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Thread: Friend goes back to school

  1. #1

    Friend goes back to school

    My friend, who is 3 years with me now, has seen the light and decided to go to school in order to finish this project in 5 years at Mattayom 6 level.
    Basically it took me 3 years to get him this far (either find a proper job or do something about education), and now he is "ready". I know that he would like to apply for this course-like program which will let him go to school during the weekends and make it able to work on weekdays (wow, maybe he'll work and go to school; must have been a bright light).

    But ok, this morning he stood in front of me: Aw tang noi!!
    How much? Uhm, THB 550 for enrollment, since I don't like surprises I asked what will be next and if he could give me an estimate on the yearly expenses: uhm.........about THB 3500 for books. (last month it was approx. Thb 6,500).

    Since his young niece is going to school next month and his other niece who's still in Korat is about to come to Pattaya to join the business here (I suppose) and she would like to go to school, there's something saying: Beware, this might be a rip off!!

    So, have you ever heard of these school-programs and about the cost?

  2. #2

    Adult education classes

    See "Two Different Posters" in the Global Forum, which is exclusively about this subject (adult education in Thailand), but for some unknown reason was moved there when another thread was split.

    The cost sounds about right - at 3,500 for the year this may not include personal stationery, exams, etc

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran Bob's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    It varies from place to place but, if you can get him to stay in the high school (adult) program for even 10,000 - 15,000 baht a year, seems like a bargain to me.

    My memory (been there, done that) is that there usually are extra expenses that crop up here and there - sometimes a class outing, uniform, or something. But relatively cheap in my view comparing the cost to the benefit.

    By the way, what the heck does "Aw tang noi" mean it Thai? I can't guess.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob
    sometimes a class outing, uniform, or something
    I've sometimes speculated on why an enterprising go-go bar owner doesn't dress his boys in school uniform as a gimmick

  5. #5
    Senior member neddy3's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob
    By the way, what the heck does "Aw tang noi" mean it Thai? I can't guess.
    Want a small amount of money.

    Aw = want, tang = money (abbreviation of satang), noi = small
    ..........and that's the way it is.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by neddy3
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob
    By the way, what the heck does "Aw tang noi" mean it Thai? I can't guess.
    Want a small amount of money.

    Aw = want, tang = money (abbreviation of satang), noi = small
    and in this context "noi" means "please"

    Aw tang noi! = Want money please!

    Regarding my friend: obviously I left him behind a bit confused and maybe even a bit dissappointed/angry!? He didn't come home last night, so I think there is something else going on. I just love Thailand.........never a dull moment!!!

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran TrongpaiExpat's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by homintern
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob
    sometimes a class outing, uniform, or something
    I've sometimes speculated on why an enterprising go-go bar owner doesn't dress his boys in school uniform as a gimmick
    One of the soi Cowboy lady bars did just that and caught a lot of hell from the Thai authorities. School uniforms without proper Ministry of health approved under garments.

    Wasn't Screw Boys first called School Boys and they changed the name?
    E Dok Tong

  8. #8
    Forum's veteran lonelywombat's Avatar
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    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by homintern
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob
    sometimes a class outing, uniform, or something
    I've sometimes speculated on why an enterprising go-go bar owner doesn't dress his boys in school uniform as a gimmick
    I have also, as long as they dont look like or are underage

    In pattayaland soi 2 there is a girls in school uniform bar and they flaunt themselves outside trying to pick up the gays going to wildwestboys
    Wombat : an Australian marsupial that eats,roots and leaves

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by lonelywombat
    Quote Originally Posted by homintern
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob
    sometimes a class outing, uniform, or something
    I've sometimes speculated on why an enterprising go-go bar owner doesn't dress his boys in school uniform as a gimmick
    I have also, as long as they dont look like or are underage

    It somewhat amazes me as to why anyone here, especially those who are always making the sort of derogatory posts they make about Sunee, in which they are constantly informing everyone of all of the supposedly under aged boys that work in the bars there, would want to see a club in which the boys working in it, are dressed in school uniform. I wonder what their reasons are for this. You figure it, as I couldn't even hazard a guess as to why.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by George
    ... would want to see a club in which the boys working in it, are dressed in school uniform. I wonder what their reasons are for this.
    And which of the writers suggested it was something they wanted to see? Or, dare I suggest, you're making an inference based on insufficient evidence, Oscar?

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