Thanks for the link, and sounds like the kids are quite happy. Thanks for the reminder as well, as I really need to get my shit together, and begin helping.

Being blind isn't all that bad, and there's some benefits.

- You become much stronger internally. Going blind is quite terrifying, so you have no choice, and find an inner strength you never knew you had before.

- You get to experience human compassion much more. Instead of living in a cold, heartless looney bin of a world that you know is out there, you end up living in a world filled with warmth and compassion. Whether it's just someone just offering you a ride home, helping you cross the street, helping you pick out items from a store, or whatever.

- Your intution is increased. You can no longer read people by their body language or facial expression, so your intuition gets kicked up a notch, and you can pickup on people's vibes and tell what they're feeling / thinking better. I still constantly surprise Leo by telling him what he's thinking, or what he's about to do.

- You concentrate only on the important things in life. Everything now takes three times as long, and is a struggle, hence a lot of bullshit gets cut out of your life. You only care about what truly matters -- the things you'll be thinking about on your death bed. The rest of life is just fluff anyway.

- This is jokingly, but you get to act like more of an idiot in public, because hey, nobody is going to get angry at the blind guy.

- You no longer have any secrets, because you rely on others too much to keep them. May seem like a negative to some people, but it's actually quite liberating.

See, it's not all ad. There's the obvious drawbacks, but I try not to concentrate on those, as that just leads to depression.

But yeah, thanks for the reminder. I need to get my house in order, and begin providing assistance where I can.
