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Thread: Myths about Asian men: Comments, please.

  1. #1
    Senior member
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    That's quite a collection of prejudices you've collected there, although your purpose in posting them is perhaps a tad obscure.

    Whenever I think of stereotypes I think of Monty Python's classic 'Prejudice' sketch:

    "Good evening and welcome to another edition of 'Prejudice' - the show that gives you a chance to have a go at Wops, Krauts, Nigs, Eyeties, Gippos, Bubbles, Froggies, Chinks, Yidds, Jocks, Polacks, Paddies and Dagoes. (applause; he goes to desk at side of stage)
    Braddon Tonight's show comes live from the tiny village of Rabid in Buckinghamshire, and our first question tonight is from a Mrs Elizabeth Scrint who says she is going on a Mediterranean cruise next week and can't find anything wrong with the Syrians. Well, Mrs Scrint, apart from being totally unprincipled left-wing troublemakers, the Syrians are also born skivers, they're dirty, smelly and untrustworthy, and, of course, they're friends of the awful gippos. (applause) There you are, Mrs Scrint, I hope that answers some of your problems - have a nice trip. (more applause) Well now, the result of last week's competition when we asked you to find a derogatory term for the Belgians. Well, the response was enormous and we took quite a long time sorting out the winners. There were some very clever entries. Mrs Hatred of Leicester Said 'let's not call them anything, let's just ignore them' ... (applause starts vigorously, but he holds his hands up for silence) ... and a Mr St John of Huntingdon said he couldn't think of anything more derogatory than Belgians. (cheers and applause; a girl in showgirl costume comes on and holds up placards through next bit) But in the end we settled on three choices: number three ... the Sprouts (placard 'The Sprouts'), sent in by Mrs Vicious of Hastings... very nice ; number two..... the Phlegms (placard) ... from Mrs Childmolester of Worthing; but the winner was undoubtedly from Mrs No-Supper-For-You from Norwood in Lancashire... Miserable Fat Belgian Bastards. (placard; roar of applause) Very good - thank you, Carol. (Carol exits) But as you know on this programme we're not just prejudiced against race or colour, we're also prejudiced against - yes, you've guessed, stinking homosexuals! (applause) So before the streets start emptying in Chelsea tonight, Let's go straight over to our popular prejudiced panel game and invite you once again to - Shoot The Poof! And could our first contestant sign in please.
    Cut to blackboard and entrance as they used to have in 'What's My Line'. A contestant comes from behind screen and starts to write his name.
    Voice Over Our first contestant is a hairdresser from...
    A shot rings out and the contestant falls to the floor. Applause."


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2007

    Asian Motorists

    The only prejudice I did not see listed was the concept that Asians drive aggessively. But since that's the way many seem to drive these days, I couldn't personally credit that to just Asians. Another myth busted. However, one need only try to cross the street anywhere in Pattaya to suggest that it might be true!

    Liked the words on the blackboard at the bottom of the post. But I can't cut and paste it.

    I did enjoy Hmmm's cut-and-paste of the Monty Python sketch. Especially since I was never much of a fan of their style of comedy.

    Gee, what is it again why cut-and-paste is so annoying?

  3. #3
    obviously the one re Rambo is a fallacy - his side lost in Vietnam. The rest of them are equally inaccurate and offensive.

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran
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    Mount Calvary Baptist Church of the Redeemer
    Great post Rainwalker! This is not in any way intended to be a dig at Americans, it is rather an attempt to better understand the nature of the racism you have highlighted. But what you have highlighted is an entirely AMERICAN construction - made in America by Americans, for Americans. They were of that place and were not necessarily globally held negative views of Asian men. But when put them into the context of the era from which they came (Negros for example couldn't even eat at the same restaurants as whites) it just goes to show you how racist the United States and its citizens were. (Still are?) And ironically given these negative views, it has been Asian nations that have inflicted the most profound and damaging military defeats upon the United States. A cost of ignorance?

    The three most common Asian stereotypes we have in New Zealand are 1. Bad drivers, 2. small cocks, 3. nerds who always come top in class.
    JESUS LOVES YOU, yes, even you nancies

  5. #5
    Senior member
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    Prejudice is, at root, a great emotional contracting in upon oneself, in which messy, complicated reality is replaced with reassuring simplicities. We're all guilty of it at times. On this board it often takes the form of calling all Thai barboys greedy, dishonest, thieving etc. Such comments bear so little relation to my experience of barboys over the years that I wonder why people make them, but of course the sex worker/client relationship is a potent one with all sorts of resentments built into it, on both sides, and no doubt there are many barboys who condemn us equally sweepingly as rude, smelly, stingy etc. In either case, it represents a great failure of the individual at all levels of his being and I for one would not want to go around advertising the fact.
    [i]There is a boy across the river with a bottom like a peach,
    But alas I cannot swim.
    - From an early-19th-century Pashtun marching song

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran
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    Dec 2006
    an alternative reality

    I've heard worse..

    and I hear this daily from Mrs O'Booze: "small, sneaky, and threatening... spineless, emasculated wimp(s)"

    as for this : "The only prejudice I did not see listed was the concept that Asians drive aggessively."..have you ever driven in Australia ?..the most agressive drivers in the world. Even my German friend who travels the autobahns won't take them on.
    I'm only a light drinker. When it's daylight I drink.

  7. #7


    Haaa.. you guys are so funny. Someone should do a list of stereotypes we have about Caucasian men.

  8. #8

    Retort : Stereotypes about Caucasian men

    In fact. Let me do one.

    1. White guys are horse hung.

    2. White guys are masculine tops who will make your hole weak.

    3. White guys are rich walking ATM machines.

    4. White guys are faithless heartbreakers who uses innocent asians for sex

    5. White guys are smart superior people who are destined to rule the world

    PS. I love white guys. Some of my best friends are white. I'm seeing a donkey hung masculine rich faithful smart superior white man who rules my world. Please just make sure you wash before having a dick up your arse.

  9. #9

    Clever but uncreative - not

    You've mised one.

    Three weeks ago, in Vancouver, a transgendered giant told me she thought that whilst she thought Asian people were bright they lacked the creativity of caucasians. I hadn't heard that comfort blanket since Sony bought CBS. I was pleased to tell her that ultimately all stereotyping only really harms those who self-delude with stereotypes.

  10. #10

    Unclever and uncreative

    Quote Originally Posted by 555
    Three weeks ago, in Vancouver, a transgendered giant told me she thought that whilst she thought Asian people were bright they lacked the creativity of caucasians.
    Thanks for the update on poster Aunty's movements - a transgendered giant in Vancouver, eh? Tourette's views on Asians are well known, of course, from this post on http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... 10909.html reproduced below
    Quote Originally Posted by Aunty
    You know on one level what this guy had to say is correct. But the strident voice of revulsion he uses to say it reveals the heart of ignorance and bigotry. I don't know what it is with young Asian guys. But this whole Asian stance of controlling ones interpersonal world by putting the blinkers on and seeing only what one wants to see and the rest (if acknowledged at all) is filtered through a distancing matrix of protecting prejudice is a total fucking bore. No wonder Asian societies don't invent anything (or win Noble prizes), they're too fucking xenophobic to think outside the square

    I can just see it in the years to come. Our correspondent in his late 50s lounging furtively in a beach chair (even in his 50s, as a Gay Asian man he's still careful not to be too visible) on Jomtein Beach. Hair thinned, belly has expanded. in fact he's one of those chubby little fleshy pale yellowish "Asians" who's overdone the ginseng and tiger penis soup (it's needed, so he believes, for his dribbly little member) complaining bitterly about the Farang's lowering the tone of his favourite place and nicking all his offs and upping their price - without so much as a backward glance to his correspondence of 30 years earlier.
    For someone who claims to be a scientist ( http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... .php?e=338 ), it's interesting to see Aunty's reference to the "Noble" Prize, although Aunty is herself an IgNobel Prize winner - http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... .php?e=313

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