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Thread: Keeping the long-distance romance alive

  1. #1

    Keeping the long-distance romance alive

    1 Ensure that your boyfriend has a mobile phone that can be set to "vibrate"
    2 Get him to stick it up his arse
    3 Call him

  2. #2
    Intolerant Crap Shooter bkkguy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I always thought Thai boys had mobile phones "out the arse" rather than "up the arse"

    but it does perhaps explain the complaints in the press recently about shitty connections!

    I can’t even be bothered to be apathetic these days!

  3. #3
    Yeah, but what if he is a top?

  4. #4

    Can you top that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thaiquila
    Yeah, but what if he is a top?
    A Thai top! Now there's a novel concept

  5. #5

    If you want to make sure he's true to you

    have it unpublished, insert the phone--And don't tell him the number!
    Also insures he chuk-wow the 'old fashioned' way.
    (But what about those random calls from 'breathers'?...)

  6. #6
    stop it!! i nearly brought up my breakfast., lol

    I wish Thais could understand our humour............ cant wait to see the look on my thai friends faces when i tell them this!

    Slightly off topic - i was chatting on that well known gay portal yesterday and this little stunner asked me did i have MSN and so we switched to that. After a long chat i asked could we talk by phone ( i learned long ago - big problems if bad comms).

    he said sorry i cant - my battery flat -maybe next time - we stay here.

    he volunteered to turn on his webcam - and for the next 20 minutes i watched him chat away on his cell phone while typing to me lol.......... short term memory loss? When i mentioned the flat battery he said he found one. I couldn`t stop laughing and might still even call him on tuesday.............i gave up getting angry at Thai white lies years ago lol

  7. #7

    A little learning

    Quote Originally Posted by Oogleman
    I wish Thais could understand our humour............ cant wait to see the look on my thai friends faces when i tell them this!
    Sadly there are those who persist in learning to speak Thai, in complete denial that they will ever speak sufficient Thai fluently enough to convey this joke in Thai to Thais

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