
I am happy to report that the first Quiz Night held at Man Bar on September 11 in Jomtien Complex was a resounding success.

There were 32 people representing eight teams which participated, netting 3,200 baht in contributions for TAKE CARE!!

The lucky ticket draw for the bottle of Red Label kindly contributed by a TAKE CARE!! member netted 2,150 baht.

Total 5,350 baht ...... less 500 baht voucher for the winning team.

Thus the net total amount to TAKE CARE!! was 4,850 baht.

Thanks also to Quiz Master Martyn Bullimore for a job well done.

See ya next month at quiz night on Sunday, 9 October at 21:00/9 pm at Man Bar.

TAKE CARE!! Safer Sex Project

TAKE CARE!! provides and disseminates resources and information regarding safer sex with the aim of preventing the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in Pattaya and environs.

TAKE CARE!! Pattaya Home Page