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Thread: Why Pattaya over other Thailand locations

  1. #1
    Senior member kjun12's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Why Pattaya over other Thailand locations

    It appears that most people who post here are located in or go to Pattaya more than other locations in Thailand. Why is this. Is it the sex? I have been to Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Bangkok and other places that I found much more interesting than Pattaya. Just trying to find out if I have missed something.

    Will Rogers said, "I never met a man I didn't like", but he never met Donald Trump.

  2. #2

    People always

    ... love the excitement of a beach holiday, the beach, beach night life, Pattaya has a reputation of being easy (in all respects), its in your face.

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    And I suppose swimming with faeces is a more impersonal way of enjoying coprophilia, if you're into that sort of thing.

  4. #4
    kjun12 - I've made the same observation as you. The way I figure it, it's like this: a substantial proportion, if not the majority, of those who retire to or live in Thailand, seem to be located in Pattaya. Pattaya being their home, their interest is naturally centered on that town, and since they're here round the year, they tend to post more per head than those who merely visit.

    Once a board acquires a reputation as Pattaya-centric (in fact I would characterise this board as Sunnee-centric), it tends to attract postings from even visitors to Thailand who are primarily interested in Pattaya, esp Sunnee.

    This, even as most gay visitors to Thailand do not go to Pattaya. The vast majority seldom venture out of Bangkok - especially Asian visitors who tend to do short trips but more frequently than westerners (their home countries being nearer). As visitors, their interest in Thailand and Thai web forums is not as sustained as those who live in Thailand. People like Bucknaway are exceptions. Buck for example seem to have nothing better to do even when he's back home On top of that, if the visitor is Asian, he would rarely participate in a board like this since English is not his language.

    The result is that the weightage of posting subjects in these forums is skewed in favour of the interests of the English-conversant residents, even though headcount-wise, there are far more gay visitors (including non-English-speaking ones) in Bangkok than in Pattaya. Yes, there is hardly any talk of Chiangmai or Phuket, though the fact is there is a steady stream of gay visitors to both these places. But visitors would not spend every week of the year (every day?) talking about thier favourite places in Thailand, like some residents might.

    I know that if I, for example, am not visiting Thailand for a while, I will likely disappear from this board. My interest will shift to other places that I am planning towards.

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    an alternative reality

    2 hours by car from Bangkok

    that's why. Oh and sun, sea and sex. cheap accommodation and cheap eats.

    what more do you want..if you want to get off the beaten track there are some beautiful places..if you just want to indulge..Pattaya is the easiest.

    and ..you can find me in a bar if you really look hard.
    I'm only a light drinker. When it's daylight I drink.

  6. #6
    For me it is the ease of getting around. One can walk to most places in the eevening. Yes having the gogo's clustered does make it easier and more enjoyable. Also the feeling of being somehwere where it is ok to just be yourself. However that being said if I was to try retireing there Chiang Mai would be my first pick.

  7. #7
    Member sjaak327's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    For me Pattaya becomes boring after a few days. Let's face it, there is no need to come there for the beach, as it's absolutely shite. Jomtien is better beachwise. Nightlife in Bangkok is way better and more varied then Pattaya. Same goes for shopping and food.

    In short I wouldn't know why someone would go to pattaya

    But of course many retired people choose to live there. That's why this board seems so Pattaya focused.

  8. #8
    Forum's veteran Wesley's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    USA, Kyrgyzstan , Philippines

    More gay guys per square inch

    More gay Guys and Bars per square meter than any place on earth!
    All the Best!


  9. #9
    Pattaya bash all you like. Pattaya is an absolutely fabulous place to live. I love living here.

  10. #10
    I like Pattaya because of the many friends that I have met there. We, as gay men, live in a world where there are very few places where we can enjoy the company and friendship of so many retired gay men that have had many of the same life experiences as we have had. If you think back to the 80s' and 90's many if not most of the gay men that are now of retirement age died of AIDS. I lost many, many, many friends during that time, and it is good for me to reestablish friendships with older gay guys now that have the free time to "go out and play." All of the cute young guys and bars are also big plus. :bounce:

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