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Thread: 30% fall in tourists

  1. #1

    30% fall in tourists

    I read with no surprise in the Pattaya mail that tourist numbers are down 30% in pattaya this year. Perhaps the filthy beach at Jomtien is a contributor. On some days recently I have seen a thick sludge on the water and the amount of rubbish it throws up is depressing. I know we are having a lot of rain and the storm-water is washing all the cartons, cigarette ends and plastic into the sea, not to mention the dog shit, which means the ecoli levels must be sky high. I recommend anyone who ventures in not to have an open sore , wear goggles and don't ingest and if you have a tummy upset don't only blame the restaurant you ate at last night

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran
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    Feb 2006

    Beach for tourists?

    Some sanitation company (?) I think is dumping garbage(on barges) out beyond the islands of Pattaya Bay and if the water current is right, the trash washes ashore in the morning. This litter does not occur every day but this summer it has happened frequently--at least in the Northern Pattaya area. The garbage is NOT faded from the sun or broken into pieces; for, you can still read the labels on the glass energy drink bottles, milk cartons and such. This debris lines the beach for 2-3 kilometers. Also, the sewage runs into the bay...so all of this contributes to an unsightly and unhealthy beach. The city doesn't care...the city officials don't understand that if the first time tourist is here for a beach vacation, he/she most likely won't return again.

    But let's face it, many of the tourists holiday in Pattaya (numerous times) for the "socializing" with the locals; not for the scenic, clean sea water.

    If there is a big decrease in tourists visiting Pattaya, it is most likely due to the world's economic slow down and due to the increase cost of flight tickets...and most of the tourists* that come to Pattaya aren't exactly the big spenders so increase in costs would be a factor. (*NOTE: I said most, not all.)

  3. #3

    Re: 30% fall in tourists

    Quote Originally Posted by raig56
    On some days recently I have seen a thick sludge on the water and the amount of rubbish it throws up is depressing. I know we are having a lot of rain and the storm-water is washing all the cartons, cigarette ends and plastic into the sea, not to mention the dog shit, which means the ecoli levels must be sky high. I recommend anyone who ventures in not to have an open sore , wear goggles and don't ingest and if you have a tummy upset don't only blame the restaurant you ate at last night
    Yet the amazing thing is, some Pattaya farangs are cleaner after getting out of the water than they were going in.

  4. #4
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    Re: 30% fall in tourists

    Quote Originally Posted by raig56
    I read with no surprise in the Pattaya mail that tourist numbers are down 30% in pattaya this year. Perhaps the filthy beach at Jomtien is a contributor. On some days recently I have seen a thick sludge on the water and the amount of rubbish it throws up is depressing. I know we are having a lot of rain and the storm-water is washing all the cartons, cigarette ends and plastic into the sea, not to mention the dog shit, which means the ecoli levels must be sky high. I recommend anyone who ventures in not to have an open sore , wear goggles and don't ingest and if you have a tummy upset don't only blame the restaurant you ate at last night
    Or the asshole you ate
    Don't try to hold in farts - they travel up your spine and into your brain and that is where shitty ideas come from.

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran
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    the moon
    didn't take long for the increase in jet fuel and ticket prices to lead to a decrease in tourism.
    Was just wondering today what the actual effect would be on TH. I was figuring that it would have an even greater impact.

    Checked prices for a ticket from Midwest USA
    January as low as $900
    March ~$1100
    July $2500

    I know it usually goes up a bit in the summer anyway but not this much.
    Currently gas prices have declined abit. Considering worldwide petroleum usage
    this just can't keep on before we start running out totally. I am actually pleased prices have risen here because usage lately has been CUT in the USA by 800,000 barrels per DAY(?)

  6. #6

    "It's the Economy Stupid"

    (no, not you Raig56)

    As I've said before in other threads. The Big Meltdown in the US is going global. Europe is staggering. Asia has already felt the pinch. The Shanghai Stock Market is already off more than 50% and Japan is reporting its first down quarter in a year.
    This is turning into the biggest global downturn since 1930.

    But the big question is: what is the next big investment opportunity?????

    (Haven't figured it out yet but I'll be sure to let you all know when I do :geek: )

  7. #7

    it's the economy stupid

    Then why is Phuket holding up well then, I think a clean beach is more important than you would imagine

  8. #8

    Re: "It's the Economy Stupid"


  9. #9
    Forum's veteran
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    Feb 2006


    kenc asks:But the big question is: what is the next big investment opportunity?????

    IF you have the extra cash (and time to do your homework) , buying cheap property/ real estate that has defaulted in the US. Eventually real estate value will go up; meanwhile you can rent it out.

  10. #10
    Correction: you can try to rent it out.

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