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Thread: UK Pound

  1. #1
    Senior member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    UK Pound

    How do the british expats manage with the uk pound ,, now in decline, below 45bht to ┬г1 today

  2. #2
    Senior member
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: UK Pound

    i am thinking about moving to thailand towards the end of this year .. as i was last year .. but if the baht carries on like it is, it looks like i may have to call it off for another 2 or 3 years ... or even move to spain instead ..

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran joe552's Avatar
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    Dublin, Ireland

    Re: UK Pound

    It's not just the UK pound, but the Euro as well. Looks like I'll be retiring to Tenerife rather than Pattaya
    Hitchhiking's more of a challenge on the road less travelled.

  4. #4

    Re: UK Pound

    But wait a minute joe - aren't we continually being told that the Euro is a basket case and that we are lucky to have the great British Pound and the AAA Credit Rating yada yada yada?

    If all the political propaganda we are being fed is true - shouldn't the Euro be sinking faster and deeper than the Titantic, and shouldn't the Pound be riding high on the International exchanges while we all sing three choruses of Rule Britannia followed by God Save the Queen ?

    So how come the ┬г is sinking against the Euro (down to 1.13 now from almost 1.30 just 6 months ago) and down 10% against the Baht in the space of just 9 months.

    Surely it's not possible we are being lied to? :evil4:

  5. #5
    Senior member paperboy's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Re: UK Pound


    funny thats where i live
    the canaries islands
    Thailand seems to be getting more expensive to me
    thats why i go to south america alot

  6. #6
    Moderator Jellybean's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    United Kingdom

    Re: UK Pound

    Quote Originally Posted by aot871
    How do the british expats manage with the uk pound ,, now in decline, below 45bht to ┬г1 today
    With great difficulty! : (
    Remember: Coughs and sneezes spread diseases

  7. #7
    Senior member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: UK Pound

    There had been couple of articles including one in Daily Telegraph by the head of currency trade division in HSBC predicting the crash of UK pound in 2013.
    The major reasons:
    1. Some improvements in Eurozone and hence reduction of the role of UK pound as "safe heaven".
    2. Looming recession in UK
    3. BOE buys 50 percent of UK bonds by printing money. Obviously it cannot last forever
    4. Declining revenues from North Sea oil.
    Substitute UK by US and you can see a similar threat for US. The only difference is that new shale techology potentially can make US in one of the world biggest oil producers. Whether Obama will be willing to pull Thatcher and embrace energy independence agenda remains to be seen ( but even if he does it will be Chavez rather than Thatcher).
    UK would be much better off as a part of Euro.

  8. #8

    Re: UK Pound

    Once we vote to share those "declining oil revenues" among 5 million people rather than 63 million, things will look a whole lot healthier on THIS side of the border.


  9. #9

    Re: UK Pound

    Ah if only things were as simple as that Scottie, but I'm sure deep down even you know and accept that leaving politics aside for a second even financially things aren't just as black and white as the picture you paint and when all is said and done and all the boxes are ticked and the i's dotted oil revenue or not Scotland may indeed be quite a bit worse off for many many years to come, but I guess some would say that if that is the price of independence then it is still a price worth paying, personally I'm not sure I agree with that but each to their own and all that and time will tell I guess.

  10. #10

    Re: UK Pound

    To address your specific point about being "quite a bit worse off for years to come" - well, with respect, I suspect you are basing that opinion purely on a gut feeling borne out of hearing the "too wee, too poor, too stupid" propaganda channeled through the State Broadcaster aka the BBC.

    The Scottish Govt says we'd be better off by ┬г500 per person per year - but just to be conciliatory and avoid the "Well, they would say that" responses - let's not even go with that figure.

    Let's take the official UK Govt estimates of how much "worse off" we would be. The worst scaremongering the UK Govt can come up with is ┬г1 per skull.

    UK Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander told The Herald: ".. taking an average of the Scottish Government's own figures since devolution... Scots would be ┬г1 worse off..... We are better together." The Herald (Unionist Rag) 5/1/13

    Of course Independence carries risks, but it also carries rewards such as not being ruled by a Government that not only did your Country not vote for but which 80% rejected at the ballot box, not being dragged into and having your young men killed in illegal wars, and not having Western Europe's largest and deadliest arsenal of WMDs dumped on your doorstep - barely a few miles from your largest City.

    Personally I think that's priceless - but certainly worth ┬г1.


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