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Thread: Official Report from TAKE CARE!!

  1. #1
    Senior member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Official Report from TAKE CARE!!

    The guys of TAKE CARE!! want to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to all who made the Saturday 9 October fundraising event such a big success: the MANAGEMENT of the CORNER BAR who hosted the event and provided 100% of the cost of admission to TAKE CARE!! -- the 36 VENUES AND FRIENDS who provided the many raffle prizes тАУ and the more than 65 ATTENDANTS who enjoyed the evening of fun, food and friends.

    The total receipts from the event were 37,200 baht тАУ which includes 24,200 baht raised by the lucky ticket raffle and 13,000 baht from admission cost (representing 65 persons @ 200 per admission). We still have bills to pay of a bit over 3,000 baht so the total amount available for safer sex packs will be 33,000-34,000 baht.

    Let me give an idea what this means in terms of our program: we currently have a bill (which I will pay today!!!) of 30,400 baht to the supplier of the bulk condoms and lubricant sachets тАУ BKK Health and Happiness Co., Ltd. тАУ who, in addition to offering a great price for its products, personally delivers each order free of charge driving from BKK to Pattaya. This bill is the cost of 5,760 condoms (2.8 baht each) and 2,880 lubricant sachets (5 baht each), which, when we have our volunteer packing session (talk about organized chaos!!!), will provide 2,880 safer sex packs. We have a distribution (dependably for the past five years) every three weeks in low season and every two weeks in high season. What this means in reality is that the income from the fundraiser will provide safer sex packs for distribution up to very close to the end of the year тАУ depending on when we kick into the high season schedule.

    So, once again, thanks to all who provide the support for our program. As they say, we cannot do this alone -- it takes a village.

    Another point while I have your attention. Many of you who travel to Pattaya are familiar with organizations in your local area which provide condoms, and often lubricant sachets, free of charge. Why not stop by and get a supply to throw into your suitcase for TAKE CARE!! the next time you come to Pattaya. This is really a cost-free, painless way to lend a hand.


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  2. #2
    Forum's veteran travelerjim's Avatar
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    Aug 2004

    Re: Official Report from TAKE CARE!!

    Kudos to All for a charity event well done...well attended and fun too...
    in spite of the excruciating loud noise from the newly opened bar who chose to blast their loud speakers all evening...it is a new club in Sunee which I will shall NOT EVER
    spend one baht in - anytime! Absolute---for sure---promise...
    They do not deserve any gay community support!!!

    Thanks to the Corner Bar for your good heart and spirited leadership...
    and to all the businesses who gave gifts for the drawing - Thanks!

    jvt2222, Mmay I suggest one final report listing those businesses who DID donate gifts
    to the lucky drawing...so we can offer our thanks to them by spending our pink baht in their places of business...and, of course, in the process...know of those who chose to pass on the opportunity to support such a fine and worthwhile charity event of Take Care.


  3. #3

    Re: Official Report from TAKE CARE!!

    Quote Originally Posted by travelerjim
    ...in spite of the excruciating loud noise from the newly opened bar who chose to blast their loud speakers all evening...it is a new club in Sunee which I will shall NOT EVER
    spend one baht in - anytime! Absolute---for sure---promise...
    They do not deserve any gay community support!!!
    Are you not being a bit childish?

    Venues are entitled to tout for business you know - and whilst many in the "Gay Community" sit on their voluminous arses collecting their (fake) disability benefits and (genuine) pensions, some people have to work for a living.

    If the "noise" offends you there is always the option of turning your Hearing Aid down, dear.


  4. #4
    Forum's veteran travelerjim's Avatar
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    Aug 2004

    Re: Official Report from TAKE CARE!!

    Quote Originally Posted by scottish-guy
    Quote Originally Posted by travelerjim
    ...in spite of the excruciating loud noise from the newly opened bar who chose to blast their loud speakers all evening...it is a new club in Sunee which I will shall NOT EVER
    spend one baht in - anytime! Absolute---for sure---promise...
    They do not deserve any gay community support!!!
    Are you not being a bit childish?

    Venues are entitled to tout for business you know - and whilst many in the "Gay Community" sit on their voluminous arses collecting their (fake) disability benefits and (genuine) pensions, some people have to work for a living.

    If the "noise" offends you there is always the option of turning your Hearing Aid down, dear.


    NO I do not think that is a damn bit childish...
    the new business which had the opening party knew that the
    Take care event had been planned months before...
    but chose to book a screaming loud Isaan music band on the same night.

    I enjoy Isaan music greatly, even sat in front of Wan's
    Bar AFTER the Take Care charity event for an hour to listen to it with my friend.

    They probably were hoping to capture some of the increased foot traffic
    to and from the Corner Bar Take Care event.

    But they chose not to lower the noise to a decent level when kindly asked.
    They made a choice, so I can make mine too. I will pass on them. rotest:

    Sadly I do this, for I am a fervent booster of all gay business ventures....
    especially new ones which need help during their start up.


  5. #5
    Senior member
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    Apr 2009

    Re: Official Report from TAKE CARE!!

    I agree 100% with TJ. Scotch git was safely back in haggisland and would not quite have heard the noise. It was not possible to have a conversation in Corner Bar. It was just another beer bar opening and they managed to spoil an otherwise excellent evening raising funds for a very good cause. I will not be going to that bar.

  6. #6
    Senior member
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    Eastern Seaboard

    Re: Official Report from TAKE CARE!!

    Just a couple of comments about the noise/music situation at the Take Care (TC) event.

    Yes, it was loud.

    Yes, they should have been polite enough to turn it down. But they didnтАЩt.

    But to suggest they did it on purpose to disrupt the TC event is really pushing the envelope.

    Some of us need to remember that we are in тАЬTHEIRтАЭ county. We are only considered visitors here. There are lots of things that annoy the hell out of me. You either deal with it or you donтАЩt. ItтАЩs as simple as that.

    So my feeling about the whole situation is just: SUCK IT UP CUP CAKE and get over it.

    One of you guys said that the benefit was known MONTHS ago and this offending bar should have known.

    Really? Know by whom?

    Do you have a crystal ball?

    FFSтАж I didnтАЩt know about it until September 20, 2010 when the owner of Corner bar first posted on the assorted gay boards.

    Was it posted before that time? If so I will stand corrected. :lam: :lam:

    So to suggest it was known months ago by this offending bar is pure bull shit. The fact of the matter is the TC event was posted on these boards less than 3 weeks before the benefitтАжnot months before.

    And furthermore, posting how some of you will never ever patronize this offending bar in the future is a bit juvenile. Your choice of course, but juvenile.

    Maybe in the future a Bar that is having an event could notify the other bars of their function and give them a special invite to attend. :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

    In summary:

    To suggest this тАЬother barтАЭ purposely had a grand opening with music to disrupt the TC event is poppycock.

    To suggest this TC event was posted months before the actual event pure Bull Shit. Try less than 3 weeks prior to the event.

    To pout about never ever patronizing this bar is your choice. But in these troubled times with so many businesses closing, I would think that at least one visit to welcome them to Sunee Plaza would be the gentlemanly thing to do.

    Just my opinion of course.

    Let the flames began. :drv: :drv: :drv: :drv: :drv: :drv: :drv:

    PS: Good job CB & TC for putting it all together :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
    Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana

  7. #7

    Re: Official Report from TAKE CARE!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bigben

    One of you guys said that the benefit was known MONTHS ago and this offending bar should have known.

    Really? Know by whom?
    I thought that co-ordination of such things was one of the jobs of SPI - if anyone deserves some criticism it must be SPI

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