January 14th, 2010, 04:51
He's done it again.
Gay Celebrity, Author, Actor, Critic and Film Star Nicholas Snow can now add Pop Idol and Song Writer to his resume of many talents.

Come on girls, lets get this new anthem to number 1 in the charts. If the str8's can do it for that old turkey Susan Boyle then let's show the world what Thailand's Gay Community can do for our guy Nicholas Snow.


January 14th, 2010, 06:22
Okay, even though it's early in the year, I nominate this one as worst video of the year.

January 14th, 2010, 06:30
sorry great idea, but jesus what a crappy singer, also i like susan boyle at least she can sing.
the man might have many talents but singing is one of them, im sure if he wrote the song and gav e it to susan THEN
it would go to number 1.


January 14th, 2010, 10:34
Okay, even though it's early in the year, I nominate this one as worst video of the year.

One of the worst of the decade more likely.
The guy cannot sing, the song is crap and most of the Thais will not listen to some Queenie farang-or anyone else for that matter- telling them to use condoms.


January 14th, 2010, 12:20
What a blessing to have boundless self-confidence, undented by anything so trivial as lack of talent! There are a couple of moments during that agonising rendition when the singer pauses and one briefly hopes that the pain and suffering are at an end, but no, on it goes again to plumb new depths of embarrassing awfulness. I only listened until the end to check out the crowd reaction. If it had been an English pub audience there would have been jeers, people rolling about on the floor laughing, liberal amounts of tomato-throwing. But, sure enough, this being Thailand, the home of public self-impalement by karaoke, there is only polite applause and encouragement. Snow's beaming self-satisfaction with his own performance, the hugs and kisses with other farangs, well, I found it all rather endearing actually - can't help warming to such exuberance.

January 14th, 2010, 14:18
the intent is I am sure laudable but the messenger needs shooting .....

January 14th, 2010, 16:26
The studio version.


January 14th, 2010, 19:43
He'll sing it to you in person at a road side table next to the Malaysia hotel for a bowl of quaitao moo and a diet coke.

January 14th, 2010, 22:05
Well, "We Are The World" it ain't. What it is is a well-intentioned good idea that's about three minutes too long.

Wasn't Snow the one who posted videos of himself in a confrontation with a neighbor in his building in Bangkok someplace? I did a quick search on YouTube but didn't find it.

That said - if it saves a life or three it's worth it.

January 15th, 2010, 18:07
I've heard more "inspirational" sounds in the farmyard.

January 15th, 2010, 21:23
Well, "We Are The World" it ain't. What it is is a well-intentioned good idea that's about three minutes too long.

Wasn't Snow the one who posted videos of himself in a confrontation with a neighbor in his building in Bangkok someplace? I did a quick search on YouTube but didn't find it.

Looks like he pulled it. I am told he still lives in the same pitiful room but the angry Thai guy has moved out. All's well that ends well.

Now his neighbors have to contend with his singing and apparently he don't know he can't carry a tune in a number 3 wash bucket.

January 15th, 2010, 23:57
Looks like he pulled it. I am told he still lives in the same pitiful room but the angry Thai guy has moved out. All's well that ends well.

Now his neighbors have to contend with his singing and apparently he don't know he can't carry a tune in a number 3 wash bucket.
Perhaps he made peace with the neighbor тАУ who knows. ThereтАЩs no need for anyone to deliberately persecute someone because of a difference they didnтАЩt choose, but that group of confrontational clips with his neighbor (that were posts to his blog, should memory serve) were irritating in that they were yet another example of someone who pushes their differences in the faces of others and then gets all upset when they arenтАЩt embraced for it. It reminded me a little of Stan/LorettaтАЩs coming out scene in Life of Brian in that they were "symbolic of his struggle against reality"...


I know this clip is off topic but I thought perhaps it might make up for the live performance above. :cheers:

January 16th, 2010, 08:10
I think Nick Snow is a lively and enthusiastic character and all... but does anyone else find snowfan a little creepy? I mean he only ever comes on here to post gushing comments and suggestions about Snow.

January 16th, 2010, 11:49
I think Nick Snow is a lively and enthusiastic character and all... but does anyone else find snowfan a little creepy? I mean he only ever comes on here to post gushing comments and suggestions about Snow.

Several possibilities. Could be Nicklaus himself, doing a bit of reverse psychology self promotion. Could be someone with an axe to grind, some personal dispute with Nicklaus or just someone that wondered into his web site and was amused and annoyed. Nicklaus is one of the out there and known residents of Bangkok and can be quite.. well..... lets just say full of himself but sometimes in a comical way. His saving grace in person is the contact time is usually very short.

His stick is to make those promotional u-tube videos in exchange for free lodging and or free membership in a gym. Too bad he does not have anyone to hold the camera for him. Someone told me he gets a lot more refusals on this offer than takers.

I ran into him once at one of the International Film Festivals and he was posing with some Thai guy holding an unplugged microphone like he was being interviewed. He was in a tux and some red thing around his neck that looked like those things that are on the end side of beds in some hotels for decoration. He had a fake name/pass thing on his lapel from something else.

January 16th, 2010, 15:19
I just hope that he has made plans for the future as his HIV medication (and regular check ups) once he needs to start taking them will not be free or at low cost for him in Thailand. Good luck to the guy whatever..................

January 16th, 2010, 22:21
His stick is to make those promotional u-tube videos in exchange for free lodging and or free membership in a gym. Too bad he does not have anyone to hold the camera for him. Someone told me he gets a lot more refusals on this offer than takers.
Could be one of LMTU/bottomsup/let me tell you's students, perhaps? Maybe his brother? :cheers:

Having looked back through the handful of snowfan's posts here it does seem as though it could be Snow himself or maybe someone he's done a promo for (wink wink).

Not bad work, if you can get it. I do give him points for taking down the whine-a-thon YouTube clips about his neighbor. Not someone I'd care to have dinner with, but good luck to him - he certainly sounds like a character.

January 17th, 2010, 01:11
I saw the TITLE of the thread and thought the OP was looking for suggestions....

I was going to chip in with "Nobody Loves a Fairy When She's Forty"

..... which could be adapted for Thailand simply by changing 40 to 70

:hello1: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1:

January 17th, 2010, 10:29
His stick is to make those promotional u-tube videos in exchange for free lodging and or free membership in a gym. Too bad he does not have anyone to hold the camera for him. Someone told me he gets a lot more refusals on this offer than takers.

He's certainly pretty out there and thick skinned...

Some of his videos are fun... the one of the D2 Pattaya and Jomtien Beach were entertaining. If he did them all like that he might be onto a good thing but most of the others are pretty dull and uninspiring.

I was actually a little turned on by the video of his cute, half naked neighour going nuts... imagine the boy's BF would've got some pretty passionate loving being so fired up lol.

January 17th, 2010, 15:18
what on earth was he thinking of to publicize his illness, stick to gay exposes. :dontknow:


January 17th, 2010, 15:28
what on earth was he thinking of to publicize his illness

It would never be my style to publicize an illness let alone talk about something like that in public let alone on an internet message board such as this one.

And, while I'd generally not criticize somebody else for doing the opposite (in spite of the fact I don't think much of somebody that does it), the only exception I'd make to my personal rule would be the case where some incredibly dumbass jerk scoffs at somebody for doing that within weeks of having done it himself. Take a bow, LMTU.

January 17th, 2010, 15:52
In fairness to LMTU... didn't he write about it on another board totally unrelated to this one? And then, if I remember, someone happened across it and recognised some identifying details and revealed it here on this board.

January 17th, 2010, 17:05
In fairness to LMTU... didn't he write about it on another board totally unrelated to this one? And then, if I remember, someone happened across it and recognised some identifying details and revealed it here on this board.

I don't (correct me if I'm wrong) remember this guy with HIV going public in this board, someone else posted it didn't they? And were not the 'identifying' details related to BottomsUp who LMTU in a previous post denies being that poster?

January 17th, 2010, 17:10
..... melon coli ....

Melon Coli: an unusual Thai dish, a stir-fried combination of Melon and Cauliflower, often served on a bed of kaow paow

January 17th, 2010, 17:13
[quote="let me tell u":y2g1zxij]..... melon coli ....

Melon Coli: an unusual Thai dish, a stir-fried combination of Melon and Cauliflower, often seved on a bed of kaow paow[/quote:y2g1zxij]

Not in BottomsUp's world scottish guy!

January 18th, 2010, 11:50
[quote="let me tell u":1wk45va8]..... melon coli ....

Melon Coli: an unusual Thai dish, a stir-fried combination of Melon and Cauliflower, often served on a bed of kaow paow[/quote:1wk45va8]

Is it anything like E. Coli? :wc:

January 18th, 2010, 16:19
Far too late with this idea. Years ago we agreed our own special anthem for gay Pattaya. It's called: 'Just a Thong at Twilight'.