Is this a new service? Anyone know more about it? From today's Nation ... k-seminar/

HIV/Aids patients 'make wrong choices from fear'
The Nation

Government officials affected by HIV/Aids prefer paying for the expensive medication and treatment themselves instead of taking advantage of the almostfree welfare scheme because they do not want to lose face, a Bangkok seminar was told yesterday.

The seminar was held to mark World Aids Day, which falls on December 1 every year.

Nimit Thianudom, chief of Aids Access Foundation, said that due to this fear of losing face, many patients do not get proper treatment and are often prescribed beta medicines or concoctions improvised by their doctors instead of being given the standard antiAids formula. He added that these officials also develop resistance to drugs due to inconsistent prescriptions.

To be eligible for the government welfare scheme, which is considered better than the social security or goldcard schemes and is almost free of charge, officials need to fill in several forms identifying themselves.

The HIV/Aids situation in Thailand has improved in general in terms of medical techniques and treatments, though the efficiency of prevention measures has been below expectations and the annual average of 10,000 new patients is higher than projected.

Nimit said Thailand still needed a single agency to focus on tackling the HIV/Aids problem. At present, HIV/Aids agencies get some funding from the Global Fund, which also tackles problems with tuberculosis and malaria.

Thailand has launched a new initiative called the 3 Zeros Strategy, which stands for zero deaths from HIV/Aids, zero new patients and zero discrimination against HIV/Aids patients.

The (02) 372 2222 hotline for HIV/Aids patients has been in service for a while now but needs to be promoted further, he said.