NEW "PG Weekly Report" of February 7th now available....

and a wonderful report it is...Thanks Wally and All who are continuing to make this available weekly :-)

Report - The Allen Briggs Fund

"Gay Affairs in Pattaya" Newsletter to be launched February 10th

Tawan Bar Bangkok - Contest 9th February

@Richards in Soi 2/1 Bangkok host BBQ Cook-Out on Friday February 9th

Le Cafe Royale - 10th February - Maisie Trollette in Special to help GayPattayan Allen Briggs fund

Report "Sunny" of Sunee Plaza

La Cage Quiz Night February 13th.

Valentine's Day Greeting Cards - exclusive - unique - from Thais4Life

Le Cafe Royale Valentine's Day Celebrations

The Balcony Bangkok - Valentine's Day Party 14th February

Valentine's Day - Silom Soi 4 - Bangkok

Throb/Splash "Lovers Special" for Valentine's Day

The Bondi - Jomtien Valentine's Day 14th February "Pink Party" featuring Maisie Trollette and Miss Jason

The Telephone Pub Bangkok RED WEEK 12th - 18th February

Report - Jomtien Complex "Fab Feb" Street Party resounding success.

The Balcony Bangkok Chinese New Year Celebrations 18th February

Ma-Room Ruk - Isaan style bar - Pattaya. Something a little different.

The Pub at La Cage updates website

Report - Pride Festival 2006

"Thank God it's Friday" Musical Evening at Ben's, Jomtien 23rd February

Hans says "It's Margarita Time" at La Cage

The Bondi and BJ Bars - Jomtien Complex - February promotions

BoyzTown Street Party - Viva la Divas - Wednesday 21st February

Saichon Hair Salon opens in Silom, Bangkok

Long Yang Club of Thailand - February events Bangkok

Silom Soi 2/1 Bangkok - catch up on the latest in this scene

The Balcony - Bangkok - Maisie Trollette's Chinese New Year Cabaret 19th February

La Cage offered for Sale

Telephone Pub hosting fundraiser for Wat Phra Baht Nam Phu

Balcony Bangkok Newsletter

Phuket Gay Festival