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Thread: Life on the beach, under an umbrella, doing drugs . . .

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Hua Hin, Thailand

    Life on the beach, under an umbrella, doing drugs . . .

    The Umbrellas of Kandinsky

    Imagine yourself under the canopy of brightly coloured umbrellas which are so ubiquitous on Thailand's beaches (and Puerto Vallarta and Queensland and Bali and Cancun and etc etc etc). It's a brilliant sunshiny day and light filters unorganized through the cracks between the 'brellas. Squint your eyes into tiny slits and look up towards the sky . . . let your mind go into wandering mode and see an abstract light array above your head worthy of Mondrian or Kandinsky.

    I love these umbrella displays: Lying under them ~ with the deck chairs lowered down as they usually are ~ reminds me staring up into the ceiling of a planetarium, but even more luxurious and erotic as the only (pleasing) distraction comes along every so often in the form of a Thai man's perfect ass as he wanders unthinkingly through your vision field. Except for that single charming (and welcome) intermission, one's mind conjures up the surreal in the form of light, colour, and ~ what used to be ~ a beat up old umbrella on Hua Hin Beach.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _

    The Kiteman of Hua Hin

    Hua Hin's beach has a late middle-aged Isaan man standing all alone on some rocky outcrop trying to sell airplane kites. They come in the form of double winged WWl biplanes (the Famous Fokker Fighters?) and I called him the Red Baron ( which took a bit of explaining for the Beloved, lying bemused beside me trying to figure out what the fuck I was on about :blackeye: )

    This dude was so expert at flying these contraptions ( or as his wife said sarcastically over breakfast: " ... tirak, why don't you go fly a kite today, koop khun kaaaa ... " ) that he seems to have neglected the "selling" part of the equation: For 5 days of beach lying (and observing) I never once observed him accomplish what looked like a sale .... though there were a couple of Thai kids up the beach away trying to get a couple airborne, so I assume he makes the odd deal once in awile.

    But, "mai pen rai" as they say.
    The real pleasure for him on those days in April was mostly in the joy of dive-bombing the passers-by and the crowds huddled under the umbrellas. Needless to say, with that never-changing dour expression on his face I was thinking that if this guy could invent a tiny working order Bofors Machine Gun to mount on the nose of his Fokkers he'd like nothing better to create havoc and terror under the brollys by strafing the general area and getting a huge kick out of watching the fat westerners in their thong Speedos and cellulite thighs dropping their Heinekens and their heaping plates of khao pad gai and furiously commence to digging sheltering bunkers in the gorgeous white sand of Hua Hin beach

    (This is where my sweet little Canon S1 with it's wonderful 10X optical zoom thing comes in handy)

    Cheers ...

    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

  2. #2
    Smiles, checkout panasonic's new TZ-1 with 10x Optical. I just picked one up for my next thailand trip. Worlds smallest. Makes your "Sweet Little Canon S-1" look humongus.. hehe. This is my First Panasonic after owning many Canons Myself. But I couldn't resist the size, zoom, and optical stabilization feature on the Pany. You can even Zoom while using the Video mode.

    http://www.dpreview.com/news/0602/06021 ... nictz1.asp

  3. #3
    On Umbrellas: "Life imitates Art" - good one smiles

    On Vendors: Yes, one has to admire the persistance of these vendors who walk endless kilometres for an occassional sale.
    BTW don't go calling out "fly the kite" in Thai - it's very "not polite"

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Hua Hin, Thailand
    Quote Originally Posted by JakeNasty
    Smiles, checkout panasonic's new TZ-1 with 10x Optical. I just picked one up for my next thailand trip. Worlds smallest.
    Hi Jake, thanks for the thoughts about cameras, zooms, and size queens.

    I know what you're saying, but I must admit that when I went digital camera hunting 90% of the decision was "big" or "small". I like the heft of a camera which feels like a camera, not a cigarette case, and it's one of the reasons I decided on the Canon S1 (along with the 10 zoom). I also abhor lining up shots through that little TV camera in the back . . . the S1 has a very good, old-fashioned viewfinder (also adding to the size of it) which is all I ever use.

    I agree with many that the little thin cameras are great for travel and being able to quickly slip it away into one's shirt pocket. But in the long run I'm very happy with my choice of the more substantial 'feel' of the larger SLR-style camera.

    Cheers ...
    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

  5. #5
    Yes.. I agree. I do miss the optical view finder, but having said that.. this new panasonic has the a hugh 2.5" LCD which is very bright. I'm getting used to no view finder. And as far as size, the TZ1 is more a Medium size camera, which I prefer to my older Canon Elph, which I always felt like I was going to drop due to its tiny size.

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
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    Hua Hin, Thailand
    Advertised as "The World's Smallest", the Casio S600. The size of a business card apparently.

    I would think under most circumstances advertising anything as "The Worlds Smallest" would NOT be a huge selling point for the gay community and it's famous spendable excess cash hoarde.

    Cheers ...
    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

  7. #7
    Senior member
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    A better place
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    The Parasols of Pattaya

    Small became smarter than big with the mobile phone.

    Drugs are not essential just a cup of tea and a tarte de jour
    I hope that my posts will be of use.

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