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Thread: A Thailand story (pasted here) ...

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    Hua Hin, Thailand

    A Thailand story (pasted here) ...

    Looking through the Yuku Sawatdee Forum (i.e. the archives of the old EZBoard Sawatdee which are sitting, all lonely, on the WWW) I stumbled quite serendipitously across an old post (2005!) by our member PeterUK.

    The post consisted of one of his Thailand short stories from his book 'If Truth Be Told'. Remembrances past came flooding back ... I recalled the origin of this story: a series of posts on the old (now gone) Dreaded Ned Gay Thailand board ~ in the old fashioned "string" style ~ where a notorious poster there described how, when he went on an 'off' quest through the GoGo vars of Bangkok, he carried along with him a flashlight ... which he first used to inspect ~ in the bar! ~ for cleanliness and freedom-from-infection the assholes of the boys he wished to take off.
    A lot of the dudes on that board took him seriously, and there were scandalized rounds of horror and teeth gnashing that he could be so gross. I thought it was funny.

    Anyway, that's a short background, and copied here is the whole story of the Flashlight Offer. I will try and retrieve Part 2[/b]

    __________________________________________________ __________________

    Flashlight Karl (Part One)

    (All the characters in the following story are imaginary, though those of you who remember the old Dreadedned board will have no trouble recognising the inspiration for the main character. I hope you enjoy the story. As it's quite long, I'll post it in 2 parts on successive days).

    Alone, Karl finished his delicious evening meal at the
    Royal Garden branch of Sizzler ┬Ц a hygienically-cooked steak with salad and coke ┬Ц and made his way out of the mall. He set off along Second Road┬Тs narrow, uneven sidewalk towards Boyztown. He was feeling horny, having had sex only twice that day. He looked askance at the roadside food stalls he passed. All those foul-smelling bowls of who-knows-what ┬Ц intestinal gunk ┬Ц absorbing traffic fumes and germs. He saw flies crawling over a pile of blackened meat chunks, the vendors just standing there with faces like dazed cattle. It turned his stomach. You would never catch him eating from such places. They would be banned back in the States.

    When, as now, he frowned, his face took on a childlike, bewildered look, as if he had never quite adjusted to the complexity of the world. His more usual expression was one of studied arrogance verging on a sneer. The truculent blue eyes and twitching mouth combined to issue a silent challenge which seemed to upset some people. Twice in his life he had been punched in the face by total strangers, one of whom had apologised afterwards, saying he didn┬Тt know what came over him. The Calvin Klein clothes he wore hinted at his well-paid job as a computer programmer, but the slicked-down, unruly light-brown hair and incipient protruding belly in the early-thirties frame sent a countervailing message of seedy self-neglect.

    He reached the first of the three narrow, neon-lit sois where most of the gay go-go bars were ┬Ц in this one they were heavily outnumbered by girlie bars. Scantily-dressed young tarts smeared with lurid shades of lipstick sat cross-legged on high stalls at entrances and called to him in their lilting, mocking, demented-parrot voices (┬Уhellooo, where you go?┬Ф), as dance music pounded away from within. He ignored them disdainfully. He had to dodge motorcyclists and vehicles roaring along at ridiculous speeds and make sure at the same time that he didn┬Тt impale himself on the rows of parked motorcycles. Crazy goddamn country! The touts outside the gay bars were less threatening than their female equivalents, for all their clamour. He was drawn by the dazzling smile of one of them and allowed himself to be steered through the doorway of a bar he hadn┬Тt tried before.

    A couple of paces inside he paused to look round and to suffuse the humble space with his aura of material well-being. Amid the usual black-and-stainless-steel d├йcor, some thirty boys were dancing on the central stage or sitting round its edge. Many of them, duly impressed by his entrance, were already looking hopefully in his direction or whispering to each other. He smiled benevolently upon them. There was only a handful of customers, he was pleased to note. Near-empty bars were always better. Resisting attempts by the staff to direct him to a seat, he walked slowly round the stage and stopped before a dancer who looked his type, smallish and cute. He leered up at him and gave a suggestive little thrust of the hips. The boy grinned at him and put some extra effort into his dancing. Karl ogled the performance for a while, basking in his sense of power, then reached up and poked a small-denomination note in the boy┬Тs butt-hugging little shorts. They always loved that. His lingering hand reached round and gave a plump, juicy cheek an exploratory grope. He nodded thoughtfully, like a satisfied quality controller, and looked long and hard at the badge number pinned to the front of the shorts, thereby indicating that if the boy was very lucky Karl might soon call him over. He finally took a seat, some distance from any other customer. While waiting for his beer, he carefully laid out his flashlight beside him.

    He bought the mamasan ┬Ц the usual poisonous queen ┬Ц a drink and they chatted for a while. The mamasan of a bar was always useful to have on your side, well worth a little investment of fake bonhomie. Soon he had the numbers of all the boys willing to be fucked. Having eliminated the squealing ladyboys, who interested him not at all, and the ones he didn┬Тt find attractive, he was left with two possibles, including the one he had already groped. He said he would like to carry out an examination of each in turn in a private room. The mamasan didn┬Тt look at all sure what he meant. He explained that under strobe lighting the skin of every boy looked virtually blemish-free when in fact they might have all sorts of nicks and scars. He didn┬Тt mention his worst fear of all, that they might have a rash, a contagious rash. Neither did he mention another reason for wishing to carry out the examination.

    The mamasan still looked somewhat confused, but the production of a hundred-baht note seemed to help. Karl revelled in the secret contempt he felt. With a clap of the hands the two boys were called over. The mamasan spoke to them in rapid Thai for a few seconds, then turned and told Karl that everything was fine, he could use a room next to the toilet.

    Karl led and the two boys followed, laughing nervously. The room was a small, cluttered changing-area, but good enough for his purposes. He called the first boy, the one he had groped, inside and pushed the door to behind them. The boy was not grinning now, oh no! The apprehensive look on his face produced a tingle of excitement in Karl. He had to admit that he rather enjoyed this procedure. He switched on the flashlight and, for fun, held it upwards under his chin while he did his Bela Lugosi impression. The boy looked even more apprehensive, on the verge of flight. ┬УOnly joking,┬Ф said Karl, grinning gleefully.

    He grew businesslike and started to run the beam of the flashlight over the boy┬Тs body. Over each arm, over chest and back, over each leg. So far, so good. A few blemishes but nothing serious. ┬УOkay, shorts off and bend over,┬Ф he said sternly. He had to mime it. The boy didn┬Тt look sure for a moment, then slowly did as he was told. They always did, cowed by the voice of authority. His cock twitching into life, Karl knelt down behind him. Spreading the cheeks with the fingers of his left hand, he directed the beam into the crack. Instant disappointment. A fine line of hair becoming a matted undergrowth at the hole. Karl hated body hair period, but here, where it could so easily become a breeding ground for germs, it repelled him. He stood up and said with a fixed smile, ┬УOkay, finish.┬Ф The boy looked at him oddly as he was handed a hundred-baht note on leaving.

    The second boy entered and they went through the same routine. This time, fortunately, the valley floor was smooth, leading to a delectable deep-pink hole. Karl ran a finger round the crinkled edge and savoured the involuntary contraction. He stood up, feeling flustered. ┬УGood,┬Ф he said, ┬УI take you.┬Ф

    Outside the bar he was impressed by how handsome the boy looked in his street clothes. He wanted them to be noticed together, but, every time he waited for the boy to draw alongside, the boy immediately dropped back a couple of paces again. They often did that. He knew it was a sign of respect but, even so, there were times when he wished they acted more like buddies. He strolled round to the main Boyztown soi with a view to showing off his new boy there. This was where most of the gay bars were, none of those girlie abominations. Besides the go-go bars, there were frilly little restaurants, open-fronted drinks bars, tables along awning-hung hotel terraces. Lots of farangs milling about, barboys eating at food stalls, the ever-present touts. Strings of fairy lights formed a twinkling canopy over the whole scene. Karl liked it here, the buzz of paid sex in the air ┬Ц he felt unglued. At a small bar in the corner he saw Lou drinking alone. There were so few farangs he ever spoke to when in Pattaya, the chance of a conversation was welcome.

    ┬УHi, no boy want you tonight? You┬Тre looking kind of shitty, not much of a catch,┬Ф said Karl, already pulling up chairs. Lou was a New Yorker. He appreciated this kind of talk.

    Lou, mousey-haired, bespectacled, looked uncomfortable at this sudden change in his circumstances. He smiled faintly.

    ┬УThis is ┬Ц shit, I forget your name ┬Ц Odd?┬Ф said Karl, looking quizzically at the boy.

    ┬УUud,┬Ф said the boy.

    ┬УRight, and this is my fine, patriotic American friend called Lou.┬Ф He beamed as boy and Lou nodded solemnly at each other.

    After drinks had been ordered, including another for Lou despite his protestations, Karl leant over and whispered in Lou┬Тs ear, ┬УThis guy is hot. I think he┬Тs going to be my best fuck today.┬Ф

    ┬УYou don┬Тt waste much time, do you?┬Ф said Lou.

    ┬УWhy should I? I┬Тm young, unlike most of these old farts.┬Ф He indicated the surrounding scene with a dismissive sweep of his arm. ┬УI come here for two weeks at a time between assignments and then, hey, I just want to party. Gimme sex, sex and more sex.┬Ф He almost shouted the last, pumping a clenched hand and grinning at the unmoved boy.

    Lou frowned. ┬УSo how many is it today?┬Ф

    ┬УThis is my third. I sometimes keep the same boy for a whole day, but sooner or later the urge to dismiss them comes over me.┬Ф

    ┬УA whole day, wow!┬Ф said Lou.

    Any sarcasm was lost on Karl, now staring contemptuously at passing farangs. ┬УAll of these guys are here for the same reason as me,┬Ф he went on. ┬УBut where I┬Тm honest about it, a lot of these bozos yak about the joys of Thai culture and faggotty crap like that. I mean, what a joke! If it wasn┬Тt for the cheap sex with boys, which of us would put up for five minutes with the heat, the filth everywhere, the beggars, the touts, the corrupt police, the dangerous conditions? This morning I almost fell down a hole in the sidewalk. It wasn┬Тt marked in any way. In the States people would go to jail for being that negligent. It happens all the time here.┬Ф

    ┬УAw, come on, there are things to like about Thailand,┬Ф said Lou, sounding a little browbeaten.

    ┬УSure,┬Ф snorted Karl. ┬УThe fuckin┬Т temples, right?┬Ф He enjoyed making Lou, weaker than him, squirm.

    ┬УOkay, and the beautiful scenery and sweet-natured people, the food, the shopping, stuff like that.┬Ф Lou struggled for breath after the presumption of his little speech.

    ┬УThe best things in Thailand, apart from the boys, are what we Americans have put here. McDonald┬Тs, Sizzler, Seven-Elevens, Coca-Cola.┬Ф Karl, silkily relaxed, tilted back his head and smiled at his own good sense.

    A silence descended on the group. Lou looked rather sullen, Karl thought. Perhaps he wasn┬Тt the patriotic guy he had him down for. Uud, who obviously couldn┬Тt understand anything they said, was just waiting patiently. Karl caught his eye, then on a mischievous impulse leant over and gave one of his nipples a squeeze through his semi-transparent vest. Uud yelped. Karl laughed.

    Lou seemed to develop a strong interest in a passing cart laden with fluffy, brightly-coloured animals. Finally, he brought his reluctant attention back to the table, made his excuses somewhat abruptly, and left. Good riddance, thought Karl, there goes a guy I won┬Тt be so keen to share my leisure time with in future.

    When he had finished his beer, he got up to leave too. He decided not to exit along the main Boyztown soi. He had had a bust-up with the English owner of a bar there a couple of nights earlier. The guy, short, wiry, broody, who looked like a hood and likely was, had approached him on his second visit and said he had heard all about Karl┬Тs examination of one of his boys. He had hinted at further unspecified crimes as well. ┬УWhat┬Тs yer name?┬Ф he had asked. Then, ┬УKarl, eh? Well, Karl, Flashlight Karl, the fact is we don┬Тt want fuckin┬Т weirdos like you in this establishment. Time to sling yer ┬Сook, pal.┬Ф Karl had taken the quaint English expression, accompanied as it was by an unmistakable air of menace, to be an invitation to leave. Though sometimes overbearing in manner, he had no taste for physical violence, especially if he sensed that he might get the worst of it. He hadn┬Тt liked at all the look of that purple vein throbbing at one of the Englishman┬Тs temples. He had left after a sarcastic comment or two. The boy in question had been lousy sex and Karl hadn┬Тt paid him well, so the boy┬Тs revenge had been to talk to the boss about him. God knows what bullshit story he had laid on him.

    They took the songtaew to Karl┬Тs luxury hotel in North Pattaya. He could see from Uud┬Тs awed reaction that he didn┬Тt come to places like this very often. The silent confirmation of their relative positions in the grand order of things, master and servant, thrilled Karl. In his room he stripped off and commanded Uud to do likewise. He didn┬Тt believe in standing on ceremony in his own territory. He liked to watch boys of his running around butt-naked. They showered together and Karl made sure that the boy cleaned himself thoroughly where it mattered. They dried themselves in the big, fluffy towels and watched TV for a while. Karl got the boy to lie butt upwards across his lap, so that he could deliver light, playful slaps from time to time.

    He had just produced a dildo from a drawer, with a view to getting some real action going, when there was a sharp rap at the door. He didn┬Тt like the sound of it. People didn┬Тt rap on doors in hotels like this. He fastened a towel round his waist and went and answered it. Two stern-faced police officers stood before him in their chocolate-brown tunics. If he had had to select a nightmare vision of Thailand, this would likely have been it.

    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

  2. #2

    Re: A Thailand story (pasted here) ...

    I bet he's really happy that you've provided the means for any Forum member to identify PeterUK. He'd better hope Fuck-Face doesn't appropriate those details in one of his identity theft escapades.

  3. #3

    Re: A Thailand story (pasted here) ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Pheel
    I bet he's really happy that you've provided the means for any Forum member to identify PeterUK. He'd better hope Fuck-Face doesn't appropriate those details in one of his identity theft escapades.
    You seem awfully worked up about a photo of a guy who's allegedly not you.

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: A Thailand story (pasted here) ...

    Entertaining read, looking forward to Part Two!

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran
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    Thailand (couple times a year)

    Re: A Thailand story (pasted here) ...

    I'm sure it's interesting by my eyes go blurry after a few lines... it's too heavy a read :-P

    I liked the Bangkok Novel Silom Farang (formerly gayboythailand.com) wrote... that was funny.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2006

    Re: A Thailand story (pasted here) ...

    Im looking forward to part 2.And I feel better knowing that the boi I offed walked behind me out of respect and not embarrassment.

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Hua Hin, Thailand

    Re: A Thailand story (pasted here) ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Brad the Impala
    Entertaining read, looking forward to Part Two!
    I just wish I could find the damn thing! I assumed it would be easy, but no ... (I'll keep trying for awhile)
    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

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