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Thread: Mick Cockroft from Le Cafe Royale

  1. #1

    Mick Cockroft from Le Cafe Royale

    To all concerned friends of Mick Cockroft I am posting here the up to date emails received from Tim & Tom, who are at all times receiving the most accurate information from the medical personnel. This email and any subsequent ones being posted by me has the approval of Tim & Tom.

    This email was received today, 16/06/09 at 2 p.m.

    Dear Friends,

    Today Mick saw the cardiologist who was pleased with Mick's progress and his strength.

    Mick was quite animated this afternoon and was, once again, able to recognize people in the room and understand what they were saying.

    The neurologist will be seeing Mick later today and we should find out in the next few days about the plans for future tests or procedures. We will keep you posted.

    Tim & Tom

    If anyone wishes to receive regular updates regarding Mick's condition please send your email address to guys@panoramapub.com or to info@caferoyale-pattaya.com

  2. #2

    Re: Mick Cockroft from Le Cafe Royale

    Absolutely fantastic news. Another step to recovery. Hang in there Mick.

  3. #3

    Re: Mick Cockroft from Le Cafe Royale

    I am sure we are all pleased with this latest news and wish Mick a speedy and full recovery.
    Tim is also to be thanked for his continued attendance on Mick and for keeping us all advised of progress.
    Hopefully the crisis period has now passed and Mick is on his way back to full health.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  4. #4

    Re: Mick Cockroft from Le Cafe Royale

    This is the most up to date information on Mick Cockroft's medical condition, received today, 17/06/09 at 3.30 p.m.

    Dear Friends,

    Thank you again for your e-mails of thoughts and best wishes for Mick. We are passing them on to him daily. According to the nurses he had a quiet night last night.

    The doctor is pleased with the progress that Mick is making but cautions that he is at a stage now where progressions will come slowly. They took him off of the respirator today and he was able to breath on his own. Breathing on his own tired him out so they reconnected the respirator after awhile so he could rest more comfortortably. They plan on taking him off the respirator for short periods daily to allow Mick to breath on his own and build up his strength.

    The doctor also said that he feels that Mick is slowly getting stronger and this is confirmed by the strength of his grip.
    Although no date has been set for the next set of scans it will be happening once Mick is a bit stronger. Once the scans are complete they will be able to tell if the swelling has receded as well as where there might be other damage. The doctor is concerned about the damage being to the back of the head where motor coordination is controlled but this can only be confirmed once the scans are completed.

    A rehab specialist has been called in and will start working with Mick regularly to exercise his limbs and help with mobility.

    We will keep you posted on the developments.

    Tim & Tom
    For regular email updates please send your email address to guys@panoramapub.com or to info@caferoyale-pattaya.com

  5. #5

    Re: Mick Cockroft from Le Cafe Royale

    Here is the latest update on Mick Cockroft's medical condition, received Friday morning, 19/06/09

    Dear Friends,
    Today a CT Scan has been done and the object of this was to ascertain if the swelling had gone down which it has thankfully. The attending neurosurgeon had a team standing by in case it was necessary to intervene to relieve the pressure. That was not necessary which is a great relief.

    The other purpose of the CT Scan was to look again carefully at the original problem area, the abnormal artery, to see if this is stable of or if it presents any further potential problems. Once again the doctors were pleased to see that everything was ok with the artery.

    The CT scan has also revealed that the bleeding that had taken place has stopped which is also good news.

    There was a small blood clot found in the area of infarction but the neurologist says that this will in time take care of itself.

    Mick has also had a chest X-Ray done to check on an area of the chest that is not expanding as it should. The tests showed an infection and a chest doctor was brought in who has examined Mick and started him on a treatment regime to clear up this infection.

    The medical team say that his breathing is getting stronger and by Monday or Tuesday next week they plan to do a tracheotomy in order to clear his mouth of all the tubes that are necessary at present and this will help him with his breathing. After the tracheotomy they plan to have an ENT specialist see him to check nerves and reflexes in preparation for when he will be breathing on his own. At this point they want to get him out of the ICU into a private room which will be overall more sterile as it will not have so much traffic as a busy ICU unit. He will be moved out of ICU once he is breathing on his own.

    His vital signs are all stable and as they should be, and he has started some physical therapy in order to maintain and build up strength in his limbs.

    Earlier on today when Tom, Kan and Toy visited him they noticed that at one point after mentioning the name of one of his best long term friends his right eye opened completely which is something we have not seen before, up to now all we have seen is a half opened eye. Hopefully that is good also.

    Finally, the doctor said that with a brain injury there are 3 main mileposts where they evaluate current and future aspects of recovery. These are at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months. Mick was informed of this and we told him that once he was out of ICU we were going to work him hard and kick his butt for the next 6 weeks so that he could get better and in return kick our butts We asked him if this was ok and he actually nodded his head up and down.

    More later,

    Tim & Tom.

  6. #6

    Re: Mick Cockroft from Le Cafe Royale

    Here is the latest update on Mick's condition, received today, 20th/06/09 at 1 p.m.

    Dear Friends,

    There is not much to report today. Mick has been sleeping most of the day and the doctors are asking that he not be woken up or disturbed as a day of rest (without interruptions or tests) is good for him.

    The doctors do feel that his strength is growing everyday which is a good sign.

    Anyway, we will keep you posted on any developments as they occur.

    Tim and Tom

  7. #7
    Senior member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Norwich City. England

    Re: Mick Cockroft from Le Cafe Royale

    For me hes one of the nicest people i have met and spoken to in Pattaya.Always has time for you even if your only out for a short holiday.
    I spoke into his eyes. " I thought you died a long,-- a long long time ago".
    " OH NO! not me, i never lost control, your face to face with the Man who sold the world"

  8. #8

    Re: Mick Cockroft from Le Cafe Royale

    Here is the latest update from Tom & Tim as they keep constant vigil over Mick. Also keeping vigil are Mick's Thai friends, Kan and Toi. This email was received Sunday 21/06/09 at 3.30 p.m.

    Dear Friends,

    Today was very much like yesterday. Mick slept most of the day and when he was visited he awoke for only a short period of time. Tim was able to communicate with him for a short time but then felt it best to let Mick continue resting.

    The tracheotomy is scheduled for noon tomorrow and we should have further information from the doctors then.

    Tim & Tom

    For more regular updates send your email address to guys@panoramapub.com OR TO info@caferoyale-pattaya.com

  9. #9

    Re: Mick Cockroft from Le Cafe Royale

    Here is the latest update on Mick's condition from Tim & Tom, received 22nd/06/09 at 3 p.m.

    Dear Friends,

    Mick underwent the procedure for his tracheotomy this afternoon and all went as planned. He is now back in ICU and sleeping. According to Tim his face looks more comfortable and relaxed without all the tubing in his mouth and throat. Most likely Tim will not be able to speak with Mick's neurosurgeon until late tonight or early tomorrow so there is no other news or any other developments to report today. We are pleased that this procedure was successful and hopefully it will bring some relief to any discomfort Mick is feeling.

    Tim & Tom

  10. #10

    Re: Mick Cockroft from Le Cafe Royale

    Here is the latest update on Mick's condition, received Tuesday morning, 23/06/09.

    Dear Friends,

    We wanted to let you know that the doctors feel that is necessary to do a surgical procedure today. They will be inserting something called a VP Shunt which will help drain fluid from the brain. This involves drilling a hole and inserting a catheter which will drain excess fluid and then remain in place to prevent the build up of excess fluid in the future.

    We do not know what time this procedure will take place or how long it will take but we will send an update as soon as it is completed and we have spoken with the doctors.

    Tim & Tom

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