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Thread: Announcement from LOXINFO ... know what it refers to???

  1. #1
    Senior member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Announcement from LOXINFO ... know what it refers to???

    Dear Valued Customers,

    Here in Thailand, there will be new computer-related crime law, the Computer Crime Act B.E. 2550 (2007) which will come into force from 18 July 2007.

    CSLOXINFO Plc. would like to suggest to our customers that they study the provisions concerning computer-related offences, authority and legal responsibilities of all Internet related parties on the Internet and general computer usage.

    We have located the relevant Act details for you to click below and read for yourself (unfortunately only the Thai version is available from the government currently).
    http://www.lawamendment.go.th/newlaw.asp or http://wiki.nectec.or.th/nectecpedia/in ... /Main_Page

    Should any current provisions of an Internet Service Provider, be found not to be compatible with the new Act, the Internet Service Provider will of course adjust the applicable terms and conditions.

    In addition, we are currently preparing a guidebook with some simple explanations of the major provisions for easier understanding. It will be published shortly and sent by post to all of our customers and uploaded onto www.csloxinfo.com later on.

    Given this opportunity, we hope you can apply the new Act to your home and business in order to help reduce Thailand's exposure to computer related crime.

    Sincerely yours,

    CS LoxInfo Plublic Company Limited
    11th Floor President Tower
    973 Pleonchit Road
    Lumpini, Pathumwan
    Bangkok 10330

  2. #2

    Re: Announcement from LOXINFO ... know what it refers to???

    Quote Originally Posted by jvt22222
    Dear Valued Customers,

    Here in Thailand, there will be new computer-related crime law, the Computer Crime Act B.E. 2550 (2007) which will come into force from 18 July 2007.

    CSLOXINFO Plc. would like to suggest to our customers that they study the provisions concerning computer-related offences, authority and legal responsibilities of all Internet related parties on the Internet and general computer usage.
    Quite simply it means that Loxinfo must ensure that it does not host websites that are in contravention of what the goverment deems undesirable.

    It must also keep records of its customers surfing records for a set period and they must be made available to the appropriate government agency if requested. It also means that Loxinfo must keep records of emails sent through its servers for whatever period the governement stipulates.

    All ISP's keep records of when and on what sites on the Internet anyone using their services visit but this will now bring Thailand into line with many other countries who are legally obliged to turn over those records if requested to do so.

    You may recall that both AOL & Google some months ago, inadvertently published details of individuals surfing habits along with their screenname/customer identity and the sites that they visited. So in theory it is possible that the Thai government could ask Loxinfo for the personal details of anyone visiting a particular site or using a particular search term and under the new Crime Act be given them and one of the BIB could come knocking at your door if it was found that you had been visiting a site that the Thai government considered innapropriate.

    The act is of course mainly intended to stop cybercrime of a financial and terrorist nature by being able to see any email sent through an ISP.

  3. #3
    Senior member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Thanks, NBN...........

    ..... for the reply, makes it quite clear.

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    an alternative reality

    expect this around the world

    as governments-particularly the US and UK try to control the internet. Don't think the west isn't watching China, Thailand etc to see how this goes down.

    The onus is going to be put back on the customer who will be held responsible for which sites they visit. which is complicated as we all know how you can be directed to a site without even realising it.

    I believe this what is behind the continued sensational porn raids etc. There is always an excuse used to take away freedoms and the freedom to surf is on the way out. Expect some major moves in the great "libel" side of the internet as well.

    If you think people like R.Murdoch are going to allow on-line publishing to reduce their profits you have another think coming.

    No government likes citizens being completely free and the internet has been arnachy until now.
    Enjoy it while you can.
    I'm only a light drinker. When it's daylight I drink.

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