I was honoured to be invited to the Muslim wedding of Yogie's friends

Market Square in Wonosobo - the closest city to Dieng Plateau - Population 55,000 Indonesians and 1 White man )me)

No Taxis - Horse and Buggy only. Traffic jams are inevitable in the rain

Volcanic Lake at Dieng (the color of the lake is caused by sulphur) Dieng is an active volcano which may erupt sometime in the next few weeks due to a build up of lava in the Mt Merapi Volcano system north of Yogjakarta

Here you can see the gasses and steam excaping a fissure at the back of the lake

This town has been evacuated already over the past week - in case of an eruption

One of the Sacred Candi at the top of Dieng (pronounced Chandi)

The Sulphur pits at a volcanic fissure. Many people commit suicide here every year by throwing themselves into the molten lava and boiling water.