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Thread: Help with first time travel planning

  1. #1
    Senior member topjohn5's Avatar
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    Help with first time travel planning

    Hi All,
    I am beginning to plan my first trip to LOS and have a few questions that I hope some of you would be kind enough to give their opinion about. I have been reading many topics here over the last month and have appreciated the education I have received but still need a little help.
    First, it might be helpful to know a little bit about me (but I doubt it matters too much!). I'm from the US, 40, and recently single after an 8 year relationship. After an appropriate period of post-relationship dt's I am ready to just go out and play for a while. I think I'll really have to be careful in LOS that I don't fall in love/lust with just one guy so I just want to keep it friendly. I travel for pleasure about 8-10 weeks a year but have never been anywhere in Asia. I usually can "go with the flow" in the country I'm in and don't require a lot of amenities where I stay. I don't have a lot of requirements when I travel other than a cell connection and an occasional Internet connection.
    As far a sex is concerned (and yes I want sex...a lot would be good!). I'm a total top and like very affectionate twink/boys in the 18-25 age group. I'd prefer them to be gay! If the guys are smaller, lighter and less masculine that's okay but not a total fem/ladyboy. They can be a girl in bed but a guy out would be great but I'm really not that picky. And, yes I do want to see some of the sights and get to know the area so I'd like a guide for part of the trip......anyway enough about me.
    So, here are my planning questions:
    1. I think I'll come for 3 weeks this first time and from what I'm reading it probably won't be my only trip. In reading this board it appears that 4 days in Bangkok plus 3 days in Chiang Mai plus 14 days in Pattaya might be a good mix but since I really like to get to know a city I might prefer a first trip to be 1 week in Bangkok and 2 weeks in Pattaya.....any thoughts?
    2. Should I use a hotel or an apartment for these stays. It seems that a hotel might be safer but should I really worry about that? I tend to prefer the freedom and cost of an apartments/condos when I travel but I can see the advantage of hotels too. It just seems a little uncomfortable to have to check a guy in at the desk all the time but if it is that much safer I will go the hotel route.
    3. I can fly free in April and May to Bangkok but is that a good time to go? I really don't care if I need to pay the airfare if going in February or March would be that much better. What do you think?

  2. #2
    Junior member
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    Jul 2007

    holiday plans

    My first trip to Thailand was in April and I would not willingly go at that time again - too hot for me.

    I also found in the 4 weeks I was there I did too much - I would recommend 2 areas not three. The North I spent a week in on my last visit and again feel that the time was to rushed - for that reason I would suggest Bangkok and Pattaya for your first trip..

    I also doubt that it will be the only trip you make to Thailand


  3. #3
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    Welcome to the board, topjohn5. Your first trip to Thailand will be an eye-opener and a great thrill, as it is for everybody. You'll look at us jaded regulars and expats and wonder that we don't feel the same excitement. You'll have no problem at all finding the type of young man you are interested in - it's the local speciality. You can find such guys almost anywhere, though for a short trip the gogo bars are certainly the simplest and most convenient way to make contact. Regarding your specific enquiries: 1)your original plan of 4 days in Bangkok, 3 in Chiang Mai and 14 in Pattaya seems about right to me in view of your priorities; it's a good idea at least to have a quick look at Chiang Mai, which has a character all its own. 2) I'd definitely recommend hotels over apartments for such a relatively short trip - much more practical. 3) April and May are the hottest months of the year and, on a first visit, you might find them uncomfortably so (I still do and I live here). On the other hand there'll be fewer farangs in the bars, which means less competition. February or March would be a bit cooler (not a lot), more farangs, but perhaps more boys too. 'Up to you' - a phrase you'll hear frequently out here.
    [i]There is a boy across the river with a bottom like a peach,
    But alas I cannot swim.
    - From an early-19th-century Pashtun marching song

  4. #4
    If you in Thailand about the third week in April you will also have to enjoy/suffer Songkran (Thai New Year celebrations which involve everyone getting constantly soaked with water over a period of 3 or 4 days). Pattaya especially goes absolutely mad over Songkran and the water fights and 'assaults' are particularly bad. A few people like it but the majority absolutely hate it and many expats leave the major resorts or the country entirely during that time.

    Personally I hate it and make sure any trip to LOS does not include that period. It is 'something to experience' once but not sure that it is suitable to do it on a first visit.

    As PeterUK has said "Up to you" - definately a phrase you will become quickly accustomed to (especially from the bar boys)!

    I would suggest 3 or 4 days in BKK and the rest in Pattaya. However if you want to include Chang Mai as well that could be easily done in a three week visit. You are almost sure to return (I have only ever met one person who vowed never to return) and there will be plenty of opportunities to explore visit Chiang Mai, Phuket, Koh Samui and the Issan area (well recommended) in later visits.

    Whatever you decide wish you good luck and hope you enjoy - (sure you will). :cheers:

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran Marsilius's Avatar
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    My own feeling is that your BKK-CM-PTTY plan is best. I think that, for your first trip - and one on your own, at that - a whole week in Bangkok might be too long. A friend of mine could not cope with the Bangkok culture shock at all on his first visit and it actually put him off Thailand so much that he refuses to go again.

    Re. an April visit, it's not the heat that's the real pain in the ass, it is - as explained above - the songkran celebrations which keep many (me included, if I'm foolish enough to be there at the time) penned up indoors for three or four days.
    "The fruits of peace and tranquility... are the greatest goods... while those of its opposite, strife, are unbearable evils. Hence we ought to wish for peace, to seek it if we do not already have it, to conserve it once it is attained, and to repel with all our strength the strife which is opposed to it. To this end individual[s]... and in even greater degree groups and communities are obliged to help one another... from the bond or law of human society." [Marsilio dei Mainardini (c.1275-1342), Defensor Pacis]

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran Wesley's Avatar
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    Perfect planning

    I would say you have a perfect plan, Chaing Mai is definitely worth seeing just for the change in Venue and culture. I would not plan more than 3 days there though. You can see most everything in 3 days unless you really like to take a lot of pictures I would say the bars are too few few for my taste. Pattaya is by far the most convenient and most likely for you to find a boy you like. Bangkok is a bit more jaded and the boys tend to be less personal and professional at it. I like the smaller Pattaya and most of the bars being in one area and the likely hood of getting turned around is less likely. My first trip to Bangkok I had to take a map with me everywhere I went. At that time I knew nothing of Pattaya although a local convinced me to go for one weekend. I was hooked as soon as I saw the convenience of Pattya as compared to Bangkok. The bar owners and managers in Pattaya seem more friendly and less pushy to me in Pattaya. It was easy to see almost everything in Bangkok in a week as far as tourist sites and I got a local to show me around. When I went to Pattaya I kept a guide and boy for a month and we did 3 and 4 ways most of the time. He had as much fun as I did. But you can spend a lot less money if you go it alone. I felt I needed someone to show me the ropes my first visit and I think I got the most bang for my buck with a guide. He kept me out of trouble since he was a waiter in a go go bar who spoke good English and was older and seemed to know the system well. I picked him up at Boyz Boyz Boyz his name was Phil And I will never regret the time I spent with him, I still have a warm place in my heart for him even now years later.

    So it seems you have a good game plan and I would not change a thing if I were you unless you decided to stay longer or avoid all the water throwing. If you want to meet local Farang or forum members around Christmas and New yeas is the high season. Of course for most that is not the reason you are there but it was nice to put a face to all the posters. I would not miss the after hours bars is I were you they were fun and entertaining as well as gay friendly.

    All the Best!


  7. #7
    Forum's veteran colmx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowkat
    Personally I hate it and make sure any trip to LOS does not include that period. It is 'something to experience' once but not sure that it is suitable to do it on a first visit.
    I disagree with you here Showkat
    The original poster is still young and I'm sure that Songkran would be one of the highlights of his trip...

    My first proper trip to LOS was during Sonkkran... I've been back every year since

    For those young and young at heart - songkran is the ultimate party!
    Buffalo me die! Send Money!

  8. #8
    Senior member
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    Granted I have only been to LOS once so far with my second trip coming up in Nov. Personally I think 14 days is way too many in Pattaya. However given your priorities perhaps it is OK. I just think it's a shame to go all the way to Thailand just to have as much sex as you can.

    The country has so much more to offer than that. With that much time I would spend a couple more days in BKK and perhaps take a day trip up to Ayutthaya. If you do go during the hot season you will want to take things slow. And if you are going to bother flying up to Chiang Mai I would stay a few days longer there too, and perhaps do a day trip or two to Lampang or Lamphun. See a bit more countryside. That would still leave you more than enough time in Pattaya. It is definitely not a place for everyone. I was somewhat depressed by the place and can't imagine spending two whole weeks there. And if you don't like it I would think you wouldn't want to be locked in to two weeks there. That said I am going back for a couple of days on my trip this year.

    And I'll put in my usual plug for Purple Dragon Tours (www.purpledrag.com). I enjoyed having an English speaking guide who could show me around and it was also nice to have all the transfers and all of that stuff arranged to me. They will work out an itinerary based on you interests, but they tend to stress the cultural stuff more than the sex stuff altho they will show you that scene as well.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by colmx
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowkat
    Personally I hate it and make sure any trip to LOS does not include that period. It is 'something to experience' once but not sure that it is suitable to do it on a first visit.
    I disagree with you here Showkat
    The original poster is still young and I'm sure that Songkran would be one of the highlights of his trip...
    My first proper trip to LOS was during Sonkkran... I've been back every year since
    For those young and young at heart - songkran is the ultimate party!
    Your quote from my post is selective. The previous sentence read "A few people like it but the majority absolutely hate it and many expats leave the major resorts or the country entirely during that time".

    You are obviously one of those who do like Songkran - good luck to you.

    As far as the 'festival' itself is concerned I don't think the age matters - to experience it is indeed unforgettable but "highlight of the trip" - I doubt it. See it once, yes, but once is more than enough for the average farang of any age, unless of course you enjoy unwanted 'assaults' with buckets of dirty or iced cold water daily for 3 or 4 days from mindless morons.

  10. #10
    Forum's veteran Marsilius's Avatar
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    Bristol, U.K.
    And don't forget the flour rubbed liberally all over your wet clothes, too... Yuck!
    "The fruits of peace and tranquility... are the greatest goods... while those of its opposite, strife, are unbearable evils. Hence we ought to wish for peace, to seek it if we do not already have it, to conserve it once it is attained, and to repel with all our strength the strife which is opposed to it. To this end individual[s]... and in even greater degree groups and communities are obliged to help one another... from the bond or law of human society." [Marsilio dei Mainardini (c.1275-1342), Defensor Pacis]

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