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Thread: Offensive?

  1. #1


    I know everyone has their own opinions and I have mine also.
    These huge motorcycles that ride up and down streets and deafen the ears a block away, to me are offensive to the Thai culture. I look at the Thai people and can see the distaste on their faces.

    The women, sex changes, etc. that display their breasts on the beach. Against Thai culture.

    The 80 + year old gay farty men that for some reason think that everyone loves to look at the cracks of their asses as they strut along Jomtien Beach in a womens string bikini.

    I guess I could go on and on BUT the thing that pisses me off the most at the moment....
    I live on Soi Korphai. I joking refer it kindly as Soi Yabba. I live in Phen Pak Village which is referred to Soi or something like that #1. A man has recently moved in to a rented house (I rent also) and proudly displayed the American Flag outside the house. Well if that isn't a kick in the ass already, as I think it isn't tasteful here in Thailand, he has it hung UPSIDE DOWN! A message of distress, rebellion, as making the statement that America is in trouble or distasteful. OH I don't want to hear that America is in trouble...every freakin country in the world ALMOST is in financial and political trouble! I hear he is an Arab/American. I have written a note that I found it distasteful.

    What does anyone else think as it really pisses me off everytime I get into the car and drive down the street?

  2. #2
    Senior member
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    Jun 2004

    Re: Offensive?

    The gentleman is doing nothing illegal. In fact it would be protected by the constitution in the US. Learn to live with it, or pay the mafia to make the flag disappear.

    In the US you wouldnтАЩt have that recourse. IsnтАЩt Thailand wonderful?

  3. #3
    Senior member
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    Eastern Seaboard

    Re: Offensive?

    Ref the flag:

    If a fort flew the flag upside down, it alerted anyone outside the fort that the fort was in distress, or under attack.

    In reference everything else....One must remember we ain't in Kansas anymore. :iroc:

    Oh and reference being pissed off when you see it, I understand what you're saying....but it sure beats being pissed on.....but some here may disagree. :bath:
    Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana

  4. #4

    Re: Offensive?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geezer
    The gentleman is doing nothing illegal. In fact it would be protected by the constitution in the US. Learn to live with it, or pay the mafia to make the flag disappear.

    In the US you wouldnтАЩt have that recourse. IsnтАЩt Thailand wonderful?
    don't think that US is suck a wonderfully legal place...you have mafia even there and you can tip a local skunk to get rid of it for you :-)...it is just going to cost you more...it's just about the money not the possibility :-)

    by the way...live and let live...if he wants to hang the flag what is the problem? it is not like is going to hang it in your living room :-)

  5. #5

    Re: Offensive?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geezer
    The gentleman is doing nothing illegal.
    He is, almost certainly, doing something illegal in Thailand.
    It is against Thai law for anyone to fly the flag of a foreign country unless it is on the Embassy or similar official building.
    Ask your lawyer if I am right.

  6. #6
    Moderator christianpfc's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    Re: Offensive?

    Quote Originally Posted by justme
    These huge motorcycles that ride up and down streets and deafen the ears a block away, to me are offensive to the Thai culture.
    Not only in Thailand. They should be banned worldwide!

    Quote Originally Posted by justme
    The women, sex changes, etc. that display their breasts on the beach. Against Thai culture.
    The 80 + year old gay farty men that for some reason think that everyone loves to look at the cracks of their asses as they strut along Jomtien Beach in a womens string bikini.
    I personally don't care about women showing their breasts or not, the same for Farang in unsuitable swimmsuits. But they should respect the culture of the country they are in.

    The flag: it's distasteful and inappropriate, but apart from noticing once I wouldn't care about it.

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran
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    Jul 2006

    Re: Offensive?

    Quote Originally Posted by justme
    These huge motorcycles that ride up and down streets and deafen the ears a block away, to me are offensive to the Thai culture. I look at the Thai people and can see the distaste on their faces.
    Not only to Thai culture - that needless thundering is offensive to the ear anywhere on the planet. Although nobody can really call the open air their own personal space, it's a rude aural invasion that the riders seem to defiantly celebrate. I can't imagine it earns them any respect to be so selfish but they obviously don't care, and it speaks volumes about them. No offense to cycle riders who ride "normal" cycles and obey the rules, by the way.

    Maybe they could put a vibrator under the seat and play the sound at maximum volume through ear buds! :cheers:

  8. #8
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Offensive?

    He might not even realise what he's doing, Justme... Have a friendly chat to him first.

  9. #9
    Forum's veteran
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    Jul 2006

    Re: Offensive?

    justme's already sort of done that, assuming that wording of the note was cordial and not inflammatory.

    Quote Originally Posted by justme
    I have written a note that I found it distasteful.
    I'm not the Googler some here are so I can't say I know if flying a flag upside down is a distress signal in countries other than here, but it has been widely used here in the US as a sign of disrespect by protesters for decades, and the neighbor may or may not be making a statement.

  10. #10
    Forum's veteran
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    Thailand (couple times a year)

    Re: Offensive?

    Yeah, but a note isn't two-way communication. You get clearer feedback by having a friendly chat... the guy might not realise it's upside down or he might be doing it deliberately for a reason. I only say this, having recently mediated a long-running spat between two of my neighbours. They're both friends now. I did it without using the word "fuckstick" too. :happy7:

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