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Thread: 5th Annual Gay Forums Meet and Greet

  1. #1

    5th Annual Gay Forums Meet and Greet

    Hi Guys, well the date is drawing near for the 5th annual forums gathering to take place. Just in case there are members of this forum that are unaware and for the benefit of new members, the gathering will take place at Memories Bar on Saturday the 13th December commencing at 5-30 and hopefully continuing to very late.

    To say that the response I have had from my request for a pm from those intending to attend the gathering has been dismal, would be an understatement on my part. A more appropriate definition of the responses I have received would be Diabolical or piss poor.

    I have explained in previous posts, that the only reason I have asked for Pm's, is so that the catering can be handled in a way where there will be plenty for everyone and so, that it will last for the entirety of the evening. It is also necessary to know the numbers that will be attending, in order to make sure that the required number of seating and tables can be provided. I can tell you that Ian and Leigh, the partners of Memories Bar, have obtained permission from the Sunee office to close off the Soi on this day, so that the gathering can be enjoyed by everyone present without having to tolerate the normal scenario, where motor cycles are whizzing up and down and past all of the time.

    Now despite the fact that it has been reported to me 2nd hand, that there are many members from the different forums that have stated that it is their intention to attend the gathering, I have not received Pm's from them. Now if I can go to the trouble of arranging this function, as well as providing food, drink and entertainment for you all, I don't think I am asking very much of anybody, to show me the courtesy of letting me know that you intend being present, by sending me a Pm. Am I?

    If anybody thinks they will be able to just turn up on the day without having sent me a Pm, I can promise you that this will not accepted, so please don't say that you have not been forewarned.

    I will wait until 6th December, to give everyone whose intention it is to attend the gathering, the chance to pm me. If I fail to get what I consider to be an appropriate number of members informing me they will definitely attend, in order making it worthwhile for me to continue with the arrangements and organisation that is necessary, in order to make this a good day as well as a fun day for everybody, I will have no hesitation in pulling the plug on the idea and canceling the gathering.

    I hope the above does not become necessary for me to do, but if it does, I will arrange a party instead on this day for those members that have had the decency to comply with my small request of a Pm. I will reiterate what has been said in my earlier posts, that the only name I am requiring from you is your forum name, which will be treated by me with the utmost confidentiality. Whom you introduce yourself as to others present on the day, is entirely the business of yourselves and yourselves alone.

    Something not said by me previously, is that any member who wishes to bring along his b/f, or any other friend, you are more than welcome to do so, provided you show me the courtesy in your Pm's of letting me know, for the same reasons I require Pm's from everyone that is going to attend. I am going to post this message on all of the forums and don't believe guys, there is anymore that I can say, or do about the matter, other than say, it is now definitely very much a case of it being: Up To You.

    Cheers all,


  2. #2
    Forum's veteran Bob's Avatar
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    Best wishes, George, but I'll be trapped by alien forces in winter wonderland and will be unable to attend. If some kind soul will drink a dozen or more "bac-ar-dee cokes" for me, my presence will go unmissed.

  3. #3

    Re: 5th Annual Gay Forums Meet and Greet

    Quote Originally Posted by George
    Now if I can go to the trouble of arranging this function, as well as providing food, drink and entertainment for you all, I don't think I am asking very much of anybody, to show me the courtesy of letting me know that you intend being present, by sending me a Pm. Am I?

    If anybody thinks they will be able to just turn up on the day without having sent me a Pm, I can promise you that this will not accepted, so please don't say that you have not been forewarned.
    Yes, George, I am afraid that you are.

    I would have sent this by PM, but I think that some of my views may be held by others (not that they may want to admit such a thing!), so instead I am posting it here.

    I have not sent you a PM on my attendance because I do not know if I will be coming or not; I am not a "party person" and seldom attend any functions of any sort - I am not anti-social, but I just dislike crowds and being in any sort of confined space, particularly with people I do not know. If I were to tell you I would be coming that would mean that I would be catered for, included in your numbers, etc, and so (rightly or wrongly) I would feel obliged to attend; I dislike feeling obliged to do anything just as much as I would dislike feeling guilty if I told you I would be attending and did not.

    As you know I prize my anonymity; I have already said that I would have no personal problem introducing myself to you - others might, but I think it would be a discourtesy not to. The problem with the voucher/ticket system (and one of the reasons why I was strongly against it when it was first proposed) is twofold:

    Firstly, I could not care less about the free drinks (although some snacks might be nice!) and I would actually feel a bit of a cheapskate handing over vouchers for drinks - if you want to buy me a drink (or two), then that would be nice and I may even buy you one back, but to me that is a different thing.

    Secondly, by having and using vouchers I would be automatically be broadcasting to everyone there that "I am a poster", possibly arousing natural curiosity as to who I was and invalidating any claim I may make that "I only read the board occasionally". Rather than do so, I would personally prefer to buy my own drinks.

    When you first raised the possibility of the Meet and Greet I made an estimate of what I thought the probable numbers would be, based on the number of regular posters, how many may be in Pattaya at any time, etc, etc, and as far as I can remember I think I came up with a figure of eight - apparently I was not far wrong, so it obviously has nothing to do with you personally. As I said then, it all depends on what sort of function you want.

  4. #4
    Senior member kittyboy's Avatar
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    Re: 5th Annual Gay Forums Meet and Greet

    Quote Originally Posted by Gone Fishing
    Quote Originally Posted by George
    Now if I can go to the trouble of arranging this function, as well as providing food, drink and entertainment for you all, I don't think I am asking very much of anybody, to show me the courtesy of letting me know that you intend being present, by sending me a Pm. Am I?

    If anybody thinks they will be able to just turn up on the day without having sent me a Pm, I can promise you that this will not accepted, so please don't say that you have not been forewarned.
    Yes, George, I am afraid that you are.

    I would have sent this by PM, but I think that some of my views may be held by others (not that they may want to admit such a thing!), so instead I am posting it here.

    I have not sent you a PM on my attendance because I do not know if I will be coming or not; I am not a "party person" and seldom attend any functions of any sort - I am not anti-social, but I just dislike crowds and being in any sort of confined space, particularly with people I do not know. If I were to tell you I would be coming that would mean that I would be catered for, included in your numbers, etc, and so (rightly or wrongly) I would feel obliged to attend; I dislike feeling obliged to do anything just as much as I would dislike feeling guilty if I told you I would be attending and did not.

    As you know I prize my anonymity; I have already said that I would have no personal problem introducing myself to you - others might, but I think it would be a discourtesy not to. The problem with the voucher/ticket system (and one of the reasons why I was strongly against it when it was first proposed) is twofold:

    Firstly, I could not care less about the free drinks (although some snacks might be nice!) and I would actually feel a bit of a cheapskate handing over vouchers for drinks - if you want to buy me a drink (or two), then that would be nice and I may even buy you one back, but to me that is a different thing.

    Secondly, by having and using vouchers I would be automatically be broadcasting to everyone there that "I am a poster", possibly arousing natural curiosity as to who I was and invalidating any claim I may make that "I only read the board occasionally". Rather than do so, I would personally prefer to buy my own drinks.

    When you first raised the possibility of the Meet and Greet I made an estimate of what I thought the probable numbers would be, based on the number of regular posters, how many may be in Pattaya at any time, etc, etc, and as far as I can remember I think I came up with a figure of eight - apparently I was not far wrong, so it obviously has nothing to do with you personally. As I said then, it all depends on what sort of function you want.

    I have to ask -- are you really as self-important as your post makes you out to be or are you just having a bit of fun with your fellow posters? This is a serious inquiry. IMHO - The above post comes off as being so self-important I get the feeling that you are mocking yourself. ?? Or are you really that serious about yourself???
    Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and they all stink.

  5. #5

    Re: 5th Annual Gay Forums Meet and Greet

    Quote Originally Posted by kittyboy
    I have to ask -- are you really as self-important as your post makes you out to be or are you just having a bit of fun with your fellow posters? This is a serious inquiry. IMHO T- he above post comes off as being so self-important I get the feeling that you are mocking yourself. ?? Or are you really that serious about yourself???
    No, Pissyboy, I was simply trying to give a serious answer to a poster I respect - something no-one else has done. Why I am bothering to give you the same courtesy I don't know.

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran
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    Actually ...

    GF, many have sent PM's to George rather put their replies online.

    We don't wan a big crush of people just because Homintern, Aunty, and BBB may be there. LOL

    I had to respectfully decline Goerge's offer as I am not in BKK until the following week and the 13th is my father's 80th birthday in NZ.

    I will be there December 22 if the PAD would kindly shift their inconvenient arses out of the airport. Enough! I think there will be "movement in the camp" over the next few days and I don't think it's going to be pretty to see.


  7. #7

    Re: 5th Annual Gay Forums Meet and Greet

    Quote Originally Posted by Gone Fishing
    Quote Originally Posted by George
    Now if I can go to the trouble of arranging this function, as well as providing food, drink and entertainment for you all, I don't think I am asking very much of anybody, to show me the courtesy of letting me know that you intend being present, by sending me a Pm. Am I?

    If anybody thinks they will be able to just turn up on the day without having sent me a Pm, I can promise you that this will not accepted, so please don't say that you have not been forewarned.
    Yes, George, I am afraid that you are.

    I would have sent this by PM, but I think that some of my views may be held by others (not that they may want to admit such a thing!), so instead I am posting it here.
    Hi GF, First of all let me say to you, that I have no problem whatsoever with you stating your feelings here in an open post to me, as opposed to having done so by way of sending me a pm. By doing this you have opened my eyes to the possibility, that there may be others that are thinking as you are, wrongly I may add, so it gives me the opportunity to address the issues you have raised, openly here also.

    I thought I had made the following post on all of the forums, but after checking as a result of your post, I realised that it was only on Gay Thailand that I had made the post, as a result of comments by Pattaya Male, who is also a member here. Let me put that right now, by copying here the exchange I had with him on Gay Thailand.

    Quote: Pattaya male: When I wrote that I thought Georges was structured, I understood that you had to be a member on certain boards. Email that you were coming, get a ticket to enter, which was good for one drink and snacks.

    My use of the phrase that I would be issuing tickets, was only done so by me in the metaphorical sense, I apologise if I was misunderstood. The story of my life I am afraid. Let me make it clear, that it was never my intention and still isn't, to stand at the front of the bar in my usherette outfit issuing tickets. Perhaps I might have considered this as an option, if it were not for the fact that it has always been impossible for me to wear a pair of stockings for longer than 5 minutes, without several ladders starting to appear in them. Furthermore, some reprobates personally known to me and whom I know will definitely be attending, wouldn't think twice about attempting to climb those ladders, given the slightest opportunity to do so.

    Another point I believe I must mention is: Nowhere and at no time, have I ever said that only one drink and snacks would be offered in exchange for a ticket. As stated above, there will be no tickets.. All I have ever asked members to do, is pm me with their intention of attending the gathering, so that I would have an idea of the numbers that would be present, thereby ensuring that there was enough food for everybody and avoid, as was the case at last years gathering, the possibility of running out of food and making sure there was plenty for everyone, for the entirety of the whole evening. Let me also state here whilst I have the chance, that the bar will be an open one, with no limit on the amount one may consume.

    One exception to the above is that the two cases of Dom Dom P├йrignon I have asked Leigh and Ian to get for me, will be for my consumption only.

    Let me say to you GF, that being my mothers son, I would rather have too much food, which can always be disposed off afterward in a multitude of ways, rather than throwing it away, than end up by not having enough. An example of this, is that I have two young puppies and am sure that among those attending, there will be other dog and cat owners too. So with that said, if anyone asks me at the end of the evening, I will provide them with a real Doggy Bag, or cat bag, whatever the case may be.

    You are also wrong in your assumption of what members may do GF, certainly some of them anyway, as 4 of them have sent me PMтАЩs informing me, that although possible they will not be able to attend because of other commitments on that day, they will do their best to make it. As I have said above, this is fine by me, as I can at least cater for the possibility that they may attend. I have also had about a half a dozen courteous pmтАЩs such as Krobbie's, informing me that they will not be able to attend on the day and their reasons why. My thanks to you Krobbie and those others for your courtesy, I hope to have a drink with you all, at some other time.

    With regard to your comment about anonymity GF, I also said the following on Gay Thailand.

    I have only ever asked members to give me their board names and make themselves known to me by those names, when they first arrive. Does anyone think that request of mine unreasonable? I respect the right of any member, if it is their wish to be known only by their board name and can assure them, that under no circumstances will I breach their confidentiality. On this particular subject, I can assure them, that they have my word. Confidentialities that have been told to me by others are always respected by me and shared with nobody. If that were not the case, believe me, I would have had more to say about a certain member of this forum than I have and whom I consider, to be the number one wacko on SGT.

    As I said above, I would never repeat confidentialities I was told by him, but I will give you a very difficult cryptic and subtle clue, as to what his identity is, as well as what my feelings toward him are. By the way, even he is welcome to attend the gathering, but as his eyes never leave the ground whenever he passes me in Sunee these days and he doesn't possess balls, anywhere near the same size as my own, I don't believe that there will be much chance of anyone spotting him there. Anticipating a comment at this point from the Corlnel of the Impala, this is for them: The size of George's balls and the reaction of all the boys as is the case with this one, when they first see them. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Quote: Gay Thailand: At Rainwalker's you just showed up. There were some people there that read the boards and did not care to join or post for whatever reason. It seemed more open. I met many people at these gathering that have become good friends.

    It was primarily because of a post by Rainwalker on SGT and the replies that it brought, that made me think this years gathering should be done differently to that which it has been in the past. Why should freeloaders and people that have no association with any of the boards, be allowed to attend a gathering that is meant solely for members of the Gay Thailand Forums?

    On the above subject, I have said above in my opening post but will reiterate again here: If any member wishes to bring along his B/f, or a friend that is not a member of any of the forums, I do not see a problem with that, none at all in fact, providing he has had the courtesy to inform me in a pm, that it is his intention to do so.

    Deviating from the subject for a minute, I would like to say that I can see no reason whatsoever for KittyboyтАЩs comments above toward you GF, other than those I have already pointed out in a thread a little while back in the Global Forum. His post has nothing whatsoever to do with the subject of this thread and does not contribute to it in any way. WhatтАЩs new hey? As usual, comments such as those made by him, are as useful as an ashtray on my motorbike would be and about as welcome, as what waking up and finding a very large boil, on the end of you one eyed monk would be. Kittyboy, please accept this from me on behalf of GF.

    Thank you for the comments you made toward me above, in your reply to "Pissyboy" as you call him, as I can genuinely say, that I also respect you as a poster here as I do several other members also.

    To close GF let me firstly say, that I hope I have covered all of the concerns you or anyone else may have had in regard to the gathering, by my reply to you here and with regard to the numbers that you thought would attend the gathering, let me inform you that you are well out. I am pleased to say that with the PMтАЩs I have received to date, I can say that up to the time of my making this post, there have been 26 people that have notified me that they will definitely be attending.

    I am confident that I will receive more pmтАЩs before the day of the gathering and the final numbers attending on the day, will I believe, be considerabley higher. I sincerly hope, that you will still be one of them. There are also other bar owners in Sunee who have expressed their wishes to me that they would like to attend and to whom, I have of course agreed to their doing so. They have not been included in the numbers given by me above.

    Cheers GF,


  8. #8

    A late surge!


    Many thanks, your plans for the night are much clearer now - the "ticket" issue was what had me worried and was what made me think it may be putting some members off. What worried me more was when, despite your considerable efforts, only 3 days ago you said that "the response had been diabolical or piss poor" and it looked as if the entire party was in very real danger of being cancelled.

    It looks as if things have picked up considerably, and now the position is clear you may get one of those infamous "late surges" again!

    Good luck, and I hope to see you there.

  9. #9
    Senior member kittyboy's Avatar
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    USA - Georgia

    Re: 5th Annual Gay Forums Meet and Greet

    Quote Originally Posted by Gone Fishing
    Quote Originally Posted by kittyboy
    I have to ask -- are you really as self-important as your post makes you out to be or are you just having a bit of fun with your fellow posters? This is a serious inquiry. IMHO T- he above post comes off as being so self-important I get the feeling that you are mocking yourself. ?? Or are you really that serious about yourself???
    No, Pissyboy, I was simply trying to give a serious answer to a poster I respect - something no-one else has done. Why I am bothering to give you the same courtesy I don't know.

    No you really are that self-important or no you really are not trying to mock yourself. I am not sure which.

    George - I would love to come to you party but I will not be in LOS till Xmas... So sorry -- I know all of you will miss my charm, witty conversation, handsome looks, etc... but you will have to carry on with out me (now that is I think a decent example of self-mocking behavior).
    Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and they all stink.

  10. #10

    Re: A late surge!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gone Fishing

    Many thanks, your plans for the night are much clearer now - the "ticket" issue was what had me worried and was what made me think it may be putting some members off. What worried me more was when, despite your considerable efforts, only 3 days ago you said that "the response had been diabolical or piss poor" and it looked as if the entire party was in very real danger of being cancelled.

    It looks as if things have picked up considerably, and now the position is clear you may get one of those infamous "late surges" again!

    Good luck, and I hope to see you there.
    No worries GF, I am delighted to hear that there is now a possibility that you will grace us with your presence. As I happen to know that there is no person in the world other than me, who knows what you look like either as yourself, or in one of the many incredible and fabulous disguises you use and which I have had the privilege to see you use, including the one that blew me away the most when you were disguised as the famous French Countess, Foo Foo Lamour, you can rest assured that your identity, which ever one you decide to use on the night, will be totally 100 per cent safe with me. By the way, if you do make it on the night, please don't leave your chauffeur and valet waiting in the car as you usually do, bring them in for a drink and a bite to eat.

    GF, before closing, don't forget the pact we made: Haud somnus pro aut nostrum insquequo totus malum cat's es mortuus vel coegi ex is forum.

    Oh yes, I nearly forgot to tell you, I had six Pm's waiting for me after my earlier post. You can add another eight to the number given by me earlier, that have informed me they will be definitely be attending.

    Quote Originally Posted by kittyboy
    [George - I would love to come to you party but I will not be in LOS till Xmas... So sorry -- I know all of you will miss my charm, witty conversation, handsome looks, etc... but you will have to carry on with out me.
    I am absolutely devastated to learn that you will not be able to make the gathering kittyboy. Although it is going to be extremely difficult to hide the pain I feel inside of me at this news, I will have to handle it in the best way that I can for the sake of all the others that will be attending, because as an old trouper, (a very old one I may add) I know that no matter what happens in our private lives, we must always endeavour to ensure the number one priority is maintained. That being: The Show Must Go On.

    In all serious kittyboy, if you are genuinely in Pattaya over Xmas and are up for a drink, give me a shout. As I am having to miss out on your charm, witty conversation and handsome looks at the gathering, in giving me a shout when you are here, it will at least give me the opportunity to enjoy all three at a later date. Be sure to let me know, as if your answer is in the affirmative, it will also soften the blow of your news, of not being able to attend on the 13th.

    On reflection of what I have said above and as honesty is extremely important to me, I think it only fair that I tell you this: My main reason for wanting you to give me a shout for a drink when you are here, is I am anxious to win a very large bet I have had with a couple of members here, who are also friends of mine. I want the opportunity to be able to physically prove to them, that our getting together would give me, that no matter how much of an arrogant and obnoxious prick you sometime come across as, here on the forum, there is no possibility of your even coming close to being in the same league in those traits, as a certain other cat we all know very well that also posts here on the forum.

    I think it is only fair that I should also warn you, that a night on the Brahms and Liszt with myself and the two friends I spoke of above, may result by the end of the evening, your looking something like this:

    Choc dee kittyboy, in view of the current political situation here, let me sincerely say to you, that I hope your trip goes ahead and is as smooth and trouble free, as it can possibly be for you.

    Here's looking at you Kit,


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