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Thread: Murdered farang at View Talay Update....

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Murdered farang at View Talay Update....

    All of us living in Pattaya/Jomtien and many others will recall the recent news story of the gay farang murdered in View Talay...The two boys were caught on
    the hallwall cameras and shown entering with the farang and later leaving his condo..He was brutally murdered and the boys stole a few things
    which fetched something under 10,000B...

    I had wondered what happened to the two boys, arrested by the police at the orange chairs in gay section of Jomtien beach, and if they had been
    executed or not.. I heard yesterday that the case never went to trial since the boys confessed, and one was given 5 years with a couple of years off
    if good behavior and the other something like 20 or 25 years.. The lighter sentence went to the boy who didn't do the actual murder and he might be
    free in 2 or 3 years if he is a good boy and other who did the deed got the heavier sentence.. From what I have heard, a couple of years in a Thai
    prison is no picnic, especially if you are young and small..

    I couldn't make any sense out of the village idiot's update on the American farang arrested at the old Diamond Pub in Sunee for getting caught with
    his pants down and a full condom in a short time room with a 17 y.o... Did he get killed in prison or did he pay off and get loose?? Anyone literate know what happened to him??

  2. #2



  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
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    Dec 2005

    I peed in my pants......

    JB, I am so scared that I was pointed out in Sunee over the weekend..I just peed in my pants and had to take an extra heart pill..Oh my Oh my,

    I wonder who the handsome farang was that you saw as I wasn't even in Pattaya over the weekend but I hope the guy was taller than you and had
    more class than to promote his business at every opportunity and author threads about LMTU and where are the trolls?... Maybe you actually spotted
    Hedda talking with the doorman.. and doesn't everyone think threatening another poster that he had been pointed out, is tacky and maybe worthy
    of that poster being banned for a while??..........

  4. #4

    don't worry catawampuscat

    ( what the hell does that name mean..?)

    I've been accussed of being LMTU, Hedda and most insultingly, The Colonel !!

    I've also had you pointed out to me as well in Sunnee Plaza..do you sometimes wear a frock ?

  5. #5

    Re: don't worry catawampuscat

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearl of the Orient
    ...what the hell does that name mean?...
    Cockeyed Pussy.
    Do we know any of them, Pearl? (I ask facetiously.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearl of the Orient
    I've been accused of being LMTU, Hedda and most insultingly, The Colonel !!
    Poor, Pearl. How could anyone make that mistake! Those hos all dress nicer: starched & ironed socks with their orthopedic sandals: prissier and dumber...but nicer.
    Worse (You'll love this!), I've been accused of being...you!... And Hedda.... And Gaybutton!!! Apparently; there's a resemblance...To the photo...Remember? Before you have a hissy; you started it when you posted that picture of us taken back when we were in pigtails. (Boy! were those pigs mad!) We can never, ever, again wear those lovely, matching frocks. Remember you were so frosted because everyone thought they were mother-daughter outfits--And you were the mum.

  6. #6
    Now, letтАЩs not get sidetracked. Cat put up a couple of very good questions. Is it true the farang murdering boys were sentenced to 5 and 25? And Dorothy from Diamond Pub is back in Kansas minus 600,000 baht?

  7. #7
    I think the two poor boys should be pardoned and released immediately.

    You know, there could be cultural differences at work here. I visited a Thai village once and talked to some monks; they told me that some Thai boys believe that murder is atually helping the victim reach nirvana more quickly.

    So, I don't think we should be so quick to condemn murderers, as they may actually just be trying to help out -- in their own cultural way.

  8. #8
    ..and were the boys regular on the beach?

    If so i suspect many here knew them.

  9. #9
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    it was the booze talking...

    I have been found out by the scoop reporter..All I ever wanted was to be in lmtu's "in" crowd and invited to the "right people" parties
    and dinners..But no, lmtu ignores me and I have to sit all nite alone and caress my only friend, a bottle of booze.. Why will no one be
    my friend, why doesn't lmtu include me in his inner circle of the elite in Sunee, why do I have to be so honest and keep sticking pins into
    inflated egos and why do I have to keep stalking the village idiot.. I need help, I know I have overstayed and it is time for me to go before
    the authorities come and put me away... maybe, lmtu will have mercy and ask me out for one nite before I end it all...... :cat:

  10. #10
    Forum's veteran Bob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: it was the booze talking...

    Quote Originally Posted by catawampuscat
    ... maybe, lmtu will have mercy and ask me out for one nite before I end it all......
    Okay, which of the two of you will be biting the pillow? More apropos, which of you will be the first to print the lurid details on Satwadee Forum? :clown:

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