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Thread: US Govt. attacks Search Engines for porn searchers

  1. #1

    US Govt. attacks Search Engines for porn searchers

    Google data request fuels fears
    By Mark Ward Technology Correspondent, BBC News website

    The US government wants to know what people were looking for
    At first glance it is hard to understand why the US Government's Justice Department wants Google to hand over a week's worth of search data. To begin with, this would be a huge amount of information to paw through. In an average week, Google handles between 500 million and a billion searches.

    While this is far less than the US government's request for 60 days worth of data, it is likely to produce a huge file tens, if not hundreds, of gigabytes in size. At the same time, the US government wants a random sample of one million websites that people have searched for.

    One of Google's defences against the Justice Department request is that it already has data from other search firms such as Yahoo, AOL and MSN. However, government lawyers argue that the way Google ranks and classifies the data it returns to searchers will prove particularly useful for its purposes. Essentially it wants data from search engines to prove how easy it is to stumble over porn on the net. If it can prove this the result might be onerous regulation for many websites.

    In court documents the US government said it had tried to generate the same information using the Internet Archive website but did not get the results it wanted. Dangerous game It is well known that net service firms and search engines do hand over records to law enforcement agencies who need the data for ongoing criminal investigations. In many cases data found in computer memory caches or searches people have done online have been used in successful prosecutions.

    Some people may not want information about their searches shared. But in the UK and US there are laws in place that limit how much and what types of information can be requested. So-called "fishing expeditions" in which police forces or intelligence works request data and look through it for people that have committed crimes are outlawed.

    Danny Sullivan, net consultant and founder of Search Engine Watch, said the request Google is fighting was not tied to any criminal investigation by law enforcement organisations. "This is a weird one and is not something that has come up before," he told the BBC News website. He said the fear was that the US Government wanted to set a precedent with this request so it can turn to search firms whenever they want, for whatever data is deemed important. Certainly, he said, the data being requested is innocuous and has little in it that could tie it to individuals.

    But, said Mr Sullivan, because the potential is there to link people with searches for particular terms, such as bomb making materials, the worry is that governments will use the data to monitor and spy on civilians. Increasingly, he said, search firms were working to personalise their service and it is possible to tie some searches to particular users or machines.

    More on news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4631924.stm

    And on news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6028701.html

  2. #2

    Search Engine Co's shares plunge

    Google sees its largest 1-day loss ever : Yahoo! results, worries about Internet advertising market, U.S. search inquiry spark sell-off.
    CNN January 20, 2006: 4:41 PM EST
    NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) - Google stock posted its largest single-day loss ever Friday as investors showed concern about prospects for the Internet advertising market and the company's role in a Justice Department lawsuit about Internet searches.
    Shares in Google (Research) sank $36.98 to $399.46 -- about 8.5 percent -- in heavy trading on Nasdaq. Volume of 31 million shares was nearly triple the normal daily average. The loss was the largest in both dollar and percentage terms. The shares previously lost 8.31 percent on Nov. 5, 2004. The previous record for dollar decline was $22.20 on Jan. 18, 2006.

    Investors sent Yahoo tumbling Tuesday after the largest Internet media company surprised investors by posting earnings below expectations.
    Google said Thursday it was resisting a Justice Department subpoena that the company turn over search records for a case regarding an anti-pornography law.

    More on CNN News USA

  3. #3
    Senior member
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    Never surf naked.

  4. #4

    You mean ...

    ... I've got to and put some clothes on?

  5. #5
    Senior member
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    Correct attire for internet "activities" is at your discretion. The phrase I used is also commonly associated with the privacy of one's communications while surfing, for which you might usefully explore the "onion router".

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Re: You mean ...

    Quote Originally Posted by homintern
    ... I've got to and put some clothes on?
    I think it's fine in your pyjamas.

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