Quote Originally Posted by Brad the Impala View Post
Been reading the Daily Mail?
Or speak to my loving 80 something homophobic, bigoted, racist mother perhaps ( who is lovely of course EXCEPT for all those 80 something traits) as she was telling me just yesterday how it was "terrible" about "ALL" those bloody Muslims and what they're getting up to and how Donald Trump is a great man for trying to stop them - the I asked what she meant I was then told how how they were ALL flooding over the border and working illegally and hijacking planes and cutting the throats of innocent women and children and beheading "us" christian people every other day for absolutely nothing, but hey I wasn't to worry as it would be OK as Mr Trump was going to build a big wall to stop the, buggers and that "he'd sort them out" and it's a man like him that THIS Country needs - a man who even though he was a millionaire had given up all that and put his own money up "for the people" to make sure the Country is run right at last"

As this is about the 200th time we've now had "that" conversation I went through the usual NO, you've got it all all wrong you're sounding like a crazy person speech I may of course have been talking to the wall. When I asked why she thought all of this I was of course told that " Ohhhh I've seen it all on TV and read it in the news so you can't tell ME it's not happening !"

I should add that aside from being boody stupid in this regard my mother still has all her faculties about her so it's not a case of she's starting to loose the plot ( well apart from in a very obvious sense !) but she IS generally a "nice" person who is god fearing, goes to her church on a sunday type person- don't even start me on me being gay and having a Flipino BF who's half my age lol - THAT one I only roll out on special occassion's when I really want a laugh when we're down having tea perhaps and she starts perhaps talking about "those bloody immigrants" coming here - but quickly explains that "oh but that's not HIM of course as he's ok as he's a different sort of immigrant" - oh yes, afternoon tea can be SUCH a fun experience for us both when we go down - a real laugh a minute :-) Mothers eh, ya gotta love em - no, really you DO :-(