OK a self centred reaction but my first thoughts when I heard about the coup was for the safety and well being of my boyfriend. It quickly became apparent that he was in no physical danger as he lives a couple of hours drive from Bangkok in Ratchaburi.

He called as I was watching the coverage on television last night. I assumed he would tell me about the coup but it turned out he didn't have his television on and he knew nothing about it.

He was unconcerned and didn't seem particularly interested. I was a little worried as he was due for his regular check up at the HIV Clinic in Bangkok today and I didn't want his journey disrupted or for him to miss his appointment.

However I needn't have worried as the rain was more of a problem than the coup and he eventually got there OK. His CD4 count has improved and he's on some new medicine for one of his other conditions. He gave a grim laugh as he described yet more pills as he now takes so many.

He did see some soldiers but was again unconcerned and said it would be over in a day or two. He certainly has no interest in politics and if the King endorses the coup leaders that will be enough for him. He says he doesn't like Thaksin but couldn't really say why.

He's more worried about me getting lost when I arrive at the new airport in December and wants to meet me. But it's too far for him to travel unless it's really necessary so I'll wait with interest to see the new airport and Thailand in it's new post-coup state.