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Thread: Best place to buy a gold ring

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran Wesley's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    USA, Kyrgyzstan , Philippines

    Best place to buy a gold ring

    I lost my gold ring that I had bought from here when I was mugged in Kyrgyzstan, I was wondering the best place to buy one here and if a Thaiguy can get a better price on one if I take one with me, If course I run the risk of having to buy two if I take a Thai guy with me. Also, if they take American express , I get Frequesnt flyer miles on American express. I also work on Asia miles though the Marco Polo club it should takenot many trips to Manila to get a freebee sooner of later.


    All the Best!


  2. #2
    As far as I am aware, the price of gold is fixed in all "official" gold shops, so there is nothing much price-wise to be gained by shopping around. Also, this is one area where farang and Thai seem to get reasonably equal treatment.

    It is unlikely that the gold shop will take a credit card wihout a hefty surcharge, especially Amex.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by gwm4asian
    It is unlikely that the gold shop will take a credit card wihout a hefty surcharge, especially Amex.
    A couple of years ago, the shopkeeper wanted to add a 3% surcharge for my credit card purchase. Might be 4% or more, now.

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    an alternative reality
    what a wondrous board this is when a member can calmly say .."I lost my gold ring that I had bought from here when I was mugged in Kyrgyzstan,"

    ..that sounds so stylish.

    I've found the production of a credit card in the gold shops always produces a look of anguish followed by detailed directions to where the nearest ATM can be found..and that if cash is offered a discount will surely follow..even if it's only the slightest one. I think they simply love cash.
    I'm only a light drinker. When it's daylight I drink.

  5. #5
    Senior member
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    Why not try the pawn shops. Although you run the risk of buying a ring bought by another Sawatdee bord member for his boy.
    Don't try to hold in farts - they travel up your spine and into your brain and that is where shitty ideas come from.

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran Khor tose's Avatar
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    Seattle/Chiang Mai

    Sorry about your ring

    I always buy anything gold from the Chinese merchants in China Town (Bangkok). They give you an honest deal. They put thier name on the sale and they will buy back anything they sell you at market prices. Danger of buying gold from a Thai Jeweler without that buy back guarentee is that they say 22 carets and it is really 14. Be careful as Thai grams/oz (It been a while) are slightly different then Western I could look it up for you, but I am at work and busy right now. Also Wes, Chinatown in Bangkok is a great day trip with much to see and great places to eat.

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran francois's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    Wesley, if in Pattaya, maybe try MOR Jewelry on Beach Road about one block from Walking Street entrance. A small shop but good r├йputation. I used American Express and no surcharge. Ring I purchased was gold with sapphire stone so maybe more flexible in discounting.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeySee
    Quote Originally Posted by gwm4asian
    It is unlikely that the gold shop will take a credit card wihout a hefty surcharge, especially Amex.
    A couple of years ago, the shopkeeper wanted to add a 3% surcharge for my credit card purchase. Might be 4% or more, now.
    A surcharge for credit card use is fairly common, and not just in gold shops. I might say I've also been charged a $15 "convenience fee" for using a credit card in some circumstances in the US, and depending on the amount that can be a quite substantial percentage. Taxis in Australia charge a standard 10% processing fee for paying by credit card - Visa disputed this some years ago, so taxis boycotted Visa. It didn't take long for Visa to back down. In Bangkok I generally find it's 3% Visa and M/card, 4% Amex

  9. #9
    Some people think it is very clever to claim back the credit card surcharge from VISA or whoever when they go back to the US. They brag about it on places like Thorntree - or whatever the Lonely Planet website is called. How mean and dishonest.

    In the UK - so presumably the US - retailers have to pay a bigger percentage for getting rid of cash than they do for taking credit cards. Debit cards are cheaper still. - which is why supermarkets are so keen for you to take cashback. Don't know how much Tescos et al in Thailand pay for cash removal, but small stores bank it themselves and pay nothing. Which is why they charge extra for credit cards.

  10. #10

    It's a little-known secret ...

    ... that Doris O'Booze has a rare colour-blindness condition - unable to tell the difference between black and green. That has lead to endless embarrassment as she flashes what (to her) is her black American Express card

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