Well, like a lot of folks...my BF was robbed in the theft capital of the world...Barcelona and that included the small bag containing his passport.

Fortunately, we were well prepared with the necessary back-up documentation to identify and replace the lost passport temporarily in Madrid for our re-scheduled flight back home. When my partner returned home, he had to take the temporary passport (that doesn't look like a passport) to the passport office to apply for a new one. That's when things got unpleasant. Even if your passport is stolen, our ridiculous gov't blames the holder for not being more careful. A new passport is issued, but not with the same expiry as the original or with a new issue. They tell you, even if an asteroid lands on your head and squashes you into oblivion...they won't be replacing the replacement ever again...no matter what, until that expiry date comes and goes.

Some years back, some Israeli agents were doing nasty things in the world while using stolen Canadian passports. Ever since then, they've been ugly about passport replacements...especially the unexplained...where you and they don't know for sure where the lost passport is.

It's sad that such a beautiful country as ours is run by a pack of idiots!
