Just returned from a visit to Thailand. I must admit I now prefer travelling around Thailand with the car and visiting my guys home village/MooBann as well as the likes of Laos nowadays. We still enjoy the pattaya nightlife... but much less so than before.

So we spent only a few days in Pattaya this time. Stayed at Mosaik first few days which was very enjoyable as usual....but just a note to those who have stayed there before and are planning to return... the structure of pricing has changed.. before, the monthly rate was just worked out back to the number of days you were staying..e.g.monthly cost for room was Bt30,000 you were charged Bt1000 per day for x-days... now they have a monthly price as before and a weekly price ... but also now a new daily price which includes elect/water etc.. which in my opinion is quite expensive compared to how the prices were structured before.... the weekly/monthly prices are increased slightly but still very good value for the amount of space and quality of furnishings etc [deluxe appts].. They have a new website with much more info than before. There are still very good value Standard Studios and Standard 1 bed appts.

One of the reasons for Mosaik being able to increase prices in the face of tough trading times is that they are so popular... on my second short visit they had no appartments available for the 4 days i needed. I managed to get a room at Bann Dok Mai which was very nice also... and again they were very busy.

There is another thread running about late night venues in Sunee area and comments about other late night venues in Pattaya. On this visit I did go to X-ray and the new Dave Man Club.... i found them to be virtually identical..even down to the small square solid tables set at 1 metre apart... same thumping techno music and array of Coyotes...

I must admit to going off these type of venues after many years of visiting the likes of Maya etc.. I am just finding them so samey.. and the last 2 hours between 3-5 am i now feel a bit of a waste of time...as in my opinion up to 3 am i have drank enough whisky and the last two hours everyone lands up getting over-drunk... i find i can really enjoy myself on an evening going out about 10pm and stopping about 3am. It also gives me a fighting chance of being able to enjoy at least some of the following day also.

I much more enjoy Hollywood now... going about 11-11.30pm..the place is full enough... and the entertainment is better..more varied.. they do have the dance stuff..but you get 1 hour followed by 1 hour of show with professional dancers and live band playing mixed rock/pop/west music then another hour of dance music and back to the show again.. It doesn't bother me now whether a venue is classed as exclusively gay or mixed because I now never go to pick up someone for the night.. i always go with my guy and friends (4-5 people), and all my focus is having fun with them... and the likes of Hollywood seem much less claustrophobic.. much more spacious feeling..

One thing i noticed on this visit compared to previous ones, the last being Oct last year, was the easy attitude to ID card checking at the venues...we went to Cum Pan, the Thai folk music venue.. and on all previous visits they were always VERY strict checking ids.. with two checks before getting in.. so i was surprised when 4 of us went, 2 were under 20 and i had said they would NOT get in .. but was persuaded to go anyway.. and none of them were even looked at by the welcome girls and security..and even with a policeman sitting having a cig at the entrance... also Holywood didn't bother when we strode up and said we already had a table inside..they just let us go in.. No check either at Dave Man Club.. one of the guys with us was only 17-18(i didnt know till later) but he is tall and looks 20+ and not even a second glance. The reason for the lack of id checks from what I could see, is that they need all the trade they can get... Cum Pan was only about 1/2 full at 12.30 am...I've never seen that before in 6 years of visiting the place.

Didn't visit Dudes this time because I was informed that it is losing popularity... and now not the 'in place'.

Only visited a few gogo bars in Sunee and Boystown to visit friends and friends of my guy... Kawaii Boys, sawatdee, dream boys, BBB very quiet with virtually no customers..only BBB got a little more busy at showtime.. only Funny boys had a good crowd as did the beer bars.. Panorama, Oscars, Serene...

Also visited Le Cafe for the first time in years to take in the El Duo singers and found the hour or so enjoyable enough... they sang very well... Sunee much the same as Pattayaland...Gogos quiet, although Nice Boys was lively... JJJ/Sundance quiet... but again, here the beer bars seemed to be doing good trade... Corner bar was fairly full as were a few others.

Anyway these are only my opinions/observations as I saw them. If you are on the lookout for an overnight partner or someone to keep you company for a few days...you would be spoiled for choice of some lovely, cute guys working in the gogo bars and beerbars...massively outnumbering the customers... I expected the scene to be busier than I experienced for this time of year end Jan/begining Feb.