Twoguys Guest House

This is a very cosy guest house and a great source of info over breakfast or coffee. Many expats drop in for breakfast or just a chat during the day, and always eager to give help
to a new visitor.

Welcome to Pattaya ,Thailand.
Sept./Oct Newsletter

Greetings from a Soggy Pattaya, we are now in the latter part of the wet season and are getting a lot of rain.
Fortunately most of the downpour is early morning time so it does not interrupt the cultural activities of most the visitors.

Talking about visitors, we are seeing many new faces here at Two Guys, We have visitors from Hawaii, Ireland, New Zealand, Belgium, Singapore, Japan , China and a very cute young Russian.

Bill is a new visitor to Pattaya, he normally visits Phuket and was told that a week in Pattaya and he would be bored.
He is here this time on sick leave as he was suffering from stress induced problems.
Originally he was booked in for 10 days but when he discovered all his stress problems had gone and how much fun he was having
he extended another 10 days.
He could not believe the range of bars Sunee had to offer and how friendly the bar workers were.The other morning he sitting with 3 pieces of paper in his hand and complaining that they were telephone numbers given to him from the night before and he couldn't remember who they were from.
He definitely has not let the grass grow under his feet, I see him with new companions every day, sometimes as many as three.

News around Sunee;
Wan's Cafe is now open for business and seems to be doing good, they have managed to find new staff, and some of them are very cute.
One of the customers from Two Guys has been a regular there and has enjoyed being pampered by the staff.

The old Balkan Express has reopened as a beer bar called "What Else", I dropped in for a beer, quite reasonable prices (50 B for a Leo)
I was greeted effusively by the Mama San who arranged for a staff member to sit beside me, unfortunately he could speak no English
except for "buy me a drink" an offer that I declined. Shortly after that the Mama San also offered to fetch a drink for him, again an offer I declined. As beer bars go it was OK to sit there and watch the world go by,I found the staff to be a little bit pushy, maybe because they are new and trying to hard.

The Old Villa Rouge is in the final Stages of getting ready for opening, I have heard that it is someone connected with Hollywood Disco who
is the owner. They are off up country at the moment looking for new staff and dancers. There are going to be Coyote dancers, but I don't know yet if there will a proper show or just dancers lining the wall like Dave Man's club .

I stopped off on my rounds of Sunee at The CU Bar (Duck from old Balkan Express) and got chatting to Bill and was sucking on a beer or two, next thing we are given a plate of Tab Nabs, (samplers of the food that Duck has on offer) Bill and his companion enjoyed the Kebab sausages and I took charge of the mini spicy burgers. They were served with toasted Pita bread covered in a very tasty secret sauce. Duck says that food is available from opening to closing time. Prices here are very reasonable 50 B for domestic beer.

My other late night hang out is the Forest bar, where I have been ogling a cute staff member or two, both have very nice smiles and I enjoy the cerebral topics we discuss.
I use this as my base of operations when I am doing my research of Sunee for the Two Guys Newsletter
There are quite a few new staff there, all very pleasant and still willing to give you a thrashing at a game of pool any time you
want to play.

Here is an Amusing Story as told to me by Bob from Denmark

I had been out shopping and returned to Two Guys,
Bob was sitting outside reading a book and when he saw me arrive his face broke into a huge grin,
he said I have been waiting to share this with somebody.

Bob was in his usual seat outside on the terrace reading his book and occasionally watching the world go by on the Soi.
He said that he noticed a motorbike draw up in the small alleyway across from Two Guys.
The driver got off, parked his bike and removed a towel that he had around his neck and laid it out on the motor bike seat
to dry. he then went off to do whatever business he came for.
Bob noticed that the towel had slid off the seat a bit and was hanging down over the rear wheel but seemed to be stable.

A little while later one of the cats that terrorize the neighborhood came prowling down the alleyway and stopped at the motor bike
and had a sniff at the overhanging towel.
Bob said the cat obviously thought someone new was moving into his territory so he turned around and proceeded to spray the
overhanging towel with his scent then stalked off.

About 10 minutes later the driver of the motorbike and a companion arrived back, The driver picked up the towel, draped it around his neck and got on the bike followed by his companion getting on the back.
The guy back seat leant forward to talk to the driver and Bob said you could see his face screw up when he got a whiff of the cats calling card. He said something to the driver who by then was looking around him to see where the awful smell came from. Eventually the pong was traced to the towel which was hastily removed from around the drivers neck and discarded.
By the end of the story Bob was cackling to himself so hard he was red in the face and having to stop and take breaths.

I am still compiling a list of books worth reading, so if you have any book titles you like to recommend or be included in the list
please send me an email.

That's all Folks, Talk to you next month

John @ Twoguys Guest House