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Thread: World Domination Attempt By wow pOw

  1. #1

    World Domination Attempt By wow pOw

    Can someone enlighten me as to whether the recent spate of copy and paste postings by the CP King wow wow is? :

    a) An attempt at World domination?

    b) A side effect of his Boxtox or Steroid treatment ?

    c.) Just that the weather in Pattaya is to wet for the old boy to venture out of doors in case he shrivels up and becomes even more prune like than normal?

    It does seem that any news item with the word 'Thailand' in the text is now prime material for the old chap to post.

  2. #2

    In defense of WP

    This board has been quite bland lately. Almost anything including coke is welcome.

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: World Domination Attempt By wow pOw

    Quote Originally Posted by Naughty But Nice

    It does seem that any news item with the word 'Thailand' in the text is now prime material for the old chap to post.
    Given that this forum is called "Sawatdee Gay Thailand", and that it's posters attempt to share and provide comment and information for each other, news items with Thailand in the text would seem entirely appropriate. It saves the rest of us from googling, and those who don't want to read about Thailand, would hardly be visiting this site.

  4. #4
    wowpow saves me a ton of time sifting through the online news by posting anything interesting or amusing. Thank you wowpow!

  5. #5
    I cannot understand the mentality of people who start a thread just to moan about other threads as if their sad musings are going to be more interesting than the ones they complain about. If you don't want to read other posts then don't click them and spare us all your queeny tantrums.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Kun Jon
    I cannot understand the mentality of people who start a thread just to moan about other threads as if their sad musings are going to be more interesting than the ones they complain about. If you don't want to read other posts then don't click them and spare us all your queeny tantrums.
    It never fails does it?

    You cast a line with a little bit of bait and everytime a few of the old queens bite. :cheers:

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Naughty But Nice
    You cast a line with a little bit of bait and everytime a few of the old queens bite. :cheers:
    If it were true that that was the motivation behind your thread, that would put you on a troll level with BBB.

    Far more likely however that it was part of your continuing criticisms of Wowpows postings, and you expected applause for your "wit" from the other regular knockers.

  8. #8
    You cast a line with a little bit of bait and everytime a few of the old queens bite.
    That's the second time you've called me an old queen (even your insults are unoriginal), which for anyone who knows me, is way off the mark but your ignorance is only matched by your purile sense of humour. Spare us your hissy fits which only serve to emphasise just what a sad old Queen you are.

    To paraphrase Groucho Marks: "I don't want to use the ignore button, but in your case I'm prepared to make an exception."

  9. #9
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Hua Hin, Thailand
    Quote Originally Posted by Brad the Impala
    " ... Far more likely however that it was part of your continuing criticisms of Wowpows postings, and you expected applause for your "wit" from the other regular knockers ... "
    Well put Brad. I was thinking along the same lines (though you are more succinct), but laid low as I am on a self-imposed sabbatical from general criticism of other Members. I'm starting to get sick of my own 'voice', as I'm sure others are. ( Now there's an opening if I ever saw one :blackeye: )

    Cheers ...
    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

  10. #10
    Well there you have it folks, Sawatdee Gay Thailand bringing you a blow by blow account of all the action, as it happens and when it happens. Some of those "Queeny Tantrums" by some of those "Old Queens" and "Sad Queens" get really quite vicious, don't they? And all of this happening, as a result of the bait being taken, of someone that is nothing more than one who is on a "Troll Level" Oh well, it's over to George now at the weather desk.

    Thanks George, well folks, I am afraid I can not match the previous levels of excitement, but here is a five day forecast of what we can expect the weather to be like in Chon Buri. I am sure that even over this five day period, we will not see temperature levels reached, such as the high ones just witnessed.



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