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Thread: Kevin Q apparently moved to the Bangkok Hilton ...

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Hua Hin, Thailand

    Kevin Q apparently moved to the Bangkok Hilton ...

    There is a thread on Gay Thailand ( by GayButton: http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/index ... topic=2643 ) which states that Kevin has been moved to Klong Prem Prison in Bangkok.

    Apparently medical facilities there are better than where he was. No confirmation on this, so I guess a 'rumour' at this point, but I have no reason to doubt it, and if Kevin feels his medical situation can be handled better there, then I suppose that's good news under the circumstances.

    If you don't know where this place is, here's a good Google photo found on the net with the prison in relation to Don Muang Airport, which we all know.

    Got inerested in this and went into GoogleEarth myself and got a decent closeup of the place. A very large and serious-looking hoosegow, surrounded by a moat. Apparently only one succesful escape ... 10 years ago.

    Red circle indicates the area of the prison where you will find yourself if you overstay your visa.

    Cheers ...

    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by fattman
    It's in Ngamwongwan Road, on the left before the intersection with Klong Prapha near The Mall, about 4km from Vidhavadi-Rangsit Road.
    So you're familiar with it?

  3. #3

    Re: Kevin Q apparently moved to the Bangkok Hilton ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Smiles
    If you don't know where this place is, here's a good Google photo found on the net with the prison in relation to Don Muang Airport, which we all know.
    That's fascinating, Smiles, I WILL look into that further. I know my nieces and newphews get on Google Earth on my PC often (I've got LimeWire, too ;-) ) but I still haven't figured out all the ends on it. Might be nice if Spike could plug in the Google Earth too (like youtube) and we could zoom out from here.

    I know very little of the details of the situation but understand there is some not-so-fairness and I only hope very much that situation is solved someday.

  4. #4
    I think that you will find that the Thai courts have a somewhat different view on the matter.

    Funny, perhaps I'm missing something! The Thai court more or less quashed the case, it was one Supreme court judge who thought differently. At least in a British court one has to be proved guilt beyond all doubt. If K.Q. was guilty beyond all doubt ( and having followed and known others named in the case from before they became owners of property in Pattaya, I will stand by my conviction that K.Q. was not proved guilty beyond doubt) I still wouldn't wish a six year sentence in a Thai prison on him. I also find it amazing that someone who lives or knows how prevalent corruption is in LOS could put his hand on his heart and say this man is 'Guilty' and that he deserves to be where he is.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by sanook
    I think that you will find that the Thai courts have a somewhat different view on the matter.

    I also find it amazing that someone who lives or knows how prevalent corruption is in LOS could put his hand on his heart and say this man is 'Guilty' and that he deserves to be where he is.
    You have failed to take into account sanook, that in order for some here to be able to do this, they would in the first place, have to possess a heart, in order for them to be able to put their hand on it.


  6. #6
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    Found your trousers yet, George?

  7. #7

    FTAO only, the one bearing the M marking on his rear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brad the Impala
    Found your trousers yet, George?
    Thanks Brad, for giving evidence in your statement above and evidence I may add, that I believe would be impossible for any one else to be able to come even anywhere close in establishing as you have done, by the way you have powerfully and undeniably convincied everyone beyond any reasonable doubt, one that surely no one here could possibly be left with after this post of yours, in which you have kindly confirmed, that the following assessment of mine on such members to be totally correct, thereby making it one which is also true.

    The assessment of mine being, that it is absolutely impossible to get through to certain members here, no matter what is said to them, how many times it is said, or how long it is said for. As a result of my making numerous attempts to try and get one particular member to see reason where a certain matter was concerned, it soon became apparent, that it was either one which they were totally incapable of being able to see, or more likely I felt, one where because of the inability on their part of being able to accept the possibility that any opinion other than their own, no matter on what subject, could have even the remotest possible chance of being correct. This was in spite of the fact, that everyone apart from them in the large majority of cases, seemed perfectly capable of being able to see reason in what was beeing said. As a result of these incidents, I concluded such members to be either, ones that were as thick as a brick, or ones that were just plain bloody ignorant.

    So in concluding Bradley dear, as I have lost no trousers for which there is any necessity on my part to go in search of, but instead as has been clearly shown here, that it is not me, but you that is in need of going on a search. A search where you will obviously be on a quest to find some manners, or alternatively a quest similar to that which the scarecrow undertook, and one that will obviously entail your endeavouring, in trying to find a brain. Which one of the two will your search be for Brad?

    I do believe that as a result of the above, I am finally able to bring to an end the matter in which your post was in reference to, by my claiming and claiming fairly in my opinion, game set and match where this subject is concerned. Continue to make posts in regard to the same subject should you so wish, but I forewarn you that they will not be replied to by me and instead, be treated with the contempt that they will be deserving off. So with that said Bradley dear, all that remains for me to say, is this is George saying over, and where you and this subject are concerned, most definitely out. :angel4:

    Beam me up please Scottie, my mission here to all sense and purpuses, is most definitely one that is now completed. :ufo:


  8. #8
    Forum's veteran
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    Dec 2006
    an alternative reality
    One can only feel sympathy for Kevin particularly will his illness. Prison in Thailand is not fun.

    A shame they don't operate the same system they do in Bali-where for a price one can have a day on the outside. Considering the corruption it's odd ot doesn't happen-but then if one pays the right price you can avoid being there in the first place.

    Does anyone re-call the story about 10 years ago of the US businessman's daughter who was granted bail in a Thai court ( a rarity) only to vanish never to be caught ?.

    Do these google photos disturb others ?..I find them pretty scary but fascinating at the same time ( especially having looked up my own home and eveywhere else I've lived)

    Now they are snapping pics at the street level...one day we all be on record from birth to death with DNA & fingerprints along with curtain and furnishing details ?

    I can see there are several spots to land a helicopter at the prison.
    I'm only a light drinker. When it's daylight I drink.

  9. #9
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: FTAO only, the one bearing the M marking on his rear.

    Quote Originally Posted by George
    Quote Originally Posted by Brad the Impala
    Found your trousers yet, George?
    Thanks Brad, for giving evidence in your statement above and evidence I may add, that I believe would be impossible for any one else to be able to come even anywhere close in establishing as you have done, by the way you have powerfully and undeniably convincied everyone beyond any reasonable doubt, one that surely no one here could possibly be left with after this post of yours, in which you have kindly confirmed, that the following assessment of mine on such members to be totally correct, thereby making it one which is also true.

    The assessment of mine being, that it is absolutely impossible to get through to certain members here, no matter what is said to them, how many times it is said, or how long it is said for. As a result of my making numerous attempts to try and get one particular member to see reason where a certain matter was concerned, it soon became apparent, that it was either one which they were totally incapable of being able to see, or more likely I felt, one where because of the inability on their part of being able to accept the possibility that any opinion other than their own, no matter on what subject, could have even the remotest possible chance of being correct. This was in spite of the fact, that everyone apart from them in the large majority of cases, seemed perfectly capable of being able to see reason in what was beeing said. As a result of these incidents, I concluded such members to be either, ones that were as thick as a brick, or ones that were just plain bloody ignorant.

    So in concluding Bradley dear, as I have lost no trousers for which there is any necessity on my part to go in search of, but instead as has been clearly shown here, that it is not me, but you that is in need of going on a search. A search where you will obviously be on a quest to find some manners, or alternatively a quest similar to that which the scarecrow undertook, and one that will obviously entail your endeavouring, in trying to find a brain. Which one of the two will your search be for Brad?

    I do believe that as a result of the above, I am finally able to bring to an end the matter in which your post was in reference to, by my claiming and claiming fairly in my opinion, game set and match where this subject is concerned. Continue to make posts in regard to the same subject should you so wish, but I forewarn you that they will not be replied to by me and instead, be treated with the contempt that they will be deserving off. So with that said Bradley dear, all that remains for me to say, is this is George saying over, and where you and this subject are concerned, most definitely out. :angel4:

    Beam me up please Scottie, my mission here to all sense and purpuses, is most definitely one that is now completed. :ufo:

    Idiom: All mouth and trousers

    Idiom Definition
    British English

    Someone who's all mouth and trousers talks or boasts a lot but doesn't deliver. 'All mouth and no trousers' is also used, though this is a corruption of the original.


  10. #10
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Hua Hin, Thailand

    Re: FTAO only, the one bearing the M marking on his rear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brad the Impala
    " ... Idiom Definition
    British English
    Someone who's all mouth and trousers talks or boasts a lot but doesn't deliver. 'All mouth and no trousers' is also used, though this is a corruption of the original ... "
    In 'Myra Breckingridge' a similar, more pithy phrase was " ... all potatoes, but no meat ... ". If I recall it was used in a description of a young man on all fours, up on a table, naked, and viewed lingeringly from behind. But like the talking trousers, it was NOT meant as a compliment. :blackeye:

    Cheers ...
    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

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