raise the alert about China's new coronavirus, himself died from the pathogen on Friday, emphasising the depth of a worsening crisis that has killed at least 630 people.

For full details see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1852594/whistleblower-doctor-dies-virus-death-toll-rises-to-at-least-630

February 7th, 2020, 08:37
I received the following advice from the UK Government via email for British nationals returning to the UK from Thailand and other parts of Asia:

Thailand travel advice

Change made
Health section (Coronavirus) – addition of link to advice from the Department of Health and Social Care if returning to the UK from Thailand
Time updated
6:08pm, 6 February 2020

From the Health Section of the British Embassy in Bangkok:


There is an ongoing outbreak of coronavirus. The virus originated in Wuhan City, Hubei Province but cases have been confirmed in other parts of China and the region, including Thailand. You should comply with any additional screening measures put in place by the local authorities.

If you’re returning to the UK from Thailand, consult the latest advice from the Department of Health and Social Care on actions you should take if you develop symptoms on your return. 

Further advice on coronavirus available from Public Health England, and the TravelHealthPro website.

Link to Embassy website: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/thailand/health

Advice from the Department of Health and Social Care in the UK :

Situation in the UK

Three patients in England have tested positive for coronavirus. Chief Medical Officer for England Professor Chris Whitty, has shared a statement. If more cases are confirmed in the UK, it will be announced as soon as possible by the Chief Medical Officer of the affected country.

Based on the World Health Organization’s declaration that this is a public health emergency of international concern, the UK Chief Medical Officers have raised the risk to the public from low to moderate. This permits the government to plan for all eventualities. The risk to individuals remains low.

Based on the scientific advice of SAGE the UK Chief Medical Officers are advising anyone who has travelled to the UK from mainland China, Thailand, Japan, Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia or Macau in the last 14 days and is experiencing cough or fever or shortness of breath, to stay indoors and call NHS 111, even if symptoms are mild.

These areas have been identified because of the volume of air travel from affected areas, understanding of other travel routes and number of reported cases. This list will be kept under review. Our advice for travellers from Wuhan and Hubei Province remains unchanged from the below.

As of 5 February, a total of 566 UK tests have concluded, of which 563 were confirmed negative and 3 positive.

1,466 passengers and 95 staff arrived in the UK on direct flights from Wuhan between 10 and 24 January.

• 162 of the passengers have already left the UK
• 53 of the crew have already left the UK
• All of the remaining 1304 passengers are now outside of the incubation period

We have been working in close collaboration with international colleagues and the World Health Organization to monitor the situation in China and around the world.

The Department of Health and Social Care will be publishing updated data on this page on a daily basis at 2pm until further notice.

Information about the virus

A coronavirus is a type of virus. As a group, coronaviruses are common across the world. Typical symptoms of coronavirus include fever and a cough that may progress to a severe pneumonia causing shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.

Generally, coronavirus can cause more severe symptoms in people with weakened immune systems, older people, and those with long-term conditions like diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease.

Novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) is a new strain of coronavirus first identified in Wuhan City, China.

Advice for travellers

British people travelling and living overseas following the outbreak of novel coronavirus should check the Foreign and Commonwealth Office travel advice.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has advised UK nationals to leave China where possible. If the situation continues to escalate the pressure on the Chinese health system may intensify, and it may also become harder for people to travel.

This change does not affect our advice for those returning from Wuhan or mainland China.

Link to website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-information-for-the-public

February 7th, 2020, 09:10
The following advice has been issued to airlines in the last hour and suggests that masks are virtually useless.
They recommended frequent washing of hands, hand sanitising as a priority,
This quote from the article. full reference below

Q: What's important if you are on a plane to ensure you don't get infected?

A: Hand hygiene -- because contrary to what people think, the hands are the way that these viruses most efficiently spread. Top of the list is frequent hand washing, hand sanitising, or both. Avoid touching your face. If you cough or sneeze, it's important to cover your face with a sleeve. Better yet, a tissue to be disposed of carefully, and then sanitising the hands afterward. Washing your hands and drying them is the best procedure. When that's not easy to do, alcohol-based sanitiser is a good second-best.


February 7th, 2020, 10:01
This is what the BBC News website had to say on January 20, 2020 about the effectiveness of wearing face masks: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-51299570 And on the same website, but dated January 23, 2020: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-51205344

And with regard to the point made by lonelywombat about hand hygiene, I have noticed that, at the entrances to nearly all of the shopping malls and some other public places I have so far visited in Bangkok, they are providing bottles of antiseptic hand gel for public use.

February 8th, 2020, 09:27
Now, talking about face masks, in today’s Bangkok Post the Thai Health Minister is reported as apologising for saying that a group of foreigners should be "kicked out of Thailand" for refusing to wear them . . .

Health minister apologises for anti-Western slurs

published : 8 Feb 2020 at 09:41
newspaper section: News
writer: Post Reporters

People buy face masks at one of two makeshift stalls set up near Government House yesterday morning. As many as 20,000 masks were reportedly snapped up in half an hour. Sales of the masks — a box of 10 for 25 baht — were limited to one set per person.

Government efforts to solve the shortage and high prices of face masks took a hit on Friday after Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul had to apologise for saying that a group of foreigners should be "kicked out of Thailand" for refusing to wear them.

Mr Anutin took to Facebook to say sorry after he criticised farang, the Thai word for "Westerners", suggesting they had put the general public at risk amid the coronavirus outbreak and should be deported . . .

See full report at: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1852949/health-minister-apologises-for-anti-western-slurs

Also in today’s Bangkok Post:

China virus toll hits 717 as cruise ship faces two-week quarantine

published : 8 Feb 2020 at 06:45
writer: AFP

BEIJING: The death toll from China's coronavirus outbreak rose to 717 on Saturday as the country seethes over an epidemic that claimed the life of a popular doctor and created global panic.

The toll has now surpassed the number of people who died in mainland China and Hong Kong during the 2002-2003 SARS outbreak, after another 81 people succumbed to the illness in central Hubei province.

More than 34,000 people have been infected in China by the new strain, which is believed to have emerged in a market that sold exotic animals in Hubei's capital, Wuhan, late last year . . .

See full report at: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1853214/china-virus-toll-hits-717-as-cruise-ship-faces-two-week-quarantine

February 9th, 2020, 08:34
The latest news on the coronavirus as published in today’s Bangkok Post:

Vendors arrested for overpriced face masks as government clamps down

published : 9 Feb 2020 at 05:01
newspaper section: News
writer: Post Reporters

At least 11 vendors have been arrested for selling face masks at inflated prices, the authorities revealed on Saturday, saying they were striving to ensure a better distribution of protective gear and hand-sanitising gel across the country.

Commerce Minister Jurin Laksanawisit said the vendors were nabbed as part of a government crackdown on overpricing of these items, which have been categorised as specially-controlled goods . . .

See full report at: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1853504/vendors-arrested-for-overpriced-face-masks-as-government-clamps-down

Also from the Bangkok Post:

Seven new virus cases found

published : 8 Feb 2020 at 13:48
writer: Reuters

The Public Health Ministry reported seven new cases of the coronavirus on Saturday, including three Thais and four Chinese.

The new cases brought the total reported in the country to 32, among the world's highest number of infections outside of China.

"The seven new cases are all in hospital," said Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai, director-general of the Disease Control Department . . .

See full report at: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1853289/seven-new-virus-cases-found

February 9th, 2020, 08:47
Meanwhile, in the UK, as the global death toll climbed to 725, it is reported in The Sunday Times:

UK faces ‘major’ coronavirus outbreak, warns world expert

New disease is greater threat than ebola and could overwhelm NHS

Britain could suffer a “major outbreak” of the coronavirus, which is likely to become a pandemic, according to the microbiologist who co-discovered ebola and the presence of Aids in Africa.

Professor Peter Piot, director of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said he was “increasingly alarmed” by the rapid spread of the virus and the “huge” number of cases emerging daily.

Almost 35,000 people in at least 28 countries have been infected, with 3,500 new cases yesterday. Among them were five Britons, including a boy aged nine, in the ski resort of Contamines-Montjoie in the French Alps, bringing the total number of cases involving UK citizens to seven. The global death toll climbed to 725.

The virus poses more danger than ebola, Piot said: “It’s a greater threat because of the mode of transmission. The potential for spread is much, much higher.” He said that even with a low death rate, “if the number of people who get infected is huge, then that will also kill a number of people”.

Ministers have ordered a “no-deal style” emergency plan amid fears that China will shut down for months, leaving Britain without goods that are manufactured there.

An uptick in cases could also overwhelm the NHS, said Piot, a former under-secretary-general of the UN who led the worldwide fight against Aids: “You know how already overburdened the NHS is and if you’ve got a sudden major rise in cases of pneumonia or milder respiratory infections . . . The NHS can hardly cope with the normal situation.”

The outbreak is unlikely to peak until the end of this month or in March, he said. A vaccine is also “unlikely” before the outbreak ends, he added. There is no cure.

His warning came as it emerged that China has snubbed offers of help from America and others. Privately, Chinese doctors say they are growing desperate for outside expertise.

A disturbing report on 138 patients in Wuhan, the centre of the virus, revealed turmoil with some so-called “super-spreaders” wreaking havoc.

One patient infected at least 10 health workers and four other patients. The World Health Organisation (WHO) considers the crisis to be an epidemic. If it declares the outbreak as a pandemic, meaning a new disease that is spreading globally, it would be the first in more than a decade.

Britain may not escape a surge in infections, Piot said: “In today’s world, no epidemic remains just a local affair. What happens thousands and thousands of miles from here in China has the potential of causing a major outbreak here.”

Last night about 200 Britons were on a chartered flight from Wuhan. They will be quarantined for two weeks in Milton Keynes.

So far, 686 people have been tested in the UK, with all but three negative. Tomorrow the tests will be extended nationwide, enabling 1,000 results a day.

Piot said a “big unknown” is the number of people infected but displaying no symptoms. The outbreak looks far more like the spread of H1N1, or swine flu, the last pandemic, than Sars, he said.

He gave qualified praise to China for showing “far more openness” than during the Sars epidemic, even if local authorities could have reacted much earlier.

The WHO last night warned that “trolls and conspiracy theories” were undermining its response to the virus. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, its director-general, said misinformation was “making the work of our heroic workers even harder”.


Link to The Times website: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/

February 10th, 2020, 09:51
The latest news from today’s Bangkok Post:

China stutters back to work as virus deaths soar

published : 10 Feb 2020 at 09:45
writer: AFP

BEIJING: Millions of people in China were returning to work on Monday after an extended holiday designed to slow the spread of the new coronavirus, which has killed more than 900 people in the country.

At least 40,000 people in China have now been infected by the virus, believed to have emerged late last year in Hubei province's capital Wuhan.

And although the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said there are tentative signs the epidemic is stabilising in China, the agency's director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned that the number of cases recorded overseas could be just "the tip of the iceberg" . . .

For full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1854439/china-stutters-back-to-work-as-virus-deaths-soar

February 10th, 2020, 15:11
...why is it that I don't care...not even slightly worried....havent made even the slightest change to my schedule

February 10th, 2020, 15:30
At last a sensible reply form the Latin!

February 11th, 2020, 09:16
Today’s latest news from the Bangkok Post on the coronavirus:

Thailand denies Westerdam cruise ship entry, China virus toll passes 1,000

published : 11 Feb 2020 at 07:56
writer: Bangkok Post and agencies

Thailand will not allow a cruise ship from Japan to let passengers disembark at the Laem Chabang port, Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said on Tuesday.

Mr Anutin posted a short Facebook message saying he has directed authorities not to allow the Westerdam ship to dock in Thailand.

The Bhumjaithai Party leader is the deputy prime minister in charge of transport.

The message was posted after the operator of the vessel announced on Monday the ship will let passengers off at the deep-sea port in Chon Buri on Thursday, Kyodo News reported.

The vessel carrying 1,455 passengers -- including four Japanese nationals -- and 802 crew members was scheduled to enter Naha Port in Okinawa prefecture on Saturday. But following Japan's order, the plan was cancelled . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1855034/thailand-denies-westerdam-cruise-ship-entry-china-virus-toll-passes-1-000

February 13th, 2020, 08:54
Covid-19 is the new official name for the coronavirus, as reported yesterday on The Times website:

The World Health Organisation has given the new coronavirus an official name: Covid-19, a shortened version of coronavirus disease 2019. The worldwide death toll stood at 1,113 last night.

And from today’s edition of The Times:

Coronavirus hits London as infected woman flies in from China

Ben Ellery, Chris Smyth, Tom Ball, Charlotte Wace
Thursday February 13 2020, 12.01am GMT, The Times

The first case of coronavirus in London was confirmed last night as the number of people infected in Britain rose to nine.

A Chinese woman who flew into the capital a few days ago is believed to be the latest victim. She is thought to have developed symptoms of the virus, known officially as Covid-19, after landing at Heathrow.

Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer, said that she was moved to the specialist centre at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS trust in central London, from which Steve Walsh, the “super-spreader”, was discharged yesterday. Professor Whitty said that the woman contracted the virus in China. It is not known if she went to Wuhan or Hubei province, where the outbreak originated. Health officials said that they were tracing anyone with whom the woman might have been in contact.

Patients and doctors were expressing anger that they had not been informed earlier after it emerged on Tuesday night that a doctor in the accident and emergency unit at Worthing Hospital, West Sussex, had tested positive for the illness. Members of staff at the hospital said that they had not been told about the case until Tuesday, although they saw people in hazmat suits last week.

Earlier in the day Mr Walsh, the British businessman who has been the only one of the nine UK cases of coronavirus to have been identified, left hospital fully recovered. NHS England said that Mr Walsh, 53, from Hove in East Sussex, posed “no risk”.

Link to website: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/coronavirus-in-london-as-infected-woman-flies-in-from-china-dvhx79m8t

And, as reported today in the Bangkok Post:

Cambodia welcomes liner

Anutin not convinced cruise ship virus-free

published : 13 Feb 2020 at 07:11

A cruise ship carrying 1,455 guests and 802 crew that was turned away by Thailand and four other countries on concerns over coronavirus, was finally given permission on Wednesday to dock in Cambodia, its operator announced.

A senior Cambodian government official told Kyodo News that the decision to let the Westerdam cruise ship operated by Holland America Line to dock in the southwestern seaport of Sihanoukville was based on humanitarian grounds . . .

For full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1856164/cambodia-welcomes-liner

Also reported in the Bangkok Post:

Commerce Ministry halts mask exports

published : 13 Feb 2020 at 06:01
newspaper section: Business
writer: Phusadee Arunmas

The Commerce Ministry has put the brakes on face mask exports to ensure sufficient domestic supply, just three working days after exporters asked to ship as many as 18 million pieces.

Whichai Phochanakij, director-general of the Internal Trade Department, said the department has yet to grant permission to any exporters because the priority is to ensure adequate supply in this country . . .

For full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1856344/commerce-ministry-halts-mask-exports

February 13th, 2020, 15:47
Jellybean ,thanks for these updates its very handy having them all on one thread for easy reading. In my situation I have a friend in Cambodia 'freaking out" at the moment regarding that Cruise ship that docked recently. I was able to come to this thread to get some details and then search further to try and reassure him he's not going to die!

February 13th, 2020, 18:24
I've got 2 Japanese friends on the Diamond Princess. They give me an update every day as to what's going on.

Luckily, they have an outside cabin with a balcony, but today the ship turned around and they don't get the sun any more.

They are bored shitless and are wondering why at first they didn't get much Japanese food. Not that it really mattered because they say lack of exercise means they aren't hungry and a lot of the food goes to waste. But they can now arrange to have food delivered to the boat.

Their main concern is - are we next in line to get the virus?

They were saying that all the staff on the ship will be getting 2 months leave on full pay. I think they deserve it.

February 13th, 2020, 19:12
That means only the very basic low garanteed wages-not the fat tips etc where they make most of their income from. And it seems for the coming 2-3 month at least the whole cruise ´industry´ (wat a nasty word for that) has to take a break after these 2 mishaps -at least outside of the Caribbeans where anyway 70-80% of such ships go merry around.
The Westerdam has/had 21 Thai onboard, but 19 of them were staff. In general 80/90% of serving staff at such ships are Pinoy or Indonesia.
Which would one lead to suspect they would be rich hunting grounds for single gay elder males, though there are too few reports about that to comfirm What does is true is that several US cruising firms charter/offer elder and polite/nice/entertaining/wellclad single elder males near free passage or even a little more renumeration as they are thus expected to fill up the desires of many single elder females from ditto. Which probably thus excludes our Patters compatriots to step in that role.

February 14th, 2020, 07:10
Jellybean ,thanks for these updates its very handy having them all on one thread for easy reading. In my situation I have a friend in Cambodia 'freaking out" at the moment regarding that Cruise ship that docked recently. I was able to come to this thread to get some details and then search further to try and reassure him he's not going to die!

Thanks for your kind words Zebedee. It's great to know my updates are appreciated.

Oh, and by the way, if you wouldn’t mind, do tell Florence the next time you see her that . . . it’s time for bed. She’ll know what you mean. Cheers! ;)

Right, to continue with the updating, the Bangkok Post reported today about passengers and crew from two cruise liners being allowed to alight at Phuket:

Phuket liner let-in cops flak

Critics level claims of double standards

published : 14 Feb 2020 at 04:01
newspaper section: News
writer: Post Reporters

More than 4,000 passengers and crew members from two cruise liners were allowed to alight in Phuket on Thursday, after public health officials said they had cleared them of the deadly coronavirus, prompting criticism of double standards after the Netherlands-flagged MS Westerdam cruise ship was turned away on Wednesday.

The Bahamas-flagged Seabourn Ovation, which has 495 vacationers and 470 staff on board, anchored at the Phuket deep-sea port on Thursday. It was returning from Malaysia's Langkawi Island. Everybody onboard, most of them European, were screened by public health officials before being given permission to step ashore . . .

For full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1856924/phuket-liner-let-in-cops-flak

Now for those worried about the drop in Chinese tourists, fear not, this is what was also reported in today’s Bangkok Post:

Officials mull visa-free entry for China market

Move aims to revive battered industry

published : 14 Feb 2020 at 06:41
newspaper section: Business
writer: Dusida Worrachaddejchai and Narumon Kasemsuk

Tourism officials are again proposing visa-free entry for Chinese citizens as part of a tourism revival scheme, following an estimation by the central bank that the economy may grow by less than 2% this year as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

Tourism and Sports Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn said the number of international tourist arrivals during Feb 1-9 fell by 43.4% year-on-year to 730,213 as the number of Chinese tourists plunged 86.6% . . .

For full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1857054/officials-mull-visa-free-entry-for-china-market

And the BBC produced ten very helpful maps and graphics that they say will help you understand what is going on:

Coronavirus: A visual guide to the outbreak
By The Visual and Data Journalism Team BBC News
• 13 February 2020

Link to BBC website: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-51235105?xtor=ES-211-

February 14th, 2020, 16:42
Update from today’s Bangkok Post on the screening of passengers from the MS Westerdam and other people arriving on flights and by land from Cambodia, after the cruise ship was allowed to berth in Sihanoukville on Thursday:

Screening for arrivals from Cambodia

published : 14 Feb 2020 at 16:56
writer: Apinya Wipatayotin

Health authorities have ordered strict screening of passengers from the MS Westerdam and other people arriving on flights and by land from Cambodia, after the cruise ship was allowed to berth in Sihanoukville on Thursday.

Dr Sukhum Kanchanapimai, the health permanent secretary, said on Friday they had received a list of all people aboard the ship and forwarded it to immigration, so that they would be screened for symptoms of the novel coronavirus if they arrive in the country.

"We have implemented the same measures we imposed on people from Wuhan city. People aboard all flights from Phnom Penh will be checked. This also covers visitors by land from Cambodia," he said . . .

For full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1857649/screening-for-arrivals-from-cambodia

Nirish guy
February 14th, 2020, 21:58
...... The Westerdam has/had 21 Thai onboard, but 19 of them were staff. In general 80/90% of serving staff at such ships are Pinoy or Indonesia. Which would one lead to suspect they would be rich hunting grounds for single gay elder males, though there are too few reports about that to comfirm.

From a Flipino friend who has worked on cruise ships for several years ( and is a proud slut) under NO circumstances would he ( or his co workers) go with a passenger to their cabin ( or take them to theirs) as to be found doing so would have meant instant dismissal from the ship and resulted in them having a damned hard time getting a placement on any other vessel, that being as the cruise industry is of course a very tightly knit and incestuous industry and doing "that" apparently is akin to breaking one of the cardinal sins on board ship !

( Me now knowing that of course just makes me want to try all the harder to try and corrupt one of the usually very cute staff all the more when told " sorry cannot" DAMN THEM ! :-)

February 15th, 2020, 10:44
In general 80/90% of serving staff at such ships are Pinoy or Indonesia.
Which would one lead to suspect they would be rich hunting grounds for single gay elder males, though there are too few reports about that to comfirm...
A friend of mine goes on cruises regularly and says there is a rule that the cabin door has to been open when staff is in the room.

February 15th, 2020, 17:28
Me knowing that of course just makes me want to try all the harder to try and corrupt one of the usually very cute staff all the more when told " sorry cannot" DAMN THEM ! :-)

Seamen, seamen everywhere but not a cum drop to suck on.

Nirish guy
February 15th, 2020, 21:42
A friend of mine goes on cruises regularly and says there is a rule that the cabin door has to been open when staff is in the room.

ha The company would need to be careful with that rule as some gay men might consider it the same rule as in a gay sauna where if the door is open it's considered more of an invitation to enter and join......or maybe more like join and then enter perhaps ! :-)

February 16th, 2020, 08:01
This is a pretty common ruling in about any HTL etc worldwide. of course to prevent theft and rumbling through belongings of the temp. inhabitant.
The 2 burmese girls in the place where I now stay that do the cleaning, also adhere strict to it. They mostly take also their time to play the next game on their fones.
But I like NIR here much more-in the past I often saw ads for ´gay cruises´ where you sat kind of locked up with those who subscribed for the time- I now realise that also seems to be a thing of the past
And back to the or. subject: even Thai seems to have some brains sometimes and now realise that most of the cruiseship pax landed in Sihanouk and welcomed without mask by the dear leader since 30 yrs, a mr. HS, will have to transit via BKK to get home. Strict and thorough measures are to be taken!

February 17th, 2020, 04:36
Woman let off cruise ship in Cambodia tests positive for coronavirus
Malaysian minister questions precautions taken after passengers left MS Westerdam

Rebecca Ratcliffe South-east Asia correspondent

Mon 17 Feb 2020 03.26 AEDT Last modified on Mon 17 Feb 2020 08.00 AEDT
After the Westerdam’s stop in Cambodia, 236 passengers and 747 crew remain onboard. Photograph: Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters
Concerns have been raised over the possible spread of the new coronavirus among hundreds of passengers who disembarked from a cruise ship in Cambodia on Friday, after one of them was confirmed to have the disease following a second test carried out in Malaysia.

Scores of passengers who left the MS Westerdam, which had been at sea for two weeks after leaving Hong Kong on 1 February, have travelled on to other destinations.

The director general of Malaysia’s health ministry, Noor Hisham Abdullah, said he believed further precautions should have been taken when passengers disembarked.

“Only 20 passengers had their tests done. That was what we were told,” he said. “The fact one case is positive, [means] all other passengers [have] exposure.”

Cambodia was praised by the head of the World Health Organization for receiving the ship, which had been turned away by five other countries despite there being no confirmed cases onboard at the time.


Marc K
February 17th, 2020, 04:58
Actually no they don't have to transit via BKK. It appears that many of them took the nonstop Air Asia flight to KL.

February 18th, 2020, 09:11
The latest from today’s Bangkok Post:

Japanese and S'pore arrivals screened

published : 18 Feb 2020 at 05:01
newspaper section: News
writer: Apinya Wipatayotin

Health authorities have extended coronavirus screening to cover visitors from Japan and Singapore while denying entry to passengers and crew of the MS Westerdam, now berthed in Cambodia.

"We have expanded our intensive screening to travellers from Japan and Singapore. The screening method will be the same one used on passengers from Wuhan," Dr Sukhum Kanchanapimai, Public Health Ministry permanent secretary, told a news conference on Monday. Intensive screening was already in place for arrivals from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1859884/japanese-and-spore-arrivals-screened

And a recent report from the BBC News correspondent in Beijing:

Coronavirus: China and the virus that threatens everything
By John Sudworth BBC News, Beijing

Link to BBC website: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-51449675?xtor=ES-211-

February 18th, 2020, 09:50
...bit like chicken little....darting around clucking that the sky is gonna fall down...lol

February 18th, 2020, 17:11
Was Cambodia's Prime Minister, Hun Sen, wrong to allow the MS Westerdam to dock at Sihanoukville?

See the following report in The New York Times dated, February 17th, 2020:

Cambodia’s Coronavirus Complacency May Exact a Global Toll

After a cruise ship docked in Cambodia, passengers streamed off the ship, maskless, and fears are rising that the country could become a vector of transmission

By Hannah Beech
Feb. 17, 2020

SIHANOUKVILLE, Cambodia — When Cambodia’s prime minister greeted passengers on a cruise ship amid a coronavirus scare on Valentine’s Day, embraces were the order of the day. Protective masks were not . . .

For full report see: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/17/world/asia/coronavirus-westerdam-cambodia-hun-sen.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage

February 19th, 2020, 14:05

February 20th, 2020, 12:49
Three stories from today’s Bangkok Post:

Two Japan virus-ship passengers die

published : 20 Feb 2020 at 10:27
writer: Reuters

TOKYO: Two elderly passengers from the coronavirus-hit cruise ship moored near Tokyo have died, public broadcaster NHK said on Thursday, as a second group of passengers began disembarking after two-weeks quarantined onboard.

More than 620 of the passengers on the Diamond Princess liner have been infected on the ship, which has been quarantined since Feb 3, initially with about 3,700 people on board.

NHK, citing a government source, said the passengers were both Japanese, a man and woman in their 80s . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1861764/two-japan-virus-ship-passengers-die

Israel ban irks Thailand

Ministry suspends worker scheme

published : 20 Feb 2020 at 04:01
newspaper section: News
writer: Kornchanok Raksaseri & Penchan Charoensuthipan

Thailand has called on Israel to review its decision to ban Thais from entering the country in a bid to control the spread of deadly coronavirus (Covid-19).

As a result of the ban, the Labour Ministry will have to postpone sending Thai workers to Israel under the employment cooperation project between the two countries. The situation is being assessed daily . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1861199/israel-ban-irks-thailand

Outbreak 'reviving stereotypes'

published : 20 Feb 2020 at 04:39
newspaper section: News
writer: Thana Boonlert

The discrimination faced by Thais abroad during the novel coronavirus outbreak shows how growing public anxiety can revive long-standing tensions and negative stereotypes about Chinese, an expert said.

Wasana Wongsurawat, a historian at Chulalongkorn University, said the discrimination experienced by the victims has roots in the mistaken belief that they come from China . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1861229/outbreak-reviving-stereotypes

February 21st, 2020, 09:33
Three more reports from today’s Bangkok Post:

Two Australian evacuees from Japan ship have coronavirus

published : 21 Feb 2020 at 09:46
writer: AFP

SYDNEY: Two Australians evacuated from the Diamond Princess cruise ship have tested positive for coronavirus, authorities said on Friday, raising questions about Japan's policy of allowing evacuees to return home after testing negative.

"We have two people who are positive for the Covid-19 virus. Those two people have mild illness," said Dianne Stephens, acting chief health officer for the Northern Territory . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1862594/two-australian-evacuees-from-japan-ship-have-coronavirus#cxrecs_s

Hubei province reports 411 new coronavirus cases

published : 21 Feb 2020 at 07:08
writer: Reuters

BEIJING: China's central Hubei province had 411 new confirmed cases of coronavirus infections on Thursday, the province's health commission said on Friday, up from 349 cases a day earlier.

The uptick in cases reversed three days of declines, although the number was still the lowest since Jan 26. It brings the total accumulated number of confirmed cases in Hubei to 62,442 . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1862589/hubei-province-reports-411-new-coronavirus-cases#cxrecs_s

THAI cancels flights due to virus

published : 20 Feb 2020 at 21:07
writer: Post Reporters

Thai Airways International will cancel some flights to eight countries this and next months as the coronavirus outbreak has crippled air travel.

The flight adjustments this month and most of March cover destinations in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, the Philippines, Bangladesh and the United Arabs Emirates . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1861979/thai-cancels-flights-due-to-virus#cxrecs_s

February 21st, 2020, 11:52
Further update from today’s Bangkok Post:

New virus outbreaks in China, abroad rekindle concerns

published : 21 Feb 2020 at 10:46
writer: AFP

BEIJING: An eruption of new virus cases in South Korea, Iran and Chinese hospitals and prisons rekindled concerns on Friday about the spread of a deadly disease that has killed more than 2,200 people.

The World Health Organisation warned nations they could face a serious problem if they fail to "hit hard now" against the new coronavirus, which has infected more than 75,000 in China and over 1,100 abroad . . .

For full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1862639/new-virus-outbreaks-in-china-abroad-rekindle-concerns

And from The New York Times:

Coronavirus Live Updates: A Surge of New Cases in South Korea

The figures give the country the second largest number of confirmed cases outside of mainland China.

Right Now
Chinese officials announced on Friday that there were 889 new cases of the coronavirus in the previous 24 hours, raising the overall total above 75,000. The death toll went up by 118, to 2,236.

Here’s what you need to know:

• Cases in South Korea surge as officials focus on a church.
• China’s deaths and infections rise after officials change their methodology again.
• Trials for two coronavirus drug therapies to begin.
• To protect their family, doctors turn to self-imposed isolation.

Cases in South Korea surge as officials focus on a church.

South Korea said on Friday that the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection rose to 156, a near tripling over three days.

Among the 52 new cases reported on Friday, 41 are in Daegu, a city of about two and half million people in the southeastern part of the country, and the surrounding region, South Korean disease control officials said in a statement. Among those, 39 of the new cases were connected to a church called Shincheonji . . .

For the full report see: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/21/world/asia/china-coronavirus.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage

February 21st, 2020, 13:48
I can envisage the Tokyo Olympics being postponed or even cancelled if this continues.

February 21st, 2020, 18:44
I can envisage the Tokyo Olympics being postponed or even cancelled if this continues.

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics will run from 24 July to 9 August. And, according to the following BBC report dated February 18, 2020, the “Tokyo 2020 organisers, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and International Paralympic Committee (IPC) have insisted cancellation is not being considered.” I assume that all depends on how Covid-19 develops and how quickly they find a cure.

Coronavirus: What could it mean for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo

By Laura Scott
BBC Sport

18 February 2020

With the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo just over five months away, and coronavirus continuing to cause havoc for the sporting calendar, attention has turned to how the Olympics might be impacted . . .
For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/51543742

February 22nd, 2020, 02:48
And now this: https://www.bangkokpost.com/sports/1862814/china-world-cup-qualifiers-moved-to-thailand

February 23rd, 2020, 09:29
In today’s post I have provided links to two reports from the Bangkok Post and a light hearted photo from facebook:

Virus screening for travellers from Italy considered

Sharp rise in cases in European country has Thai health authorities concerned

published : 22 Feb 2020 at 17:55
writer: Apinya Wipatayotin

Thailand may need to consider screening travellers arriving from Italy for coronavirus following a sharp rise in cases in the European country, health officials said on Saturday.

The screening would likely apply if cases escalate further in Italy, Thanarak Plipat, deputy chief of the Department of Disease Control, said at a daily briefing.

The Ministry of Public Health has already introduced screening of passengers from several other affected locations. Officials began screening arriving air passengers from Wuhan, the heart of the outbreak in China, on Jan 3, followed by those from Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, Japan, Singapore and now South Korea . . .

For full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1863319/virus-screening-for-travellers-from-italy-considered

Jump in virus cases outside China alarming

Cases more than double to 433 in South Korea as links to church investigated

published : 22 Feb 2020 at 20:33
writer: News Agencies

Iran, Italy and South Korea all reported additional deaths and a sharp rise in coronavirus cases on Saturday, stoking further alarm about the jump in infections outside China.

Iran had a fifth death and 10 more cases, bringing the total to 28, state television reported. The World Health Organization said the situation in Iran was “very worrisome” because of the lack of any direct link to China. It underlined the agency’s concern that the window of opportunity to prevent a global pandemic is closing . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1863344#cxrecs_s

And just to lighten the mood a little, I thought I would attach a photo which was posted on facebook under the caption, "This Corona is getting out of hand!"

Just in case it isn’t clear, in place of a facemask, the lad in the fishnet stockings is wearing ladies panties.

This Corona is getting out of hand!

February 23rd, 2020, 10:49
thank goodness for the last pic...am sooooo sick of all the drama over nothing...

February 23rd, 2020, 11:31
Actually I quite like the shapely, firm, and inviting legs and derrière.

February 23rd, 2020, 15:21
thank goodness for the last pic...am sooooo sick of all the drama over nothing...

Maybe drama, but not about nothing.

February 24th, 2020, 00:46
really...more people die in car accidents (700/day) in china but yet there is no warning to avoid china because of crazy kamakazi road antics....60 0000 die/year (in a bad year) in the US because of the flu....yet NO warning about avoiding the US ....me thinks world has gone nuts

February 24th, 2020, 11:51
From today’s Bangkok Post:

South Korea on frontline as coronavirus spreads

published : 24 Feb 2020 at 11:46
writer: AFP

SEOUL: The deadly coronavirus epidemic spread further outside China on Monday as a surge of infections in South Korea made it the biggest hotspot abroad, while authorities in Europe and the Middle East battled to curb outbreaks.

The number of fatalities in China also continued to soar, with 150 more confirmed deaths taking the official death toll to nearly 2,600 . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1864559/south-korea-on-frontline-as-coronavirus-spreads

From the Airport Technology website:

23 February 2020

Coronavirus in Japan: Covid-19 measures and impact
By Praveen Duddu
Japan has the third-highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the world, after China and Singapore, even after excluding the cases on the stranded cruise ship, Diamond Princess. Japan's coronavirus numbers are on the rise even as the government continues to implement safety measures . . .

For the full report see: https://www.airport-technology.com/features/countries-with-coronavirus-japan-covid-19-impact-economy-travel-trade/

It’s probably still too early for the Thai government to be making any public announcements regarding Songkran 2020, but I would be surprised if they aren’t keeping a close eye on what impact, if any, the Covid-19 situation will have on this year’s Songkran festivities. This is all I could find from the Thaiger website:

Songkran around Thailand – where can you get wet in 2020?

Published 3 hours ago on February 24, 2020
By The Thaiger

PLEASE NOTE: Some of these scheduled activities may change or be altered due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

Songkran Festival is an event where an all-out water battle and ancient traditions somehow blend in annual celebration. It’s unlike anything else in the world. And it’s wet. Venturing out onto Thailand’s streets on April 13 is an open invitation to have a bucket of water thrown at you or a loaded water super-soaker unloaded in your direction. From the wet and wild to the gentle and traditional, you WILL get wet.

For tourists, the event offers a huge water party breaking out in the streets of Thailand’s towns and villages. For locals, it is a time when they can spend moments with their families and visit temples to make merit – and then get involved in the water fights as well. . .

For the full report see: https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/songkran/the-four-days-of-songkran-do-it-like-a-local

Nirish guy
February 24th, 2020, 14:41
really...more people die in car accidents (700/day) in china but yet there is no warning to avoid china because of crazy kamakazi road antics....60 0000 die/year (in a bad year) in the US because of the flu....yet NO warning about avoiding the US ....me thinks world has gone nuts

Have you heard of a thing called "mutation" Latin, THAT is what they're more worried about rather than how many old people die of THIS particular strain of this particualr virus, so far they've gotten lucky that THIS virus, whilst able to travel fast isn't THAT deadly, but that fact could change in a heartbeat and the travelling fast along with a mutated strain that IS a lot more deadly ( think Spainish flu etc) IS something that should give concern, hence the need to try and stop this virus in it's tracks if possible, which so far they are failing to do and they know it.

February 24th, 2020, 14:44
really...more people die in car accidents (700/day) in china but yet there is no warning to avoid china because of crazy kamakazi road antics....60 0000 die/year (in a bad year) in the US because of the flu....yet NO warning about avoiding the US ....me thinks world has gone nuts

About 80,000 infections and 2,600 deaths in a matter of months and spreading.

February 24th, 2020, 17:56
francois as seen yesterday near Tukcom:

February 24th, 2020, 19:45
This virus is in addition to all the car accidents, standard flu etc.
If it goes global, a 2% death rate x a few billion people means a lot of deaths.

Also, the death rate is higher for people who are old, or have certain existing health issues.
Anyone of a certain age might want to take more care to avoid this particular virus.

February 25th, 2020, 01:51
...I'd start panicking right now if I was you...

February 25th, 2020, 08:53
francois as seen yesterday near Tukcom:

How did you recognize me ?

February 25th, 2020, 09:19
. . . Also, the death rate is higher for people who are old, or have certain existing health issues.
Anyone of a certain age might want to take more care to avoid this particular virus.

Well said, goji, that’s why I am taking a particular interest in this story – see my comments at post #2 in this thread (quoted below):

. . . But, as I have a weakened immune system and suffer from asthma, I thought it would be prudent and certainly do no harm to buy and wear a face mask . . .

Now, getting back to the latest news, today I highlight three stories from today’s Bangkok Post:

China reports 508 new cases of coronavirus, deaths up by 71

published : 25 Feb 2020 at 08:04
writer: Reuters

BEIJING: China had 508 new confirmed cases of coronavirus infections on Monday, the country's National Health Commission said on Tuesday, up from 409 cases a day earlier.

That brings the total number of confirmed cases in mainland China so far to 77,658.

The death toll from the outbreak in mainland China had reached 2,663 as of the end of Monday, up by 71 from the previous day . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1865249/china-reports-508-new-cases-of-coronavirus-deaths-up-by-71

Airlines scramble to slash ticket prices

published : 25 Feb 2020 at 07:00
newspaper section: Business
writer: Narumon Kasemsuk and Dusida Worrachaddejchai

The unease caused by Covid-19 is expected to drag down Thai tourism for more than six months, triggering airlines to slash ticket prices to steer the market, while Nok Air and Nokscoot cut pilots and cabin crew to save cost.

Thai Airways International (THAI) is partnering with the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) to offer discounts such as free domestic tickets to international tourists. Low-cost carriers plan to focus on local tourists opting for domestic travel as there is a limited number of outbound choices free from the virus . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1865039/airlines-scramble-to-slash-ticket-prices

Italy's coronavirus 'red zone' gets used to life under quarantine

published : 24 Feb 2020 at 20:45
writer: AFP

Italy has become the first European country to take drastic isolation measures over the COVID-19 after five deaths with more than 50,000 residents in 11 northern towns in quarantine.

CASALPUSTERLENGO, Italy: At the edge of the northern Italian town of Casalpusterlungo, residents are slowly getting used to the isolation measures descending around towns like theirs, the centres of Italy's outbreak of the new coronavirus.

Here the frontline of the fight against the virus is an unassuming roundabout in the middle of the Lombard plain . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1864739/italys-coronavirus-red-zone-gets-used-to-life-under-quarantine#cxrecs_s

February 25th, 2020, 09:57
francois as seen yesterday near Tukcom:

How did you recognize me ?

I was wondering the same thing, françois. There is clearly no sign of your French beret or your French stick. Maybe he recognised you from your jaunty French gait as you walked by Tukcom heading who knows where in your hazmat suit. Hmmm . . . ? ;)

February 26th, 2020, 09:23
Today I highlight three Covid-19 related topics from the Bangkok Post:

Uneasy silence at malls

Sales drop as locals, tourists avoid shops

published : 26 Feb 2020 at 06:31
newspaper section: Business
writer: Pitsinee Jitpleecheep

Tenants call for reduced rental rates at MBK after a drastic sales drop caused by the coronavirus outbreak.

The atmosphere at NaRaYa, a popular bag retailer at Ratchaprasong intersection, has completely changed during the past several months. Long queues of customers and busy cashiers are sights not seen at the flagship store since the coronavirus outbreak.

A similar fate has befallen Big C Supercenter's Ratchadamri branch, whose Thai souvenir zone on the ground floor used to be a hotspot for Chinese shoppers but has now gone quiet. It's the same story at Tao Kae Noi Land's Terminal 21 shop, another draw for Chinese tourists . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1865689/uneasy-silence-at-malls

Health authorities expect coronavirus spread on US soil

published : 26 Feb 2020 at 07:05
writer: AFP

American health authorities said Tuesday they ultimately expect the novel coronavirus to spread in the United States and are urging local governments, businesses, and schools to develop plans like cancelling mass gatherings or switching to teleworking.

Officials are also worried the outbreak poses a threat to the the security of the US drug supply chain because a high proportion of ingredients used to make medicine is made in China, where the virus was first identified . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1866024/health-authorities-expect-coronavirus-spread-on-us-soil

Italy, Iran cases jump, drug result due in April: Virus update

published : 25 Feb 2020 at 18:07
updated: 25 Feb 2020 at 18:08
writer: Bloomberg and online reporters

Iran reported a total of 15 deaths from the coronavirus, the most fatalities outside China. Italy, the outbreak’s epicentre in Europe, said infections in the Lombardy region rose to 206 from 172. The country might seek flexibility on some budget targets.

Earlier on Tuesday, South Korea reported 84 new infections for a total tally of 977, making it the country with most cases outside of China, while Thailand reported two new cases. The US, Japan and Hong Kong issued travel warnings for South Korea, while the United Arab Emirates banned flights to all Iranian cities . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1865439/italy-iran-cases-jump-drug-result-due-in-april-virus-update#cxrecs_s

February 26th, 2020, 11:16
I have just passed through Savanabhumi airport. It was completely deserted as I checked in, passed through immigration and security. Not a single other passenger in sight or a queue for anything...and this was at 10.30.
All staff wearing masks but with little or nothing to do as there are very, very few passengers to be seen.

February 26th, 2020, 12:27
I have just passed through Savanabhumi airport. It was completely deserted as I checked in, passed through immigration and security. Not a single other passenger in sight or a queue for anything...and this was at 10.30.
All staff wearing masks but with little or nothing to do as there are very, very few passengers to be seen.

Crikey, gerefan2! Your report on the situation at Suvarnabhumi Airport immediately brought to mind the song, Ghost Town by the Specials:


One of my concerns is whether at any point in the next two months my airline, Emirates, will impose a travel ban on flights to Thailand. Hopefully, all the precautions being taken by the Thai government will ensure there will be no flight restrictions. Passengers should of course check their airlines for any operational changes. This is what Emirates had to say as at February 25, 2020:

Operational changes

Last updated: 25 February 2020, 20:16 Dubai (GMT+4)
Updates due to COVID-19

Emirates’ operational updates in response to COVID-19 are given below.

Several countries have imposed travel and immigration restrictions due to COVID-19. All customers are requested to check relevant travel advisories from and to the countries to which they are travelling. This is a dynamic situation and it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure there are no entry restrictions at their travel destination.

Customers are also advised to check the website for the latest flight updates, rebooking and refund options. To receive the latest notifications, customers are requested to ensure we have their correct contact details by visiting Manage booking.

We are monitoring the situation closely, and will keep customers informed with the latest operational updates . . .

For full details see: https://www.emirates.com/uk/english/help/travel-updates.aspx/#3515

The British Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) has today updated their travel advice to Lombardy, Italy as follows:

The FCO advise against all but essential travel to 10 small towns in Lombardy (Codogno, Castiglione d’Adda, Casalpusterlengo, Fombio, Maleo, Somaglia, Bertonico, Terranova dei Passerini, Castelgerundo and San Fiorano) and one in Veneto (Vo’ Euganeo), which have been isolated by the Italian authorities due to an ongoing outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19).

The government of Italy has introduced extraordinary measures that allow regions to implement civil protection measures in response to coronavirus, including the isolation of these towns. See Health . . .

For the full advice see: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/italy

The FCO advice on travel to Thailand remains unchanged from January 24, 2020:

There is an ongoing outbreak of coronavirus. The virus originated in Wuhan City, Hubei Province but cases have been confirmed in other parts of China and the region, including Thailand. You should comply with any additional screening measures put in place by the local authorities.

If you’re returning to the UK from Thailand, consult the latest advice from the Department of Health and Social Care (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-information-for-the-public) on actions you should take if you develop symptoms on your return. 

FCO advice as regards Japan is as follows:


Still current at: 26 February 2020
Updated: 23 February 2020

Latest update: Health (Coronavirus - COVID-19); update to information and advice following an outbreak of COVID-19.

330,000 British nationals visited Japan in 2018. Most visits are trouble free.

Follow the British Embassy Tokyo on Facebook and Twitter for updates and more information about Japan.

There is an ongoing outbreak of coronavirus in Japan, including instances of in-country transmission. It may cause more severe symptoms in older people, and those with pre-existing medical conditions. The Japanese authorities have introduced a number of measures, including immigration restrictions and enhanced quarantine procedures at entry points to Japan. See Health

There has been a confirmed outbreak of coronavirus on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. This ship is currently in quarantine in Yokohama. If you need urgent consular assistance, contact the British Embassy in Tokyo on +81 3 5211 1100 or via the web contact form. If you’re concerned about family or friends on board, you can contact the operator Carnival via their assistance telephone numbers on 0800 014 8339 (from the UK) or 0800 170 6282 (from Japan). We continue to support British nationals who remain in Japan after the recent UK evacuation flight.

More information at: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/japan

February 26th, 2020, 19:25
I have just passed through Savanabhumi airport. It was completely deserted as I checked in, passed through immigration and security. Not a single other passenger in sight or a queue for anything...and this was at 10.30.
All staff wearing masks but with little or nothing to do as there are very, very few passengers to be seen.

Further to the above post by gerefan2 about Suvarnabhumi Airport, it seems it’s not the only quiet airport in the Thai capital. I received a photo taken at Don Mueang Airport by ChristianPFC, which he has given me permission to post here. He said that normally there are people sitting on the floor not the wide open spaces shown in the photo.


And while here, I would advise members that the latest news from the Bangkok Post is that Thailand has reported three new cases of coronavirus taking the country’s total to 40. And global deaths have now reached 2,764, with cases numbering 80,991. See the following two reports:

Thailand has 3 new coronavirus cases, urges travel disclosure

Health minister discourages travel abroad, saying 'It could be your last holiday.'

published : 26 Feb 2020 at 13:37
updated: 26 Feb 2020 at 18:53
writer: Agencies and online reporters

Thailand has confirmed three more novel coronavirus cases, taking the country’s total to 40, and authorities criticised one of the patients for denying a trip to Japan and said the country will step up efforts to contain the disease.

Two of the new patients, all of whom were Thai nationals, had returned from vacation in Japan's northern island of Hokkaido and came into contact with the third patient, an 8-year old boy, said Sukhum Kanchanapimai, permanent secretary for public health . . .

For full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1866094/thailand-has-3-new-coronavirus-cases-urges-travel-disclosure

Korea infections top 1,200: Virus update

published : 26 Feb 2020 at 17:26
writer: Bloomberg and online reporters

Thailand reported three new cases of coronavirus as mounting cases across the Middle East, Europe and Asia sparked concern the outbreak is widening into a pandemic.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned Americans to prepare for a potential Covid-19 outbreak at home.
The heightened fears roiled financial markets again, with Asian stocks falling after a rout on Wall Street.

South Korea has emerged as a hot spot for the virus, with infections surging to more than 1,200. Italy reported an 11th fatality, while Iran has seen 15. A Brazilian patient tested preliminary positive for the coronavirus, in what would be the first infection in Latin America . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1866234/korea-infections-top-1-200-virus-update

February 27th, 2020, 09:37
Today’s latest Covid-19 story from the Bangkok Post:

Don't hide travel history: Govt

Ministry approves fine to stem outbreak

published : 27 Feb 2020 at 04:01
newspaper section: News
writer: Apinya Wipatayotin

The Public Health Ministry is warning people against withholding information to public health officials and suggesting state agencies and companies issue an advisory and/or a temporary ban on visits to Covid-19 affected countries, as it steps up efforts to contain the spread of the virus.

The move comes after three members of a family who travelled to Hokkaido, Japan tested positive for the novel coronavirus, bringing the country's total number of confirmed cases to 40. It also followed a decision by national committee on communicable diseases early this week to label Covid-19 as a "dangerous, communicable disease" . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1866324/dont-hide-travel-history-govt

And the latest from the BBC News website regarding the surge in cases in Italy and the spread of the coronavirus, in the past two days, to Austria, Croatia, Greece, Norway, Switzerland, Georgia and North Macedonia:

Coronavirus cases surge to 400 in Italy

• 4 hours ago

The number of coronavirus cases in Italy has jumped to 400, amid international efforts to contain the spread of the deadly outbreak.

The rise in Italy, the main focus of infection in Europe, represents a 25% surge in 24 hours.

Several European countries announced new cases traced to Italy.

Also on Wednesday, the World Health Organization said that for the first time the virus was spreading faster outside China, where it originated.

Globally, more than 80,000 people in about 40 countries have been infected with the new coronavirus, which emerged in December. The vast majority remain in China . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51645902

February 27th, 2020, 19:15
One of my concerns is whether at any point in the next two months my airline, Emirates, will impose a travel ban on flights to Thailand. Hopefully, all the precautions being taken by the Thai government will ensure there will be no flight restrictions. ... This is what Emirates had to say as at February 25, 2020:

your concerns may be justified - Emirates updated that page 27 February to include:


The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a directive detailing a travel ban to Thailand for UAE citizens. Customers can rebook or reroute their journeys until 31st May.

how/if this will affect non-UAE citizens transiting through Dubai to/from Thailand on Emirates is not specified and there is no mentions of flight cancellations to/from Bangkok yet - though most of these flights start/finish in other locations, eg Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong etc though re HK elsewhere on that same page they are already advising passengers booked to/from HK can cancel or change flights to alternate destinations including Bangkok! similarly for Singapore

I am booked on Emirates Bangkok-Dubai-Amsterdam late May returning mid June - still to early to do anything but wait and see but alternate (much more expensive) flight options eg with EVA or THAI are rapidly getting booked out

but then by May the pandemic may have already decimated Thailand, UAE, and most of Europe, or everything is under control world wide, flights are back to normal, and everyone is left wondering what the panic was all about, and I will have other diseases to worry about when exploring the more interesting bars in Amsterdam - no, no really I am just going there for the museums!

February 27th, 2020, 20:46
your concerns may be justified - Emirates updated that page 27 February to include:


The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a directive detailing a travel ban to Thailand for UAE citizens. Customers can rebook or reroute their journeys until 31st May.

Oh dear, bkkguy, that is depressing news. If the UAE has banned its own citizens from visiting Thailand, it’s not much of a leap for them to ban other nationalities from flying out of Thailand and transiting through Dubai.

My return flight to the UK is in mid-April 2020, approximately seven weeks away. The question is, what to do?

It reminds me of the situation back in 2010 when the eruption of the Icelandic volcano, Eyjafjallajökull, triggered floods and ash plumes that halted air travel to Europe. At the time, I owned my own apartment in Bangkok, so an extended stay in Thailand would not have been that costly or much of a problem. But now, I rent an apartment and have not factored in the extra cost of rental payments should I have to remain here for an extended period.

Alternatively, of course, I might have to request a refund from Emirates and look to rebook with another airline, perhaps Qatar who, coincidentally, sent me an email this evening promoting a good priced offer for "valued Privilege Club members" (although I haven’t flown with them for a number of years, but was a frequent flyer with them for ten or more years) if I book before 4 March and travel before 10 December 2020. But they might follow suit and also ban flights in and out of Thailand.

Getting back to old, Eyjafjallajökull, I’m fairly sure I decided to cut short my Thai trip for fear that I might be stranded. Quite a few other passengers reached the same conclusion as the airline offices were swamped with passengers changing their flights. In the end, all turned out well and flights resumed over Europe without too long an interruption. I could therefore have remained in Bangkok without curtailing my trip.

Per Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_eruptions_of_Eyjafjallaj%C3%B6kull) . . .
volcanic eruptions, caused enormous disruption to air travel across western and northern Europe over an initial period of six days in April 2010. Additional localised disruption continued into May 2010. The eruption was declared officially over in October 2010

Do I therefore not panic (see video below) . . .


. . . and assume that things will not get worse, or do I get out while I still can? Or more likely, shall I do a bit of fence sitting and wait a few more weeks and see how the situation develops. Hmmm . . . decisions, decisions? :)

While here, I may as well add that there is some good news out of the Bangkok Post, the latest report states that more patients infected with Covid-19 in Thailand have fully recovered . . .

More Covid-19 patients recover, discharged

Exposed medical centre staff test negative

published : 27 Feb 2020 at 13:55
writer: Apinya Wipatayotin

Three more patients infected with the novel coronavirus have fully recovered and been discharged, two Chinese nationals and one Thai, bringing the total number of cleared patients to 27, a senior health official said on Thursday.

Deputy permanent secretary for public health Narong Saiwong said two had been treated and released from the Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute, a 63-year-old Chinese man and a 43-year-old Thai man, and a 33-year-old Chinese woman had been discharged from Rajavithi Hospital in Bangkok . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1866924/more-covid-19-patients-recover-discharged

Nirish guy
February 28th, 2020, 00:20
Amsterdam ...... no, no really I am just going there for the museums!

Well dont forget when there it's important to look after the spiritual side of your life too and so I recommend that like me you take time to go to Church when there also !


Their naked Sunday afternoon "Service" was certainly very spiritual and indeed lots of men ended up on their knees there from what I can recall :-)

February 28th, 2020, 00:30
how would u know...at your age you'd never make it to the fun areas

Nirish guy
February 28th, 2020, 01:28
how would u know...at your age you'd never make it to the fun areas

:-) Really ? Oh how little you know me :-) Why, just what age do you THINK I am out of interest ? :-)

February 28th, 2020, 09:34
Today, I highlight three Covid-19 related stories from the Bangkok Post and two from BBC News:

Siriraj urges travellers to report illness

published : 28 Feb 2020 at 07:41
newspaper section: News
writer: Apinya Wipatayotin

Siriraj Hospital's medical team is urging anyone with symptoms associated with Covid-19 after visiting high-risk countries not to withhold information to public health officials.

Yesterday's calls came after a 65-year-old man, his wife and their eight-year-old grandson tested positive for the novel coronavirus after the couple returned from a holiday in Hokkaido, Japan -- bringing the country's total number of confirmed cases to 40.

The man developed a fever and sought medical attention at a private hospital on Feb 23 -- four days after returning from holiday . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1867114/siriraj-urges-travellers-to-report-illness

Tourism sector scrambles for virus support

TAT cuts arrivals projection to 33m

published : 28 Feb 2020 at 04:41
newspaper section: Business
writer: Dusida Worrachaddejchai & Narumon Kasemsuk

Tourism businesses have been knocked comatose by the virus panic spreading around the country, while the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) cut its estimate for international arrivals to 33 million in 2020.

The Association of Thai Travel Agents (Atta) reported foreign tourists using Atta member services from January to Feb 20 was 500,232, a decrease of 40.7%. During Feb 1-20, the numbers slid 74.1% to 90,908 tourists.

Thai Travel Agents Association (TTAA) said Thai outbound travellers could drop to 8-9 million from 11 million last year if the virus impact continues throughout the year . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1867334/tourism-sector-scrambles-for-virus-support

School to shut over virus fear

Measure taken after trip to hotspot nation

published : 28 Feb 2020 at 05:31
newspaper section: News
writer: Post Reporters

The Office of Private Education Commission (Opec) has ordered the closure of an international school in Don Muang district as a precautionary measure after learning that more than 500 students and teachers had returned from a country hit by Covid-19.

Attapon Truektrong, secretary-general of Opec, said the school's management had instructed the group, which includes 60 teachers, to stay at home and self-quarantine following their return on Feb 23. However, Opec asked the management to close the school and switch to online classes . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1867134/school-to-shut-over-virus-fear

And two reports from BBC News . . .

Coronavirus: Outbreak at 'decisive point' as WHO urges action

The coronavirus outbreak has reached a "decisive point" and has "pandemic potential", World Health Organization head Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus says.

His comments come as countries around the world battle to prevent the virus spreading further.
For a second day, more cases have been reported outside than inside China.

Iran and Italy have become major centres of infection, with people travelling from there spreading the virus further afield.

Several high-profile Iranian officials have become infected, the latest being Vice-President for Women and Family Affairs Masoumeh Ebtekar.

"It's what's happening in the rest of the world that's now our greatest concern," Dr Tedros said.

• As it happened: Updates as cases spread around world
• How close are we to a pandemic?
• What you need to know

Globally, more than 80,000 people in nearly 50 countries have been infected. Nearly 2,800 have died, the majority in China's Hubei province.

Meanwhile stock markets around the world have fallen sharply amid fears that increased travel restrictions will prevent business activity . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-51665631

Coronavirus: Shares face worst week since global financial crisis

Stock markets across the globe are suffering their worst week since the global financial crisis of 2008.

Asian markets have reacted badly as the coronavirus outbreak spreads across Europe and unsettles investors.

On Wall Street, the Dow Jones index fell almost 1,200 points yesterday - its biggest daily points-drop in history.

This rattled investors across Asia on Friday - with big drops on Japanese, Australian, Korean and Chinese markets.

In Japan, the Nikkei 225 index fell 3% in early trading on Friday - and is now down more than 9% this week.

Australia's main shares index, the ASX200, fell by more than 3.5% on Friday morning and is heading for its biggest fall since the financial crisis of 2008.

The news of more coronavirus cases, notably in Italy, has raised concerns of a much larger economic impact than previously expected . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-51639654

Nirish guy
February 28th, 2020, 15:13
Today, I highlight three Covid-19 related stories from BBC News: Coronavirus: Shares face worst week since global financial crisis

Isn't THAT the truth, I had a quick glance at my numbers going to work yesterday morning, all about right, finished my day and happened to glance at my App whilst on the treadmill in the gym and nearly fell off the damned thing, I actually thought my phone was malfunctioning and actually rebooted it to check ! Unfortunately it wasn't ! Approximately 30% value wiped out in a few hours ! That was painful. How sitting waiting for todays fun and games to see SHOULD I have sold out whilst still a bit ahead ( I didnt ) or ride it our and just hope that things recover quickly reasonably quickly. Must be worrying today for anyone depending on the markets for income for their pension just now.

February 28th, 2020, 18:04
Isn't THAT the truth, I had a quick glance at my numbers going to work yesterday morning, all about right, finished my day and happened to glance at my App whilst on the treadmill in the gym and nearly fell off the damned thing, I actually thought my phone was malfunctioning and actually rebooted it to check ! Unfortunately it wasn't ! Approximately 30% value wiped out in a few hours ! That was painful. How sitting waiting for todays fun and games to see SHOULD I have sold out whilst still a bit ahead ( I didnt ) or ride it our and just hope that things recover quickly reasonably quickly. Must be worrying today for anyone depending on the markets for income for their pension just now.

Now don't go throwing yourself (https://www.history.com/news/stock-market-crash-suicides-wall-street-1929-great-depression) out of your office window, NIrish-guy! Remember, you're only on the ground floor and some eegit planted a poison ivy bush directly beneath your window. So not only will you end up penniless . . . no, scrub ‘penniless’, I meant, down to your last million . . . but itchy as hell! ;)

February 28th, 2020, 18:20
and the face mask situation in Thailand is getting worse - the latest report was that 90% of mobile phones here have now run out of the Face with Medical Mask emoji

February 28th, 2020, 18:27
Well dont forget when there it's important to look after the spiritual side of your life too and so I recommend that like me you take time to go to Church when there also !


Their naked Sunday afternoon "Service" was certainly very spiritual and indeed lots of men ended up on their knees there from what I can recall :-)

transport permitting and I do make it there I will be staying just just a few blocks away from that church so will have to check it out - fortunately there is a museum nearby that I can plug into google map directions to make the visit look more legit!

and fortunately "taking a knee" is not yet a problem in Europe, only at sporting events in the US!

Nirish guy
February 28th, 2020, 21:13
Now don't go throwing yourself (https://www.history.com/news/stock-market-crash-suicides-wall-street-1929-great-depression) out of your office window, NIrish-guy.................. So not only will you end up penniless . . . no, scrub ‘penniless’, I meant, down to your last million....;)

Well now you're forgetting that I LIVE with an Asian here so any departure from a window, elevated or otherwise will I'm guessing be more as a result of a push rather than a jump ! And likewise re the having a Million, see my previous sentence and work out for yourself then the likelihood for that being the case after providing for all of his apparently "must have" creature comforts as required ! Actually now that I think about it jumping might be the cheaper option in the long run perhaps ! :-)

Nirish guy
February 28th, 2020, 21:23
transport permitting and I do make it there I will be staying just just a few blocks away from that church

Ah good, then yes be sure to check out the website link I'd sent and maybe plan to drop in during one of their events as we genuninely had a very unexpected hot and heavy naked Sunday there at like 3pm in the afernoon when there were still tourists walking up and down outside, so yeah defintely check it out perhaps.

As as for "taking a knee" well as Latin has decided I'm past it I'll have to agree with him that "going down" on someone doesn't bother me in the slightest still, it's getting bloody UP again that causes the problem now with knee pains abounding now !!

Hmmm I wonder can Money boys lodge claims from some Government body in classing that as a long term industrial work related injury perhaps !? :-)

February 29th, 2020, 07:54
irish...judging by your banter I had always assumed u were at least 80 and very good on a zimmer frame...kinda difficult to get up to the mezzanine or down to the toilets and basement fun zone...

February 29th, 2020, 08:58
Zimmer frame?
Is that similar to the one currently used by Harvey Weinstein? He appears pretty agile...

February 29th, 2020, 09:43
Today, I highlight two reports from the Bangkok Post and one from BBC News:

South Korea reports 594 more coronavirus cases, total 2,931

published : 29 Feb 2020 at 08:39
writer: AFP

South Korea confirmed 594 more coronavirus cases on Saturday, the biggest increase to date for the country and taking the national total to 2,931 infections with three additional deaths.

More than 90% of the new cases were in Daegu, the centre of the country's outbreak, and its neighbouring North Gyeongsang province, the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement.

Three women in the Daegu area died of the illness, taking the national toll to 16, the statement added.

Link to website: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1868384/south-korea-reports-594-more-coronavirus-cases-total-2-931#cxrecs_s

US postpones summit with Asean leaders amid coronavirus fears-sources

published : 29 Feb 2020 at 08:41

WASHINGTON: The United States has decided to postpone a meeting with leaders of Southeast Asian countries it had planned to host on March 14 due to worries about the coronavirus outbreak, two US officials familiar with the matter said on Friday.

US President Donald Trump had invited leaders of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) to meet in Las Vegas after he did not attend a summit with the group in Bangkok in November.

"As the international community works together to defeat the novel coronavirus, the United States, in consultation with Asean partners, has made the difficult decision to postpone the Asean leaders meeting," one of the sources, a senior administration official, told Reuters. . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1868379/us-postpones-summit-with-asean-leaders-amid-coronavirus-fears-sources

And from BBC News:

Coronavirus: Risk of spread upgraded to highest level

The World Health Organization (WHO) has upgraded the global risk of the coronavirus outbreak to "very high" - its top level of risk assessment.

But the UN body said there was still a chance of containing the virus if its chain of transmission were broken.

WHO head Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also stressed that fear and misinformation were the biggest challenges to overcome.

More than 50 countries have now reported cases of coronavirus.

And sources within Iran's healthcare system told BBC Persian that, as of Thursday evening, at least 210 people had died from the virus. This is more than six times higher than the official government figure . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-51680560

Nirish guy
February 29th, 2020, 16:55
irish...judging by your banter I had always assumed u were at least 80 and very good on a zimmer frame...kinda difficult to get up to the mezzanine or down to the toilets and basement fun zone...

Indeed as of course I had my asian live in carer with me so he was able to help me up to the Mezzanine you discuss and likewise down to the basement, where unfortunately he decided to leave me too it as it was all getting a little bit too hardcore for him there it seems, But I have to say that zimmerframe of mine was VERY useful for giving me something to hold on to for support when in the basement, one should never underestimate the use of the elderly peoples walking aids !

Nirish guy
February 29th, 2020, 16:57
Zimmer frame?
Is that similar to the one currently used by Harvey Weinstein? He appears pretty agile...

Be interesting to see how long his recent infirmities carry on, I'm guessing right up until just after his appeal at the very least ! And then no matter what the outcome he'll be telling his lawyer to go fuck himself seeing as his "plan" so display his client frailties failed so miserably and indeed only perhaps added to the problem !

February 29th, 2020, 19:10
Well that was my initial assessment too but on reflection I think not.

I think his defence team knew the weight of testimony against him meant there was no way this guy was going to walk. The best they could do was to get him into the hospital wing instead of gen pop and hopefully keep him three permanently. Thus the 'frail' figure presented from day one.

March 1st, 2020, 09:20
Are the Thai's wearing face masks???? Here in Seoul about 95% are...even tho they may be little help. better than nothing

March 1st, 2020, 09:55
Zimmer frame?
Is that similar to the one currently used by Harvey Weinstein? He appears pretty agile...

Be interesting to see how long his recent infirmities carry on, I'm guessing right up until just after his appeal at the very least ! And then no matter what the outcome he'll be telling his lawyer to go fuck himself seeing as his "plan" so display his client frailties failed so miserably and indeed only perhaps added to the problem !

When I first saw Harvey Weinstein using a Zimmer frame, strangely enough, my thoughts turned to Ernest Saunders (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernest_Saunders). Hmmm . . . ?

Are the Thai's wearing face masks???? Here in Seoul about 95% are...even tho they may be little help. better than nothing

There are certainly a lot of Thais wearing face masks in Bangkok, Blueskytoday, I couldn’t put a figure on it as the percentage of people I see on the streets and Sky-train etc., vary from day to day. I bought one several weeks ago and wash it in boiling water from the kettle once a day. Recently, when I went to buy a second, spare face mask, many of the pharmacies I visited had signs in Thai and English saying they were out of stock.

March 1st, 2020, 10:04
Today, I highlight two reports from the Bangkok Post and one from The Sunday Times:

South Korea reports 376 more coronavirus cases, total 3,526

published : 1 Mar 2020 at 08:42

South Korea confirmed 376 more coronavirus cases on Sunday, taking the national total to 3,526 infections, the largest in the world outside China.

Nearly 90% of the new cases were in Daegu, the centre of the country's outbreak, and its neighbouring North Gyeongsang province, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement.

The national total is expected to rise further as authorities screen more than 260,000 members of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, a secretive entity often accused of being a cult that is linked to around half of the country's cases . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1869054#cxrecs_s

Trump moves to calm virus fears after first death on US soil

published : 1 Mar 2020 at 04:45
writer: AFP

US President Donald Trump says there is "no reason to panic" over the novel coronavirus.

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump urged Americans not to panic over the novel coronavirus Saturday after the first death on US soil was confirmed, even as France ramped up its security measures by cancelling all mass gatherings.

The virus has now hit 61 countries across the globe, prompting the World Health Organization to raise its risk assessment to its highest level.

Worldwide, more than 2,900 people have been killed and nearly 86,000 infected since it was first detected in the central Chinese city of Wuhan late last year . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1868954/trump-moves-to-calm-virus-fears-after-first-death-on-us-soil

And news from the United Kingdom as published in The Sunday Times . . .

Work at home — the coronavirus doomsday plan

Andrew Gregory, Dipesh Gadher, and, Jon Ungoed-Thomas
Sunday March 01 2020, 12.01am GMT

Transport systems such as London’s buses could be shut down

Millions of workers could be told to work from home as ministers draw up a “battle plan” to prevent a coronavirus epidemic in Britain.

Companies may also be ordered to halt all “unnecessary travel” in a “social distancing” strategy being considered by the government. Worst-case scenario plans show 80% of the population may get the virus, with up to 500,000 deaths.

Last night, US officials said a “medically high-risk” patient in their fifties had died in Washington state — the first fatality in America.

UK officials hope to delay the “peak” of any outbreak until the summer, when warmer weather could help slow its spread and the NHS will be better placed to cope.

Cemeteries and crematoriums are drawing up plans to deal with a rise in bodies. Families may be allowed to hold funerals in their homes, schools, pubs or hotels if churches and chapels become overwhelmed, said Julie Dunk, the head of the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management . . .

For the full report see: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/work-at-home-the-coronavirus-doomsday-plan-zlqb7f500

March 1st, 2020, 11:09
[QUOTE=Jellybean. I bought one several weeks ago and wash it in boiling water from the kettle once a day. Recently, when I went to buy a second, spare face mask, many of the pharmacies I visited had signs in Thai and English saying they were out of stock.[/QUOTE]

This reminds me of old mother Hubbard who went to the cupboard to realise that it was bare...
Seriously pouring boiling water over the 'polystyrene' mask will cause the release of a great amount of microplastics which will enter your system upon repeated use.
This situation is certainly exasperating, just like mother Hubbard is going through daily.

Nirish guy
March 1st, 2020, 18:14
Has anyone a definitive answer from any government department that KNOWS - are masks useful or not !?? I've read so many conflicting answers from various allegedly reputable sources at the end of it all I'm still none the wiser !

The general gist seems to be "if" they're properly worn, cleaned, have the correct filter fitted and you dont touch it, then your face or expose your eyes etc etc then it's a possible improvement to risk BUT if any of the above things aren't in place then it's basically a waste of time and as one report I read said that in a government survey something like 50% of all people weren't wearing or carrying out the above functions successfully anyway again they were basically wasting their time and money - and also causing a shortage of masks for others who perhaps needed them more.

So far my intention when travelling is to NOT wear anything until the situation becomes a little clearer perhaps?

What are other people doing - for wearing all day everyday or not, or maybe just in confined spaces such a when on a plane etc ??

March 1st, 2020, 18:22
This reminds me of old mother Hubbard who went to the cupboard to realise that it was bare...
Seriously pouring boiling water over the 'polystyrene' mask will cause the release of a great amount of microplastics which will enter your system upon repeated use.
This situation is certainly exasperating, just like mother Hubbard is going through daily.

Yes, that’s all very well dinagam, but what am I to do about all the spittle, phlegm, drool, sputum, froth, dribble and all the other unsavoury things that emanate from the mouth and nose and collect in my face mask? Eh? Eh? Answer that one if you please.

Honestly, I’m a human version of Eyjafjallajökull*! No Sir, I’d rather take my chances and boil wash my face mask daily. But thank you for your concern. ;)

And, by the by, I was lucky enough to buy a few spare face masks today, but at hugely inflated prices! Damn black-marketeers! :devilsh:

*That’s twice this week I’ve been able to slip that word into a post. Hmmm . .. think I’ll try for a hat-trick.

March 1st, 2020, 18:27
NIrish-guy, you may find this video produced by The Guardian on February 5, 2020 of some help:


March 1st, 2020, 18:59
How about wearing scarfs like some fashionable Tuareg men?
You can throw them into the laundry with your other clothes.

Nirish guy
March 1st, 2020, 20:16
NIrish-guy, you may find this video produced by The Guardian on February 5, 2020 of some help:


Thanks for that JB, so based on that advice can I assume you’ve just decided to wear a mask yourself as a possible projection as if I heard her right she was saying that as the UK etc have low infection numbers there’s no need but China yes it may be an idea, but as Thailand has ( I think) about 40 cases Country wide I’m wondering what the magic number is before one night decide to wear a mask as surely 40 cases in a Country the size of Thailand isn’t “that” much - no ?

March 1st, 2020, 21:03
How about wearing scarfs like some fashionable Tuareg men?
You can throw them into the laundry with your other clothes.

Oh yes! I’m going to look right inconspicuous, mincing down the street in one of those, like some latter day Lawrence of Arabia or more likely, Quentin Crisp! I am in Bangkok you know, not Damascus or Aqaba.

Dear-oh-dear, it won’t be Covid-19 that will be the death of me, it will be dinagam-20! :D


March 1st, 2020, 21:17
Thanks for that JB, so based on that advice can I assume you’ve just decided to wear a mask yourself as a possible projection as if I heard her right she was saying that as the UK etc have low infection numbers there’s no need but China yes it may be an idea, but as Thailand has ( I think) about 40 cases Country wide I’m wondering what the magic number is before one night decide to wear a mask as surely 40 cases in a Country the size of Thailand isn’t “that” much - no ?

The air quality in Bangkok is pretty bad, NIrish-guy and I suffer from asthma and use inhalers, but I also have a weakened immune system having had facial cancer twice. And I’ve had a long string of infections over the years, so I’m not willing to take any chances. And as the video and the advice from various other sources on this thread make clear, hand hygiene and avoiding touching the face, and especially significant for me, my eyes, because that's where I've had a lot of surgery, is crucial.

But more importantly, despite having had sixteen reconstructive surgery operations, my face still looks like a bulldog chewing a wasp and wearing a mask actually makes me feel better. The problem arises when I have to remove the mask . . . LOL!

I think you could safely follow the advice in the video, NIrish, but that's up to you, as they say quite a lot here in Thailand. :)

Nirish guy
March 1st, 2020, 23:26
Hell after all of that lot JB I think you can safely throw away the mask as for you to come through all of hardships you listed and still be with us and in fine form its quite obvious that "someone" is obviously looking after you somewhere ! :-)

See, it's very true what they say, you just never know what another person is going through or has been through until you've walked a mile in their shoes ! Well congrats JB as throughout all of that you seem somehow to have managed to retain a sunny disposition and positive outlook on life, good for you that man !

But no, I think with your past and present medical history sticking with the whole "Phantom of the Opera" look is an eminently sensible idea !

March 2nd, 2020, 11:31
Sadly, my first action this morning was to delete a wholly inappropriate first post by new member, Martin25, under Rule 2.2.

March 2nd, 2020, 11:37
Today, I highlight three reports, one from the Bangkok Post, one from BBC News and one from The Times in the UK:

Probe into 'virus death'

First Thai fatality linked to Covid-19

published : 2 Mar 2020 at 04:31
newspaper section: News
writer: Post Reporters

Doubts have been raised over the cause of death of a Thai man who was initially diagnosed with Covid-19.

The man, 35, is the subject of a Public Health Ministry probe as information on his symptoms contradicts evidence revealed by a specialist in new emerging diseases.

The man died of multi-organ failure on Saturday night although doctors had detected no coronavirus in his body since Feb 16, Disease Control Department chief Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai said on Sunday.

He was among 42 people who were found to have contracted coronavirus following the viral outbreak in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in December . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1869229/probe-into-virus-death

And from BBC News . . .

Coronavirus: Global death toll exceeds 3,000

2 March 2020

The number of people killed worldwide by the coronavirus has exceeded 3,000, as China reported 42 more deaths.

More than 90% of the total deaths are in Hubei, the Chinese province where the virus emerged late last year.

But there have also been deaths in 10 other countries, including more than 50 in Iran and more than 30 in Italy.

Worldwide, there have been almost 90,000 confirmed cases, with the numbers outside China now growing faster than inside China . . .

For the full story see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51701039

And from The Times in the UK:

Boris Johnson: We’ll stop at nothing to tackle coronavirus

Oliver Wright, Policy Editor | David Brown
Monday March 02 2020, 12.01am GMT, The Times

Boris Johnson will pledge today that the government will “stop at nothing” to fight coronavirus as ministers prepare the public for drastic measures to tackle the spread of the illness.

The prime minister is to chair a meeting of the government’s emergency Cobra committee that will sign off a “battle plan” to tackle the virus, which, he will warn, presents “a significant challenge for our country”. Health officials confirmed yesterday that the number of infections had jumped from 23 to 36, the biggest rise in a single day, including a second case where a cause had not been identified . . .

For the full report see: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/boris-johnson-well-stop-at-nothing-to-tackle-coronavirus-jjb53vvzd

March 2nd, 2020, 17:21
Beware of fake news and conspiracy theories!

The novel, The Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz is being discussed on facebook as predicting the Coronavirus back in 1981 and suggesting the virus is man-made.

Three photos accompanied the facebook post, which I attach below:




I've never read the book so cannot comment on its contents.

Some of the facebook posters queried the different type faces between the two pages and noted there was no page number on the second photo.

This is what Wikipedia (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Eyes_of_Darkness) has to say:

The Eyes of Darkness

The novel coronavirus, “CoViD - 19” discovered within humans in Wuhan, China in 2019 drew parallels to the novel's 'Wuhan-400' bioweapon.[3][4] Several notable differences were identified between the real virus and the fictional bioweapon, thereby drawing both curiousity and conspiracy theories.

Accordingly, the bioweapon’s name in the first edition of the novel was named '”Gorki-400”'. It was later changed in the novel's laboratory as relocated and renamed following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.[3][4]

But then another facebook poster posted a link to the following website, which debunks the claim stating that the pages are from two different books!


March 2nd, 2020, 17:26
Two more reports from today’s Bangkok Post. The first reports on one new case of Covid-19 and the second reports on the cancellation of the prestigious motorsports event MotoGP 2020.

The big and as yet unanswered question is, will they also risk cancelling the Songkran festival in April?

Thailand reports 1 new case of coronavirus, total now 43

published : 2 Mar 2020 at 11:37
writer: Bangkok Post and agencies

Thailand has reported one new coronavirus case, bringing the total number of such cases in the country to 43 since January, a senior health official said on Monday.

The new case is a 22-year-old Thai woman who has worked as a tourist assistant with another Thai patient, a driver for foreign tourists, Sukhum Kanchanaphimai, the permanent secretary of the health ministry, said in a news conference . . .

For full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1869754/thailand-reports-1-new-case-of-coronavirus-total-now-43

Buriram MotoGP postponed indefinitely due to coronavirus

published : 2 Mar 2020 at 11:26
updated: 2 Mar 2020 at 12:22
writer: AFP

The prestigious motorsports event MotoGP 2020 scheduled for March 20-22 in Buri Ram province has been postponed indefinitely due to the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus, Deputy Prime Minister and Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said on Monday.

He said the decision to suspend the event was made at a meeting of the organising committee. The event has been put off until the outbreak of coronavirus has abated, Mr Anutin said . . .

For full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/sports/1869749/buriram-motogp-postponed-indefinitely-due-to-coronavirus

March 2nd, 2020, 19:08
An update on travel advice to Thailand was issued today by the UK Government:

Thailand travel advice

Change made
Update to existing information on measures in place to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) (‘Health’ page)

Time updated
11:46am, 2 March 2020


There is an ongoing outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19). The virus originated in China but cases have been confirmed in other countries, including Thailand.

The Thai authorities have introduced a number of measures to limit the spread of the virus, and additional measures may be introduced. You should comply with any additional screening measures put in place by the local authorities. You can monitor the latest updates from Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health (https://ddc.moph.go.th/viralpneumonia/eng/index.php)on its website.

If you’re returning to the UK from Thailand, consult the latest advice from the Department of Health and Social Care (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public) on actions you should take. 

Further information on coronavirus, including advice on preparing for foreign travel and helping reduce the spread of the virus, is available from Public Health England (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/novel-coronavirus-and-avian-flu-advice-for-travel-to-china) and on the TravelHealthPro (https://travelhealthpro.org.uk/news/499/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-general-advice-for-travellers)website.

You can find more information about cases in Thailand on the TravelHealthPro (https://travelhealthpro.org.uk/news/499/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-general-advice-for-travellers)website.

Link to Foreign travel advice - Thailand: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/thailand/health

March 2nd, 2020, 19:33
Thailand has ( I think) about 40 cases Country wide I’m wondering what the magic number is before one night decide to wear a mask as surely 40 cases in a Country the size of Thailand isn’t “that” much - no ?

I suppose the best "magic number" would be how many people - or what percentage of the people - around your location are infectious and you are never going to get that number because these are undetected cases!

according to the Thai Ministry of Health figures as of March 2, Thailand has 43 confirmed cases of which 11 are still in hospital, 1 has died and 31 have been discharged, perhaps more interestingly there are 3252 suspected cases of which 1872 have been discharged and 1380 are still under investigation, and the majority of confirmed cases can be traced as travelers from a high risk area or to direct contact with a source from a high risk area, and the daily increase in the number of confirmed cases has been consistently low

based on that the the WHO advice, and that from many other western countries seems reasonable here in Thailand - wear a mask if you are sick to minimize the risk of infecting others, wear a mask if you are dealing with known infected individuals, otherwise practice good personal hygiene and there does not seem to be many benefits from wearing a mask wandering around Siam Paragon!

whilst the Bangkok Post reporting is fairly vague, Wikipedia has some fairly good stats for Thailand (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coronavirus_outbreak_in_Thailand), admittedly from mostly government sources, so it comes down to your faith in those sources

in Singapore the Straits Times does a better job then the Bangkok Post of regurgitating detailed government figures by area/source etc (https://www.straitstimes.com/multimedia/graphics/2020/02/spore-virus-cases/index.html) and whilst the case numbers are higher it is probably still a reasonable conclusion that there does not seem to be many benefits from wearing a mask wandering around Orchid Rd but again it comes down to your faith in the sources

of course if you are looking at northern Italy or Iran - or even the US after the rash of recent articles about failures in testing there - then you are on much less clear ground on how to assess the risk there, in the rest of Europe, the Middle East and the US!

happy travels everyone!

March 3rd, 2020, 04:16
according to the Thai Ministry of Health figures as of March 2, Thailand has 43 confirmed cases of which 11 are still in hospital, 1 has died and 31 have been discharged,

So.thailand actually has only 11 people CURRENTLY with the virus.
Why countries continue adding figures and WITHOUT deleting those who have recovered I have no idea...

It creates an artificially high number, spreads unnecessary panic and affects no end of other things like stock markets, airlines, Gogo bars etc etc.

March 3rd, 2020, 08:42
Today, I highlight two reports from the Bangkok Post and one from BBC News. Given the first report, anyone intending coming to Thailand might consider buying a face mask before you arrive.

Outrage over mask shortages

Panic buying spurred by first Thai fatality

published : 3 Mar 2020 at 05:31
newspaper section: News
writer: Dumrongkiat Mala and Phusadee Arunmas

People are crying foul over the shortage of masks amid the novel coronavirus outbreak, triggered by the death of a Thai man who was diagnosed with the Covid-19 virus.

Public complaints grew louder on Monday over the continuing lack of masks on the back of heightened concerns over the spread of Covid-19, which claimed the life of the 35-year-old man on Saturday night -- the first reported death from the virus in the country.

One more infection was reported on Monday, bringing the total number of cases in the country to 43. The new patient was a 22-year-old Thai woman, who worked as a tour guide along with an already infected Thai, a driver for foreign tourists . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1869964/outrage-over-mask-shortages

US coronavirus death toll rises as Chinese cases fall

published : 3 Mar 2020 at 05:45
writer: AFP

WASHINGTON: The death toll from the new coronavirus in the United States climbed to six on Monday as the contagion took root in the country's Pacific Northwest and continued its march across the globe.

Worldwide, close to 3,100 people have succumbed to the illness even as a clear shift in the crisis was emerging, with nine times as many cases recorded outside China as inside, according to the UN health agency.

Andorra, the Czech Republic, Indonesia, Jordan, Latvia, Portugal, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia were among countries that confirmed their first cases, along with Senegal, which became the second sub-Saharan African country to do so . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1870419/us-coronavirus-death-toll-rises-as-chinese-cases-fall

And from BBC News . . .

Coronavirus: World in 'uncharted territory'

The world is in "uncharted territory" on the coronavirus outbreak, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said.

Its chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said the virus was "unique" but could be contained with the right measures.

Deaths globally have passed 3,000. Most are in China but over the past day there were nine times more new infections outside China than inside.

Dr Tedros insisted: "We can push this virus back". He also said stigma was more dangerous than the disease itself . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-51712437

March 3rd, 2020, 08:45
And once again, just to lighten the mood, I attach below two photos I saw on facebook this morning:



March 3rd, 2020, 19:27
So.thailand actually has only 11 people CURRENTLY with the virus.
Why countries continue adding figures and WITHOUT deleting those who have recovered I have no idea...

It creates an artificially high number, spreads unnecessary panic and affects no end of other things like stock markets, airlines, Gogo bars etc etc.

if you are a tourist planning a trip to Thailand, or a local wondering whether to wear a mask in public, knowinng that 11 people in Thailand are currently infected is not particularly helpful - these 11 are in isolation, and are thus not an active threat to the community at large, it does not give much of an indication of what the threat level to the community has been in the past and at present

however if you know that Thailand has had a cumulative total of 43 confirmed cases since the first confirmed case two months ago it is more helpful, and when you can add information about the numbers infected overseas, or infected in-country after close direct contact with someone infected elsewhere and the number of cases with no known close contact, and the rate of new infections each day, and the rate of change of new infections each day then you have a much better picture of the possible risk of infection in the community generally.

and if you know the cumulative total cases, deaths, and releases from treatment than you have some idea of the impact on infected people

if you compare Thailand to say Italy where the cumulative total of confirmed cases went from 0 to 1835 with 52 deaths in less than a week, with a 50% increase of new cases on some days, I think you have a fairly good idea of the possible risk of infection in the community at large even without knowing how many of those 1835 are still under medical management!

of course this is all dependent on the perceived reliability of the statistics, local testing methods etc, As the current situation in the USA has shown problems with testing to accurately confirm new case numbers can lead to significant under-reporting and isolation leading to a potentially large pool of infectious individuals in the community leading to a potentially significant surge in confirmed cases in a short timeframe - I think I would rather stay in Thailand than go to the USA at present!

Given the first report, anyone intending coming to Thailand might consider buying a face mask before you arrive.
For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1869964/outrage-over-mask-shortages

while I am not slow to be critical of the Thai government for its constant claims of no shortage of masks and they are controlling availability and price while every pharmacy and private hospital in my area in Bangkok has been out of stock of face masks and hand sanitiser and stalls are selling mask everywhere at rip-off prices, this is not just a Thailand problem - I have read similar reports in the Sydney Morning Herald, the Guardian, the New York Times, etc over the past few days!

March 3rd, 2020, 21:44
And this also seems to apply to desinfectant and hand-wash stuff. I can add that non-en newspprs ´from the continent´ also report the same. Lets hope those doing that remain with boxes full of the stuff and unable to sell and loose the money too muth!

March 3rd, 2020, 23:43
I'm assuming that everyone is following WHO advice. So everyone wearing a mask either has the virus or is looking after someone who has it. I will try to avoid them.

Khor tose
March 4th, 2020, 00:20
Washington State in the USA (also known as paradise) now leads the nation in coronavirus deaths at six. It is weird to see people in Seattle wearing masks. I was always told Starbuckks coffee would protects people from everything. Why else do we have one on every block in town.

March 4th, 2020, 07:51

Factory caught RECYCLING used coronavirus face masks to sell again in Thailand

recycling AND overcoming the shortage of masks in one fell swoop...

March 4th, 2020, 08:17
recycling AND overcoming the shortage of masks in one fell swoop...

Jellybean has done it a lot, so I'm not surprised at all.

March 4th, 2020, 08:38
Today, I highlight two reports from the Bangkok Post and one from BBC News:

'Little ghosts' spark virus fears

Prayut calls meeting over Korea returnees

published : 4 Mar 2020 at 04:01
newspaper section: News
writer: Post Reporters

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha will call an urgent meeting on Wednesday to discuss what to do about 10,000 illegal Thai workers he believes may try to return home from South Korea to escape the Covid-19 epidemic there.

The move came after the Ministry of Public Health on Monday expressed serious concerns about how to handle droves of so-called phi noi (little ghosts) from South Korea after 138 Thais who were airlifted from Wuhan in China last month had to spend two weeks in quarantine in Sattahip . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1870819/little-ghosts-spark-virus-fears

Panic buying hits Bangkok stores

Fear of deadly virus prompts hoarding

published : 4 Mar 2020 at 06:41
newspaper section: Business
writer: Pitsinee Jitpleecheep

Shoppers in Greater Bangkok are quickly emptying supermarket shelves of long-lasting items like instant noodles, packed rice, tissue paper, tinned fish and drinking water as fears mount over the coronavirus epidemic.

Large retail operators including Tops Supermarket, Tesco Lotus, The Mall Group and Big C Supercenter acknowledged that these items have been snapped up quickly since the weekend . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1870949/panic-buying-hits-bangkok-stores

And from the BBC News website:

Coronavirus: Tokyo 2020 could be postponed to end of year - Japan's Olympic minister

Seiko Hashimoto says Tokyo 2020 organisers are "doing all we can" to make sure the Games go ahead as planned

Japan's Olympic minister says the Tokyo 2020 Games could be postponed from the summer until later in the year amid fears over the coronavirus outbreak.

In a response to a question in Japan's parliament, Seiko Hashimoto said Tokyo's contract with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) "calls for the Games to be held within 2020" . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/51717839

And with this post today I leave the Victorian era and enter the Edwardian era. I appear to be moving at a quicker pace than an episode of Downton Abbey!

March 4th, 2020, 11:51
Visitors from high risk areas to self quarantine for 14 days:

I was intending to visit in March from the uk. But how long is it before uk is added to this list of countries?

March 4th, 2020, 12:42
Typical Thailand. The piece is not clear. 14 day home quarantine..Yes or no?

Whatever. I'm pretty sure this virus is going to dominate the world for most of this year. I hope I'm completely wrong about that.

March 4th, 2020, 13:48
Typical Thailand. The piece is not clear. 14 day home quarantine..Yes or no?

Whatever. I'm pretty sure this virus is going to dominate the world for most of this year. I hope I'm completely wrong about that.

Yes, still uncertain. Appears to be a gap between the Deputy PM and the Health Minister. But now they have introduced uncertainty for prospective visitors from all countries.

March 4th, 2020, 14:19
Update on still uncertain position:


March 4th, 2020, 14:22
4/3/20 PM says quarantine for Thai workers returning from S. Korea:

March 4th, 2020, 15:29
Not a lot at good news in this.


Nirish guy
March 4th, 2020, 15:33
SO, considering I'm travelling in Mid April from Japan to Bkk and after reading the Government statement telling me I need to self quaratine etc ( and then seeing the statements almost instant removal) is ANYONE any the wiser as to the position, as needless to say if they DO implement such a policy I would have no choice but to cancel my (entire) trip ( as the flights from various places were all booked as one ticket :-( ?

March 4th, 2020, 18:26
I'm assuming that everyone is following WHO advice. So everyone wearing a mask either has the virus or is looking after someone who has it. I will try to avoid them.

most of the mask wearers don't seem to have read the WHO advice on how to wear and handle masks so in a high risk area they are probably placing themselves at greater risk than if they didn't wear a mask!

I was intending to visit in March from the uk. But how long is it before uk is added to this list of countries?

if the Thai authorities were reading the Daily risk assessment on COVID-19, 4 March 2020 from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control then not just France but all of the EU and UK would already be on the list, and you should probably be more worried about you risk at home

The risk associated with COVID-19 infection for people in the EU/EEA and UK is currently considered moderate to high
This assessment is based on the following factors:
- Most cases reported in the EU/EEA and the UK outside some regions in Italy have identified epidemiological links. However, there is an increasing number of cases without a defined chain of transmission. Extraordinary public health measures have been implemented in Italy and other EU/EEA countries and the UK, and strong efforts are being made to identify, isolate and test contacts in order to contain the outbreak. Despite contact tracing measures initiated to contain further spread, there continue to be cases exported between EU/EEA countries, and an increasing number of sporadic cases across EU/EEA countries. The probability of further transmission in the EU/EEA and the UK is considered high. There is still a level of uncertainty regarding several unpredictable factors in a situation that is still evolving.

read the full report: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/current-risk-assessment-novel-coronavirus-situation

March 4th, 2020, 19:35
Visitors from high risk areas to self quarantine for 14 days:

I was intending to visit in March from the uk. But how long is it before uk is added to this list of countries?

Mancs, I’m guessing that it is only a matter of time before the UK is added to Thailand’s list of high-risk zones, which currently include: Japan, Germany, South Korea, China, Taiwan, France, Singapore, Italy, Iran, Hong Kong and Macau, judging from the headline in today’s edition of The Times:

UK told to brace for coronavirus epidemic

Handshake ban considered as contagion spreads

Chris Smyth, Whitehall Editor
Wednesday March 04 2020, 12.00pm GMT, The Times

Coronavirus is probably spreading freely in the UK already and an epidemic is now likely, the chief medical officer said this morning . . .

For the full report see: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/patients-face-video-check-as-nhs-plans-coronavirus-wards-xbg7wpdrk

But the sixty-four million dollar question is, how long? As bkkguy says in the previous post, the UK should probably already be on the list!

It’s all very depressing news and I certainly wouldn’t like to be in your shoes or those of NIrish-guy, as I really would not know what to do for the best.

March 4th, 2020, 19:59
most of the mask wearers don't seem to have read the WHO advice on how to wear and handle masks so in a high risk area they are probably placing themselves at greater risk than if they didn't wear a mask!

I note what you say above bkkguy, but while doing a bit of aimless meandering along Silom Road this afternoon, I noticed quite a few street traders were selling face masks. White ones, blue ones and black ones. But members will be disappointed to learn I couldn't see any rainbow coloured ones.

When I tried to do my photo journalistic bit for the forum, one old girl got herself into a right old stushie (https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/stushie)! Honestly, I thought I'd never live to file this report.

Having tried to reassure her my pics were for a fa-ràng friend and that I was not a trading standards inspector, I got the feeling she didn't quite believe me, so I managed to snap only one or two photos, which weren’t quite up to David Bailey standards.




Now I realise this thread is becoming quite depressing at times, so please forgive me if, from time to time, I try to introduce a little bit of levity.

If being out and proud by sporting a rainbow coloured face mask is not quite your thing, and you're more the patriotic Brit type of person or you simply like the Union flag, then I've just the thing for you. See the video below:


March 4th, 2020, 20:24
About the video, I never realised that the Brits were modestly endowed.
One size fits all!

March 4th, 2020, 21:59
I note what you say above bkkguy, but while doing a bit of aimless meandering along Silom Road this afternoon, I noticed quite a few street traders were selling face masks. White ones, blue ones and black ones. But members will be disappointed to learn I couldn't see any rainbow coloured ones.

When I tried to do my photo journalistic bit for the forum, one old girl got herself into a right old stushie (https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/stushie)! Honestly, I thought I'd never live to file this report.

my point wasn't about whether you should wear a mask or not, but if you do decide to wear a mask, wear and handle it properly

and what price was she selling the masks for? I assume her concern was more that you would be using the photo to report her to the authorities for price gouging on a controlled product!

and yes do keep up the lighter picture posts - they are really needed for sanity

March 5th, 2020, 00:00
As you were:
https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1871589/thai-quarantine-flip-flop-throws-holidays-into-doubt?fbclid=IwAR3Zp0wpe2iknz1BMpK2ZKxPh_09n5cLvfE 4OrRaqPLb7dnEhW5h71x1StM

March 5th, 2020, 00:22
What government department publishes new rules and regulations via Facebook?
Amazing Thailand!

March 5th, 2020, 00:42
.....but everyone is on facebook...

Nirish guy
March 5th, 2020, 01:19
Wouldn't just love to have been a fly on wall when he got the "You just posted WHAT!! on facebook !!! Get that down this minute and get your ass over here to my office so I can rip you a new one !!" phone call. And quite rightly too as as the article says the stupid bugger left thousands of people not knowing WHAT the hell was going on. Lets hope he's replaced quickly to avoid any repeat performances.

March 5th, 2020, 08:51
Things must be bad when the producers of the new James Bond film, No Time To Die, have pushed back its release from April until November over fears the coronavirus will hit box office returns.

Today, I highlight one report from The Times and two reports from BBC News:

According to today’s edition of The Times, “Britain edged closer to an epidemic yesterday with the biggest daily jump in cases leaving 87 people confirmed as infected”

Parliament could be shut for months to tackle virus

MPs may be contagion risk

Parliament may be suspended for five months to prevent MPs from spreading coronavirus across the country. Britain edged closer to an epidemic yesterday with the biggest daily jump in cases leaving 87 people confirmed as infected. Three of the 36 new cases were intensive care patients who had not travelled recently, suggesting that the virus is already spreading more . . .

For the full report see: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/

And from BBC News . . .

Coronavirus: California declares emergency after death

5 March 2020

California has declared a state of emergency after announcing its first coronavirus death, bringing the US death toll from the disease to 11.

The 71-year-old man, who died in a hospital near Sacramento, had underlying health conditions and had been on a cruise ship, said officials.

The White House moved on Wednesday to expand testing nationwide for the disease.

There are now at least 150 reported US patients with Covid-19 in 16 states.

Authorities have confirmed more than 92,000 cases of the virus worldwide, of which more than 80,000 are in China. More than 3,000 people have died globally, the vast majority in China.

Ten of the 11 US deaths were in Washington state, but the outbreak has also flared up in Texas and Nebraska . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51740706

Coronavirus: Italy to close all schools as deaths rise

5 March 2020

Italy has confirmed that it will shut all schools from Thursday for 10 days as it battles to contain the coronavirus outbreak.

And all professional sport, including Serie A football matches, will be played behind closed doors for a month.

A total of 107 people have now been killed by the coronavirus in Italy, which has the most serious outbreak in Europe.

PM Giuseppe Conte said the health service risked being overwhelmed.

Most of the more than 3,000 cases are in the north but others have been confirmed in 19 of Italy's 20 regions . . .

For the full report: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51743697

March 5th, 2020, 09:10
. . . and what price was she selling the masks for? I assume her concern was more that you would be using the photo to report her to the authorities for price gouging on a controlled product!

The photos represent three different street traders, bkkguy. After the little local difficulty with the first trader all the photos were taken rather quickly before I departed each scene. I didn't post the blurred ones.

I therefore didn’t have a chance to check out the prices and sadly, my eyesight with one eye with a cataract isn’t exactly at its best right now. I was hoping that the photos captured the prices, but unfortunately not. Perhaps I’ll have another look and this time keep my mobile phone firmly ensconced in my pocket.

March 5th, 2020, 09:49
I therefore didn’t have a chance to check out the prices and sadly, my eyesight with one eye with a cataract isn’t exactly at its best right now. I was hoping that the photos captured the prices, but unfortunately not. Perhaps I’ll have another look and this time keep my mobile phone firmly ensconced in my pocket.

I'm beginning to enjoy the OP daily adventures vis à vis the morbid corona narratives.
In order to get around incognito and not in harms way, I suggest that he makes use of this spying device.

March 5th, 2020, 15:41
SO, considering I'm travelling in Mid April from Japan ....

Have you reached a decision yet?

I made a very quick trip to meet my Japanese friends who were on the Diamond Princess. They held a special dinner to celebrate their getting off the ship without being infected by the virus.

Apart from criticising the government for mishandling the situation on the boat, they were saying they thought the published numbers of infected people are just the tip of the iceberg. The government is keeping the true number secret, as they are worried about the Olympics.

So even if Thailand removes Japan from the banned country list (the pressure to do so must be huge), I would not be going to Japan on holiday.

March 5th, 2020, 16:42
I guess one good thing about a pandemic is you don't have to worry about this or that country as much.

March 5th, 2020, 19:08
Oh dear, bkkguy, that is depressing news. If the UAE has banned its own citizens from visiting Thailand, it’s not much of a leap for them to ban other nationalities from flying out of Thailand and transiting through Dubai.

in case you are not following the Emirates page, an update on 4 March clarified that transit passengers in Dubai from an increasingly long list of high risk countries - including Thailand - will simply need a temperature check before boarding their connecting flight, but passengers from these countries planning on staying in the UAE will be subjected to strict health checks and possibly forced isolation

The photos represent three different street traders, bkkguy. After the little local difficulty with the first trader all the photos were taken rather quickly before I departed each scene. I didn't post the blurred ones.

I therefore didn’t have a chance to check out the prices and sadly, my eyesight with one eye with a cataract isn’t exactly at its best right now. I was hoping that the photos captured the prices, but unfortunately not. Perhaps I’ll have another look and this time keep my mobile phone firmly ensconced in my pocket.

sorry, didn't mean to overwork your cataract, was just curious - prices at most of the impromptu stalls I have seen over the last few weeks along Silom have been significantly above the government fixed price of 2.5 Bht per mask (surgical mask, not sure of prices for N95 masks), typically charging anywhere between 10 and 50 Baht per mask, prices not usually displayed and the traders often get aggressive in response to price inquiries from non-Thais, price assessing is somewhat difficult because many of the offerings are not typical blue/green masks in single mask packs - they are often "fashion" designs, or different materials (eg washable cloth) and thus perhaps outside the govt definition of a controlled "mask", and many of them are unpackaged and potentially from unknown and thus untrusted sources - if I was going to start wearing a mask I would prefer them to be from a more trustable source!

to finish on a lighter note, following numerous reports of toilet paper being panic-purchased and sold out in many cities around the world, one Australian newspaper - known for its humorous front pages - has added extra pages to its latest edition to help with the situation:

Australian newspaper prints extra pages to help out in toilet paper shortage (https://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/mar/05/australian-newspaper-prints-extra-pages-to-help-out-in-toilet-paper-shortage)

March 5th, 2020, 19:25
I guess one good thing about a pandemic is you don't have to worry about this or that country as much.

Yes. For those who believe the figures, the number of active cases in Thailand is far below most western countries, so going on holiday to Thailand is the obvious response.

Get your flight booked.

March 5th, 2020, 19:50
in case you are not following the Emirates page, an update on 4 March clarified that transit passengers in Dubai from an increasingly long list of high risk countries - including Thailand - will simply need a temperature check before boarding their connecting flight, but passengers from these countries planning on staying in the UAE will be subjected to strict health checks and possibly forced isolation . . .

Actually, no bkkguy, I haven’t been following the Emirates page, but of course I should have been. Thanks for the update. All that is required for transit passengers is just a temperature check, that is indeed good news.

At this moment in time I estimate my temperature to be normal, so unless there is any last minute rise, all should be fine and dandy next month and I’ll be on my merry way back home.

March 5th, 2020, 20:25
As the uk total confirmed as 90 this morning , will we be next on the dreaded list ,Im due to fly in 3 weeks

March 5th, 2020, 20:27
Yes. For those who believe the figures, the number of active cases in Thailand is far below most western countries, so going on holiday to Thailand is the obvious response.

Get your flight booked.

It's still too soon for that.
Remember that up to 10,000 illegal Thai workers are in the process of being repatriated from South Korea. These 'little ghosts' could be harbouring the Covid19 virus and this episode is of much interest to Thailand and the world at large.

March 5th, 2020, 21:53
to finish on a lighter note, following numerous reports of toilet paper being panic-purchased and sold out in many cities around the world, one Australian newspaper - known for its humorous front pages - has added extra pages to its latest edition to help with the situation:

Australian newspaper prints extra pages to help out in toilet paper shortage (https://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/mar/05/australian-newspaper-prints-extra-pages-to-help-out-in-toilet-paper-shortage)

My-oh-my bkkguy, it’s all happening down under . . .

Coronavirus: Man tasered by police after fight over toilet paper at shop in Australia

Panic over outbreak sparks frenzied buying across country

Andrew Griffin @_andrew_griffin

A man was tasered by police after allegedly attacking staff at a store in Australia that had run out of toilet roll.

Amid growing reports of panic buying linked to coronavirus across the country, police said the 50-year-old man became angry because a New South Wales department store was running out of tissues.

They say officers were told he threw toilet paper at one member of staff and grabbed the throat of a female customer who approached him . . .

For the full report see: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/coronavirus-australia-toilet-paper-fight-tazer-police-symptoms-a9376726.html

Nirish guy
March 5th, 2020, 22:04
Have you reached a decision yet?.

No. i cant say that I have reached any firm decision yet - although the reason for that is that I probably already KNOW that I shouldn't be going !

I do know that If one of my staff came in and said they were deciding to head off on the same trip I would be flagging up the risk of them either catching the virus and coming back and infecting the rest of the office. Or them ending up geting quarantined on arrival at any of the THREE different airports they'd be going through (i.e entering Japan, entering Thailand and returning to Dublin/UK) and I'd explain how I felt that the risk was surely to high ( to their jobs !) and I'd be suggesting a fairly sharp rethink of them submitting a leave request form to me in the first place perhaps! As the boss I am of course "meant" to lead by example and ( in theory) can't afford to be quaratined anywhere for any length of time ! so for me to even consider going jsut now is of course quite ridiculous.

HOWEVER........I'm also a great believer in living for the moment and getting on with life and letting the chips fall where they may and whilst I'm never a great lover of changing my plans to suit rising public panic (genuine needed or not) which seems to be largely based on hyped media reporting even I do concede that I just might have to bit the bullet on this one if things keep progessing as they are.

I did check with Emirates the other day and it seems cancelling my flight/s would only cost £100 or so and likewise my hotels are all still able to be cancelled too hopefully at little or no cost and all of those options will still be available to me until the 2nd or 3rd of April.

So for now I guess l'm just letting everything run to see how things develop and I'll take it from there as on one hand I still of course would like to go - but not at ANY price, whether that be to my pocket or my health but I'm also thinking that if everywhere I go is on half lock down when I arrive then the pleasure of the trip ( to the museums and temples :-) may well end up quite limited anyway.

We'll see.....

March 6th, 2020, 08:37
Today, I highlight two reports from the Bangkok Post, one from BBC News and one from The Times:

Full moon festivities called off

Coronavirus puts Songkran in jeopardy

published : 6 Mar 2020 at 04:01
newspaper section: News
writer: Post Reporters

The world-famous full-moon party in Surat Thani's Koh Phangan island has been cancelled until further notice, as has the well-known Wan Lai water festival in Chon Buri's Bang Saen district in a move to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

As four new Covid-19 cases were reported yesterday, acting Koh Phangan district chief Somchai Somwong yesterday announced the party on Rin beach will be called off as the gathering of tourists can increase the risk of a Covid-19 outbreak.

Mr Somchai said the parties will be held again as soon as things return to normal, adding that tour agents and hoteliers have been informed of the suspension . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1872414/full-moon-festivities-called-off#cxrecs_s

Disease Control Department mulls tougher steps for returnees

published : 6 Mar 2020 at 08:01
newspaper section: News
writer: Post Reporters

The Disease Control Department vows to intensify surveillance against illegal Thai workers who have returned from Covid-19 hit-South Korea, following reports on social media they have ignored requests to self-quarantine at their homes for 14 days.

If the request for their cooperation fails, "we need to level up our control", department chief Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai said on Thursday.

The department's stronger stance against the workers came after owners of at least four restaurants in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phuket and Bangkok decided to clean and close their shops temporarily after some returnees allegedly visited their restaurants.

One female phi noi, or "little ghost", a term which refers to illegal Thai workers in South Korea, is suspected of dining at a restaurant in Phuket after her photo was posted and shared on social media.

"We're checking it and will bring her in for questioning," Phuket governor Pakkapong Tawipat said . . .

For the full report: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1872419/disease-control-department-mulls-tougher-steps-for-returnees

And from BBC News:

Coronavirus: White House concedes US lacks enough test kits

6 March 2020

The White House has acknowledged the nation does not have enough coronavirus test kits as cases of the disease ticked upwards on both US coasts.

Vice-President Mike Pence said the Trump administration would not be able to meet its objective of delivering one million testing kits this week.

Congress meanwhile moved with unusual speed to approve a bumper emergency aid package to combat the outbreak . . .
For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51761435

And from The Times:

First coronavirus death in UK as toll rises

Elderly victim had no contact with known case

Chris Smyth, Whitehall Editor | Kat Lay, Health Correspondent
Friday March 06 2020, 12.01am GMT, The Times

A British woman has become the first to die from the new coronavirus in this country after having the disease diagnosed during routine testing of pneumonia sufferers, it is understood.

The frail patient, who had underlying health conditions and is believed to have been 75, died at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading, it was announced yesterday. She is thought to have had the virus diagnosed after the NHS started testing intensive care patients with respiratory problems . . .

For the full report see: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/

March 6th, 2020, 09:27
And once again, just a little bit of light relief, via facebook, as an antidote to the more depressing Covid-19 stories:


March 6th, 2020, 14:50
No. i cant say that I have reached any firm decision yet - although the reason for that is that I probably already KNOW that I shouldn't be going ...
I'm in a similar situation Nirish. After delaying for some time I took the plunge and booked my flight to LOS at the beginning of April. While it is still possible that I may not travel, the stats have shifted in favour of going.
As far as I can judge from chatting to friends there, and reading posts here, there seems to be little evidence of community transmission of Covid19 in Thailand.
Things have changed here at home in Ireland meanwhile with cases rapidly rising and the first case of community transmission confirmed in the past 24 hours.
So I'm planning to go ahead to Thailand in April...to escape the Covid19 here!
To be statistically honest, however, any time i consider whether or not to take a holiday in Thailand I have always decided to go in the end.

Nirish guy
March 6th, 2020, 15:24
Yeah Keeny funnily I've just awoken this morning with the ( very bloody obvious) idea of perhaps I'll call the airline and see will they allow me to swap me flight to Japan straight on into Bkk just and so drop the whole Japan part of the trip and just head straight on to Thailand for an extended period. I see A447 friends appear to have been spot on re Japans numbers just being the tip of the iceberg and that there are perhaps MANY unreported cases there and their reported cases are dramatically lower that have been reported todate. If that's correct that then increases the risk even further and makes getting into Thailand after wards ( never mind not actually picking up anything myself !) quite a bit more risky perhaps!

So, once I have my coffee and I get my brain in gear I think I'll look at a few quick reroute options and even if the airline dont play ball for the £100 or so to cancel i'll just cancel that entire ticket and rebook ( elsewhere) then perhaps. We'll see.

've been in regular communication with a business supplier that I use a lot in China re orders I'm trying to ensure ARE actually getting dispatched on time and it's just scary to hear their take on things there compared to what we are being told (?) here.

They come from an area just two small provinces away from Wuhan ( about a 10 hour drive) and she tells me that "no problem, most factories are all nearly back to normal now and in fact in her whole province there is apparently only ONE case of infection left" !! Just ONE !!

She also believes their Government have been great with them in protecting them and have been very open and transparent with them about the "few" cases that there were there, however she's aware that the real problem may lie in Italy as it has huge numbers of cases but she isn't aware quite why that might be ( Diamond Princess Cruise ship says I maybe but no she'd no idea about that ?) and she wonders and it's being suggested that perhaps the virus ACTUALLY start in Italy just and that's why China's numbers are so low but Europe's numbers are MUCH higher ! ( from what she's been told).

Quite crazy when you see how Governments manipulate the media to tell us all what they want us to think and I would of course include ALL of OUR Governments in there too of course ! The one thing she did agree one is that I would be CRAZY to go to Japan just now as they too have much bigger problems than are being reported !! So it seems that message, rightly or wrongly, is spreading around the world now too.

March 6th, 2020, 17:10
Yes. For those who believe the figures, the number of active cases in Thailand is far below most western countries, so going on holiday to Thailand is the obvious response.

Get your flight booked.

This is especially true if you live in the US. My god, what an absolute gong show. Canadian authorities seem to be doing a great job, but due to the fact Washington completely screwed it, nor do they even have tests, it's coming up here.

It's truly pathetic. Bloody pandemic is breaking out, people are dieing, and Washington's response? "Let's go shopping around, and see if we can buy a hotel". I wish I was making that up, but I'm not.

US federal response isn't any better except, "don't worry, we should have some test kits soon", and that's really about it.

So yeah, if you're American, looks like Thailand would be a far safer bet right now.

Nirish guy
March 6th, 2020, 17:18
Im guessing that Trump is holding out for big numbers so he can proudly boast that

"America has the highest and the biggest numbers in the world and under his administration they're numbers like you've never seen before !!!"

But no one has gotten it through to him that on THIS occasion biggest and best perhaps ISN'T what he should be looking for !

March 6th, 2020, 18:15
Ohhh, he actually went on TV yesterday morning after the WHO said current mortality rate of confirmed cases is 3.4%, and he said, "ohhh, I don't believe those numbers from WHO or CDC. this is just a hunch, but it's WAY below 1%. you know, people get sick, and they still go to work, and it's just fine".

Geez, what an idiot. A pandemic probably isn't the best time for your alternative facts. This guy's legacy will probably be that crazy old President who totally dropped the ball during a pandemic, and 20 million Americans got wiped out due to it.

I still love Washington states response though.

"Hey boss, there's a epidemic, and people are dieing. What should we do?"
"I don't know, let's buy a hotel!"

I think they're just finalizing the purchase now, or something. Took them about a week to find a good one to buy, I guess. You would think I'm joking, but that actually happend, or is happening.

You're the US. You're the largest military ever known to man. Don't you have some empty barracks laying around somewhere, or something? Their other idea was to buy some storage containers like they put on cargo ships, and start shoving the sick in them.

Nirish guy
March 6th, 2020, 19:45
So, just as quickly as I I think about altering my plans to avoid flying into Thailand from Japan this then happens........lets hope the Thai authorities dont start thinking about adding the UK to their hit list now too for additional attention.

British man tests positive in Thailand
A British man who travelled from London on 28 February has been confirmed as Thailand's latest coronavirus case.
The Ministry of Public Health said on Friday that the 43-year-old had transited in Hong Kong for a few hours on 29 February. He went to a private hospital in Thailand on 3 March with a fever. He is currently undergoing treatment.


March 6th, 2020, 20:17
The latest news about quarantine and Songkran from the Bangkok Post:

Quarantine 'recommended' but enforcement unclear

Travellers from six high-risk areas must report daily health status or possibly face penalties

published : 6 Mar 2020 at 20:51
updated: 6 Mar 2020 at 20:55
writer: News Agencies

Authorities scrambled on Friday to ease worries about new self-quarantine measures for arrivals from six virus-hit countries and territories, a day after announcing compulsory isolation.

But confusion persists over whether the government is ordering or merely “recommending” self-quarantine for 14 days, with punishment for travellers who ignore the “advice”.

South Korea, China, Macau, Hong Kong, Italy and Iran on Thursday were officially designated as “dangerous communicable disease areas”.

Public Health Ministry spokesman Rungrueng Kiphati told Reuters on Thursday that people arriving from those six places would be fined 20,000 baht if they did not self-quarantine for 14 days at home or in a hotel room, “where they have to report themselves to the authorities every day or officials will come to check on them” . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1873174/no-compulsory-quarantine-of-visitors-to-thailand

Pattaya, Bang Saen, Khon Kaen scrap Songkran parties

Water splashing could spread virus, but some religious ceremonies may go ahead

published : 6 Mar 2020 at 18:49
writer: Chakkrapan Natanri and Saritdet Marukatat

There will be no water splashing during Songkran — at least in Khon Kaen, Pattaya and Bang Saen — as the coronavirus outbreak has forced organisers to scrap activities that could expose more people to the bug that is bringing the world to a standstill.

Khon Kaen Municipality on Thursday announced the cancellation of the Khon Kaen Songkran Festival, leaving only religious ceremonies to be held during the traditional Thai New Year period this year, as organisers were concerned about the virus.

Events were scheduled to run from April 8-15 in the province, which typically boasts the most popular Songkran celebrations in the Northeast. The festival on Khao Niew Road rivals the celebrations seen in the tourist hub of Khao San Road in Bangkok . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1873189/pattaya-bang-saen-pattaya-scrap-songkran-parties

Nirish guy
March 6th, 2020, 20:34
So, is that the "official" word then - that there will be no "playing water" in Pattaya !! ??? If so that sort of suits me just fine actually as after Bkk it always started to wear a little thin by the time I'd reached Patts for their party. But Im guessing no matter WHAT the Government say that there's stilla fairly high chance of getting blasted whilst on your motorbike when passing a bar when you least expect it to the point of nearly causing an accident !

March 6th, 2020, 20:37
At this moment in time I estimate my temperature to be normal, so unless there is any last minute rise, all should be fine and dandy next month and I’ll be on my merry way back home.

I hope the situation doesn't come to this.

Nirish guy
March 6th, 2020, 20:41
Oh in response to my OWN question above and after reading the article ......it seems if that article is correct Pattaya City hall is indeed not only saying "dont play water" but are actually saying that they are cancelling ALL Songkran festivites City wide !?? if so that's quite a big shift if true, with the added info that Bangkok's celebrations are now "looking less certain" also too !?

From that article
"Pattaya City, meanwhile, has cancelled the traditional Songkran festival called wan lai scheduled for April 18-19. The festival that brings people into the streets for water splashing, as well as religious ceremonies, is normally held after the Songkran holidays in the rest of the country.

All entertainment activities during the festival will be cancelled, the city said.

“We are seeking cooperation from local residents and tourists to refrain from slashing water as it could cause the spread of the virus,” Pattaya Mayor Sonthaya Khunpluem said in a message on his Facebook account on Friday."

March 6th, 2020, 22:27
Ah! I thought it was only a matter of time before Cervecería Modelo in Mexico, the producers of Corona Extra, the pale lager, decided it was time to change their brand name to something a little less controversial and more appealing:


March 6th, 2020, 22:59
At this moment in time I estimate my temperature to be normal, so unless there is any last minute rise, all should be fine and dandy next month and I’ll be on my merry way back home.

I hope the situation doesn't come to this.


Gulp! Neither do I, dinagam. ;)

Nirish guy
March 7th, 2020, 00:12
They say there's no such thing as bad publicity so it WILL be intersting to see how their brand managers "manage" this particular "challenge". :)

Either a complete rebrand I guess OR a "no, actually we're delighted as for the first time ever Corona is the talk of the world and is on everyone's lips" - OK so the fact that it's killing some people too....hmmm maybe NOT such great PR though :-) Yes, will be interesting to see how their brand ends up perhaps.

March 7th, 2020, 09:17
Today, I highlight one report from the Bangkok Post and one from BBC News.

Anxiety grows as new cases surface, returnees avoid quarantine

published : 7 Mar 2020 at 00:06
newspaper section: News
writer: Post Reporters

Anxiety is building amongst the public amid reports that a number of people who have returned home from high-risk countries have ignored requests for self-quarantine and undermined efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19.

One case involves a 20-year Thai student who returned from Iran on Feb 26 and was confirmed to have contracted the virus on Thursday.

Kitti Rattanasombat, director of Tha Sala Hospital in Nakhon Si Thammarat, said the patient stayed at a relative's house in Bangkok before travelling by an interprovincial bus from Bangkok to Nakhon Si Thammarat on Feb 28 . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1873249/anxiety-grows-as-new-cases-surface-returnees-avoid-quarantine#cxrecs_s

And from BBC news . . .

Coronavirus: Italy reports biggest daily jump in death toll

The death toll from the new coronavirus in Italy has risen to 197 after the largest daily increase in fatalities there since the outbreak began.

Officials said 49 people had died in 24 hours, while more than 4,600 cases have been reported in total.

The country has now reported the most deaths outside of China, where the virus emerged in December.
The World Health Organization says nearly 100,000 people worldwide have contracted the coronavirus.
More than 3,000 people have died - the majority in China . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51777049

March 7th, 2020, 09:29
. . . was just curious - prices at most of the impromptu stalls I have seen over the last few weeks along Silom have been significantly above the government fixed price of 2.5 Bht per mask (surgical mask, not sure of prices for N95 masks), typically charging anywhere between 10 and 50 Baht per mask, prices not usually displayed and the traders often get aggressive in response to price inquiries from non-Thais, price assessing is somewhat difficult because many of the offerings are not typical blue/green masks in single mask packs - they are often "fashion" designs, or different materials (eg washable cloth) and thus perhaps outside the govt definition of a controlled "mask", and many of them are unpackaged and potentially from unknown and thus untrusted sources - if I was going to start wearing a mask I would prefer them to be from a more trustable source!

And just to wrap up your outstanding point from the above post, bkkguy, I was on one side of Silom Road yesterday and noted only two street traders were selling face masks. The one nearest to Silom Complex was selling her masks at a reasonable B25 each. They looked like surgical masks, the type surgeons and nurses wear while in theatre. Farther down the road, but before Convent Road, another street seller was selling white and blue masks, both types were priced at B120 (but I couldn’t tell it was just for one or if it was a multi-pack).

But on facebook this morning I spotted an altogether more high-tech version of an anti-virus face mask which, so far, I haven't seen for sale on Silom Road. ;)


March 7th, 2020, 11:58
Yesterday our dear Thai rattabaan (thats the govmt, the institution that takes so well care of its 60 mln+ citizens) was doling them out for free at Sanam Luang here in BKk and several other places-with gint Qs as result.
Yesterday I had to shop some errands and first went to a tesco (where many shelves were empty and many hitherto always for sale things were not on stock-as if they had ceased getting fresh supply in the wake of their sale)-pennywatchers who know that every little bit helps for roll-back prices should watch when they start dumping heir own brands biscuits etc.-as these are clearly not wanted by anyone who buys them.
Thus I had to go onward to a flashy hi-so Centran with TOPs in the cellar-and there, hey presto, anyone wanting to enter now had to have its temp. checked by a pretty lady with such an electronic device. I was declared OK, as were all others in the Q. Inside the usual amount of students etc. taking avail of the free cold AC in these hot climates outside+WiFi. happy consuming and about as busy as always. It was late afternoon and my favorite foodcentre in between the 2 was about to close (I always go there around lunch, so had no clue) but there was a giant nr of foodcarts outside.
Meanwhile here in BKk street-traffic is notably much, much less busy as usual-like on sunday mornings. The buses are also much more empty.
Meanwhile the infamous songkran watersplashing has been declared as cancelled for Pattaya end KhonKhaen, and probably with more to follow. Also that SINgy gymbuddy G-circuit on songkran in BKK has been cancelled. Now just wait+see if a Thai lets this being taken away from her/him.

March 7th, 2020, 16:21
While browsing facebook today, I stumbled across a short 30 second video which is Covid-19 related and struck a chord with me. I felt it reminded me of someone from this forum, but my memory being unreliable and like a sieve; I couldn't quite place the name. It's on the tip of my tongue and I know it will come to me out of the blue, usually when I least expect it. Damn it! Don't you just hate it when that happens?

Although I wasn't able to attach the video, I did take a screen shot, which I've posted below:


Yes, I feel sure the clue is staring me right in the face, but right now, I just can’t see it. ;)

Nirish guy
March 7th, 2020, 16:50
Ha to be fair that could one of any of us Irish lot here as we're a hardy bunch it seems and it takes more than possible death to put us off our holidays ! In fact after deciding to cancel Japan yesterday ( which I haven't done yet) I'm sitting here today re weighing up the whole "am I over reacting thing" and half way to convincing myself "actually, maybe it's not all THAT bad anyway and maybe I should just crack on with my original plan!" lol

And ok I know my heart that probably isn't a great idea but as I'm now sitting here going through various booking looking at cancelling my japan to Bkk flight ( no refund available) and struggling to find cancellation terms for my Japan hotel ( which even though I'm apparently able to cancel has been prepaid and needless to say no one's interested in talking to me about that any longer now that they've got my money) all in all a two week quarantine would be a welcome rest perhaps from all this bloody admin ! :)

March 7th, 2020, 20:14
And just to wrap up your outstanding point from the above post, bkkguy, I was on one side of Silom Road yesterday and noted only two street traders were selling face masks. The one nearest to Silom Complex was selling her masks at a reasonable B25 each. They looked like surgical masks, the type surgeons and nurses wear while in theatre. Farther down the road, but before Convent Road, another street seller was selling white and blue masks, both types were priced at B120 (but I couldn’t tell it was just for one or if it was a multi-pack).

it depends on how you define reasonable I suppose, standard surgical masks were supposed to be selling for 4-5 Baht, the GPO has recently been selling them for 1 baht and the government directly for 2.5 Baht, but according to the Bangkok Post (https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1872404/vendors-warned-on-mask-price) on Friday the government is now subsiding the wholesale price to cap the retail price at 2.5 Bht, vendors have been given the weekend to clear old stock and as of Monday "vendors who sell face masks at a price higher than the fixed 2.5 baht per item face a jail term of five years and/or a fine of 100,000 baht."

my glass half full side expects all these stalls to disappear and the government supplied shops, pharmacies and convenience stores being well stocked with masks at 2.5 Baht, my glass half empty side expects no change in the current mask availability situation - any takers on which side will win?

but re the CDs - I have dozens of these and they are obviously outside of the scope of the government's mask controls so I think I should set up a stall on Silom selling these - I will keep a large bottle of water handy to keep my glass half full!

March 8th, 2020, 01:38
...its not the virus I'm scared of, having sailed cluelessly (lots of beer helped) through aids, sars, mers , mex flu...thios latest version is so...been there, done that, got the t-shirt...its the thought of getting quarantined in some shitty airport or 4th world hospital....

Nirish guy
March 8th, 2020, 06:34
^^ This ! And or coming home and genuinely transmitting something to my older relatives or work colleagues and or the wider community in general and doing damage to some poor soul who hasn't perhaps the strength to get over it.

March 8th, 2020, 09:22
latin wrote.
"its the thought of getting quarantined in some shitty airport or 4th world hospital...."

Exactly. Quarantined in my huge Pattaya hotel room with its view, couch, cable tv, internet, big bathroom, fridge, balcony and staff I've lnown for years to bring me stuff is one thing but being shunted off somewhere or even in the average cruise ship cabin or tiny Japanese hotel room is quite another.

March 8th, 2020, 10:21
Today, I highlight one story form the Bangkok Post, one report from BBC News and one report from The Sunday Times:

Wellness centre becomes Covid-19 quarantine zone

Bang Khunthian Geriatric Hospital on the outskirts of Bangkok chosen as the latest spot to take 'phi noi' returnees from South Korea, remote from protesting locals worried about catching the virus.

published : 8 Mar 2020 at 06:41
newspaper section: News
writer: Supoj Wancharoen

The return of phi noi -- a term used to describe illegal Thai labourers working in South Korea -- has prompted the authorities to nominate a state-run facility as a quarantine site as the country looks to minimise the spread of Covid-19 with workers returning from the second-worst hit nation.

Determining the location for a quarantine site has been problematic as communities in tourist areas are afraid that the presence of a quarantine site in their towns might scare away the dwindling number of visitors.

Earlier last week, the government ordered the Royal Thai Army and provincial governors across the country to prepare an appropriate space for a state-provided quarantine . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1874104/wellness-centre-becomes-covid-19-quarantine-zone

And from BBC News:

Coronavirus: Northern Italy to quarantine 16 million people

8 March 2020

Italy's prime minister has said at least 16 million people are in mandatory quarantine in Lombardy region and also in 14 provinces.

The lock-down will last until early April.

The dramatic escalation in the country's efforts to contain the new coronavirus will close gyms, pools, museums and ski resorts.

Italy is Europe's worst-hit country and reported a steep rise in virus infections on Saturday.

The new measures, which also apply to financial centre Milan and tourist hotspot Venice will last until 3 April.

The death toll in Italy has passed 230, with officials reporting more than 50 deaths in 24 hours. The number of confirmed cases jumped by more than 1,200 to 5,883 on Saturday . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-51787238

And from The Sunday Times:

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson keeps calm but Whitehall plans for worst

Tim Shipman, Sian Griffiths, Caroline Wheeler and David Collins
Sunday March 08 2020, 12.01am GMT, The Sunday Times

Ministers are preparing for a potential coronavirus death toll as high as 100,000 as they try to brace the country for months of upheaval without spreading panic.

Boris Johnson will chair his second meeting of the Cobra emergency committee tomorrow, where medical experts are expected to recommend that the government move formally into the second “delay” phase of the government’s response.

That could lead to more people working from home and fewer public gatherings.

Officials in Whitehall last week began describing a 100,000 figure as the “central estimate” of the potential death toll, according to a source involved in the preparations, rather than the previously publicised worst case scenario of 500,000 deaths if 80% of the population were infected . . .

For the full report see: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/

Nirish guy
March 8th, 2020, 18:16
Quarantined in my huge Pattaya hotel room with its view, couch, cable tv, internet, big bathroom, fridge, balcony and staff I've lnown for years to bring me stuff is one thing but being shunted off somewhere or even in the average cruise ship cabin or tiny Japanese hotel room is quite another.

BUT all of THAT and still not being able to have cute boy company visit to pass the time ! Now THAT, whilst stick in Pattaya WOULD be considered almost torture !

March 8th, 2020, 18:43
It really would. Plus you'd get the members here posting photos and pieces about this party and that boy and the other go go bar etc which would make it even worse

March 8th, 2020, 19:59
It really would. Plus you'd get the members here posting photos and pieces about this party and that boy and the other go go bar etc which would make it even worse

in a recent piece in the Sydney Morning Herald they interviewed some quarantinees about their experience - one response was "I got a dog", which I suppose is also possible with "this party and that boy and the other go go bar etc" when not in quarantine!

March 8th, 2020, 20:11
An agile lad should be able to climb up to arsenal's balcony by means of a strong rope or parcour movements, thereby easily bypassing the security.
Repunzel used to her advantage of a very long braid.

March 8th, 2020, 20:56
latin wrote.
Quarantined in my huge Pattaya hotel room with its view, couch, cable tv, internet, big bathroom, fridge, balcony and staff I've lnown for years to bring me stuff is one thing but being shunted off somewhere or even in the average cruise ship cabin or tiny Japanese hotel room is quite another.
I have no intention of ever finding out what an average cruise ship cabin looks like, but I see your point about tiny Japanese hotel rooms. I even had one where it was possible to lie on the bed and touch all 4 walls at the same time. This is perfectly OK if spending time efficiently and only returning to the hotel room for showering, shagging and sleeping.
However, the idea of being quarantined there would be unbearable. After a little time spent playing with the settings on the throne, what else is there to do?

March 9th, 2020, 01:56
it would be like prison...but without the entertainment

March 10th, 2020, 03:30
Im not in pattaya at the moment , but a friend who is , was telling me tonight that the talk on the beach this afternoon was that the virus has reached pattaya and that 4 thais and 1 falang.had caught it. Any one know if this is true, or just as trump would say its false news

Nirish guy
March 10th, 2020, 03:46
I or just as trump would say its false news

Dont be daft "false" news is five letters - Trump can barely manage the word "fake" news with it's four letters, so lets not give him more credit than he's due !

March 10th, 2020, 07:40
Today, I highlight one report in the Bangkok Post with some not so good news for those hoping to visit Thailand from South Korea, China, Italy, Iran, Macau and Hong Kong. In the UK, two more people died of coronavirus yesterday, taking the death toll to five. A total of 46 more confirmed cases were announced, bringing the overall figure to 319, but so far the UK is not included on the list.

And as Italy's coronavirus death toll jumped on Monday by 97 to 463, I highlight one story from BBC News:

Govt ramps up Covid-19 measures

Medical certificate needed before flying

published : 10 Mar 2020 at 05:00
newspaper section: News
writer: Post Reporters

The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) is requiring travellers from Covid-19 infected countries and territories to produce medical certificates prior to boarding their flights to Thailand to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob said on Monday the CAAT has issued an official announcement, saying travellers from South Korea, China, Italy, Iran, Macau and Hong Kong who fail to show their health certificates to authorities before boarding their flights to Thailand will not be allowed to continue their journey.

The restrictions are in line with Thailand's Communicable Diseases Act (2015), the minister said . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1875139/govt-ramps-up-covid-19-measures

And from BBC News . . .

Coronavirus: Italy extends quarantine measures nationwide

10 March 2020

Italy is extending its coronavirus quarantine measures, which include a ban on public gatherings, to the entire country.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that people would only be permitted to travel for work or family emergencies.

He said the measures, which come into effect on Tuesday, were to defend the most fragile members of society.

Italy's coronavirus death toll jumped on Monday by 97 to 463. It is the worst-hit country after China.

The number of confirmed infections also increased to 9,172, up from 7,375 on Sunday, official figures show . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51810673

March 10th, 2020, 07:43
Im not in pattaya at the moment , but a friend who is , was telling me tonight that the talk on the beach this afternoon was that the virus has reached pattaya and that 4 thais and 1 falang.had caught it. Any one know if this is true, or just as trump would say its false news

Oh c’mon, aot871, we all know that no self respecting virus such as Covid-19 would be seen dead in Pattaya! ;)

And the following image came to me from an Australian friend via facebook . . .


March 10th, 2020, 09:41
as often as they shower?

wait, the sewers are just below the sidewalks with VENTS.
something to think about as the surf from Jomtien condos rolls up into a spray and the breese wafts it up on the beach.

March 10th, 2020, 10:12
as often as they shower?

wait, the sewers are just below the sidewalks with VENTS.
something to think about as the surf from Jomtien condos rolls up into a spray and the breese wafts it up on the beach.
How romantic. Ahh to be in Pattaya right now.....sigh...

March 10th, 2020, 10:17
Breaking news from London!
Boris Johnson was infected with the corona virus, however the virus was unable to survive in his system....it was overwhelmed by his naturally forming bullshit !

March 11th, 2020, 05:36
Just back from doctors office USA. I was trying to get a travel certificate to fly from USA - Seoul- BKK when the doctor said upon return from any Asian country I would have to quarantine at an outside USA army base for 14 days before being readmitted into the USA.
There goes my vacation.

March 11th, 2020, 06:13
Just back from doctors office USA. I was trying to get a travel certificate to fly from USA - Seoul- BKK when the doctor said upon return from any Asian country I would have to quarantine at an outside USA army base for 14 days before being readmitted into the USA.
There goes my vacation.

I see a perceived risk with transiting via Seoul. However, Thailand has a smaller percentage of the population with active coronavirus infections than the US.

Also, the growth rate in US cases seems way higher. And the US seems to have a major problem organizing tests.

March 11th, 2020, 06:56
We are due to travel from Ireland next week to Pattaya.It looks less likely every day now.This virus is spreading rapidly.Probably better safe than sorry.

Nirish guy
March 11th, 2020, 07:13
We are due to travel from Ireland next week to Pattaya.It looks less likely every day now.This virus is spreading rapidly.Probably better safe than sorry.

So there’s three or four of us lot all fairly well decided now on pulling the plug on our Thailand trip in the next two or three weeks - and us all generally the hardcore of travels who would travel “no matter what”, so if that’s us all (having) to throw in the towel that certainly doesn’t bode well for tourism numbers to come in Thailand in general over Songkran etc perhaps ! :-(

March 11th, 2020, 07:44
Today, I highlight one report from the Bangkok Post, two reports from BBC News and one report from The Times:

Inbound arrivals face mandatory measures

Move aims to curtail coronavirus spread

published : 11 Mar 2020 at 06:15
newspaper section: Business

The Department of Disease Control (DDC) plans to impose compulsory measures for all inbound arrivals, including notifying personal information and contact information such as mobile phone numbers and email addresses as part of steps to control the Covid-19 outbreak.

The measure will commence on Thursday and all personal information for inbound tourists will be kept in the system for 14 days after their arrival . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1875989/inbound-arrivals-face-mandatory-measures

And from BBC News . . .

Coronavirus: Troops sent to New York 'containment zone'

11 March 2020

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced a one-mile (1.6km) coronavirus "containment zone" around a town north of New York City.

New Rochelle has seen "probably the largest cluster" of US cases, he said.

National Guard troops will be used to clean schools in the town and deliver food to any quarantined individuals.

The death toll in Italy, one of the countries worst hit by the virus, rose to 631 as the authorities placed the whole country in lockdown.

The latest increase in deaths in Italy - 168 - is the biggest the country has recorded in a single day, and the total number of cases went from 9,172 to 10,149 . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51826317

Coronavirus: Airlines cancel thousands of flights

11 March 2020

Thousands of flights have been cancelled worldwide as airlines struggle to cope with a slump in demand caused by the coronavirus outbreak.

Ryanair will stop services to and from Italy from Friday until 8 April, with BA scrapping its routes until 4 April as the country goes into lockdown.

EasyJet has cancelled all of its flights to and from Italy between 10 March and 3 April.
It has said it will operate "rescue flights" in the coming days.

Norwegian Air has also said it will cut about 3,000 flights in the next three months, about 15% of its capacity . . .

For the full report see: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-51818492

And from The Times . . .

Nadine Dorries: minister with coronavirus had been in No 10

Sixth patient dies as British cases rise to 373

Steven Swinford, Deputy Political Editor | Chris Smyth, Whitehall Editor Eleni Courea, Political Reporter
Wednesday March 11 2020, 12.00am GMT, The Times

A health minister who has met hundreds of people in parliament in the past week and attended a reception at No 10 with Boris Johnson has had coronavirus diagnosed, The Times can reveal.

Nadine Dorries, who played a role in drawing up legislation to tackle coronavirus, fell ill on Friday last week and her diagnosis was confirmed yesterday evening. She is now in isolation and understood to be recovering.

The identity of the individual who infected Ms Dorries is unknown but the minister has been working in parliament and the Department of Health and Social Care for the past week. Officials are identifying all those with whom she has been in contact since contracting the virus, including MPs. Any who have displayed similar symptoms will be tested . . .

For the full report see: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/