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Thread: Gifts for boys?

  1. #1
    Senior member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Gifts for boys?

    Occasionally when I'm feeling happy and generous and have had a boy for several days I like to buy him a pr es ent. Of course what they would really like would be a iPhone or even a iPad, like the one I am using for this post, but I'm not
    as generous as that. I have bought jeans in the past, a standard phone and even a gold earring.
    I'm wondering what other gifts you would suggest ?.

  2. #2
    Junior member
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    Re: Gifts for boys?

    Usually just give extra money..it works every time for me.

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Gifts for boys?

    Make sure that it does not reflect at all in any part of thier earnings. I used to take boys off as they whined for me because they did not want to work that night. Take them to dinner, go bowling and other stuff. Even on the beach a boy would stop by, I would treat them to soem beers, a good lunch and then when departing they would say, "did you forget something?" I would ask in return "what?" Then they would have the balls to say, "my tip. I sat with you and kept you company all day. My tip" Of course that brought on an onslought of nasty words from me as I never requested them to have a date with me only if they wanted a beer or to eat. They can be very greedy and thoughtless. Presents are EXTRA

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran Manforallseasons's Avatar
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    Oct 2011

    Re: Gifts for boys?

    Years back when I first came to Pattaya I meet a boy I quite liked, after sometime he showed me his room that he shared with a friend, as one would imagine it was small with just a fan and a shared toilet in the hallway. One day he said you know they left cable in our room but we don't have a TV. I was shopping in big C and went to where they had TV's....Long before LCD, Led, and Plasma just a box like set, as I looked they had a special on a 19 inch Sony. I called him asked him to meet me at Big C and as I waited I purchased the TV, upon his arrival he looked at the sample display and said " It not have flat screen"
    That was the last gift I bought for a Thai boy.
    "In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king"

  5. #5
    Senior member Thai Dyed's Avatar
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    Re: Gifts for boys?

    How about a Ferrari? Or a Maserati or Lamborghini? They have them at Paragon in BKK. Why be a cheap-Charlie, eh? You're a successful insurance mogul, nay?

  6. #6
    Senior member ceejay's Avatar
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    Re: Gifts for boys?

    Frequentflyer and DaBoss are both right - money is always acceptable, and no gift, no matter how expensive is ever seen as being offset against a tip.
    If you want to give something more personal, then anything branded that is "real" - i.e. not a copy - is good and is a status symbol to the boys who can spot the difference between a copy and the real thing across a dimly lit bar. A brand name tee shirt or baseball cap will do the job. Some years ago, in the hope that it would make a boy more punctual (some hope!) I gave him an old Swatch that I had. He took one look at it and said "This is not a copy". He was still wearing it 2 years later.
    The boys are not always greedy in my experience. Some years back I offered to take a boy shopping for clothes because, he said, he was new to the bars and needed them. He took me to the night market at Jomtien, and picked up enough clothes for a week from the second hand stalls. He was very careful with my money and the whole lot only cost me about 1500 baht.
    More recently, I happened to mention to a boy in the now closed Solid Bar in Bangkok that I was going to Chatuchak the next day. I asked him if he would like to come with me and, after spending a couple of hours looking round, I asked him if he would like me to buy him anything. "Need shoes" he said, so off we went to the many shoe stalls. He spent a good deal of time looking around, trying things on, and seemed to settle on a black suede pair that cost, if I remember right, 700 baht, so I asked him if he would like those. He looked at them, put them back on the shelf, took them back off, put them back again and said "they will be too hot". He chose a very sensible 300 baht pair that wouldn't have looked out of place with a school uniform. Well, he obviously coveted the suede ones and 1000 baht for 2 pairs of shoes wasn't going to kill me so I told him he could have 2 pairs if he wanted. Back to the black suede shoes, off the shelf then back again - then he chose to have a second pair of the 300 baht sensible shoes, identical to the first pair ("They last longer".) Perhaps the lesson is that, if you find out what the boys need, rather than asking what they want, it may well turn out to be something quite mundane that will not break the bank.

  7. #7
    Senior member
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    Re: Gifts for boys?

    It may also have a lot to do with what the boy thinks of you, too. If, like ceejay's boy in the last post, he asks for sensible things that he'll really use, then maybe he likes you and doesn't want to sour the relationship by asking for really expensive stuff that he'll possibly sell as soon as you're not looking.

    I always bring stuff with me when I visit with specific boys in mind for specific gifts. And, as previously posted, I make sure that I am getting the real thing and not a copy. I bring "perfume" for one boy that has been a friend for years. He specifies the stuff he wants, but I usually get him a bottle of 'good stuff' that I find on sale somewhere. For my present flame I will bring shirts. I give him enough money when I'm here at home that he doesn't need anything particularly expensive when I arrive.

  8. #8

    Re: Gifts for boys?

    Oh I know I'm a soft touch, but any boy that I have spent a few days with I have always bought a present - and I do find it sweet and touching when they use some of their "tip" money to buy me a little gift in return.

    One thing I refuse to do though is go shopping for shoes - a previous BF from Funny Boys could spin out buying a pair of shoes into an all-day event and get totally pissed off with me when I intimated after only a hour that I'd rather be drinking a beer than looking at fucking shoes!
    A while after we split, someone took him to Russia - and I imagine him surrounded by shoes in a dacha by the Black Sea.

    As far as little gifts on arrival for selected bar boys are concerned, anything "unusual" brought from home is appreciated - especially when accompanied with a 500B note and a "nice to see you again" greeting!


  9. #9

    Re: Gifts for boys?

    I'm so with you on the shoe thing Scot's - I decided at around 5pm one evening that I wanted my guy and I to go to the Lebua hotel rooftop bar for a few sundowner cocktails, however he was wearing quite ropey trainers, no problem I said just nip in and grab a pair of just "anything" shoe wise just to do for now and hell even if you don't like them that much you can always bin them later - this then immediately turned into my being dragged around what seemed like 20 shoe stores with him then trying on upwards of 5 or 6 pairs of shoes in each shop plus going into a full fashion tip conversation with the staff members in each shop about what colour suited him best, how sturdy the shoes were, what price they were ( which didn't matter to me) and me standing maoning at him to hurry the hell up as we were going to miss the sunset.

    So, no surprises that we DID miss the sunset, I didn't get any cocktails, he didn't get any shoes and we both ended up falling out as apparently "I was trying to rush him" and "he was only trying to make sure whatever he bought went with all his trousers" ! We did laugh about it later but at that particular moment I SWORE I would never go shoe shopping with a gay Thai guy again and so far have stuck to that rule religiously ! ( I have to say in his defence when I go shoe shopping I'm probably not much better but when there's cocktails to be had at least I make the effort to shake myself ! )

  10. #10
    Senior member paperboy's Avatar
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    Re: Gifts for boys?

    on my last visit last june, i did buy a waiter a present, did not off him or anything, he was working in a bar in sunee.
    I dont wear a watch, so i have to ask people the time or look at my mobile to get it, on this particaly night i asked the waiter
    what time it was, he said he did not know, i said your wearing a watch :violent1: , he said it was broke long time :dontknow:
    i thought for a second and asked him why he wore a watch that was broke, he said he liked it and the colour.

    well to cut a long story short i went out the next day and bought hima new watch, the same colour as the first one, it was about 3000
    bahts, when i went to the bar that night i gave it to him, i swaer he was just about in tears, ive never seen anybody so so happy and so greatfull for such a small thing. We a re now good freinds on face book etc, no sex just freind ship, and he still shows me the watch ever time we are on cam on msn.


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