Hey Elephantspike & Surfcrest,

Weird things going on.

After logging in successfully I seem to have lost control of three features:

(1) My PM feature has been turned 'off'.

(2) before today, when I 'hover' over a member's handle (including my own) the handle used to be a hotlink ~ taking one to the members' Profile. Now, the handle named is NOT a hotlink anymore.

This is what my Sawatdee screen shows. As you can see the zero messages tag and the View your own Posts tag are missing. The screen looks like it should when not logged in, but I AM logged in.
The 2nd image was taken from Gaybutton board (it uses the same phpBB system and both are set to Prosilver) and shows what my Sawatdee screen showed just a day or so ago.

This image shows that my PM feature is not authorized???

The 'Add Attachments' feature has also gone missing from my Compose Message view.

I tried switching from Prosilver to the other two view options, but that comes up with the same missing features.

Normally I would have sent this to you by PM ... but I'm not authorized to send PMs. :-o