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Thread: Defamation via the Internet

  1. #1

    Defamation via the Internet

    A recent decision in California will come as some relief to Elephantspike:

    US court protects second-hand defamation on internet

    INTERNET users and providers cannot be held liable for posting defamatory material written by someone else, the California Supreme Court has ruled. Immunity "serves to protect online freedom of expression and to encourage self-regulation", Justice Carol Corrigan wrote for the court.

    The unanimous ruling came in response to a lawsuit by two doctors who claimed that the defendant, Ilena Rosenthal, and others distributed emails and internet postings that republished statements the doctors said impugned their character and competence. Monday's ruling was consistent with those by many federal appeals courts and one other state supreme court. "The courts are now uniform," said Ann Brick, who represented the American Civil Liberties Union in the case.

    But lawyers on both sides of the case said the California Supreme Court went further than other courts by giving immunity to all internet users except the original author. "What you couldn't put in your print newspaper, you can put in your internet newspaper, " said Christopher Grell, who represented the two doctors who said they had been defamed. "The notion of fact checking and verifying things doesn't apply to the internet." Ms Rosenthal's lawyer, Mark Goldowitz, cited a line in the ruling that the decision brought "the law of libel from the Gutenberg era to the cyberspace era".

    Unlike hard-copy publications, the internet allows users to "immediately respond and correct any harm", Mr Goldowitz said. "Not everyone has a printing press, but everyone can start a blog or post on a news group." Although the court did not specifically address media websites, lawyers on both sides said it would protect newspapers and other media that report defamatory remarks by third parties on their websites but not on their pages or on air. The decision threw out a lawsuit that claimed Ms Rosenthal, a San Diego activist for breast implant victims, had defamed Dr Stephen Barrett and Dr Terry Polevoy on the websites of two news groups. The doctors operated websites aimed at exposing health fraud in various kinds of alternative medicine. They said Ms Rosenthal, a supporter of alternative medicine, made the postings even after she had been told they were libellous.

    The court explained that internet defamation law differs from that of other media. "Book, newspaper or magazine publishers are liable for defamation on the same basis as authors," Justice Corrigan wrote in the ruling. "Book sellers, news vendors or other 'distributors' тАж may only be held liable if they knew, or had reason to know, of a publication's defamatory content." The US Congress "chose to protect even the most active internet publishers, those who take an aggressive role in republishing third party content", she wrote.

    Los Angeles Times

  2. #2

    Some relief maybe

    As I believe Elephantspike lives in the USA and of course they cherish their "freedom of speech" rights which this court ruling covers .

    However I predict we are going to see a new breed of lawyers who will be specialising in internet defamation laws-and cherry picking which country they take legal action in. Unlike a book, newspaper or even TV report , an internet posting appears simultaneously around the world.

    The very first action was taken by an Australian mining magnate Joseph Gutnick against the Dow Report published in the US. He sued in a West Australian court, won and Dow paid up.
    Gutnick is a very controversial figure and has financed most of the Iraeli settlements on Palestinian land and appears to have a great dislike for publications of all kind including internet publishing. He's now financed his own office to seek out interesting cases concerning the internet.

    people may also remember the case of "Neo-con" Richard Perle one of the Iraqi War architects who said New Yorker investigative reporter Seymour Hersh ( one of the best, most reliable and honest in the world) was "anti-American" for his exposure of many of Perle's sources who turned out to fakes.
    Hersh challenged Perle to sue him in the UK where his articles where also published and which has much more accessible libel laws.

    Perle declared he would--but never did.(mainly because Hersh had written the truth )

  3. #3

    WE have a pefect example Homitern that should interest you

    I have challenged boygeenyus to provide me with his name and address after he posted a highly defamatory statement in which even frightened the life out of himself-and removed it quick smart.

    Certainly he beat the moderator as I was on the telephone within minutes.

    But exactly 20 posters read the post and it is now preserved by me for all time.

    I would dearly love to test it in a Thai court.

    Will boygeenyus have the courage to face me personally ?.

  4. #4

    Re: WE have a pefect example Homitern that should interest y

    Quote Originally Posted by thaiwonon
    I have challenged boygeenyus to provide me with his name and address after he posted a highly defamatory statement in which even frightened the life out of himself-and removed it quick smart.

    Certainly he beat the moderator as I was on the telephone within minutes.

    But exactly 20 posters read the post and it is now preserved by me for all time.

    I would dearly love to test it in a Thai court.

    Will boygeenyus have the courage to face me personally ?.
    I have never taken down anything I've posted.

    And unless your passport says "thaiwonon", I haven't defamed anyone but a cartoon name. But I have definitely gotten my jollies for the day. Thank you so much for that.

  5. #5

    sorry dear

    all the pages are preserved for future reference. You just need to wonder whether I will do something about it or not.

    If you are so confident that you can hide behind a board name and it will absolve you of any responsibility-then I again issue an open challenge.

    Provide me in private with your name and contact details. Until then you just remain an Internet version of a poison pen letter poster.

  6. #6

    Re: sorry dear

    Quote Originally Posted by thaiwonon
    all the pages are preserved for future reference. You just need to wonder whether I will do something about it or not.

    If you are so confident that you can hide behind a board name and it will absolve you of any responsibility-then I again issue an open challenge.

    Provide me in private with your name and contact details. Until then you just remain an Internet version of a poison pen letter poster.
    And I "challenge" you to walk naked down Silom road with a feather duster sticking out of your ass. La-dee-da.

  7. #7

    sorry I was wrong

    I meant a very childish poison pen letter poster.

  8. #8

    Re: sorry I was wrong

    Quote Originally Posted by thaiwonon
    I meant a very childish poison pen letter poster.
    "Childish", eh? You must be getting a hard-on, then.

  9. #9

    actually the last thing that would

    occur to me is to think of children and a hard-on together. Maybe it's a classic Freudian slip on your part since you brought up the subject.

    The thing I'd really like to know is-do you own a home ? Assetts can be hidden but few people bother to hide the ownership of their home.

  10. #10

    Those who sue for defamation ...

    ... are merely fools who deserve even more publicity for the alleged defamatory statement than the original publication received - and usual get it. Since we are (almost all of us) unknown to each other here, the notion that one of us could be defamed by another is ludicrous. I don't know who you are thaiwonon, but to think that you would want to cast aside that anonymity in order to disprove an assertion made to a few old queens on an obscure Forum by some ghastly little Texan hypocrite who lives in Bangkok beggars belief. Get a grip

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