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Thread: Man the lifeboats - Bangkok underwater by end of century

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran
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    an alternative reality

    Man the lifeboats - Bangkok underwater by end of century

    hello sailor-will Pattaya become the Venice of Asia ?

    Bangkok underwater by end of century

    AT Bangkok's watery gates, Buddhist monks cling to a shrinking spit of land around their temple as they wage war against the relentlessly rising sea.

    During monsoons at high tide, waves hurdle the breakwater of concrete pillars and the inner rock wall around the temple on a promontory in the Gulf of Thailand.

    Jutting above the water line just ahead are remnants of a village that has already slipped beneath the sea.

    Experts say these waters, aided by sinking land, threaten to submerge Thailand's sprawling capital of more than 10 million people within this century.

    Bangkok is one of 13 of the world's largest 20 cities at risk of being swamped as sea levels rise in coming decades, according to warnings at the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change held here.

    "This is what the future will look like in many places around the world,'' says Lisa Schipper, an American researcher on global warming, while visiting the temple in this village south of Bangkok.
    http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/s ... 05,00.html

    I'm only a light drinker. When it's daylight I drink.

  2. #2

    Pedos die as city sinks!

    When I first heard about Bangkok slipping under the waves a few decades ago I was always amazed that it seemed to generate no interest among people. Even though the speed at which it is sinking has increased from 50mm to 100mm per year people still seem oblivious to the fact that the city is doomed.

    As I read this post, Lunchtime, it had been up for two days garnering fewer than 150 views with no comments.

    May I suggest you spice this up a bit by saying that all the pedophiles will be drown in the process. That seems to be the only issue these days to rivet people├втВмтДвs attention, not the loss of one of the world├втВмтДвs biggest cities.


  3. #3

    Full swing

    In order to avoid to loose any income due to a damaged tourist industry, clever Isaan planning resulted in setting up of Pattaya 2.

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran
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    an alternative reality

    well that wouldn't work

    "all the pedophiles will be drown in the process"

    when all the young lads drown in Bangkok the pedos will move onto Cambodia.
    I'm only a light drinker. When it's daylight I drink.

  5. #5

    Re: well that wouldn't work

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunchtime O'Booze

    when all the young lads drown in Bangkok the pedos will move onto Cambodia.
    When Bangkok drowns all Cambodia will be under water!

    I find it a bit difficult to get worked up about something that will happen a good 92 years from now.
    Besides, the Thais will just pick up and move upriver, maybe to Ayutthaya again.
    SE Asia is littered with old abandoned Capitol Cities. Nothing lasts forever.

  6. #6

    Re: well that wouldn't work

    Quote Originally Posted by kenc
    SE Asia is littered with old abandoned Capitol Cities. Nothing lasts forever.
    Do I feel a "mai pen rai" coming on?

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran
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    fattman ...

    ... I'm screaming the house down. That is THE funniest post I have read for days and there's been some goodies. I mean LAUGH OUT LOUD hilarious.

    krobbie :rolling:

  8. #8
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
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    Hua Hin, Thailand
    Time to buy up property surrounding Chiang Mai (in the foothills I mean). Ayuthaya will go the way of Atlantis as well, being on the Chao Praya, so I think we are seeing the first peeps of the resurrection of the Northern Kingdom.

    I believe Mr Thaksin is from Chiang Mai.

    Cheers ...
    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

  9. #9
    Junior member
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    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Smiles
    I believe Mr Thaksin is from Chiang Mai.

    Cheers ...
    At last we now know who is behind global warming

  10. #10
    Junior member
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    Dec 2005

    Re: Full swing

    Quote Originally Posted by ttom
    In order to avoid to loose any income due to a damaged tourist industry, clever Isaan planning resulted in setting up of Pattaya 2.
    I've been there...twice. My guy said, "Same Same Pattaya only no beach." Still one of the funniest jokes I've ever heard.

    Ninety years maybe, but it's not like it's going to happen all at once. There's some bad news in the good news about the worst news, I guess.

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