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Thread: Mincing Queens

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran arsenal's Avatar
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    Mincing Queens

    I am taking a point raised by NIrish in the Patteyaski thread and taking it on. Sitting in Corner Bar one evening a few years ago I was alone and just watching the people. What struck me was that no one looked 'gay'. Everyone was acting perfectly normally without the usual histrionics that accompany campers and mincers.
    As someone who finds the whole gay queeeeeeny, squawky, screeeeeechy scene a right load of bollocks it occured to me that yet another reason I love Pattaya is that the gay people are so down to earth. I would go further and say that in Pattaya a mincing queen sticks out and I find them rather embarrassing.

  2. #2

    Re: Mincing Queens

    I've always thought the whole mincing camp thing was for several different reasons depending on the person, a) someone being born and simply growing up very camp - no problems there whatsoever or b) someone having a wee mince when the mood takes them ( hey come on we've a done it when our favour gay anthem comes on our iTunes lol and c) someone camping it up to reinforce their gayness - either as they want that release from perhaps a closeted life elsewhere or to physically display their gayness if its not easily identified by others.

    So I think the reason you don't see it so much in Sunee etc is that a) the Thai guys can out camp us all so we'd just look ridiculous and also as we ARE in the likes of sunee there's simply no need to reinforce our gayness either for visual or confirmation purposes as we're already there and or gayness is a given.

    And I would stress again I have no problem with camp people at all and can be as bad myself if the mood takes me for fun but the guy I was referring to was just SO over the top it was neither believeable or necessary - hence why in my book he was due a gentle slap of the balls :-) and I won't be at all surprised if some on comes on and he's confirms that actually he's married with 4 kids and a banker and his Thailand holiday is his only chance to be "himself" - which again is up to him but when he's putting himself out there then people are also entitled to call him a bit of a dick too IMHO - as just cause we're all gay or whatever I don't buy into the whole unequivocal acceptance without comment thing.

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