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Thread: Avalon Beach Resort

  1. #1

    Avalon Beach Resort

    I don't recall having seen anything posted about this place since it opened. Prices? Quality of accommodation? Joiner policy?

    I also haven't been able to find a website for it, or any place to book.

    Does anyone have the scoop? It's certainly perfectly positioned to become a big ol' screaming gay favorite.

  2. #2
    Senior member dorayme's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Avalon Beach Resort

    Avalon Beach Resort
    phone 66 3830 3990
    In Thailand 038 303 990

    Rates on the Internet from B3,600 up including breakfast, service charge and VAT (7%)

    Avalon is right behind the gay beach. I don't know about joiners fee.

    View Talay 5, a monster condo building is being constructed between the resort and the main road. The construction noise starts about 7 - 7:30 AM and sometimes goes until 10 PM.

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran lonelywombat's Avatar
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    Nov 2005

    Avalon Beach resort first impressions

    I walked past every day and wondered about whether it was gay friendly or not.

    I looked at the menu it looked good, but no one was eating. Went for breakfast same same.

    Swimming pool, nice layout and it appears to have a rear entry carpark. please no puns

    My interest was how to get there at night, I do not want to walk along the beach.

    If I hire a car next trip, can I park there?

    Are there motor bike taxis available other than near the police box?

    What if any are the joiners fees.

    This has potential but no clientele. Maybe it can become a gay friendly business.

    I hope so.
    Wombat : an Australian marsupial that eats,roots and leaves

  4. #4
    Thank you for that. They need to do some search engine optimisation, as Google didn't turn it up. They also need to get an online reservation system.

  5. #5
    Senior member dorayme's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Entry to the resort is from Tappraya Road. There is limited space for car parking. There may be more when the View Talay condo is finished. Motorcycle taxi is usually available on the corner or Tappraya and Tepprasit Road (the traffic light which may or may not be working) and at the Tappraya Road side of Jomtien Complex by the Posiedon.

    At night you can get off the baht bus at the entrance on Tappraya Road and walk back to the Resort or pay the bus extra to take you.

    I've walked through the resort several times with my Thai boyfriend and have had no problems but I haven't stayed there and haven't talked with anyone who has.

    I don't mind the walk from the police box early at night but wouldn't go by myself late at night and wouldn't go off the lighted path. I think it could be risky.

    I wasn't impressed by the menu at the restaurant. I usually eat at Somboon's (they supply most of the beach food) next to the White Hotel.

    You may want to e-mail them in reference to the joiners fee.

    The resort just opened in December and only 1/2 the rooms had been finished.

    I think I would opt for the Poseidon or Bondi which are gay owned. The people at Bondi are friendly.

  6. #6


    "Glastonbury sits on a former island in the Somerset Levels тАУ the Isle of Avalon. It's a lively town, located in the south west of England, with lots happening and rich traditions from yesteryear.
    It has been a magnetic pilgrimage place since ancient times, a Druidic centre and, later, one of Europe's great medieval abbeys.
    Today Glastonbury is a unique, atmospheric town of 9,000 people. It hosts a famous rock festival, as well as pilgrimages, a musical extravaganza, a carnival, conferences and other events. People visit from the world over, pulled by a certain special something...
    The town is overlooked by the Tor, a majestic, anomalous, sacred hill. It is looked after by the Lord of the Underworld, or the Angel of Glastonbury or the National Trust тАУ depending on your viewpoint!
    Tradition has it that Joseph of Arimathaea built the first church and King Arthur and Guinevere were buried here. Once it was home to Saints Patrick, Dunstan, Benedict, David, Bridget and others.
    For a hundred years it has been a mecca to creative and spirited people of many persuasions тАУ an interfaith town with a mixture of locals and incomers, Christians and 'spiritual independents'.
    What's special about this place? This site gives some inspiration and clues. Welcome to the Isle of Avalon!"

    I wonder if the View Talay owners know?

    Well the hotel is pretty nice. I read that it was open on this board and walked the 3 meters to my balcony which overlooks the hotel and there it was all twinkling with lights and open.
    The public areas a very spacious and have nice decorations and the rooms are much the same with all the appointments that you would expect from a 4* place but with little flair - well none really. Ground floor rooms are extra and have french wondows leading into the gardens and pool.

    When I went round to view the coffeeshop was in a wide corridor but the a/c section should be opened by now.

    I am told that they are very gay friendly and plan to keep it that way. Access is from the beach or Thapphaya Road. There is an electric buggy service from the reception area to the gate. Oddly the entrance road is not currently light at night so walking along would not be to much fun.

    I wonder if they have pitched the room prices at the right level?

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