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Thread: Great trip to Pattaya and BKK

  1. #1

    Great trip to Pattaya and BKK

    So, just arrived home after 10 nights (amazingly, as that was never the plan !) in Pattaya and 6 nights in BKK.

    Had a great time in both places, no dramas, no disasters ( well apart from thinking that someone had pinched my wallet in DJ station only to find it in my back pocket instead of my front pocket all of 20 seconds later after one to many beers perhaps :-)

    Met many great guys while I was in both places, had lots of "fun" every night and had lots of nice conversations and laughs in many many bars and thanks to some of the guys I met with / offed etc ended up joining at least three Thai guys birthday parties which were great fun all round.

    Thanks also to Unckie Buck from the board here for his great hospitality and for running a cracking bar, all his boys were really nice friendly ( and cute) guys there and I observed him looking after both his boys and his customers very well on several occasions - right down to actually giving Christmas presents out to ALL of his customers over several nights ( nice touch ) - he he my dear mother will NEVER know where the lovely trinket box she is about to get from me ( as well as other things of course ) actually came from and I'll certainly smile every time I visit her and see it sitting on her shelf ha ha as I remember the cute go go boy that handed it to me :-) - oh and for all the moaners about to start about "oh are you plugging a bar" etc - yep, seems like I am :-) as I'm was a customer, I had a nice time there, the owner seems like a nice guy and the guys where cute, so hey, there you go, get over it :-)

    Re some ones comment re Panorama bar and their staff have to say I would disagree, I can see what you mean that their staff not being like Telephone bar waiters etc, however that not "necessarily" a bad thing as Panorama I think is meant to be a bit more relaxed and fun than Telephone etc so their "relaxed" service was one of things I liked and I always found it to be efficient with just a nod being required for bar service if required and as I always tipped well I don't think I ever even needed to "nod", plus the boys are really nice and friendly to chat as well ( and lovely Thong is just to cute for words and well worth getting to know in my humble opinion - ha ha little did he know just how close he was to SO nearly was coming back to N.Ireland with me for a trip - until common sense kicked in the next morning of course :-)

    I agree with what someone else mentioned re the Russian (types) definitely more noticeable by their presence and numbers and manners (or almost total lack of same) from more than any other visit I've had there - and all I can say is I don't envy the bar owners having to deal with some of these apes as they were "big" guys and looked not adverse to "wrecking the joint" in a heart beat !

    So, all in all a great trip - spent to much money, had lots of beer, had some great sex, fell in love ( at least 3 times :-))) ha h a and looking forward to planning my next return trip again - oh the only one down side - returning home yesterday to find no less than 9 !!! burst pipes in my house and water damage everywhere, I think if everything wasn't so bloody wet I'd just put a match to the whole place and take off back to LOS again and to hell with the lot of it as several boys ASSURED me that they loved me and REALLY wanted to be by long term BF so it all MUST be true :-)

  2. #2

    Re: Great trip to Pattaya and BKK

    Glad to hear you had a GREAT time!


  3. #3
    Senior member zinzone's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Great trip to Pattaya and BKK

    Yes a nice report, thank you.
    A bit too much over use of "(" and " )". But I suppose that reflects your trip:
    bending one way or the other?!


  4. #4

    Re: Great trip to Pattaya and BKK

    Quote Originally Posted by NIrish Guy
    So, all in all a great trip
    Good to know you had a great time Nirish, and the report is appreciated, there seems to be a lack of the normal trip reports and reviews from the 'high season' nowadays here. Updates on the current scene in Thailand from recent visitors are more reliable than the exaggerated fluctuating comments regarding visitor numbers and busy places in Pattaya over at Cloud-GB from Unhinged and Let Me Waffle You.

    Quote Originally Posted by scottish-guy
    Glad to hear you had a GREAT time!
    Trouble with smart arses who play the fool all the time, if they do make a normal post it's difficult to know if it is genuine or just another failed attempt at sarcasm. Considering your pathetically uncalled for comments to NIrish Guy on a previous thread, simply because he had the letters N I r i s h as part of his handle, would this particular comment be serious or funny? It's just so difficult working out exactly where your serious replies and feeble attempts at wit start and finish. Thanks.

  5. #5

    Re: Great trip to Pattaya and BKK

    I was being entirely genuine.

    By the way Motormouth, you're rumbled.

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    New Zealand
    Liked: 1

    Re: Great trip to Pattaya and BKK

    Great report NIrish. Succinct and to the point. A little levity is always appreciated by me and the "burst pipes" finisher was more than on the money.

    A good, short read.


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