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Thread: A sincere and genuine request.

  1. #1

    A sincere and genuine request.

    It will soon be almost two months since the following post was made on the 6th of November last year, by a member named LC Sulla. The post was regarding the illness of John Botting.

    Quote Originally Posted by LC Sulla
    I"ve been told that John Botting is currently in Bangkok Pattaya hospital following surgery for colon cancer
    I am sure that the news contained in the above post, came as much of a shock to everyone else here as it did to me. This was without doubt, as a result of it not only being so totally unexpected, but also because John had been posting prolifically on this forum, only a week prior.

    Since this post of LC Sulla, not only have no further posts been made by him concerning John Botting, but what I find rather strange, is the fact that no other posts have been made by him at all.

    Even more baffling when you consider the high profile John has around town, as being someone well known to a lot of respected and distinguished people, is the fact that there have been no further postings or any news whatsoever, as to how John is and his current state of health.

    It is no secret that there was no love lost where John and I were concerned, but I can assure you all, that I feel no different now, than when I first heard the news of his illness and made the following post in Sulla's thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by George
    Despite our differences on this board, I want you to know that my wishes are for you to make a full and quick recovery. Choc Dee, George.
    There is not a day that goes by when I am not asked by someone and for whatever strange reason, am expected to be able to provide an answer to their question, of how John is doing. One person requested of me that I make this post, in the hope they would receive some news about John, which I was more than happy to do for them. The identity of this person is of no consequence and I see no valid reason to reveal who they are, nor will I ever do so.

    If there is anybody that is able to throw some light on this matter by offering some information about John Botting, can I please ask of them that they do so. Having stated somewhere in an earlier post of mine, that no personal information should ever be posted without the consent of the person concerned, as well as his reqest of someone to do so, I will say only this:

    If such a case applies here I will give a firm undertaking, that any information passed to me privately, will be treated in the strictest of confidence and only if given permission to do so, will I pass that information on to the person who was responsible for requesting this post be made.

    Whilst John and I may not have been the greatest of friends, and I am sure he would say if he were to read this post of mine, what a gross understaement that is on my part, there are many here I know for certain, that both liked and thought very highly of him. Those people I am certain, would dearly wish to hear some news of John, along with knowing how he is doing.

    As we kick of the New Year that has only just arrived, I am sure that John will be in the thoughts of a lot of peope. Though I have no doubt at all that it would surprise him if he knew, he will be in my thoughts too.


  2. #2
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    I confess...

    I have been thinking about John Botting and have heard he has undergone several surgeries but know nothing more.
    I have met JB and enjoyed the short meeting and had seen him about town with a handsome Thai and farang friends.
    He is strong willed and opinionated, as is George and frankly this description fits catawampuscat as well..

    I confess, I PMed George in response to several queries he made on a dreaded thread and I thought it best not to continue
    the thread but to PM him. Somehow, with the subject of feuding between posters having been raised, I brought up his headbutting
    with JB. George was a total genteleman in his response and assured me that he would treat a private message from me as private.
    I was surprised that the moderators permit posters to reproduce private messages that were sent as private and not for public view
    but the moderators have choosen to step back. This was not a big deal or I would have sent a pm to the moderators but still
    I think it is bad form as is posting where posters reside, even if I don't care for the person involved.

    We are a community of sorts and one grows attached to certain posters and have strong negative feelings about others. When someone
    goes missing without notice, there is concern on the parts of many. I respect JB privacy and it may be his choice to remain silent
    or he may be unable to do so.

    The very recent death of a friend brings the importance of things to a head. Francois mentioned a dear friend had died in his sleep on the
    eve of his next trip to Thailand. This same friend's sudden death forced me to think about my life and friendships and how quickly everything can end.
    I have been at odds on occasion with JB, but that is all trivial and completely unimportant. What is important is the man and my hopes and
    thoughts that he is recovering from a cruel twist of fate at such a young age.

    George, thank you for this thread and you have my respect and admiration.. :cat:

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